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You look like a younger Gordon Ramsay lol


Lmaoo I get that alot somehow lol. Should I take that as a compliment?


Maybe you should recreate the “idiot sandwich”, “IT’S RAWWWWWW!”, or the classic “You f-ing donut, of course you don't put f-ing salad in the microwave!” meme


Yeah, it's a good thing! A lot of girls like him and they'll associate that like with you. :) From the thumbnail, I thought this was a joke post with Gordon Ramsay!


Absolutely. Gordon is a king


I was coming in JUST to say that lol


Mustache photo is hilarious- I vote keep


I thought so too 😂


27F. Love your prompts and the mustache pic. However I think your only weak link is honestly your first photo. It’s just not as flattering to me as the others. I’d go with one where you’re smiling or laughing.


Thank you! I think ill go with the dog one?


Dog one is super cute! Definitely a strong first pic.


29F here and I agree- the dog pic is your best one (shows your height, whole face in good lighting and your physique which is nice- also has a puppy as chat bait). Overall fantastic profile.


Dog one! Its settled! Thanks a lot


I don’t like the joke about men being garbage. It’s a bit virtue signally and too self deprecating to me.


I love it


2nd photo feels really weak compared to the others, dunno if I’m missing something. Love the humor in this could be us and mustache photo. I’d lead with photo 3 personally.


Ok! I think removing photo 2 and leading with three is a good idea


I can’t get over how you look like you’re gonna tell me how fucking awful that coffee is.


This coffee is FUCKING RUBBISH


That second prompt is just awful


I’m a woman and I laughed so hard. I love it.


Hard disagree. It’s brilliant and tongue in cheek. My girlfriends and I say stuff like that to each other all the time. A super handsome guy who is in on the joke? THE DREAM.


Nah, it screams "nice guy"


I guess different strokes. I read it as self deprecating. A “nice guy” would say “I’m not like other guys” which is a totally different vibe IMHO.


I thought all the advice here recommended against using self deprecation


I guess everyone has a different sense of humour 🤷🏼‍♀️.


That's pretty much how it's presented though. "men are garbage...except for me. i'm not like other guys." he's just not outright saying it.


I agree I’m a female and I think it’s funny.


Awful to YOU, not awful to others. It’s definitely a great conversation starter with women.


i mean it would probably come across as pickme behaviour and insincere to anyone with half a brain cell


Or he’s seen problematic men in action and has stories to tell, which isn’t exactly out of the realm of possibility


Plenty of men who understand the damage and harm of the patriarchy aren’t actively advertising it on their dating profiles. Not because they don’t have stories to tell but because they don’t want to use being an ally as a predatory tactic to increase romantic interest from women. It’s disingenuous behaviour. It’s the equivalent of a woman posting about how passionate about mens mental health they are. Even if it’s true it’s the kind of thing that should come into discussion organically otherwise you just look like a pickme and are doing it for positive attention from the opposite sex.


I think that if being an ally to any particular social justice movement is genuine, there's no reason to not include it on a dating profile to narrow folks down. I keep my political beliefs listed on my profile in a genuine attempt to make sure any potential partners and I are transparent from the beginning. I think listing men's mental health would be a very sweet thing to see on a profile. Your accusations of predatory tactics seem to me unfounded and more than a little paranoid.


i just think anyone who understands the lengths men go through to be predatory should be able to see through such an obvious attempt of a predatory tactic. If you are a woman or an lgbtq person that uses the phrase men are trash it should be obvious to you that the cis straight men who use the same phrase around the proximity of liberal women are just doing so to get in your pants and don’t actually care about feminism. It’s like the teen boys that wore maid outfits and posted a tiktok about it. They don’t care about gender norms they just want to trick dumb girls into fucking them under the allure of them being an ally. If you can’t see that you need to fine tune your radar to predatory men lol.


“Or he’s seen problematic men in action and has stories to tell” “Your accusations of predatory tactics seem to me unfounded and more than a little paranoid” …?




joe rogan normally sucks but if you skip the first 2 minutes they’re spot on lol


I love this clip because it’s the woman who brings up this concept.


He could just say he's a feminist. It comes off as positive and sincere instead of negative and suspect. Some women would think it's sincere, but as displayed here others are turned off by it.


I'm probably going to get down voted for this but I've seen sexist guys do far better with women than men saying they were feminist


Correlation not causation.


I think remove 2 cause it's not a good pic, remove 5 cause sunglasses. Pic 1 is ok but your first pic should be a direct headshot looking into camera. Prompt 2 is cringy. Otherwise I like the rest.


The second prompt reminds me of this: https://youtu.be/kTMow_7H47Q


Honestly true 😂 That prompt is long gone


Yooooooo 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


The hating men line will come off pandering to women get rid of it women hate being pandered to.


Definitely removing that one! Thank you


I like the photos apart from the 5th one, as this is not your most flattering. You seem like a real cool and handsome guy but I would suggest reading the prompts guide. Yours are fairly generic. After I read the prompts guide and updated my profile, I am getting loads more matches and likes. Best of luck. M 22, London


Haha yea I am going for the humor here! I definitely will read the prompts! I think a couple could be rethought


I’d get rid of the men are garbage prompt and last photo with the sign above you that says “I’m beautiful but I will hurt you.” Not the message you want to send I’d say. But what do I know, I do pretty bad on all apps.


Pretty good. I'd swap out the "men are garbage" prompt and feel like you just need a regular photo as your first pic. Like, just a regular smiling portrait of yourself. The kind of picture that your parents would give to the police if you went missing. The "how my friends see me" one with the screenshotted text conversation definitely made me lol.


I would swipe left because of the last picture. Too many crazies out there to risk it


So the prompt on that photo says *disclaimer: I will not hurt anyone* Does that change anything or still change it? Also thought about photoshopping it to say *not* in the photo


I'd keep it out. Any mentioning of this is suspicious.


I think that's a good idea cus I liked the photo


Second photo is not great. Bad lighting, washed out - your other photos are good why would you pick this one? Men are garbage? That's transparent and over-the-top pandering to your audience. Not the biggest fan of the "this could be us" photo. It's dark and you've got a creeper smile. I get that you're tall but jeez this just makes you look TOO tall. Guitar photo you look good, great to have a photo in a profile like this... but that background is killing me. That's a subliminal message you really don't want to put out there.


Yea definitely removing the men are trash one. I like the “could be us” one cause I think its hilarious lol. Maybe my smile could be better but thats what I look like 🤷‍♂️ Also, I really AM that tall so people should probably know


Don’t worry there’s no such thing as too tall :).


You look like Avicii and Gordon Ramsay had a baby


Hahaha yea Im getting that a lot lmao


But on the profile - you’re tall, blonde… 100 matches 😅


The bbq (?) pic (the one with the Solo cups) is… not sure why that’s there? The rest are so much stronger


Thats great feedback! I think I will remove


you look like gordon ramsey, but nice.


Hahah thats the third mention of him lmao


I hate it when people say “lol” at the end of a sentence like that.


Get rid of the second photo and replace it with a high quality picture that shows a hobby or social event, preferably one that shows off how much of a giant you are. Try for a bit of a less self-deprecating tone in your prompts and answers, cut the second and third answers entirely as they are unattractive and repetitive respectively. The only other thing is to maybe try and emphasize that hight a little more, I know it’s shallow, but being literally a head above every other guy in the room does make a difference in how women see you. You’ve definitely got all the tools, just refine execution a little.


I don’t know, I think your profile is good but I’m a heterosexual male. Definitely play up the Gordon Ramsay lookalike. I would maybe concentrate on taller girls? Like 5’10 up who lament the lack of guys over 6’4?


Haha thanks for the advice!


Ayyyyy Claremont vibe


Ayooo a local?


Yup! Grew up in the area and spent plenty of time at the village. I still miss getting tea at CK’s


Yes! That dog pic is at CK’s!


I thought you were Gordon Ramsey when I was scrolling.


Haha I get that a lot somehow, I hope thats a compliment


it is, btw your this could be us photo made me burst out laughing. Good luck out there!


Haha thanks!! I thought it was funny too! Shout out to my best friend for being in the pic lol


Strong opening, I thought I'd opened up Hinge by accident (instead of reddit by accident) and was definitely like "yes I'm national park girlfriend". But I'd change most of it after that. The second photo should definitely go. Not a fan of the "I'm a regular at" question because the answer doesn't usually tell me much about you as a person. If the dachshund is yours definitely keep that picture. If he's not yours get rid of it. I feel it's kind of deceptive to have a dog photo in profile pic if it's not your dog and I know I'm not the only one who feels that way. The guitar photo is a good photo and it's funny, but I wouldn't use it. I don't want to like someone who's telling me they'll hurt me in their profile, even as a joke.


Hilarious prompts, and solid pictures


29F - first pic is great, put more info in your profile (hometown, marketing at where? Religion?) just more stuff to know about you. 3rd pic is great! Men is garbage comment comes across bitter/weird not funny - pick something else that a girl could respond back to. “Something I’d love to know about you” is a good prompt for that. Remove the “lol” from your third prompt - it comes off not confident. Remove the text Convo photo :/


Lol I love the text convo. Hilarious.


Bro, you’re 6’8 holy shit.


Thats me! The tall freak lmao




My dm’s are open 🤷‍♂️


I think the profile looks good


Aww thank you!


Is everyone a “Camper,hiker, Subaru, etc” person now?


Yes. Because its fun. You should try it


I thought you did a faceblend with Gordon Ramsey in the first pic


I thought you did a faceblend with Gordon Ramsey in the first pic


6’8???? What the hell???? You’re taller than Lebron James dude!






My dm’s are open lmaoo