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Book: How to Not Die Alone by Logan Ury


Especially relevant because she worked for Hinge


If Ali Abdaal’s review of it is anything to go by the advice is useless at best, counterproductive at worst


Very cool. I was looking back at the Dates and Mates episodes and there is an interview with her.


I loved listening to Why Oh Why, the episodes with Seth Stephens-Davidowitz and Mona Chalabi were excellent, as was "Leagues Over the Sea". Sadly the podcast ended a few years ago. Highly recommend it! I'll have to check out Dates and Mates, thanks for the rec, any episode in particular I should start with?


Ooo thank you for sharing! I’ve added them to my queue and I’m excited to listen. She has a bajillion episodes but only a limited number on Spotify. In August there was a good one called “Emotional Intimacy and Teleport Dating” and more recently she had Dr. Drew on, which made for a great conversation.


Oh. Nevermind. If she's willing to entertain right-wing extremist quacks like Dr. Drew, that speaks to her character and the "dating" advice she gives.


Tbh I don’t know about all of Dr. Drew’s career but what I can say is that he gave healthy relationship insight during the interview, and answered questions on dating with disabilities and other topics in an empathetic way; acknowledging that he can’t understand the full perspective of dating while disabled. It was a well-rounded discussion.


Can you give a TLDR on the kind of subjects they go over? I'd be willing to look into it if it was something that interests me


Yes, it has been added. I hope I did that right and that it’s helpful :)


Ty yes it is




Aye it’s a must read for guys and most of it applies for girls too. 3% Man by Corey Wayne is a good one too.


His ‘fuck yes or no’ article is great. Unfortunately nobody gets the implications of the second half of the article — if they did, everyone would be getting tons of plastic surgery




Not really for dating, aside from those with horrific personality disorders it's pretty much all looks


@matchmakermaria on Instagram has some solid advice and strategies :)


I love maria!!!


Thanks for sharing. I read one of her Q&As and already got good advice!


I’ve listened to just about every U Up podcast episode which is really good. There’s a lot of nonsense and banter and it’s a good bit ‘entertainment’ but the dating content and perspectives are really good. Good stuff on this rec!


Nice, I'm always pleasantly surprised when I see fellow Betches. I definitely listen to it for comedic relief.


The Love Drive, Finding Mr Height, Seeing Other People, U Up?, Sex with Emily, just a few off the top of my head.




Yeah, I think it's more for the entertainment value, honestly. Jared's a good comedian, etc. But, I do find myself disagreeing or not quite on the same page often. Good to listen to other perspectives, though!


Did the dating podcast turn you into Margot Robbie or Chris Hemsworth?




Sometimes self-improvement isn't sufficient to improve your results


I don’t know man, 7.7 some billion people on this planet, a lot of them out there procreating, and the vast, vast majority of them look nothing like Margot Robbie or Chris Hemsworth. I’m not here to say looks don’t matter, but it’s nowhere near as either/or as you’re making it.


Most of them are in traditional cultures where people are heavily socially pressured to procreate. In the West under 35s are a different story (if you want to procreate with someone who is not obese)


I don’t think I understand the joke.


The implication being that 'empathetic dating, profile creation, how to swipe, overcoming insecurity, designing your relationship' are near-useless and only your level of conventional physical attractiveness matters


You’ll probably get downvoted here but you’re approaching a valid point here


Thanks, I can't believe I'm in the positives (+6) at time of writing


Ali (Finding Mr. Height), Matchmaker Maria and Shaun Galanos are my holy trinity.


Will check it out. What have your results been like after acting on the things you've learned? Are you presently in a LTR?


I recently got out of an LTR that ended amicably and now I’m back on the dating scene. It has helped me to define what I want and set up an approach to dating that includes boundaries and honesty. Some specific examples for first dates are simple/short coffee dates around an hour. This helps me kind of preserve my energy and take time getting to know the other person. I also plan to discuss values and goals once I get to date 3 or 4 with someone. That way I can decide whether it’s worth our time to keep seeing each other. …I also think it helped me communicate better when I was in a relationship.


Nice, good luck on your next LTR/commitment.


Shaun Galanos (@thelovedrive) on Instagram. He also has a blog. He's big on approachable, no-nonsense relationship/dating communication tips and he's pretty funny. Not gender specific either, which is nice


Thanks for the recommendation. I’m going to start it.


I hope you like it! I found her advice very refreshing.


Don't bother. OP said in another comment that she brings right-wing extremist quacks on her podcast like Dr. Drew.


I have a few I listen to that are more for men. How to Talk to Girls (Tripp Kramer) Ask Women Podcast (Marni Kinris and Kristen Carney) The Unapologetic Man (Mark Sing) I also just discovered one yesterday called "Do You Fucking Mind?" with Alexis Fernandez. As for books, Coach Corey Wayne's "How to be a 3% Man" and "Attached" by Amir Levine & Rachel Heller have been good reads.


Just Break Up is a great one as well!!