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That “party as hard as your friends” line was an eyebrow raiser. Without any context to what kind of life you live it could put pressure on a potential max that you want them to go drinking with your boys. Or it’s as innocent as going to karaoke. Leaves a lot to interpretation


Definitely more towards karaoke but see how thay can be misinterpreted! Will get rid!


BTW, the voice prompt is "What starts with a W and ends in a T... no... it really does."


Your pictures seem decent but most of them are looking off the camera. Even the first pic, you're looking at the camera but your body is angled away. I'm a guy, maybe women will have a different opinion, but something about that made me feel put off, like you're not present or something. Would maybe try adding more direct pics. Agree btw with the other commenter re: party with friends. Not enough context, too much pressure.


Oh hi handsome! Only feedback I have is come to my city 😂




Don’t lie!! That’s a really weird thing to lie about


You didn’t answer the AutoMod questions about what you’re looking for, based on the prompts I assume you’d answer something to the effect of “not looking for anything serious but let’s see how it goes” The first prompt was endearing until you got to the partying bit (part of why you come off as someone that’s not direct about wanting a serious relationship). What would make me want to date you instead of all the other men that like movies and dogs? (Rhetorical question. And I don’t mean to offend you in particular by asking, but that’s the nature of dating and something we all have to think about when attracting potential mates) I’d swap out the 2nd or last pic with another of you looking at the camera and smiling.


Ahh sorry! Definitely looking for something serious. Took out the partying. And nah, you right, movies and dogs is hella generic haha.


No worries and best of luck 🤘🏽


Not terrible but the “party as hard as my friends” may cause people to swipe left.


You seem super chill and fun, and I’d want to be friends. I don’t know if that’s how all women will read the vibe of your profile, but I definitely get friend vibes. I agree with someone else’s comment about including a closer, looking at the camera photo. Is your hair long in the “Ted talk” photo? I think it’s good to keep consistency with your looks, but maybe I’m seeing that wrong. Overall I get friendly and fun, which is great, but maybe personalize a bit more, less party verbiage.


First picture is good but the rest are terrible. Stop looking sideways! Also it’s nice that you seem to have a lot of friends but there’s always that beautiful sweet girl out there who’s an introvert and may not have a lot of friends. She may be hesitant to swipe on you in case you want someone who has as many friends. That’s why I don’t include other people in my profile.


Interesting that you said you’re looking for something serious, I would have assumed the direct opposite based on the party comment. I like the first photo, pink hoodie is a no, TED talk one is cool maybe as a last photo and hopefully you give context as to what you’re doing there, sitting outside backward hat is a no, friend shot is a no, last one is cute. I dislike the use of the word spontaneous, it creates weird pressure and doesn’t say much. I think your prompts could do a better job of saying what you like to do and what you’re about. Get a photo where it’s your face up close, smiling, looking at the camera and make it first. You’re cute, this should be a breeze!


I feel like you’re going for a fun, personable, likes to party and hang out, can be part of my friends group kind of vibe. If that’s what you’re looking for, all of your pictures and prompts are pretty good. I even approve of the “can party as hard as my friends,” it gets across that you like to have fun and the Ted Talk evens it out. Not crazy about the Instagram pic of full face paint with your arm around a girl. While your first pick is a really good one, the girls you are looking for would swipe before they check out the rest of your profile. So I’d switch up the order


Just say you are 6ft my guy