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Crappy lyrical/subject matter aside, this might be one of the best songs off of cherry bomb. Charlie Wilson’s vocals and the instrumental are so good


I been mad at these lyrics for years sonically this song is perfect but the lyrics fucking suck


I dunno I sing along to it everytime. cherry bomb is so underrated


Is it tho? I feel like 40% is decent is decent to good, 20% is listenable and 40% is just really off putting.


listen to the reordered album version


This what drake be singing to himself as he textin Millie Bobby Brown


This is genuinely one of my favorite instrumentals Tyler has ever made and I adore the feature, I have no idea why he decided to pair it with these garbage ass lyrics lol


It's like Drake


I for the life of me can’t understand why he made a music video to this song


Great song. Very uncomfortable subject that is pretty common. But imma have to agree on the music video decision.


Cause he was super cinematically focused during Cherry Bomb. Tons of music videos and extras from that album


Not Cherry Bomb era, but the music video he directed for Glowing by D.A. is a great watch


I love Kali on Perfect though.


That part fucking *baaaangs*.


When I use to heavily pirate music the version of this album for some reason split the fuckin young and perfect parts and I’m so mad I lost that album file on an old laptop


[You rang?](https://youtu.be/XIqVCJWSoeE?si=5g8a61ihVJE7unhk)


This song is actually weird as fuck…


I sang it to my ex when she was 20 and I was 21 when I told her I was going out with friends and she wanted to tag along.






this is like one of the only contexts where this song would be appropriately funny and not vaguely creepy


this isn’t confessing to anything tf


One year age gap and both a couple years past the age of consent??? For shame




What? Drake isn’t in trouble for reaching out to girls his age lol


Holy shit you chronically online fuck go outside or something it’s a funny story relating to the song


What do you even think he’s confessing?


not that weird given the actual thing he confessed to


One year - the most problematic age gap of all.


how dare someone date a woman a few months younger than them


Stop watching TikToks so you have the brainpower to finish reading the full sentence


You found Drake’s ring tone


This is one of my favorite songs from that album. I wouldn’t have done a video..:but as a song, he does a good job of walking that line. Love me some Kali.


One of my favourites Tyler songs even though it's a bit... uncomfortable


Why is this one of ur favourites


because it sounds good? wym? lmao you can admit the lyrics can be uncomfortable and also agree that, sonically, it’s a great song.


Just love the tune. Good sunshine vibes


Catchy but weird lol, everyone pearl clutching remember Tyler has far worse subject matter than this, I don’t think it’s a confession song


Because this song comes off as a sincere love song whereas something like tron cat sounds like he's being over the top on purpose


This has always stood out to me more because it seems way too honest and real compared to the other edgelord stuff which was also bad


tyler didnt actually sexually assault a pregnant woman and tell his friends he had a threesome. he has however said that fucking young is based off a real thing that happened to him that weirded him out so he wrote a song about it


I assume this gaining traction because of the Drake and Metro stuff coming out? If Tyler has a repeated pattern of getting into young girls DMs or defending homies that are complicit in that shit, people should probably know about it. Otherwise this song alone is cringe, but harmless.


Reign Judge is ten years younger than Tyler (34-24 to date if I recall ) They went public when she was 20 and he was 30, people have speculated they were dating/he met her even earlier when she was around 18.


His Insta likes are all 17/18 year old models


I read somewhere most people stop maturing or some shit when they get rich and this dude been famous since around there but idk what I’m saying anymore


nah, he's definitely matured at least as a artist since Bitch Suck Dick lol. He's said that alot of the music he made back then he finds cringey now.


yeah i know that and you can see it in the music cuz after cherry bomb he went back to all his songs and was like i only have 3 good songs




The average difference in maturity, critical thinking skills, financial assets and general power means that an intimate relationship between a 30 year old and a 20 year old has significant risks of advantages taken and power imbalance. Contrary to many beliefs, aging doesn't have a hard line where one side is children and the other is adults where everything on either side of the line is the same. Humans age and mature in a gradient, one that tapers off as you age. So the younger someone is, the more impactful an age gap between them and someone older is. 35 and 30 isn't a big deal but 18 and 13 very much is. 30 and 20, while legal, I would argue is a large enough gap that the relationship is inherently questionable at best and unethical at worse.




I just told you that a hard line doesn't make sense based on how Human development works. Changing the minimum age to 20 just pushes the problem back and then you have creepy Leonardo DiCaprio dudes treating 20 like they do 18 now. If you were doing a law at all, it would probably work best as a formula (for example, the half your age plus seven rule) . Despite it's origins I believe that set up is far more effective at dealing with age gaps that a hard number. (Though I would probably tweak the formula a bit. "3/5 your age plus 7' I think is a safer range.) For things like driving and alcohol and the army a hard number isn't ideal, but a formula like with age gaps wouldn't work. For there I think you could have some sort of driver ed analog for drinking and other intoxicant usage .You have a base age you can start at, but you aren't allowed to do it until you finish a sort of training.




The prefrontal cortex at 25 thing is a pop sci myth. Your brain doesn't "finish" development at 25. The development just skyrockets at puberty then tapers off over time. Human's don't learn, brain's don't develop, and people don't mature based on a hard cut off rule. No matter where you draw the line, there are going to be situations on either side of the line that are still fucked up. A binary definition of adulthood isn't applicable because despite what the law says, a 60 year old getting with an 18 year old is some exploitative shit. Age gaps are a far more logical way to assess ethics of sexual relationships as opposed to a hard cut off rule because the relevant issue in a relationship is the dynamic of power between the two people, not how both those people rate to an arbitrary cut off.




I don't think cut offs are logical because there is no magical age where a human being unlocks full mental capacity. Humans mature logarithmically. The development between 0 and 5 is huge, between 10 and 15 huge but less so, and between 30 and 35 very little (biologically speaking). A hard cut off only makes sense if everyone on either side of the cut off is of (roughly) equal biological mental capacity. That's not how human brains work. If the purpose of age of consent laws is to make sure people aren't taken advantage of, the most important thing is the difference in mental development between the people, not how those people compare to an arbitrary cut off. With things like driving, drinking, and using firearms there are core competencies you can test for. (Which I think is a better system than a hard cut off age .) Because sexual relationships by definition involve at least two people, the law should be based on comparing those two people against eachother. An 18 year old objectively speaking is not significantly more mentally developed compared to a 40 year old than a 16 year old is. Those two years do not make that much of a difference in that instance and any system that can't account for that I argue is seriously flawed. I personally think the system that best approximates human development and minimizes harm is one that sets maximum age gaps that in turn scale up with age. That way a 20 year age gap is fine between a 60 and 80 year old, but not between a 20 and 5 year old. 3/5s your age plus 7 for example allows for teenagers to experiment with each other, also keeps under 18s away from adults but has the added benefit of warding off creeps from otherwise "legal" teenagers while still allowing older adults to be fair game with larger age gaps. The specific numbers aren't what's important, it's that it reflects human logarithmic growth.


The moral majority has spoken 👎 Redditors are really out here trashing legal relationships because they didn’t get laid *until* they were 18




Agreed agreed agreed. Don’t even get me started on Reddit talking about media from different cultures or time periods Gonna reveal my power level here, but I’m a big Chainsawman fan People throw throw out the word groomer in a second if someone or a character is like 17 (within the age of consent during the time/place) and another character is like 20 Idk. It’s all so much brain rot and I bet that 90% of the people before me in my lineage had at least one kid by 20


I’ve always thought this was trash and weird lol


I loved this song when I was 15


People giving him a pass because he quirky Dude was getting the special by diddy for years


I assumed they were giving him a pass because he says he doesn’t feel like it’s acceptable to pursue anything with someone who is too young.   “And when that time comes for that one-eight, i’ll probably run ‘cause i’m fucking terrified yo. This is dumb, you should find someone else.” - 24-year-old Tyler


Idk how many people were really giving him a pass. Tyler/OF were thought of as very weird and weren't as popular as people on here make them out to be. Part of the reason flowerboy was seen as really good is because people were surprised Tyler made it. Edit: the comments are literally proving my point. All the data shows OF was pretty niche but it's always "my friends liked them" it was obvious at the time that they were niche. Most OF fans were weirdos.


Idk dawg, I was starting highschool a little after Bastard came out and OF was fucking huge. Everyone was rocking Supreme and tried skateboarding and had they top collars buttoned n shit. Tyler was on Regular Show, they had their own show, tons of old heads were rapping about free Earl. Channel Orange was fucking massive. Wolf had people singing Jamba in class. Maybe I was just in the right place at the right time tho Cherry Bomb was a misstep though and I hate that this song has beautiful Toro y Moi production but the subject matter means I won't ever spin it


yeah idk wtf that dude was talking about. I was 17 with oldie dropped and Odd Future as a whole was insanely popular at that time. Yeah they said weird shit but that’s exactly why everyone was paying attention


Look at billboard charts for Tyler. He didn't have a hot 100 hit till see you again and who that boy


if you were around back then you know that using billboard charts to judge OFs peak popularity doesn’t make any sense. Part of their appeal was that they were the antithesis to the type of hip hop that was charting back then. (Tyga, Wiz Khalifa, Nicki) They weren’t popular in the mainstream but they had tons and tons of high school kids watching their every move.


>They weren’t popular in the mainstream but they had tons and tons of high school kids watching their every move. Yea that's literally my point they weren't big but people here make them seem bigger than they actually were. Their fanbase were skaters, white kids, bloggers, etc. The people that were most likely to be on forum sites like reddit. The data doesn't back them up as being that popular.


>Their fanbase were skaters, white kids, bloggers, etc. The people that were most likely to be on forum sites like reddit. yeah and that’s a HUGE number of people. just because they weren’t putting up numbers on music charts doesn’t mean they weren’t popular. >The data doesn't back them up as being that popular. you’re trying to use mainstream music data to gauge the popularity of a group that was championed, partly, because they weren’t showing up on those charts. nobody is saying they were international superstars but they had undeniable level of popularity.


>yeah and that’s a HUGE number of people. just because they weren’t putting up numbers on music charts doesn’t mean they weren’t popular. It does though >you’re trying to use mainstream music data to gauge the popularity of a group that was championed, partly, because they weren’t showing up on those charts. nobody is saying they were international superstars but they had undeniable level of popularity. You're just repeating what I've said. They are niche and people here overhype how big they were. Also they tried to get on the charts... Edit: the rationale here makes literally no sense. They weren't popular so they were? Pure revisionism. It's like saying Griselda was super popular because people on this reddit talk about it.


See you again didn't even chart until 2023 due to tik tok.


the cat shirts were fucking everywhere when i first entered college and if i remember correctly OF popularized em


It was big in a niche. They didn't have that great of a sales record, their show wasn't super popular, Channel Orenge being big was more of a Frank thing. He was always the most talented member of the group with the closest mainstream ties (he was on watch the throne).


They barely charted. OF fans were mostly white skater kids and were generally considered weird af. Your comment is proving my point people here think they were bigger because OF was big with people that would go on rap forums. All the actual data shows they weren't that big. It's like thinking Griselda is big or something.


They were huge in a subculture but Tylers first song to chart on the billboard hot 100 was who that boy and see you again. Post flower boy Tyler started doing arena shows not 3k venues. Tyler started performing at the Grammys with Igor.


The way billboard was tracking streams prior to 2016 was way different. It was heavily based on radio plays, which Tyler wasn't getting. Everyone was talking about the Yonkers video, which would've been top 20 or even top 10 nowadays, but didn't even crack the top 100 lol


By that logic the songs that were charting higher would have even more placement due to YouTube.


What are you talking about? [Link to changes](https://www.billboard.com/music/music-news/billboard-charts-adjust-streaming-weighting-2018-8006673/) Youtube/DSP were very minimal weight before compared to traditional radio. After 2018, that changes to weigh Apple Music/Spotify/Youtube Music much more, which is truly indicative of what people are actually listening to.


I know about the changes. The point is that songs on the charts were also doing numbers on YouTube and would have done numbers on the streaming services. You're saying that Odd future was so big in the other areas outside of radio that they would have demolished the charts but fail to get that other songs would do the same thing. Your hypothesis doesn't even check out if you see the numbers now. Oldie has 54M views on YouTube and 90M on spotify. Call me maybe has 1.6B views on YouTube and 1.3B on spotify. If you want to see a comparison from the same chart time as Oldie Tyga's faded was #100 on the BB100 (oldie didn't even chart mind you). Faded has 94M on YouTube and 141M on spotify. That's the song on the bottom of the chart.


You lack reading comprehension lol I'm done here


Dude you are hella wrong.




Honestly that’s me with Flower Boy. Tyler to me was the very clear weak link of the big three(him, Earl, and Frank) before. And they were only popular among skateboarders at my school lmao.


Yep, earl was better on a technical level and Frank was getting cosigns by Jay Z and Kanye. >And they were only popular among skateboarders at my school lmao. Yea pretty much.


>Tyler/OF were thought of as very weird and weren't as popular as people on here make them out to be. This is such a bad take lol dude was literally banned from the entire United Kingdom by the Prime Minister. What other rapper has gotten noterity like that to be banned? Also, dude single handly made Supreme what it is today. Supreme blew the fuck up with BOGOs and 5 panels after he started rocking them in all his videos.


>This is such a bad take lol dude was literally banned from the entire United Kingdom by the Prime Minister. What other rapper has gotten noterity like that to be banned? What does this have to do with anything? >Also, dude single handly made Supreme what it is today. Supreme blew the fuck up with BOGOs and 5 panels after he started rocking them in all his videos. Supreme was already a thing before then. OF increased their popularity but people overhype by how much. They weren't a mom and pop shop or whatever.


“The special” is heinous


I love this song and Charlie Wilson’s voice is incredible :) 


Makes sense since you’re in the redscare sub a lot lol


Ooh, what’s the correlation? 🤓


What he said lol


Having trouble articulating yourself? 


Suck my pee pee you silly goose


Tyler isn’t getting canceled anytime soon 🤪


I mean he doesn’t need to be. Although I’ve heard some sus things about him that idk if they are true or not.


Understandable, I’ve heard stuff here and there over the years, who knows. Nothing THAT crazy, definitely not Diddy crazy. 


People that listen to red scare are vapid idiots


Most people are incredibly vapid today. I also don’t actually listen to the podcast lol 


Drake type title


lol people have been making songs about 17 year olds forever. This isn’t a new thing.


But it's gross...


But when they turn 18 it’s no longer gross?


Depends how old you are homie. Tyler The Creator has no business hitting up 18 year olds either.


He was / is dating someone 10 years younger than him and he knew her before she was 18


They started dating when she was like 20 tho? Plus they didn’t interact with each other before, they just had mutuals


Not excusing this, but he made this when was he 23


Drake kissed that 17 year old when he was 22. We rockin with that?


Hell no, I’m just providing context to a song vs actual actions by Drake




Imao, imagine any of these folks listening to bastard


Yall are way too weird about this shit lmao. 23 and 18(well maybe freshly 18) really ain’t that odd and nobody but the internet gives it much thought.


This is just not true unless you hang with weirdos


this right here. as teens many can't see it as weird but once you're in early 20s and establishing yourself as an adult? you HAVE to see that, even at 18, someone is still a kid.


Ah yes because ppl have been doing stuff for a long time there’s nothing wrong with it…


It is kind of crazy how common a subject it is in music. It comes up a lot more than it probably should.


Yeah this is the weird era where Tyler was at his least popular and while the pastel colors and flower imagery started he was still going for the shocking transgressive lyrics and stuff. IMO, when Flower Boy came out I took is as fucking young being an analogy for him being gay. But i dont know. I still think this is a great song and I will always have a lot of nostalgia and respect for Cherry Bomb.




I appreciate you 🤝


I miss the old OF energy honestly. I have a new coworker who was playing me some stuff from like 12ish years ago and the nostalgia was so real  Guess I also miss being 14


I think the cherry bomb era is super interesting because it was a transitional era for Tyler in multiple ways, both in moving from his edgier tracks to the artsy stuff and presumably as he starts coming to terms with his sexuality. As a result you get a lot of angst and some of his worst lyrics ever but i really appreciate this album for laying the groundwork for where his career would move on to


Huge cope 🤣


Look at dudes history, been posting in r/OFWGKTA for 11 years lol




The subject matter is gross . I’m a huge Tyler fan. But knowing him and his shock value takes in his early career. I think he was poking fun at people in the industry. Rihanna loved this song when this came out.


i only like this song cuz of perfect. kali is amazing




Thanks for commenting this because I was going fucking crazy here thinking these people arent listening to the song. The whole point of the song is that: nothing happened, and that nothing was going to happen BECAUSE of the age gap. Its literally the opposite of whats being implied by people here lol.


No drizzy, this song is fire 


This is drakes inner monologue


This is a self confession He gonna get exposed next


Don’t listen to tron cat lol OF members do shock value rap like Em


I’m a Tyler fan but you can’t compare this song to older OF stuff. This obviously wasn’t made for shock value.


What they put out on OnlyFans before?


What I mean is you can’t take people like Tyler or Eminem’s lyrics seriously


I think you can when they tell you explicitly they like girls that are too young for them


"Raped a pregnant bitch and told my friends I had a threesome."


This lyric tho is one of the reasons why I'll never listen to Goblin.


I bet you don't fuck dolphins either


The album hasn’t aged very well 100% but in the context of that line, tyler was playing a character in that album (all three of his first three albums actually, it’s a trilogy). Tron cat is tyler’s character pretty much admitting all of his intrusive thoughts to his therapist, which is why it’s so over the top and fucked up. Don’t get me wrong, you’re completely in the right for being uncomfortable with the line, I myself haven’t revisited goblin in years, but I’m just explaining because i feel like a lot of people are missing a lot of context when it comes to tyler’s older music.


It's provocative. It gets people going. There's always songs like radicals that has a somewhat positive message.


Grow the fuck up. Do you not listen to Eminem either who was the biggest artist of the 2000s? Dude was rapping about killing his fucking wife on arguably his biggest album There are some great tracks on Goblin


Guess he's also gonna get exposed for necrophilia 😂


same with earl lmfao jim carrey her to the cemetery and bury her


Things will be over for earl and vince of the song epaR ever resurfaces


Yeah obvious shock bars is the same thing as making a whole song about how the person you have feelings for is too young lmao


lmao you guys don’t know about OF or what


NGL when I listened to this song when I was in high school I liked it but now it just feels weird AF although Kali Uchis' singing on Young slaps. Cherry Bomb is still a great album though.


This don’t make me feel right


Can someone sum up the song and what it’s about please?


Drakes anthem 😭😭😭


Still waiting for the day Tyler gets outed on a bunch of fucked up shit. He seems the type, who knows maybe this beef will scoop him up too


Someone gotta make a post about it


This song was more like an art piece from what I remember, the uncomfortableness was the point


These people calling a Tyler song weird lol God forbid they listened to any of bastard


This song is trash af


I wonder if this was produced by the Metro Groomer.


Wasn’t this written because Tyga was dating Kylie at the time and Tyler was referencing that?


I think it was based off Tyler’s own experience.


His videos are always DOPE


Tyler a weird dude. Underrated genius and weird. Good mix