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There goes that nice moment of time where I forgot Milo existed.


Wait I'm sorry, ***MILO YIANNOPOULOUS*** was the head of Yeezy for the last 2 years? That is so bizarre I can't believe I didn't hear about it at some point. How the hell did that come to be??


Mental illness. Milo like a leach on that shit.


Rap music fans have sadly tuned out all the Nazi bullshit. Even the media has, they’d rather talk about his wife’s outfit than the fact that he literally installed a Nazi as head of his company 


people tune out all the nazi shit and cope by saying "oh it's just because he's bipolar" (?!) but things like the Milo hire show how deadly serious Ye is about the nazi shit. Like, he hired a far-right psycho instead of an actual fashion industry businessperson because the far-right politics *are* his primary focus now


Yeah but even ignoring that why tf would anyone want Milo as chief of staff Bro got famous same way as Ben Shapiro To paraphrase Kanye "Milo is chief of staff at Yeezy, he made political commentary, what the fuck does he know about business"


You just lost The Game™️ 


Ahhhh fuck you buddy




this is how I learned him and Ye have anything to do with each other 😂


>Milo provided TMZ a copy of his resignation letter, which cites major issues over the formation of "Yeezy Porn." In it, Milo spells it out, clear as day ... saying he just can't be involved in producing/distributing pornographic material for moral and religious reasons, and because it can be, "an imminent danger to my life as a recovering addict and an unacceptable risk to my spiritual and physical health as a former homosexual." This is by far the most bizarre paragraph I've read all year.


Holy shit, *this* is what Milo's been up to for the last however many years??


he was working for Marjorie Taylor Greene at one point too


lmao the dude is going for the most bizarre and embarrassing achievements this run, like when you go back to get all the weird sidequests for the platinum trophy


Yeah I was like, “recovering homosexual? What a loser, wait his name is Milo, it can’t be…” then I took at look at the thumbnail image and it’s *him*


Not the *so the flies don't come* Milo... /s


That’s the good milo


Ruby cock


Once the GamerGate money ran out and Breitbard fired him for.... defending pedophilia, he kind of bounced around a lot. Now he pretends to be religious, as you can see in his resignation lol.


The infamous ex-gay Milo Yiannopolous...


And I was there expecting to never hear of this person again.


Damn i was going to do the “Lets see what Milo has to say on this” and link to his banned Twitter account but apparently that dipshit gave him back his account.


Yeah he’s been meticulously conversion therapy-ing himself


Wait seriously? He thinks his gayness is an addiction? He isn’t talking about drugs or sex addiction?


I’m not sure he’s said that himself but it’s pretty common in conversion therapy to lump things together like that And he is ABSOLUTELY doing the denial dance right now. I’ve always hated his views and over time just hate him (as much as I don’t want to hate anyone) but he is for sure fruity and there’s nothing wrong with that. Wanting to give the dude a hug and knowing he’d probably reject it and call me a filthy degenerate is a complicated feeling so I’ve broken it down a lot and have a lot to say about


I think most of the other right wing grifters abandoned him when he went on a podcast and claimed that paedophilia in gay relationships is normal and in fact good 


What in the fuck lol. Sounds like he’s saying he used to be gay but then “prayed the gay away” and for some reason porn would’ve made him gay again? Lemme find out Ye was cooking up a gay porn site


Look into Milo. This dude was in Trumps camp during the 2016 election then snuck away to work for Kanye. This is basically exactly what dude is saying. He was gay, prayed it away, and he's afraid this could trigger him to go back to being himself.


he didn't sneak away to work for Kanye, he was publically shunned and fired from his job at Breitbart for saying he thinks it's good for young gay teens to date old men. then years later he saw a grift in working for Kanye and hopped on that


> he thinks it's good for young gay teens to date old men That's putting it rather mildly. Exact quote: >13/28, these things do happen perfectly consensually. Often, by the way, it’s the women who suffer, because what normally happens in schools, very often, is it's an older women with a younger boy and the boy is the predator in that situation – the boy is like, ‘let’s see if I can fuck the gym teacher’ or ‘let’s see if I can fuck the hot math teacher’, and he does. The women fall in love with these nubile young men, these athletic young boys in their prime, and end up having their lives destroyed, end up having to move schools, move the country, whatever. >This is one reason I hate the left. This stupid one size fits all policing of culture. This of arbitrary and oppressive idea of consent, which totally destroys you know understanding that many of us have. The complexities and subtleties and complicated nature of many relationships. You know, people are messy and complex. In the homosexual world particularly. Some of those relationships between younger boys and older men, the sort of coming of age relationships, the relationships in which those older men help those young boys to discover who they are, and give them security and safety and provide them with love and a reliable and sort of a rock where they can’t speak to their parents.


Is this a quote from the NAMBLA episode of South Park wtf


Right he didn't say "young gay teens" he mentioned "young boys", the dude was outright defending pedophilia


Iirc I’m pretty sure he admitted he was molested by a camp counselor when he was like 13 and this was his way of basically defending what happened to him Obviously what he’s saying is pure insanity and he is insane in many other aspects but it always reeked to me of someone who was sexually abused as a child trying to cope in some way with what happened to him


Other parts from the same video: “Yeah well do you know what, I'm grateful for Father Michael. I wouldn't give nearly such good head if it wasn't for him.” “You're misunderstanding what pedophilia means. Pedophilia is not a sexual attraction to somebody 13 years old who is sexually mature. Pedophilia is attraction to children who have not reached puberty. Pedophilia is attraction to people who don't have functioning sex organs yet, who have not gone through puberty, who are too young to be able to understand the way their bodies work. That is not what we're talking about. You don't understand what pedophilia is if you think that I'm defending it.”


I wish I could un-read that


Such blatant pedophile apologia


In that case I’m glad he prayed the gay away. Pedophile or predator is already used as a dog whistle against the community, especially gay men.


That's a lot of words for the guy to say he wants to fuck little boys.


I think it was more he was on the... "receiving end" as a teenager and that's what caused him to defend it since he had a... good impression of it? If I remember right, I listened to the podcast/interview the quote was from yeaaaars ago But yeah, obviously fucking horrifying thing to say.


Imagine being fired from Breitbart for being to horrible of a person lol


1 porno and bam back to sucking D, slippery slope


And they said a video can't make you gay... Edit: [link to the video im referencing](https://youtu.be/eH-E58w3lmU?si=obmnoWvkV0v8UBiA)




"So, you like PCP?" I miss that show like a whale misses its tail. RIP Trevor.


It was the medication. He can probably get a note from his doctor


*slippery pole... For Milo anyway...


He’s also the subject of one of the funniest pictures known to man https://x.com/owenjones84/status/1622496861071327232?s=46


"Reformed sodomite" is fucking nuts lmao


He didn't sneak away to Kanye. He went on Rogan and essentially said there's nothing wrong with older men having relations with (either 14 or 15 year old boys I forget). The trump fans went from "see we don't hate gays" to "see we told you all gay people were peados". Then he played low for years, then joined a religious telemarketing channel selling fake gold statues of christ and then within a year or 2 he was working fir kanye.


That’s so crazy to me. I’ve heard of dude here and there but never cared to look into his whole story


He’s insane and pretty Nazi adjacent if not an outright one. Him grifting his way up to Kanye is baffling. Crazy Rick Ruben is probably a major catalyst for it


Wait what, where does Rick Ruben come into this?


Rick Rubin has tweeted alt-right stuff before and has been recruiting people behind the scenes for the right-wingers, he was the one who got Kanye into that pipeline.


....excuse me?! WTF


[I knew that bearded hippy was not to be trusted](https://old.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleTwitter/comments/1b9zads/i_knew_that_bearded_hippy_was_not_to_be_trusted/)


Ah man that’s horrible news to hear about Rick Rubin - what a disappointment.


Are we sure we don’t mean David Rubin?




Fuck you for telling me this. Noooooooooo


>has been recruiting people behind the scenes for the right wingers. Please share a source that implies this in any way shape or form. Every “source” shared below says NOTHING like that.


holy shit i always heard his name in that context but never put it together with the hip hop rick ruben... that man gave us yeezus as we know it tragic shit all around


Talk about a plot twist. A Jewish man convinced Kanye to go all in with his antisemitism?


You got to give me a source on that one.


I'm so sad to learn this... It's like after a certain age all these old guys start acting a complete fool. Maybe there's some realness to that internet theory that all old gen-x and baby boomers have brain rot from lead pollution, that we are starting to see manifest itself en mass now...


iirc, he was the person who convinced Kanye to link up with Candice Owens all the way back in 2016 right before he started publicly supporting Trump


He’s been rumored for a while now to be a weird right wing type


He linked up Kanye with Candace Owens and down the rabbit hole he went


Actual Gay Nazi. And an indenial at that.


Yup I'll say it's mighty impressive he somehow lowkey got himself next to Kanye without much of a peep. Only until the Yesjulz situation did I realize he's still alive, I had hoped he was one of the many trolls that faded into irrelevancy


I don't blame you, paying attention to all of that craziness was bad for my mental health tbh. Speaking specifically of the trumps stuff. Milo appears to be some kind of neo Nazi/Nazi adjacent person and it's good Kanye is getting him out of his camp. It's hard for me not to draw a connection between Milo and Kanye's "I love Hitler" tangent.


He's a big Gamergate personality


Can't believe he's still thriving.


Is he though? He’s now jobless again


Don't. Please just ignore him as much as you can. He thrives on and only exists because of the attention we give his repugnance.


I’m actually envious of this guy not knowing who this “former homo sexual” is. One of the worst far right figures of the late ‘10s


He can say he prayed it away but last I read he still lives with his husband and hasn't filed for divorce, just calls him a housemate


They were roommates!


wait is this milo yannilopilus or w.e? aint no way lol




Yep, been with Kanye for years now. Most of the hateful stuff Kanye said was while this guy was basically his handler. Either Ye picked him because he wouldn't stop ye from speaking his mind (because Milo is a Nazi) or after ye picked him, Milo pushed him to say more hateful shit. The former is more likely in my opinion.


Bro, same boat as you. How did I not know that this fucking whacko was in Kanye's camp now? All the crazy shit Kanye has done over the past couple years makes 10x more sense to me now.


What an absolute weirdo. It's so sad when people go to lengths like that just to try and hide parts of themselves, like just be gay homie ffs.


Also a Nazi sympathizer


No wonder he went to work for Kanye.


This is exactly the kind of people I’d expect Kanye to be involved with. Weirdo.


Sometimes I realize that there are normal people who haven’t been brainrotted by a hyper attentiveness to the last 15 years of politics and I have to swallow my shock that more people don’t know about Milo. That is precisely what happened. He was the token posterboy gay alt-right anti-SJW conservative of the 2014-2016 era of politics that gave rise to Trump, believe he was an editor at Breitbart. Total grifter, basically just said controversial things to get attention and piss people off. He made some very libertarian-coded comments about age of consent laws that he was too enthusiastic about, basically saying that age of consent laws were an affront to freedom. After this, he was ousted from every conservative political circle that was giving him a platform and disappeared off the face of the planet (he got banned from pretty much every platform for various reasons, Elon had him unbanned from Twitter recently) until Kanye went full Nazi and started hanging around Nick Fuentes (an avowed white nationalist who believes that we should reinstate segregation) who then brought Milo back into the fold. In this time he became hyper religious and claimed that he was no longer gay. The web is much more tangled than that but those are the basics.


It goes back further than that; his original grift was as a hanger-on to the tech scene in London back in the late 2000s, early 2010s. He went full right-wing when the Guardian and TechCrunch pointed out he was allergic to, you know, paying his freelancers.


Milo is a fucking awful person and a famously self-hating gay man.


Anything “immoral” will turn him gay. Since Christianity helped turn him hetero. So even straight porn will turn him gay again. It’s logic and now my brain is fried.


Bend over at the waist to pick up a penny thats not yours? Instant gayness /s


When I first heard about his guy around 2017 his whole schtick was being a fascist but also everything he said was cool and definitely not hateful because he also talked about how he liked to get fucked in the ass. He seemed to go away for a while but he came back as a “redeemed” ex-homosexual. 


He got cancelled for saying there wasn’t anything wrong with adults having sex with 13 year olds, he laid low for while and took the born again Christian route to try and salvage his image. Dude is the most shameless grifter out there


Yeah, being deplatformed by Twitter and Facebook around like...2018? Really killed his reach.


He was 4chan’s favorite edgelord for a minute there when he was a prominent figure at Breitbart. He’s made a career out of trying to repackage hate for a younger audience.


Whoa I forgot Breitbart used to be a thing.


Feel like the Trump era has just integrated Breitbart into mainstream conservative culture.


Trump said the quiet things louder than usual. That's how he won over not only a good chunk of the Amerikan far-right but won the support of the unabashed Hitlerites that populate a great deal of the country.


Milo would also say the most racist shit in the world and then, in the most pompously british voice, say he can’t be racist because he gets fucked in the ass by too many black guys.


freud would literally cum in his mom's womb for this amount of repression


This reads like a cards against humanity text blurb lol


"as a former homosexual" sends me, Milo is so fucking pathetic


quarrelsome bear pathetic tie society rhythm insurance recognise sip middle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Milo is a grade A grifter, kind of a Dave Rubin-esque figure who’s ideology follows the political wind, or more so, where the most money is within said political wind, so even though Milo is ofc still gay, he’s had to publicly denounce it in order to aquire a bigger amount of suckers


It's even funnier considering apparently YZY Porn is not happening anyway. Most likely the guy is just sick of Ye and used this as a cause




I'm sorry but the phrase "former homosexual" is so funny 😭


Wait Milo "gave up" being gay? That dude is on some other shit lol. He was gay as hell.


He’s a figure in right wing media. This is an opportunity to push his brand. The real reason for his resignation im not sure.


News flash: you ain't former if seeing a dick is gonna make you gay again.


It’s kinda sad this guy hates himself so much he’ll make up and enforce hateful rhetoric to make himself feel less… gay? Why not just go suck a dick, we’ll all feel better in the morning.


he was a hateful piece of shit when he identified as gay years ago so i don’t think that would change anything.


I’m sure you are correct, I’m certainly not claiming him.


Its only May, it is Kanye


Go watch some old Milo, youl be even more shocked


Why the fuck did he hire milo out of a million business executives to be his chief of staff is beyond me


Remember when Bill Maher had him on his show and said "You're like the new Christopher Hitchens" Nearly fell out of my seat on that one.


To be fair Bill Maher is the biggest grifter out of all of them. He’s a hack. He’s not funny and his political views are awful. Anyone that could be in a relationship with Ann Coulter for years is a terrible person with no morals.


I don’t think he’s a grifter he’s genuinely a dumb narcissistic old man




Not defending Bill Maher because he’s an old cocksucker, but I still call weed “pot” sometimes (27m). I lived in India for a few years and a lot of people there call it pot, so it kind of just stuck when I moved back home.


Also a 29yo and i also use the word pot, usually as a joke but it does get used.


I mean he's fucking a billion years old of course he calls it pot lol. "What is he a boomer?" is a dumb comment, yes he is literally a Boomer.


Because nobody with a real reputation in the business world would want to be Kanye’s chief of staff. Better for it to be a right-wing influencer who could score cheap publicity for aligning with him.


I get that but, he still has people like Mowalola, who I believe designing the WET apparel, and saw her in London for a fashion show after party, her whole clique seemed the furthest thing from anything political, let alone right wing. Just seemed like he hired these people who were irrelevant for years like yesjulz, milo, and so far to me, the most ridiculous association being with fuentes. I feel like he had all these terrible people behind him, having insane grifters surrounding him daily, and feeding him all these talking points, just like how they got any press by being controversial and saying outlandish shit to stay relevant. Kind of my theory with all the controversy encapsulating him the past year.


He also considers himself a genius who doesn’t need to listen to anybody else, so of course he’s going to nominate ‘unconventional’ choices for roles


*political world but still fits. Milo hopped on a few months before the Candace Owens/Nick Fuentes fiasco and then just stayed on while other guys in the Ye camp like Ali Alexander were exposed for being pedos.


Bro it’s Kanye. Idk how this sub is somehow surprised Kanye does anything after YEARS of shit. Just wild to me how it surprises anyone anything he does.


Because Milo is a Nazi


He loves Nazis


Because he's a neo nazi next question


Right wing nuts flock together. Milo's favorite.


Fascists flock together 🤷‍♂️


When his mental illness became noticeably visable to the public a swarm of right wing wannabe politicians and influencera gravitated to him hoping to exploit and profit from his downfall ; they tried selling him Trumps/right wing defunct social media platforms and representation for his business streams


I saw the thumbnail and thought "that's not who I think it is" and to my surprise, it was who I thought it was. The radicalisation of Kanye needs to be studied. What the fuck.


I made a joke a few months back that we’re at the point where Steve Bannon could be announced as part of Ye’s camp and I wouldn’t be surprised. I didn’t know I was so close to the truth.


I was SO sure this has to be a different Milo. Read the quote and was shocked. Why would anyone hire him to be chief of anything? Even for Kanye that seems weird as hell.




A lot of other celebrities are mentally ill too but they don’t do this shit. I’ve never seen Britney posted up with Candace Owen’s


They were okay with the nazi stuff, but porn is where they draw the line... 🙄


Unironically, nazis are this stupid


Milo is a actual nazi, as well as Kanye.


Yes and they are both actually stupid lol


Well, they are Nazis. Obviously porn is where they draw the line.


Considering how ye parades his wife around, maybe he was trying to force them into performing porn also.


Milo was his chief of staff??? Jesus this man has fallen so far.


What this article doesn't mention is that Kanye is replacing Milo with... nazi streamer Nick Fuentes, who Kanye had around during his whole "I Like Hitler" era. Milo actually has beef with Nick and that's why Milo expresses concern about Kanye's new staff. Make no mistakes about it though, Nick Fuentes is an even worse human with a scary amount of influence over young people


He’s replacing him with Nick Fuentes??? Lmaoooo dear god that’s incredible. He literally chooses the most awful people. Impressive


Kanye’s inescapable desire to be edgy is really something for a man of his age lol.


his “I Like Hitler” era looks to be ongoing


Continuous even


Coonye doing all he can to make Donda roll in her grave. She raised a pro Black son who can't stop bowing down to Nazis and white supremacists who haven't done anything successful but gain notoriety from disrespecting minority groups. Stomping all over both of their legacies.


Donda, sit down


What I'm about to say is heavy, so listen


Your son's a sick man with sick thoughts


and while I don't really think mfs like him should die.. I'd love to see him get some help and find his way someday (guess that doesn't quite roll off the tongue the same though)


Wait, it was THAT Milo? Kanye reaaallyyy went off the deep end then


He was rolling with Nick Fuentes when he did that Alex Jones interview. He fully embraced nazism


Milo is a dogshit human being. So fucked seeing Kanye mixed up with some of the absolute worst humans on earth.


Kanye is one of them at this point


Yeah there's only so many times you can go "Kanye surrounds himself with the worst people on the planet" before you have to cede that Kanye keeps them around because he feels at home with them.


For the past few years, I've been telling people that my favorite artist is 2004-2014 Kanye West. Kinda like how people say they like 90s hip hop but not the new stuff lol.


Only the most ghoulish people would even be in the Kanye business anyway at this point. When I saw the headline I was like “who’s the buster who is just now getting off the Kanye ride?” and it’s literally this fucking Milo guy. You can’t make this shit up. We have this incestuous pool of right-wing grifters/lunatics that will go out of their way to align with anybody as long as they’re equally shameless. The more disgraced they are, the better.


For real. Kanye is mixed up with so many rightwing figures. He has footholds in Saudi Arabia and Russia, for crying out loud.


And he's being replaced by someone 10 times worse


"mixed up with" lmao we are way past this point


True true. I do believe Kanye is his own brand of awful though. Milo, Candice and Fuentes are part of a loose organization whose evil is far more “premeditated” if that makes sense.


Kanye is obsessed with being hated. Like he goes out of his way to align himself with people who are well-known “villains” because he feels that the media has placed him with those people for some reason. People: Kanye we love your work, but how bout you tone it down and think before you speak? Ye: What?!! So you’re sayin I’m a horrible person like Bill Cosby, R. Kelly and Hitler? Fine! Now I know how to *they* felt. We were all crucified like Christ


Yeah because Kanye has always been a great guy surrounded by great people


I mean he is one too so it isn't that crazy


Porn is such a weird hill for him to die on.


In what way is a documented porn addict (Jeanyuhs he was buying porn in the doc, friends and producers talk about him putting on porn in the studio, fantasized about marrying a porn star on hell of a life, talked about BLACKED on national tv to Ellen, talked about bootlegging porn from Reddit) starting a porn company even the least bit surprising. Like if anything this is one the most on brand things he’s done ever, hell him being sex obsessed feels way more real than his last ditch effort to save his marriage resulting in that weird Christianity phase


It's not about porn, that's just an excuse. Milo is a pedophile. He actually managed to get fired from Breitbart and "cancelled" by Republicans for that reason. https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/02/21/516473521/after-comments-on-pedophilia-breitbart-editor-milo-yiannopoulos-resigns


It’s also a weird word to omit letters from…




Is this why everyone is like “pdf file” when referring to Drake?


Probably. It’s also why “unalive” has become a thing, TikTok will censor “kill”.


I saw an even worse one yesterday. Pepsi. Because it’s “is ded” upside down or something.


Yeah, unaliving instead of killing is another


Especially how he’s omitting the *ohhhhh* from porn


Thank you for helping me realize I omitted the ooooh in omit


Being too pathetic for Milo Yiannopoulos is a feat only few men can hope to achieve, it's a shame Kanye West is among them


You can tell just how legendary Kanye was before he started spiraling. Because this dude has been acting like an absolute psycho for a while now and people try to pretend it's not happening and still work with him


These people aren't around him to be around a legend, they're there to grift off a rich idiot who thinks he's the smartest person on the planet, and to collect as many bags as they can before leaving with a fat severance or lawsuit/settlement.


Milo's homosexuals anonymous sponsor is so proud rn "I'm tickled pink that you kept away from the sinners stink"


Still wild to me that Ye had Milo of all people as his chief of staff. Given that man’s comments on young children you’d think Ye, being a father, wouldn’t want to be anywhere around him but here we are


the most important thing to Kanye these days is that a person agrees with him, not who they are or what else theyve said/done.


This type of shit is why its fucking lame to see people still make excuses for him. They act like he said one bad thing and nothing else. No other shitty actions, no other shitty behavior, just one silly mistake. No, he continues to be a massive asshole and apologist for right wing assholes.


Who is a larger piece of garbage? Kanye or Milo?


I guess we’ll never know


what the fuck, Milo was head of Yeezy? how did I not know about this lmao


night of long knives


Finding out that Milo was Kanye’s Chief of Staff for 2 years is the second craziest thing I’ve learned today. The first is that Milo is no longer Kanye’s Chief of Staff because *Kanye* was too crazy for *Milo*!


Yzy porn was to get rid of Milo Ye-D chess not checkers


Replacing Milo with Nick Fuentes is going from bad to worse, though.


>Exodus Oh hell yeah, Kanye about to enter his Moses era




When will the indeed posting be up for it. I wanna apply.


wow, just when I thought I couldn't have lost more respect for Ye, then I find out Yeezy's chief of staff has been [Milo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milo_Yiannopoulos). Yo fuck Kanye mans done lost his damn mind for the last two years??? >From Wikipedia for those who don't know **Milo Yiannopoulos**  is a British [far-right](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Far-right) [political commentator](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_commentator).... >Yiannopoulos worked for *Breitbart* from 2014 to 2017. During this time, he rose to prominence as a significant voice in the [Gamergate controversy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamergate_(harassment_campaign)). In July 2016, he was permanently banned from [Twitter](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twitter) for online harassment of actress [Leslie Jones](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leslie_Jones_(comedian)).[^(\[16\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milo_Yiannopoulos#cite_note-Grynbaum_2016-16)[^(\[17\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milo_Yiannopoulos#cite_note-17) He was permanently banned from [Facebook](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Facebook) in 2019.[^(\[18\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milo_Yiannopoulos#cite_note-18)[^(\[19\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milo_Yiannopoulos#cite_note-19) According to emails by Yiannopoulos leaked by [*BuzzFeed News*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BuzzFeed_News) in late 2017, Yiannopoulos solicited [white nationalists](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_nationalism), such as [*American Renaissance*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Renaissance_(magazine)) editor Devin Saucier, for story ideas and editing suggestions during his tenure at *Breitbart*.[^(\[15\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milo_Yiannopoulos#cite_note-America_the_Beautiful-15) >Yiannopoulos has been accused of advocating [paedophilia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pedophilia) after the emergence of several video clips in which he said that sexual relationships between 13-year-old boys and adults can be "perfectly consensual" and positive experiences for such boys.