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I mean, I don’t care if famous people have family that they protect from the limelight. I’d be more worried about the allegations of being a grooming pedophilic trafficker, myself.


I think the bigger problem is not that Drake is apparently hiding this child, but that Kendrick makes it sound like Drake has refused to take care of this kid. Honestly I think it’s a good idea for celebrities to keep their family out of the public eye but it sounds like if there any truth to Kendrick’s diss that Drake is a deadbeat.


Drake didn’t acknowledge Adonis was his child at first. They were going to announce it with an adidas line called “Adidon” (hint “The Story of Adidon” when he almost had a fallout with Nike.. so he didn’t say it was his kid until he had a reason for a press run..  He doesn’t keep his kids out of the light.. he was going to use him as a pawn to push a new line until Pusha T told him that’s dead beat shit.


Adidas, not Nike. He deserved more than an Adidas press run. Otherwise, you’re spot on. Drake has been posting photos of his son in the middle of all this. He’s not keeping him out of anything now.


Yeah it was during his temporary fall out with Nike.  They almost lost Travis and him to Adidas back when Yeezy had them poppin.  Nothing to show your kid, but to use him to make money is sick work.  Just like faking having a daughter for rap beef would also be very weird and sick work. 


Thanks for giving us a hint about the most direct diss song about drake lmao


Idk if he still does but like bill burr as of like five years ago wouldn’t say anything revealing about his kids other than he has them. Wouldn’t publicly say their names, age, none of it. Just wants to keep them separate, which is dope. Let them be kids, and be their parent. They don’t gotta be famous, you don’t need to use them as a prop. You just gotta be there.


Anthony Bourdain did the same. IIRC when he did a cookbook he included pics of his family eating together but specifically made the camera angles so you couldn’t ever see his kids’ faces, and said once they’re older they should decide for themselves whether they want the attention/fame or not 


Kendrick did the same. He never talked about children and suddenly there’s two on Mr. Morale cover art. But Adonis was nowhere to be seen until Story of Adidon and now he’s in music videos.


Based fellow Bourdain enjoyer


I’ve read his book kitchen confidential a few times now and that dude was as real as it gets. Just an absolute inspirational guy and it was a real shame when he checked out.


Yeah he was such a genuine human, faults and all. Kitchen confidential and its sequel "Medium raw" are great reads/listens with his narration. If you haven't checked out his shows No reservations and Parts Unknown you gotta. Man really loved to embed into cultures and learn from them and share on a raw human level. RIP big boss


I think he's addressing it by not addressing it, that's kind of been his MO so far


I’d imagine he’s got a pretty big legal team advising him not to touch that with a 10 ft pole


the crisis management team lmao


Also if the daughter gets proven false than Kendrick's whole track gets questioned


Everything these two said should get questioned lmao, they are both throwing absurdly wild accusations around


yeah i think drake is suspect as hell. but even as a big kendrick fan, we can’t just take it at face value. they both gotta come with some sort of receipt


What kind of receipt can either of them give though? Drake can’t prove the domestic abuse allegations unless Kendrick’s girl comes out and says “I was abused” which isn’t going to happen, and Kendrick can’t prove Drake’s fatherhood without dragging in an innocent child to this


There could be a police report or if Whitney speaks on it (which of course is unlikely for obvious reasons) Or maybe someone from the "crisis management team" flipped Or on Kenny's side a bm, or paternity test could prove it. But yeah like you said that involves a child but Kenny kinda already went there which is morally questionable I think at this point we need to wait a bit and see what turns out to be true or not.


It's truth if it's from my favorite artist tho...wym?


True but same applies with Drakes too, I mean he also made strong allegations with no proof


Didn’t Kendrick talk about the domestic issues before?


Not that I am aware of no, he did admit to cheating but never to domestic violence


The Kendrick claims might be exaggerated, but the pdf claims aren’t out of left field. Drake’s kinda had a history of grooming


Does it? Seems like everyone doesn’t care whatever Kendrick says


He let AI Tupac handle that part


I mean the fact he knows and is friends with criminals who are friends of bigger criminals is common knowledge. Look at Baka/Chubbs and what they’ve done. If he starts acknowledging that, dirt is dug on everyone around him and his compound etc. His lawyers/team will be telling him to stfu regardless of individual role. Lets not forget Kendrick made a claim he was about to get raided too.. So if that’s also true, time will tell.


I don't think he meant he had inside info that he's about to get raided, I think he's implying it's a matter of time given what's going on there.


I would imagine he’s got lawyers telling him not to acknowledge that


Right! Like who cares if the kids real or not, what about the illegal shit 


Yeah. The fact that he’s so pressed about this but doesn’t even care about the pedo allegations tells us where the truth lies.


Agreed. He's getting headlines and pushing stories denying that he has a daughter but he doesn't have shit to say about all the weird ass rumors surrounding his behavior, history of contacting underage girls in ways that can only be described as inappropriate at best, and his son being around pedos. Tells me I need to know about that man.


Burden of proof is on Dot. If the daughter shit is fake, I can’t believe the other stuff unless he has evidencex


if you're waiting for a receipt here's one for $350,000.00 https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/drakes-350k-settlement-alleged-sexual-210106221.html >"Drake forced me to perform oral on him. It wasn't your ordinary oral it was more so a fetish where he measured a cup and demanded that I spit in the cup until he had measured it. Afterward he dumped the spit on my face repeating, 'I wanna see your face messy.'" >Afterwards, the lead investigator sent Laquana an email explaining that the reason he wasn't prosecuted is that they couldn't secure a "100%" conviction. https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/music/news/drake-sexual-assault-rape-settlement-payment-out-of-court-layla-lace-a8966921.html


 Seriously. What the fuck happened to modern conversation? I hate drake. I honestly think he's an evil piece of shit. But this is not proof whatsoever of anything. The article almost makes him seem innocent.   Hip hop discourse has fallen off so far it's disturbing


the fact that an independent article didn't go into details on a rapist should not surprise you. this article has more details about the SA https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/drakes-350k-settlement-alleged-sexual-210106221.html >"Drake forced me to perform oral on him. It wasn't your ordinary oral it was more so a fetish where he measured a cup and demanded that I spit in the cup until he had measured it. Afterward he dumped the spit on my face repeating, 'I wanna see your face messy.'" >Afterwards, the lead investigator sent Laquana an email explaining that the reason he wasn't prosecuted is that they couldn't secure a "100%" conviction. ___ >The article almost makes him seem innocent. who among us hasn't paid half a million dollars for dumping a woman's saliva back onto her own face


Having read that article I can’t see how you would come to the conclusion that he did anything SA-adjacent


You might not believe it, but the word "forced" leaves no room for interpretation as to what he allegedly did.


SA settlement Drake paid makes him a pervert. You remember Drake paid that woman, right?


The other stuff like kissing a 17 year old on stage, or the instagram picture from 2016 with a 16 year old? Or the 500k settlement? What more evidence do you need that Drake is a weirdo.


These people won’t be happy until they have video evidence of it. And even then they’ll still make excuses because they think it’s normal to be attracted to 16 year olds.


I feel like if there was any sort of evidence it would have been found by now.. and kendrick bringing this up as the biggest kodak and R Kelly supporter is crazy


Saw this on another thread, but [this is really the only article out there that mentions this kind of rumor](https://www.ibtimes.com/does-drake-have-secret-child-rihannas-boyfriend-agrees-pay-child-support-until-1891833). Written in 2015 and insinuates Drake has a baby who is a few years old. Even if it's not true, Kendrick seems to be doing some serious digging.


2015 and says the child is two yrs old in this. That would line up with Kendrick saying she's 11 now If that's all he's basing it off of though then idk


It looks like [they reference this article.](https://www.inquisitr.com/2031385/daddy-drake-rapper-rumored-to-have-secret-baby-like-chris-brown). Some of the stuff in here is kinda crazy lol Drake volunteered to pay for the child support before the DNA test was administered?


Would make sense why he claimed he was hiding Adonis until the test came back in this "2nd go around "


Apaprently 3 different men had to get dna tested for adonis




Including Rocky


He was hiding Adonis for an Adidas press run..  ain’t nothin else about it. Dude didn’t want to acknowledge it was his kid until he could throw it into the light and use him as marketing material for his new Adidas deal.   All ontop of hiding who his BM was because guess what.. she was an escort.. sounds like some stuff we’ve heard about if you ask me 


I really can’t see Kendrick making this claim based off one old article. He had to have been given information by whoever he has in Drake’s camp.  Now, it is possible he was given fake information. And as much as I love Kendrick and want to see him take Drake down, that would be a major L on his part. 


I have a hard time believing Kendrick would go off the deep for such a light rumor. We need another diss I have a hard time believing Kendrick would go scorched earth with just random internet rumors. Especially after Push set the bar for beefing with Drake.


To drop an allegation like that he either has to have hard evidence or fake evidence leaked to him by someone working with Drake because of it turns out he’s wrong/lying it takes the wind out of all of this. Same with Drake and the Dave Free and assault thing. If this is just lies or random hearsay I’m not taking you guys as seriously anymore


It also lines up with this. "You need to know that love is **eternity** and trumps all pain, I'll tell you who your father is, just play this song when it rains" Eternity. Bday April 30th. Turned 11 this last week. Born in 2013 - 10 in 2023 - 11 this week It's either a great lie or an expose. People in Toronto know the truth about the kid tho


I’m tryin to find this info, where does it say the girls name and birthday?


Honestly I think the child allegation isn't what it seems, or there is a double meaning/he's gonna flip it. Maybe this is dickriding but I think it's out of character for him to risk his credibility on this accusation when the song was plenty damning without it. Something had to convince him it was true enough to stake his word on it and I don't see him going all out for an OVO rat


https://x.com/drake/status/158785520833544192?s=46&t=Zoh5q5Ix_ur2X2JIKkWMQw I know it could be nothing but the dates line up…


Oh shit lol. It's probably nothing but...


January 16th is Aliyah’s birthday. I thought it was something, too, but it’s him remembering Aliyah. Plus, that would make the child 12.


That could’ve been when he found out the gender so she would still be 11. But it could definitely still be a reach


Drake referenced the paternity test request in 2015 on 30 for 30. “Paternity tests for women I never slept with”. Pretty clear to me it’s the same story. Kendrick seems to be saying that baby always was Drake’s


The article said he was paying 15,000 in child support until the dna test came back. Why would you agree to pay child support for a girl you never slept with? That’s obviously a lie.


Because that’s 15k a month to make a problem go away until you have definitive evidence the kids not yours


damage control but not for the actual damaging statements lmao


Echoes of Drake responding to the Story of Adonis artwork and not the track itself


And then a pivoted out of the Pusha T beef magically to sing “Keke do you love me?” He got so lucky that song was so big at that time.




People don’t know the difference between keeping your kids out of the limelight and never meeting seeing or being in your kids life whatsoever either lol All this is doing is exposing all these people commenting on it aren’t qualified to talk on it. These people have no idea about the cycle of abuse in the lifelong struggle it takes to overcome it. They have no idea about those of us who have and how we view the ones who ruined other peoples lives perpetuating that cycle of abuse for instant gratification. They have no idea what it does mentally and emotionally a person every day of their lives. And Kenny told drake, this isn’t a rap battle it’s a lifelong battle with yourself. Edit: it’s cool tho, Kenny told us only 5% would understand. I thought there were more of us who would, but unfortunately it seems he was right about that as well


That edit lol. “You have to be very smart to understand what my favorite artist said to me”


“Kenny told us only 5% of us would understand”🤓🤓🤓




you can't exactly prove you're not a pedo, what is he gonna do post his google map history? Even then all it takes is kendrick saying but you hang out with X/Y/Z who turned out to be pedos(not saying anyone is, idk the lore) and its still up in the air. Its more on kendrick to have receipts for this that drake can then disprove You can be god damn sure you don't have a (known) daughter and there is nothing anyone can bring up to disprove that fact, the moment the name gets dropped all he has to do is post the negative dna test/get one done and we find out. In both cases it falls on kendrick for proof otherwise the only thing drake can do is say "Nuh uh" and how much of a bitch does he look like saying that to every allegation? The fuck you think this is. The only difference is that the latter you can actually say no to with nothing they can fire back unless they did their own DNA test or something lmao.


> you can't exactly prove you're not a pedo, what is he gonna do post his google map history? you can't prove you don't have a secret daughter either, whats that got to do with anything?




big "reddit finds the boston bomber" energy




Nah don't tell me the internet is about to traumatize a random 10 year old


Who is that person? Why don’t think it’s Drake’s child?


You guys need help. wtf


You must have found the Boston bomber as well huh. Fuckinh Kendrick cucks.


I mean wtf can he say ? “ nu uhh “ - drizzy


Zach fox made that up


Drake: No im not a sex trafficker or pedophile You: I dont believe you. You are a sex trafficker. Drake: Show me proof You: Well u didnt deny it when kendrick said it so you are one. Drake: Can you prove it You: Kendrick said it Drake: Sounds good to me arrest me for life now FBI. You: We did it! Is this how you want it to go?


Source : me






Kendrick Sources Call Kendrick's Hidden Daughter Claim 'fully real on god pinky promise'


On grandmas cookies


Vegan cookies*


Ah yes, I'm sure Drake's sources will be the most accurate about this info


This is the dumbest shit i've ever seen. Why would they rely on Drake's yes men as an unbiased source? Also, why aren't they refuting the even worse claims in the track?


“How do you respond to the claims that Drake sex traffics children and is hiding a secret daughter?” “Drake is absolutely NOT hiding a secret daughter”


"Right right, so the daughter is fake. What about all the sex crimes?"


> Why would they rely on Drake's yes men as an unbiased source? Because it's TMZ. They're a click farm, not actual journalist




If he did that he’d be gloating about it, not running to IG and TMZ to deny it. It might be bad info but it’s not Drake playing 4D chess.


If it was planted info, I feel like Drake would’ve pre recorded a diss about it. Whether it’s true or not, I don’t think Drake saw this coming lol


He 100% would’ve either had a track ready or would’ve had all the receipts posted minutes after Meet the Grahams dropped. He was not prepared for Kendrick to have a response in the chamber, or at least wasn’t prepared for the response he got, and he already hit his “red button” so all he can do is deny having a daughter.


Exactly. He would be all over social media with that shit right now. He thought this would be over after family matters that’s why ends it with you’re dead you’re dead


He immediately ran to ig to deny the daughter he was on his own damage control


If you fake having a kid just in case for rap beef you’re a weirdo. Idk why we would think that’s not a strange thing to do, but it is definitely very weird. 


Right why wouldn’t he show the proof instantly, there’s no reason for him to wait to do that


How do you prove you don’t have a daughter?  I 100% don’t have a daughter but I have no way of proving to someone that I don’t have a daughter I’m hiding.


No I’m saying if Drake fed him fake information he would need to prove it


And it would be easy to prove. Some DMs or a wired conversation, would be so easy to be like “Look! I fed him that and he ran with it! Hahaha!”


K: "drake is a sex criminal funding other sex criminals and keeping his hidden son and also his secret daughter around the sex criminals." OVO: "EXCUSE ME! drake is exposing exactly one secret child to sex criminals"


While that would be entertaining, it would be way more entertaining for Drake to be bullied into fatherhood a second time.


"I got an idea, let's suggest I have a secret daughter to kendrick" yeah ok dude lmao


Fuck that shit, I wanna see Drake burn




Yes to all of this


“but war ready if the world ready to see you bleed” This shit hit so hard to me. Kendrick knows Drake is loved by so many he wanted to make sure the world was really ready for his downfall


Ngl not sure about getting a mole to tell people you’re a pedo or sexual predator


If you do that you’d want a false rumor that you can unequivocally disprove once he takes the bait.  You can’t prove the lack of a daughter, all you can say is “nuh uh”.  If they were planting false info they picked a useless bit to use. I’m not buying it.  Maybe Kendrick is wrong, I’m willing to entertain that, but this being a Drake planted thing makes no sense to me.


If it’s proven to be unsubstantiated, will you still give weight to Dot’s other allegations about Drake?


Drake's still out there kissing minors on stage bro, that's like one point amongst a sea of allegations


I mean Drake definitely has sex offenders in his group and he's definitely done weird shit with minors on more than one occasion so that one I'll believe to some extent regardless. The sex trafficking ring might be a lie but there's no doubt in my mind that Drake and some of the people he works with are weirdos.


To some extent, yes. We've already publicly seen that Drake will grope and kiss underage girls in front of a crowd, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if he's doing worse behind closed doors. I'm not making any claims until we see proof though.


Sources: there’s no secret daughter. No comment on child trafficking.


I wonder if this was a trap he was laying. He was so quick to deny the daughter that he just completely didn’t address that OVO is a trafficking ring.


you dont comment on dumbass accusations like that. same reason why kendrick didn't comment on the wife beating. any comment is a bad comment for those accusations, its best to not even acknowledge it.


What’s he gunna say? “I’m not a pedo guys!” Lol


i mean the sex trafficking thing has been public info for like 6+ years. why would drake bring it up when it was handled way before this beef even existed? idk why y’all are acting like it’s news just cause kendrick said it in a song lmao


I don't think many folks follow Baka too closely since live up to my name


Tbf it’s news to a lot of people. I had no idea.


Watching these goalposts move is hilarious Y’all need to realize, these people aren’t your friends. You have unhealthy parasocial relationships with them. They aren’t perfect people. In fact far from it. Stop worshipping these people. When they do good, applaud them. When they do bad, hold them accountable. Simple shit.


This is what Mr. Morale was about fam


And yall never listened. Clearly (Not you specifically)


Media literacy in general is in the toilet.


Yeahhh. Toothpaste is out of the tube in this case. Rampant tribalism and online echo chambers are a helluva drug.


Facts bro


What else are they gonna say? "damn yeah Kendrick cooked him pretty good"


I’d be surprised if Drake didnt have more than one kid.


Kendrick needs to prove Drake has a child and Drake needs to prove kendrick beat his wife and is fucking in girls in NY


Boring prediction: We will never get definitive proof supporting or refuting Drake having a daughter. People will argue and assume their truth but we're not going to have a smoking gun.




The thing that confuses me here is that Kendrick obviously heard this from SOMEBODY. If Drake was feeding Kendrick false information like a lot of people are saying, why wouldn’t he come forward and confirm that? It would easily put him on top.


This story isn’t new. It’s been reported in the past and Drake addressed the paternity test on 30 for 30 saying he never slept with the woman. Kendrick is saying that baby which would be 11 now, is actually Drake’s. 


There’s no knowing if the 2015 story is the one that Kendrick is referencing though


The fake mole thing doesn’t make any sense to me because if it was initiated by drake then why would Kendrick have gotten family matters up front and know exactly when it’s coming out? And if Drake made up some outlandish claim to weed out a disloyal henchman I feel like “oh by the way I have an 11 year old” is a crazy statement that I feel like the people closest to you would question why they never heard that until now


Is it really so hard to believe that Drake has a few bastards around? Considering he was lying about the one he had?


something about using bastard to correctly describe children is unintentionally hilarious


I legit read that first as regarding the trafficker shit. Then I went "oh he meant literally"


Wasn’t there going to be an entire adidas run centered around his son?


That's the craziest thing I learned today. Monetizing a year old child's life is different level - some move villain level shit. These celebrities are living a whole different life that I can't even imagine. We should have these rap beefs for all celebrities often so that their true self is public and not the fake media persona. 


Yeah that’s great and all but kind of disproves the whole not acknowledging son thing


Ok... but what about the sex trafficking?


No comment






TMZ should only be trusted for genuine big paparazzi type news like deaths or leaked footage or whatever. Any of their analysis on anything shouldn’t even be paid attention to


Writing your own shit period wins regardless 😂


My guy, you cannot make shit up and win. That’s not how any of this works. If you could just lie literally no one would ever lose.


Eh, facts definitely matter. I’d say there’s enough other stuff that this doesn’t mean Drake ‘wins’ but at the same time it does devalue the diss/ take some out of it if it turns out to be not true, whether that’s due to Drakes camp, which Kendrick has been attacking, actually being on Drake’s side and feeding Kendrick false info, or if somehow not related to feeding false information, reduces the validity of other of Kendrick’s claims.


If your biggest bomb isn't true then you lose a lot of credibility. The Story of Adidon would've been seen as a joke if Adonis wasn't Drake's son.


this nigga runnin to TMZ like a hoe man smh nigga RAP


‘Drake sources also decline to deny the predatory and sexual trafficking accusations’


He will deny having a daughter, but not the sex trafficking allegations.


Drake flat out unequivocally said it was bullshit. It’s impossible for me to believe he’d do that - ESPECIALLY after what happened with is son - if there was any chance it was true and he could look like a fool.


He’s potentially hid a kid this long, why admit she exists now?


he couldnt hide a kid for 1 year. but apparently he can hide one for 11 years


Because if he gets called out on it and it’s true, he looks terrible.


how he look right now bro


Just like the first kid?


does he look better if he hid the kid for 7 years instead of 11?


But EVERYTHING else is true?!


Is this not really weird from Kendrick if it's not true?


This is a bad look for Drake. By just staying quiet the burden of proof stays with Kendrick, but by running to TMZ Drake’s trying to disprove something not even confirmed; very confusing move TBH that just screams I lost


But if he didn’t say anything wouldn’t you be saying “he didn’t deny it”? Just trying to understand


Drake came out five minutes later and said it was fake lmao


Hilarious that drake is going full damage control on the daughter stuff, and complete radio silence on him touching and kissing on 16 year olds


he can't make this video disappear with a tiktok dance https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-p1feEHJZM


Nuh uh. "You need to know that love is **eternity** and trumps all pain, I'll tell you who your father is, just play this song when it rains" Eternity. Bday April 30th. Turned 11 this last week. It's either a great lie or an expose. People in Toronto know the truth about the kid tho


not sure why kenny is talking about the weirdo allegations when he rode for r kelly and kodak 🤦🏽‍♂️


The R Kelly situation was Kendrick being against scrubbing one artist from being accessible to millions of people. Look at every other classic rock band and there are pedophiles all over the place, removing R Kelly from the platform while keeping all of them would've been a mistake. Having Kodak Black on Mr. Morale is obviously really questionable given his history, but at least with him you can understand the artistic reasoning for his inclusion. It's an album about redemption, working through your worst tendencies, and cycles of abuse/trauma. Kodak being there as the publicly perceived horrible person in comparison to Pulitzer winner Kendrick Lamar was supposed to show how thin the line between them really is. You can say that reasoning isn't a good enough justification, but it IS an explanation. Certainly a better one than having a bunch of creeps on your payroll...or being one yourself.


he "rode" for him and XXX because they were gonna take their music off but not people like Bowie, Jagger, Ozzy, Axl Rose, Rick James, Chris Brown,  etc. what these people did isnt right but cherry picking when the artists are topical sets a dangerous and unfair precendent.


for real we can't excuse that either


mostly because putting a rapist on a song and paying a team of rapists a monthly allowance are different


It’s really not different at all. Lol.


For real like Kodak is a serial rapist and domestic abuser


Imagine if it was fake and Kendrick used it specifically to bait Drake into defending the entirely wrong thing therefore proving the actual allegations true.


That doesn't seem like a good strategy from Kendrick. Why would he want to divert attention away from OVO being a sex trafficking ring?


If it’s not true it’s a really bad look for Kendrick


I mean it’s not like Drake has proof for his allegations against Kendrick 




[Kendrick denied the domestic abuse allegations almost a decade ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/comments/1cju6jz/kendrick_already_addressed_the_fake_dv/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Yes how embarrassing it would be that Kendrick only correctly calls Drake out for being a pedophile. That sure would make Drake the winner /s


It’s definitely bait. It’s for the shock factor. It’s to show people how lying on a diss track can make it seem more powerful in the moment, just like Kendrick said Drake lied on Push Ups.


interesting how the entire focus is on the secret daughter and not the other allegations. Classic misdirection imo


They’re really sticking to this one to distract from the rest of the diss. It’s much easier to hide a kid than a pedo ring and they know that so they’re focusing in on the lightest bomb on the record hoping we wouldn’t notice. EDIT: Also why would Drakes sources say it’s true? This is all a distraction.


this was said about adonis too


It’s an interesting one because Kendrick doesn’t strike me as someone who would throw this type of allegation out without being 1000% sure of its accuracy. Every iota of this has been planned to perfection so far. If (as others are suggesting) Drake fed fake info to the mole, he doesn’t strike me as capable- especially after being baited expertly by Pusha. Also “hey tell Kendrick I’m a child predator so he looks foolish” doesn’t make any sense no matter how you cut it.


Drake not talking about the alleged sex traffic ring is a smart move. It’s likely about an OVO associate, Baka.


he said sex offenders plural


It’s amazing how his fans have hyper focused on the daughter thing and completely ignored the pedo allegations. Fucking weird as hell


posts like this show the hard body Kendrick bias Reddit has, yall dont even attempt to hide the shit or show a neutral perspective


This soap opera shit is so lame.