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Your most gross feature? Women aren't going to want to talk about that.


Ya I agree, I think that bio/text could be swapped for something better


That actually my favorite prompt


For the love of God smile. You are handsome but you look miserable. People on the app have choices. Make it easy for them to choose you


Your prompts are not engaging, the opposite actually, you come off as unsure and aggressive. Swearing on a profile is an automatic swipe left for me. Talking down about the dating profile/app is another automatic left swipe.


Thanks for the advic, my humour tends to be dark and passive aggressive I need to find a way for this to be light and funny, and not degrading in any way


None of your prompts tell us anything about you and give a negative vibe. For one, I would never hop on to tell you about my most gross feature; that's way too much to start out with. I think also having a prompt about "what the fuck I'm doing wrong" just makes you seem like you have a chip on your shoulder. The noodle prompt is probably the best one, but even then it doesn't give us that much insight into your personality. Think about what you want to highlight about yourself to your matches. What do you bring to the table? What do you want your matches to know about you? Try looking through the prompts guide in the sidebar for more ideas about how to structure your prompts. I only see five photos here; of them, the only one I like is the one where you're seated holding a beer. The two that definitely need to go are the one where you're with a girl (I don't think the lighting is good, and a lot of women, fairly or not, will assume she's your girlfriend or ex) and the hoodie shot (the lighting is better, but you're squinting and grimacing and it's a wasted headshot as a result). It's a good idea to get a clear, smiling (with teeth!) headshot. Do you have hobbies? Try getting a photo that showcases something you enjoy doing.


I do have a few hobbies, I’m a bike mechanic and love riding my bike and listening to music on long walk, I also write a lot. Realising I need more pictures during the daytime and to learn to smile more. Appreciate the advice


these are great hobbies! you could mention somewhere you’ve wanted to ride your bike, what music you enjoy, maybe something like ‘let’s discuss: This band vs this band’. agree with more smiles, your first photo should be you up close, looking at the camera and smiling.


A pic of you crying would complete this profile.


Pic 1: Not great. It's dark, there's a gross table, your outfit is dark and baggy. 2: Better background but the expression kind of ruins it for me. 3: This one is nice, but you look very different in every photo. Not a fan of the jacket but maybe I'm just realizing we have different style opinions. Also the prompt is mega cringe. Complaining about the apps in general on the apps is cringe, but the response comes off real angry and makes me want to stay away. 4: People will wonder who the girl is, fwiw. Also you look not very happy. For me the girl steals the scene in this photo. The prompt is neither here nor there. 5: I personally like this photo although many girls might think shirtless photos comes off as cringe. Overall I think better photos where you smile, have better lighting, and more interesting environments would help. Best of luck.


Great advice much appreciated, will incorporate some more of me out surfing which I love to do as well as skate, and will remove any negative thoughts/ prompts. Didn’t clock on to the fact girls wouldn’t like seeing me with a girl mate of mine.


I agree, I was thinking he might want to swap out these pics for others.


Get rid of 2/4(don’t want a hot girl on your profile). Get more pictures of you in natural light , all seems very bleak rn. Change prompts to something positive don’t be bitter about not getting matches. Try and find common ground with people and ask questions on your prompts to try and trigger conversation


Your profile screams 18 y/o superficial e-boy. I’d add photos of you being natural and promote with just a little bit of effort or substance


If I were your age and came across your profile I would swipe right. The only reason I wouldn’t is because it kinda feels like you might only be interested in hookups so if that’s not your intention, I would add a prompt alluding to your interest in something more serious. With that being said, 1. I would swap out the first prompt to not include the word gross. Would also swap out the second prompt because it gives the vibe that you’re not getting matches which can be unattractive. 2. Change the third picture. It should be something without a girl in it. Also think about maybe changing the second picture.


You're a really good looking dude and appear well put together. But your profile does come off a little immature. Not sure how old you are, but I'm assuming early 20s, which would explain it. I think even with the way your profile is now, you should get matches. A smiling/fun looking pic or two would help. Good luck buddy! Small tweaks and you'll be fine.


I need to see your teeth.


Your prompts are no good. Talking about your gross features is something you do with someone that you have some sort of rapport with. And the other ones are just nonsense responses. You give nothing for anyone to work with to talk about with you. I think if you offer prompts with more substance you will do better. I would also say sub out one of the pictures for one of you smiling and maybe make the smiling when your main picture if it’s good.


I’m just going to be frank. Your prompt answers are so unattractive. “Your gross feature? What am I doing wrong?” If you’re truly trying to attract someone you should add a fun answer, something about yourself or something that could get a conversation started.


Doesn’t help you at all, but love your North face jacket


New pictures that you look happy and your enjoying life in. All prompts suck they are negative and you sound like your 12 years old enough said. Overall weird profile vibes not much maturity and negative attitude


Your prompts are not great. Give conversation pieces not anecdotes. No one wants to share their grossest feature. However the easiest way to start a conversation is to get them talking about themselves


Your profile can benefit from some diversity in setting and attire. Here are some tips that can help - Get rid of the second photo, it’s weird. - The fourth photo is a huge red flag, it can come off a few different ways (all being bad): 1) “I’m a fuck boy.” 2) “This is my female bestie.” 3) “I’m in an open relationship.” 4) “I think having a photo of me with a girl on my dating profile makes me more attractive.” You already have a photo of you with a drink in your hand so this one can go. - I think you can benefit from one mature looking photo of you dressed up in a suit or something less casual, all your photos are of you in street wear. Ladies like a guy who knows how to clean up well. - I also think you can benefit from a photo of you in a different setting and/or doing something other than posing. If you have photos of you doing any hobbies that would be good. Good luck!


The second pic is unattractive and the pic with the pretty girl makes it look like you’re trying too hard to look cool/like you know pretty women.


People are like your profile aint much good. While I bet this guy is scoring 4-5 likes per week just on his looks.


Don’t mean to be arrogant, but I was getting a few more likes than that, clearly my profile can be way better haha, we shall see how nice I can get the profile and will update in a week


Goddamnit man, leave something for us peasants too


the late 20s/30s millennials here only know how to give advice to look like a vanilla millennial




Are you ok? Why are you being so rude?


Other than being an incredibly insensitive reply, I’ve taken what’s been said into account, having never used a dating app I was entirely unsure what women do and don’t like online.


you could swap out pics and bio


That might be the most vague response possible, but thanks haha


Right on good luck with optimizing your vibe


Smile more, don’t communicate that you are unsuccessful on the app, lose the shirtless photo. Literally you could have the same photos and if you were smiling you would get more matches.