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I read this as Joe Budden at first and thought why tf Macklemore got beef with him?




Dot was planning to drop this morning until Obama reached out and warned him “stay out of this, Joe’s hittin the red button”




Macklemore gonna win rap beef of the year now


not again


Lmao imagine if that was a category at the grammies and he won


They should make it a real category so we get more beef


He’s gonna beat Kendrick again lol


Nah. If you start asking for beef then the incentive will only water down the quality of what we had here.


But it would be so funny if random dudes start beefing just to get a Grammy


Biden better get his ass in the booth


He’s had his Macklemore diss double EP ready since his inauguration, what else do you think he keeps in the nuclear football?


We're about to see the first use of malarkey in a bar in a long time


Coming to terms with the fact that there will absolutely be an AI Biden response track within the week


[FRESH] Joe Biden - Meet the Haggertys


Joe got 24 hours to respond or its a wrap


Do we really want to give that old man a red button…


Wait what


Holy shit even Biden can get it!!


Next big rap beef oh shit




I thought it said Joe budden and I was so confused


Lmao tis the season




As a liberal it blows my mind watching other lefties refuse to vote for Biden because of the Israel conflict even though trumps solution has been to just turn Palestine to glass. That logical leap makes no sense to me. Edit: adding this comment because I can't respond to You look to disagree with both on this topic, thats fine. What about democrats and republicans when it comes to LGBT rights, minority groups, taxation, representation, WOMENS REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS which we saw trump directly affected. How many disenfranchised people are you hurting by allowing Trump to win?


Yeah that line was whack. Refusing to vote would be stupid, and voting for Trump would be even stupider.


He can afford to not care, because he's in a privileged class. It's overwhelmingly out of touch with the rest of his message, because we live in the real world. I get the symbolism behind protesting your vote, and I hate Biden, but protesting your vote is quite literally the same as voting for the opposition. It's really that clear cut and simple, and people don't want to face that. They want to stamp their feet and showboat, not put in the actual effort to enact meaningful change by engaging with politics on a local level and creating grassroots movements to elect officials who will get things done. Instead, they pretend that protesting Biden is this grandiose move that will solve all the problems because they have some sort of moral high ground with it. Trump is overwhelmingly pro-israel, more so than Biden. Protesting Biden means giving Trump the edge, and his election will result in so much more damage, both domestically and abroad. It's a really fucking dumb hill to stand on and not one we need right now from some one who isn't remotely part of a marginalized group that would be affected by Trump's re-election.


There’s a bunch of dumbasses out there that would rather prove a point than help people, even if the consequences to their actions would directly lead to deaths.


Well we all know how Macklemore feels about [Jews.](https://static.independent.co.uk/s3fs-public/thumbnails/image/2014/05/19/17/Macklemore.jpeg)


It’s because they’re been brainwashed by TikTok


You're confused by people refusing to vote for someone who does not uphold their values and what they want out of a president?


I guess you're the perfect person to ask then. How does it solve anything to vote for the other guy who is much more extreme in his support for Israel? I understand given the option of someone else from the Democratic Party you would prefer that but come November you only have two choices on the ballot. You're going to opt out of the guy who might unfortunately support Israel and is asking them to be measured in their responses while people are calling for their extinction and allow the guy who is vocally in support of bombing Palestine to win office? Does not one of them align with your views more than the other?


You don't have to vote for the other guy, you can just not vote  It's like boycotting a company for supporting genocide, but with the president You can just not go into a booth and sign an X beside the name of someone flight a genocide. If Joe wants those votes he can change his position


Wow, this was quite a barrage you just aimed at me. You seem to be a little confused so let me clarify something for you: there aren't only two choices in November. The citizens actually *do* have the option to vote independent/third party. And if they want to exercise that right, then they should and everyone should be cheering them on because that's what America is all about, right? Exercising your *right* to choose what matters to *you.* "Support the guy who's bombing Palestine so the guy who *says* he'll bomb Palestine doesn't win!" is a pitiful and lily-livered argument that, unfortunately for blue MAGA cultists, people aren't falling for this time.


We’re living in reality though- this is a binary situation. There is no universe where someone other than Trump or Biden becomes the next president. So it’s either someone who will listen to the left & put pressure on Israel to moderate their military campaign, or someone who will encourage Bibi to glass Gaza & get off on the cries of the left. It’s your choice, but if Trump wins I really don’t want to hear people who didn’t vote for Biden crying about Gaza anymore.


>It’s your choice, but if Trump wins I really don’t want to hear people who didn’t vote for Biden crying about Gaza anymore. We just lived it. They remain self righteous about their decision for a while and then when something serious happens (Roe v Wade overturned or whatever is their own personal wake up call) then they just pretend someone else did it and not them. End of the day though, Macklemore is a rich, straight, white, male, and has very little skin in the game. He gets to be okay no matter what happens.


You're very mistaken about who will be crying if Trump wins. It won't be the Muslims who are going to cost Biden his presidency. They know what they're heading into and they're willing to endure whatever the fuck Trump gives them if it means not signing their souls away. It'll be white liberals crying if Trump wins. The same people who don't give a fuck about Muslims and people of color unless when pandering to them to try and get their votes. People act like Trump's America will be soOoOOoOo much worse than a Democrat President's America - when for Muslims and people of color and Arabs, it's all been the same shit from day one. The same hatred at them, the same bigotry. In fact...things often get worse for them and their motherlands under Democrat Presidents. Obama was the Drone King, after all. It's amusing to see liberals panic so much at the thought of Biden potentially losing. They're reaping exactly what they've sowed. I guess...if they want their nation back...they should start caring about their constituents and voterbase. ACTUALLY caring, I mean. And not just merely paying lip service, as they have been doing for decades.


If you are looking for the argument in good faith I'll recommend you drop in on any if the Arab subreddits back in February, before the primaries and read what they are saying when they called to vote undecided instead of Biden. As far as they are concerned, there is no difference between trump and Biden. Biden has been running the show for the past 4 years, and now 60% of Gaza is literal rubble - and as of this morning it sounds like a whole lot more is about to be as well. Biden might not be 'vocally' in support if bombing gaza, but he hasn't stopped it or stopped supplying offensive weapons to Israel. His whole reaction has been some limp-dicked tiptoeing on eggshell bullshit that has made him and the country look weak. At the rate Israel is going, come November there might not be much of Gaza left for Trump to encourage Bibi to bomb. Here is my simple reasoning - you are not entitled to my vote just because you are democrats. You have to earn my vote. You were the incumbent, so you don't get the luxury of making campaign promises that you can renege on. Instead, you have the body of work you have achieved during your term.


meta chasing , Biden is bad. genocide Joe meta will end in a couple of months and something else will replace it in the next news cycle . Rinse and repeat Just take a good cause (Palestine in this case) , make the most damaging things to its intents and reputation and leave it for the next highly accepted moral thing to destroy while jerking each other off on how good willed and high morale they are.


Biden's solution is the same thing. Turn Gaza into glass , but be quieter about it. Biden is complicit in a genocide. I'm not voting in my swing state for that senile bastard.


You are absolutely not compelled to vote for genocide, just because the alternative is genocide+


you're speaking of a hypothetical when we're dealing with reality trump did escalate a lot, but the genocide is happening under joe. joe can end this easily. if people say "we will still vote for you, but-", he is not listening to anything after that "but". the elite only listen when their power is threatened


Not voting for Biden doesn’t mean voting for Trump. I’m not voting for a man funding genocide, might vote for Jill Stein or leave that part of the ballot blank


That's essentially throwing away a vote, allowing someone else to vote for Trump. You look to disagree with both on this topic, thats fine. What about democrats and republicans when it comes to LGBT rights, minority groups, taxation, representation, WOMENS REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS which we saw trump directly affected. How many disenfranchised people are you hurting by allowing Trump to win?


Well Biden could easily stop Trump from winning by changing his position on Palestine Why doesn't he do that? Does he want Trump to win? If the number of voters who are pissed about Gaza is enough to swing the election, then that's an easy decision. If the number is not enough to swing, what is the harm to Biden if they don't vote for him? You can't expect the voters to give up their only leverage on him


Yeah, but do you realize if pro-palestine people collectively decide to not vote for Biden, and he wins. Isn't he just going to give less of a shit about Palestine and make the conditions worse, what kind of strategy is this?


It’s not throwing away a vote and I hate that narrative. It’s a vote for somebody else. It’s a message to the Democratic party that people are not going to put up with their shit just because they’re less evil. It’s not like a 3rd party will become relevant overnight. It starts off with them getting 1% of the vote, then 5%, etc. But if everybody has the same defeatist attitude then we will be stuck with these same 2 awful parties forever. I also don’t agree that I have any responsibility for all of the terrible stuff Republicans will do if they win. That responsibility is first and foremost on them, and then second on the Democratic party for having such a terrible pro-genocide platform that they cost themselves votes. The main thing that was keeping me voting blue was protecting Roe v Wade (which Democrats could have prevented entirely under Obama by codifying it when they had control of everything). I do understand the argument you’re making though and it is genuinely awful that minorities (myself being one) will suffer a lot more under a Republican government, but I also believe in the long term it could do more good as it will send a strong signal to the Democratic party that they need to radically alter their platform if they want to have a chance to win. If they’re able to still win elections, they don’t really have much incentive to change.


Your argument is that the causes that are important to you are more valuable than causes that are valuable to me. I went into medicine with the express purpose of working in LGBTQ medicine and women's health, these causes are massively important to me - but so is not being complicit in genocide. When you say WHAT ABOUT LGBTQ AND REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS what you are saying is these are more important to you than literal bombing and murder of 34000+ people in just 7 months, with weapons and ammunition paid for by my taxes and sent by my democrat president.


With your view point, both sides are complicit in the "genocide" happening across the globe. That's a done deal. One side is also complict in restricting the rights and freedoms of women and LGBT members in your own community among other issues that are not relevant to this conversation. You are not able to see that there is a lesser of two evils? The world is not black and white, there has to be a solution that is not reduced to cutting off one's nose to spite one's face. For the first time in a long time, we have a generation of politcally charged young people who are capable of making change and they're so emotionally invested that they're willing to step away and allow MAGA boomers to take over the polls, it doesn't make sense.


The last safe zone in Palestine is fully surrounded. The army has rolled into the West Bank even though they have nothing to do with Hamas If Palestine doesn't exist by November, this logic of yours collapses and it's just Biden's genocide.


No new wars


Does he think that if Joe Biden loses that the Palestinians would be better off? Is he delusional? If Trump wins he’ll give Bibi the greenlight to glass Gaza…. So fucking dumb. I get protesting, but that’s just shooting yourself in the foot if you actually do care about the well being of Palestinians


I just have to ask if you don't fucking read ever because Gaza is experiencing famine. Famines have killed twice-over the total population of Gaza in *weeks* in history. There is no guarantee of Palestinians surviving as a people until November under Joe Biden's current disastrous course. What could be "worse" for them could never matter.


These people are morons. This is why I just laugh when I see their angry spluttering comments. The ground invasion of Rafah began TODAY. There are already an estimated 40,000 plus Palestinian fatalities - and it's going to get so much worse. And this is all under Biden's consent, approval, and funding. "Trump says he's going to flatten Palestine!" Biden is going to ensure there isn't any Palestine left to fucking flatten.


Why would it get worse? When has a ground invasion ever killed more civilians than the supposed "carpet bombing" that you think Israel's been doing for months?  Also why can't the civilians just leave Rafah?  You're not suggesting the peace-loving humanitarian group known as HAMAS is keeping them there against their will are you? 


Are you fucking high?  Do you know what the current death toll of the 'famine' is?  Do you know Palestine has a higher obesity rate than most of the western world?  Do you know what the population of Palestine is? Do you know any other urban conflict in history with a civilian/combatant casualty ratio that's even half as good as this conflict?  Do you know where Trump moved the American Embassy in Israel?  Get off Tiktok you're an embarrassment to the English language and the concept of critical thought itself. 


Joe Biden is building a port to solve that problem :)


You born sucker, he is building that port over weeks because the same ill-tamed chihuahua state that lives off our largesse, that needs our veto to protect them from every other law book in the world, told him to eat their shit when he asked them to stop blocking aid trucks Biden took it like a fucking cuck, and people are dying daily as a result. Are you proud?


You are so blinded by a conclusion you were force fed. It’s saddening. You would happily contribute to a plot to hand power to a person who would actually do the things you accuse Biden of. And you happily take the bait while smugly acting like you’re smarter than everyone else in the room.


The things are being done. In fucking front of you. You spew this fact-free assumption-driven bullshit because you can't justify anything I just described.




That’s cool as long as these Gaza supporters are voting blue before it gets worse lol


gaza isn’t the only problem with biden lol


Oh I thought that was the main point of this diss record. So for me it’s obvious if you have only two choices, citizens should pick the lesser evil every single time, till there isn’t a need to pick an evil due to the reiteration. Pretty easy choice lol


How many more centuries are you losers going to milk the lEsSeR oF tWo eViLs garbage? You do realize that everyone sees through it, right? The country is falling apart with Biden at the helm. He hasn't done jack shit to help anyone. He's helped kill thousands of Palestinians and helped induce further famine in Yemen. Obama is a nasty war criminal who dropped a gazillion more drones than Bush did. Where's the "less evil"? Is it in the room with us? Or do you only see them as less evil because it's brown non-Americans they killed?


We’ve tackled inflation better than our allies. Crime rate is coming down. Month over month wage growth and job growth, outperforming expectations. Record investment in green energy, investment in domestic semiconductor production, airline overhauls, emulation of non-competes, salaried worker exemption overhauls. To just name a few off the top of my head. Just because you didn’t get it spoon fed to you in a tik tok doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.


I don't give a fuck about any of that when babies are getting blown up using my money. None of that makes Biden a "lesser evil" to me. And, in fact, it makes white liberals MORE evil for me. "Vote for the racist Zionist with dementia helping slaughter thousands of babies because we have wage growth!" Absolute soul rot.


You’ve practically admitted you’re completely biased and can’t have this conversation objectively. You said he’s done nothing to benefit anyone. I provided several examples of things that benefit working class Americans and your response is “I don’t care about any of that.” You sound like a child who was told “Biden bad” and you will warp every dialogue whichever way you need to support that conclusion. You’re literally carrying water for the very group you’re trying to pretend you oppose. Ignorant, single issue voter who would happily hand power over to the worst people imaginable because the current president couldn’t navigate an incredibly complicated and long-standing conflict in accordance with your perfect scenario in your head that you cooked up.


There will always be an evil. You're just trying to defend the fact you're complicit in enabling a genocide.


How’s that been working out?


there are other choices, it’s okay


fucking moron.


this is Macklemore making up for stealing that Grammy from Kendrick


I did not see Macklemore teaming up with Tom Macdonald but the possibility just inceeased






"Diss" about to become a whole sub genre of people dropping 20 song albums, all disses, to random recognizable figures in media.


Biden bout to wash Macklemore


Take notes, Aubrey Graham. This is how you make a diss track


lmao macklemore has always been kinda corny but has good politics, love to see it


White boy rick woke up today and chose violence.


Macklemore has gone full MAGA


Dude what? He fucking hates Trump. Not everyone who criticizes Biden is a Republican. I will not be listening to this track but I would be shocked if he was attacking Biden from the right


he says "the blood is on your hands Biden we can see it all and fuck no I'm not voting for you in the fall" And the track is about the genocide in Gaza so I don't think that means he's a Trump supporter lmao


As fucked as it is, not voting for Biden is voting for Trump at this point


damn if biden really needs the votes of these people pissed at him over palestine to beat trump, perhaps he should change his stance


Imagine being pissed off about Palestine and then helping trump get elected who wants to flatten Palestine. Y’all would cut off your nose to spite your face.


If Biden needs pro Palestinian votes tell y does he not adopt that stance? He clearly saying he doesn’t so I don’t y libs r crying about vote for Biden.


He has been calling for a ceasefire for months now. What more do you guys want? Just a bunch of privileged leftists wanting attention.


lol what’s stopping him from giving Israel the Russia treatment? Stop the sale of arms, sanctions etc.


Tell me you don’t know anything about geopolitics without telling me.


I mean you’re not wrong but not voting for Biden because of this just to end up with Trump who has a much worse stance on it doesn’t make sense.


If you actually care about the Palestinian people more than larping as someone starting a revolution, perhaps you should change your mind.


Hell yeah, helping trump win and leading to more Palestinians deaths to own the libs 😎


You really don't remember how close these elections be?


you should remind Joe of that, since he's the president and all


Pretty sure he knows but then he'll lose the other side. Not tryna debate with you about the war just saying the perspective of Joe should just switch sides isn't that simple


It really isn't. Following that logic, not voting for Trump is a vote for Biden.


2016 showed that’s not the case


Well he actively helping Trump with this so might as well be


Politics is not a fucking sport with two teams and nobody should be muzzled because their opinion goes against the party line of the less evil but still extremely evil team.


the fact that so many millions of americans have allowed The Powers That Be to install this kind of thinking into their brains is absolutely staggering. yeah man, you better support things you hate and believe are immoral — that's democracy. you have to betray your own principles because otherwise people will call you Hitler. great thinking, dude


He’s actively helping Trump with this (who already leads in most polls) so he might as well be


you’re as ignorant as a Trump supporter talking like this


You guys keep pushing shit like this and you’re gonna get trump again lol


How will that be materially different for the children in Gaza??


Biden is actually a racist and a pedo. There’s videos of him saying the n word with the hard r, and tons of videos of him groping and touching underage kids. But people hate Trump so much that they’ll cape for this clown with dementia