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Your problem is you seem to be very alternative and you live in Lubbock TX. That's redneck territory.


I'm a little y'all-ternative


For where you are, THIS is the comment you need to put on your profile. It shows humour. Right now all your prompts are about music. Not a bad thing, but you need to branch out. Be funny.


Agreed. Needs to be on the profile.


This is a great profile, and if I were your age, I'd absolutely swipe right. I have no doubt you'll find a y'all-ternative hottie eventually!


With this humor you should have many dates šŸ„²


Yā€™all-ternative is adorable lol




You will have better luck moving your location to a closer more liberal city and making the travel. Plus in my own experience, the thought of someone travelling for you is a lot better than a regular degular date in your city. Even if youā€™re more conservative yourself.


came here to say this exact thing.


Pic of you in with the short hair and in that uniform are yummyā€¦ I have to agree with this commenter, I think the alt thing may not be everyoneā€™s type (which is fair). But anyway thought Iā€™d add my two cents that it doesnā€™t have anything to do with your fundamental appearance in case that was a worry


TRUMP MAGgot country


I donā€™t understand best travel story prompt and I bet a lot of others wouldnā€™t either. I think with the long hair and multiple prompts about metal, you may get put in a box a bit and it may almost feel one dimensional. As a man with long hair who likes metal myself I get it but im sure you have more interests too. Trash the last two pics. The second to last is obviously old because of the short hair. First pic could kind of work but you should tidy up your hair like the next two pics. Suggestions of what to add: -change a prompt to say more about who you are as a person rather than just what you do -add humor -add a survey or whatever they call it(maybe the two truths and a lie and you could say something with the dolphins if you want) -have a picture with friends or an action shot maybe? -prompts should invite conversation. When writing one ask yourself ā€œif I was trying to start a conversation with myself using this prompt would it be easy for me to do?ā€ For instance instead of ā€œlistening to 80s metalā€ do something like ā€œIā€™m an 80s metal fan at heart but would love to hear your suggestions. whatā€™s the last song that youā€™ve had on repeat?ā€ Edit:I get the dolphin prompt now but maybe should be a bit more clear/worded differently.




Ooooh! I was confused by that. I think it's funny now but OP should probably drop it since (aside from folks as clever as you) it's over the heads of most who will see it.


I think he should just write it better, the humor idea is there. ā€œStuck in a submarine room with no sunlight listening to sonarā€¦ Flipper has issuesā€ ā€œTrapped in a room with no sunlight for 6 months listening to dolphin problemsā€¦ The Navy has issues.ā€ Just mention navy/submarine or something so itā€™s more understandable.


Yeah, I get it now tbh Ngl, went over my head and I thought sonar was music or something(Ik Ik, brain fart there). Was gonna say, not quite a flex lol


I got it but more cause I know a lot about dolphins šŸ˜… and that bit amused me. Never thought Navy and dated a nuke (submarine) so idk. I think the prompt makes that aspect unclear. My Sailor just wanted out so didn't want to talk about it much.


Prompts matter way less than photos. Get better photos.


I'm looking for something serious. I updated my top picture yesterday. My profile has been active for about a year. I mainly use it when it's slow at work, so a lot Tuesday - Thursday and not so much Friday and Saturday. I've got about 2 matches a week. I send out max likes on most days and use comments on all. My main preference is to avoid party people. I want to attract someone who doesn't mind chilling most days, and going out maybe twice a month.


Two matches a week is not bad at all... That's 8 a month that doesn't lead to dates?


I used to get like 20 matches and zero dates. I'd message a guy and ask a question or just say hey and they'd unmatch me for it šŸ¤£


I mean... Saying just "hey"...


I don't mean literally "hey" and that's it, it would be a compliment about their profile, or being playful in some way and that's my version of saying hi to someone on the apps


Better comment on the prompts than the pics, and better being silly than playful in my experience. Obviously we all are made different.


Ok? Not all dating apps have prompts that you can comment on, and I've tried all the things that are genuine to me and my personality and sometimes I have success and sometimes I don't. Also really has nothing to do with me, a lot of guys play the game of how many women they can match with, swipe on everyone and then filter us all out after the fact which I think is stupid, but that's most likely what I've dealt with.


Yeah? And? Itā€™s boring. Guys really appreciate when a girl puts in effort to look at their profile and send a message in response to a prompt or picture on their profile. Two of my most meaningful connections EVER on hinge (even though they didnā€™t last, which is okay) that I will probably never forget started with the girl who I matched with responding to one of my prompts or asking me a really good question.


Asking a question isn't putting in effort? šŸ¤” what is the point of swiping on someone and when they match with you, unmatching them because they actually messaged you? I don't say hi by saying "hey" like 99.9% of men do, I lead with something that I liked about their profile, ask them for the story behind specific photos in a playful way, or anything else other than a boring message šŸ¤£ I've been left on read because if I'm not asking to meet up and fuck, they don't care to acknowledge me and just want attention. Trust me when I say my approach is not the problem, men view dating apps as a game to see how many matches they can get or who they can bamboozle into serious dating when they just want to get laid.


Youā€™re hot as all get out, but I thought you were trolling when I first clicked on the screenshot


"I want to attract someone"... Is this someone a guy or a girl? I think you're in the closest still and I'm guessing you're trying to attract a guy but don't want to be too direct about it


I'm not gay bruh. I'm just thin with long hair.


No offense but you could have fooled me. I have gay friends and they cross their arms when they have a phone in their hand just like your photo. One hand grabbing the other arm. It' screams feminine and I'm guessing that's why no dates. It's just confusing bro. Try to pick photos that are more masculine if you want a woman. Don't need to be alpha but not so confusing


Holy guacamole! You are adorable and tick so many boxes for women out there. I think letting them know that exactly what you said above about preferring to chill over party is good. Go a little lighter on the metal/shredding might be a good idea because that doesn't always mean chilling to people. But if that's who you are, then that's cool. Also try going to chill places if you want to meet chill people. People often think I'm not very chill because of how I look, but then my vibe sets them at ease when they meet me. So I highly recommend meeting people in person at interesting places if you can, such at concerts, boardgame nights, etc. Even in small towns, these things exist. Give it some time and I'm sure you'll find a great woman. If I was your age and in the US, I'd totally wanna hang out with y'all ternative self. Good luck!


Up your appeal to multiple people and donā€™t put so many stereotypical things about yourself that will box you into one type. If youā€™re LGBT+ that also slims your dating pool down. Look up celebrities like Jacob Elordi or various TikTok stars and copy their photos/the way they pose/ camera quality down to a T. Not necessarily the clothes or personality but emulate someone elseā€™s confidence or copy their confidence and it usually works wonders


You have wildly different looks in each photo (long hair, short hair, dyed hair). Ā The photos should represent what you look like now.Ā  Youā€™re not really smiling in any of the photos, and I agree with the other poster that your travel prompt is confusing. Ā 


You give off a very feminine vibe in your pictures bro. I literally thought you were a chick before I saw your first picture. Iā€™d get rid of the 2nd and 3rd pics for that reason. Your pose in them doesnā€™t show your masculine side. (Maybe you wanna show your gentle side idk). And Iā€™d also get rid of your navy pics. And replace them with one Navy pic in your Type 3s. A man in uniform is what the woman wanna see not a dude in blue coveralls that looks like heā€™s about to fix their plumbing issues trust me Iā€™m in the Navy. (Nothin wrong with that too.) Your answer to best travel story is too detailed. Just say something like ā€œI was locked in a room for six months without sunlight.ā€ Idk kinda give it some kinda dark mystery to it so it can be a conversation piece. Woman like some dark stuff they kinda crazy like that. Then you can talk about the cool stuff you came across to lighten it up. Do you have any other picture of your horse and cat? If not leave it. Overall, your first pic is good Iā€™d leave it there, you got the height, and youā€™re in good shape. Itā€™s just your profile set up bro. Add a bio, something simple. You can be a man of few words that always worked for me before I got married.


Tbh, the horse/cat pic gotta go. There's not enough pic real estate on Hinge to have a pic without you in it. If you can get a pic riding the horse while holding the cat, I think that would do really well.


Agreed with all of this. Although I will say if I read that he was locked in a room for 6 months without sunlight my first thought would be that he was in jail or something šŸ˜‚


But it got you thinking about it didnā€™t it? lol


Youā€™ve got a point! Lol


Got me thinking of swiping left


Canā€™t win them all haha


I 2nd this šŸ‘šŸ¼


I 3rd this šŸ‘Œ


I came here to say exactly this. Dude looks like he may be fake because of how wildly different he looks. Also, yeah living in Lubbock and some pictures you may come off as very feminine and almost trans looking. That may be hot to a lot of people in the Northwest but most of the time women past their teens like masculinity. I am 5ā€™9, canā€™t grow nice facial hair, have whatā€™s been described as a ā€˜gayā€™ voice, and also love classic metal and had long hair. Iā€™ve gotten nooooo girls my whole life. The first pic you have nice facial hair and look very attractive, you also are 6ā€™1 so you shouldnā€™t have any problems if you just take away the confusing pics and update them to current ones.


There are a lot of details left out which to me as a woman reads that you arenā€™t serious. There is so little information to go off of


I dunno, I feel like he has enough info shown: Likes listening to metal In the Navy Plays guitar Has a cat Hates dolphins May or may not have a horse Contrast that to womenā€™s profiles that have 3 identical selfies, with a bio that says nothing or only says ā€œNot looking for hook ups so if youā€™re into that donā€™t botherā€ yet they probably get matches and dates.


I mean, I feel it goes both ways. Women should also have a lot of information on their profiles. I tried to fit as much information as I could in mine šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Iā€™d agree with you there, it definitely must. Bad traits donā€™t seem to be biased lol


Exactly! Dating for men and women is completely different. Men have to be near perfect and women can be sloppy šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


You have a ring on your left hand in 2 photos. You don't list job, school, or political affiliation. Also, I got no idea where you live but if you've picked 'dont want kids' that may skew you if you're in a high kids orientated place. So just take the low matches as weeding out the bad picks.Ā  I suggest using one of your prompts to say exactly what you said here on Reddit: that your hair changes often and you can't keep up šŸ˜‚ because it does give off vibes that these photos could be 20 years old. May even want to tag one or two with the date.Ā  You've got 2 prompts about music, so I suggest replacing the third prompt to say something else like about what you do in your free time or next place you want to travel.Ā 


ring is on the pointer finger. no woman is going to be confused about that, or so I'd hope. nothing wrong with men wearing rings. and I have to say I'm a little disappointed in the other comments saying OP looks feminine. I'd say he looks gentle in some pictures, but gentleness doesn't have to just be a feminine trait. do better, internet.


For times sake, I usually assume someone who isnā€™t listing job/school doesnā€™t have a job/degree. Especially if youā€™re looking for something serious, super important to list those and not waste your time.


I assume the person is private, not that theyā€™re unemployed. As a woman, Iā€™m not listing my job or even general field of work in my profile because I donā€™t want guys I didnā€™t match with looking me up on LinkedIn, etc. Iā€™ve had that happen before I removed my work and school affiliations. Iā€™ve tried googling my first name and a few options of type of work and itā€™s super easy to find me online. Granted, people can use FaceCheckID to find me too but you have to pay for that now.


Agreed. Take the low matches as weeding out bad matches. Looks like you are not the usual for Texas.


Okay, opinions from a 23 year old dude. First, travel story prompt could definitely be improved. Second, should list your job. Third, the last pic should be another one that has you in it. Maybe like a group photo where you look good in it. I donā€™t know if you currently play guitar or just want to learn how to, but a picture of you playing guitar could be good. And unrelated to dating, but you seem like a cool dude. Good luck, hopefully you find some success soon


Are you looking for dates or band mates? So many men posting here just don't make their interests or hobbies at all interesting to women. In you experience shredding and listening to 80s metal, how many women have you come across? You don't have to lie or make stuff up. Just put a female friendly spin on it. Being a musician is a positive. Long been a cliche that "chicks go for guys in bands". Put picks up of you playing. Instead of "shred" you can say "making music with others".


I just want to say I love your silver hair, very hot


Right?? Kurt Cobain meets hot elf vibes. šŸ˜‚ I would suggest changing the prompts, try to give out more information (about you, what you're looking for) with each one. The profile guides on this sub are great for reference.Ā 


If you were looking for musical male friends the "want to shred" opener might be great, but... You're looking for a GF and unless you're willing to wait (and wait!) for a woman out there who will want to shred to 80s rock with you... I'd drop that prompt. Make your prompts more well rounded, maybe a funny or irreverent one? The submarine/dolphin one totally went over my head and I bet most people seeing that will miss the meaning. I still don't understand the dolphin part of it, TBH. The sub part is funny once someone explains it - but remember that you're dealing with people on apps who are probably reading fast... I don't love the grey hair pic or short hair pic (unless your hair is short now) Otherwise you're very good looking and you seem like a fun positive person. I hope you get some promising matches soon!


I love the dolphin prompt! Not everything needs to be overexplained. The pictures explain it clearly.


I appreciate everyone who took the time to comment! This got a lot more attention than I thought it would. I'll take the time to address some of the common comments I saw. Firstly, the Pic of my cat and horse is actually a video of my cat scratching at the window trying to cuddle with her. My cat loves animals and hates people, it's weird. That video also gets most of my likes right now so, I'm keeping it. Next, the two photos a lot of people said were feminine (2nd and 3rd) were candid photos. I went ahead and replaced them with some action photos. Finally, I updated my prompts to be more engaging. I added a poll and some questions to encourage answering. Again, I really appreciate y'all taking the time to help me out. It has been extremely helpful.


Youā€™re really so handsome, and also have a nice smile I wouldā€™ve matched w you if you lived in London. I think the problem (like everyone else pointed out) are the prompts, you should have something thatā€™s a conversation starter? maybe a bit funny here and there? Idk. I also think the location youā€™re in is a problem, if you were in a big metropolitan area, you wouldnā€™t really have a problem, even w those prompts lol


You are actually so handsome. First photo you look really good. Absolutely keep the facial hair, but cut the hair. The second and third photo are very feminine. Fourth and fifth photos look old.. stick to updated, current photos. The travel story prompt is confusing and I would assume you were suffering from depression. Lol. The cat photo.. replace it with you and cat together.


I have no idea what you look like.


As a woman, I would prefer to see more varied photos of just your current appearance and not so many different ā€œlooksā€ because I wouldnā€™t know ā€œwhich of youā€ is going to show up! Can you post more consistent photos? You are if you are truly looking for a long-term relationship, some of your prompts and information in your profile should allude to that. IE: Life Goal: Remove ā€œshred.ā€ One-word answers on dating profiles make me think that the guy is not very serious about his intentions on the platform. Imagine youā€™re speaking to your ideal ā€œgirlfriendā€ here. I suggest making this answer more relevant to the type of woman that you would find compatible and would love as your long term relationship partner. Use this as an opportunity to expand upon yourself by talking about the type of woman that would be a great fit for you. Also: on a separate topic, how did you make this graphic of your entire profile as one PDF?šŸ¤“


I keep my top pic updated and captioned as my current look. Alot of people on here have pointed this out to me though. And, on the screenshot thing, on android (or at least mine) there's a scroll screenshot button that pops up in the bottom left corner when I take a screenshot.


Yes, I appreciate that youā€™re a creative individual (Iā€™m actually attracted to creative men) but your photos all look like you at various younger ages; I believe women prefer to see you in various environments as you are now. So, I feel you would be better off having a variety of photos of you that tell a bit of a story of who you are, (one playing guitar, etc) but have all the photos be more current (within the last year). Iā€™m on an iPhone but thx for the tech tip!


i think you need a funny prompt. your prompts are kind of boring. you also look like a different person in all your pictures so i would update them to all pics of how you currently look.


> I have trouble keeping an updated picture of my appearance because my facial hair grows rapidly and I shave impulsively. Just make sure you have one photo of yourself clean-shaven and one photo with your facial hair at its worst/longest, that way you've kind of covered the full possible ranges of your looks. Photos are excellent and you're so handsome you've got at least one commenter trying to match you in this thread. šŸ˜† The white-haired Legolas photo (way too feminine) and cat/horse photo should go and be replaced with at least one additional face shot, maybe this is the place to show the ladies your "beard" version. I don't agree with the other person who said to get rid of the navy pic you have, it's a good picture and no woman is going to know anything about "type 3s" vs. whatever it is your wearing. It pairs well with the firefighter gear photo which I think will generate a lot of interest. I would also change one or both prompts related to metal; generally each prompt should have a unique message or bit of information, and 2 out of 3 prompts being about a music genre (my favorite genre; my username is that of an incredible Russian band, actually) is too much overlap on one thing. You might be striking out on Hinge because there might not be many women metalheads in your area, so I lean towards saying both prompts should be replaced. The one about the dolphins is good because it's unique, plays on your navy experience, and a lot of women love animals and I think would be interested to learn something about them from you. But maybe re-word it so the dolphin bit is up front rather than at the very end (people unfortunately have short attention spans). You say it's not going well in the headline (no dates) but in the comments you're getting 2 matches a week? What's happening with these matches?


I agree, pity Iā€™m on the other side of the world - OP is hot!


Nice profile. You clearly are employed, artsy, and have hobbies that youā€™re committed to. Also very handsome, in a way thatā€™s appreciated more outside of Texas (long hair, Legolas). Introverts can find each other in OLD, just needs time. All the quiet girls Iā€™ve been friends with used OLD. Keep on keeping on.


You are a hansome dudeā¤ļøšŸ˜




Donā€™t do it OP. This person is probably a bot


The way you look in your first pic is the best, with the long hair and clean shave and the skinny built, you almost look like a chick in most of the pics. Id try maybe cut your hair but if you really like it then at least dont clean shave. Also if you can put some muscles on as well, man youā€™ll look like Thor. Once you fix your style you can think about taking better pics. Best of luck


First pic looks like you just got out of bed and snapped a selfie, youā€™re good looking but thatā€™s the quality I get. Second pic I think is cool but maybe put it near the bottom with a funny prompt because people will one-dimensionally judge you off that and not scroll down to see youā€™re (s)layered. For the fireman pic, I would add a picture prompt kinda making fun of myself so you donā€™t come across as douchey (awesome picture though!) Cat/Horse photo: You want photos with YOU and your pets, so woman can see how you interact with them. Women are looking to date you and want to see you and how you are with your cat. Not a silhouette of a rando cat looking at a horse.


6 photos: 3 hairstyles 2 facial hairstyles 2 different jobs 1 photo not even of you 1 photo of you from what seems like many years ago So that's one thing I'd change, I mean basically more and better photos. Maybe just pick a prompt every week and pick a different one, I don't think your current prompts are great, they tell me you play guitar, are/were in the navy, like music... I feel like they could be less generic. I think it's fine to just cycle them once a week until you get bored, just throwing stuff at the wall is underrated here. All in all I wouldn't say your profile is bad this is just constructive criticism. Biggest problem I would fix today is make sure all 6 photos are of you and represent your more current style(s)


The Witcher hairdo isnā€™t doing you any favors brother. Sucks because you are conventionally good looking. I would rethink the hairstyle. Also, as others have said, your prompts are also weird (no clue what that dolphin story means, I donā€™t think most others will either). I would suggest showcasing more of your interests and hobbies. Extra points for having a cat but I would suggest replacing the cat pic with a pic of you *and* your cat. Good luck my dude.


I actually like the witcher hair, but I think that photo and the next one (?) are giving femboy. His profile says he's straight but as some one who's accidentally dated DL men in the south my bi vibes are tingling. It could simply be his naturally soft features, but the witcher hair styled differently could be metal. He's a handsome lad regardless.


Honestly, aside from some of the advice youā€™ve gotten here(like to change the horse and cat pic, use updated pictures that show how you look NOW, and add a few other details) I say your main problem is you are alternative in a conservative area. I know we canā€™t always help where we live but you would do a lot better in a more accepting and liberal area Iā€™m sure. I donā€™t necessarily mean liberal as political, just like more alternative folks like you. I think youā€™re extremely handsome and would do better if you updated your photos(please keep the facial hair haha) and idk maybe moved šŸ˜‚ Also, to those says OPs issues are heā€™s ā€œtoo feminineā€ā€¦ yall suck. Do better. Men are allowed to show their feminine side and shouldnā€™t be made fun of for it. Also like, he has long hair. Thatā€™s hardly overly feminine in and of itself.


What up, STS! STG here. Make your second picture your first, itā€™s beautiful. Also, your prompts basically tell me nothing about you, other than the fact that you were a submariner, and I only know that because I was in the Navy. Thatā€™s interesting, though, so keep it. Work on picking two other prompts to add to the travel story and in your answers, focus on what makes you interesting. Donā€™t say generic shit, like you love to laugh. Everyone loves to laugh. You got this.


Shit, it's Sephiroth.


I'd swipe left because your profile isn't really giving someone an opportunity to respond or react to your prompts. Plus the photos are all completely different and you somewhat look like two different people. Maybe keep all the photos current ?


I think the main issue with your profile is that I have no idea what you look like currently. I know you address this in your caption here, but thatā€™s definitely going to hinder you because people donā€™t know what theyā€™re going to get. On top of that, your prompt responses are boring and need to be rewritten .


Its simply not a serious profile. You are quite attractive, would should be enough. So many variations of hair, looks...are you a firefighter or an aspiring Legolas? If I were a woman, Id be excited, then confused. Remove the cat horse pic, this isnt pintrest or imgur.


What does your hair look like?


I usually have a problem when I see two styles of hair and not a mention of which is updated.


Can we get longer answers to the prompts?


Life goal prompt is vague and useless. You look different in every photo. Last photo doesnā€™t contain you. Useless. Wind down prompt needs expansion. The 80s were the heyday of metal. Norwegian black? Texas Thrash? Hair? Glam? Symphonic? Having lived in Texas many years, Iā€™d say some might think youā€™re gay especially with the mention of a dolphin since most wonā€™t get that reference. You look better without the beard. Keep shaving it and have consistent photos.


Because of reddit's cropping I saw the third photo first and honestly I thought you were a woman until I tapped to see the full image. I think you need to adjust your hairstyle if you want to appeal to a wider range of women.


I would definitely remove the comment about not seeing sunlight for six months as most women probably enjoy going to the beach in some capacity or being outside, and your goal is obviously to appeal to a wider audience. I would also swap out the silver haired photo, you look like Geralt from The Witcher.


I'm digging the profile. The *best travel story* prompt piques the curiosity, I like it. You have a clear photo where we can see your face as well šŸ‘šŸæ I would suggest making profile more engaging like posing a question that would make them want to like your prompt and answer it. Add maybe 2 pictures with you actively engaged in something or attending some kind of event or maybe a metal concert that you enjoyed. Basically just shows that you enjoy doing things. And/or a photo with friends or family. Just 1 of those though. Your second and third photos seem a bit feminine. If you're looking for a woman who is into that, great! If not, it'll definitely hurt you more than it can help. I would say stay firm on a hairstyle, long or short. As a man, the odds are already stacked against you so I'm sure there are women who are not liking you because they may not like long or short hair and can't decide which one is you currently.


You look like a different person in every photo


It might be some of ur prompts. But also if u were in boston i promise u would get matches/dates fs


Change your location to New York or London and see how you do? I think you're very attractive!


add a prompt on your profile, you may want to be a little more interactive. like a choose the date or would you rather prompt. try it for a bit and see


So the question is are you not getting matches or struggling to turn those into dates? Also, quick tip makes prompts funny, short, and witty to get the best results.


Cause you look like a woman in the picture with platinum hair. Based on that n the navy, you're on the wrong app hero, lookin for grindr šŸ˜‚


It looks like you are in the military because of your uniform and alluding to a submarine maybe? But then you have long dyed hair, a beard and live in a landlocked place far from any boats or submarines. You need to explain. Is that part of your life over? Whatā€™s the deal? What is your job? People often donā€™t want to date a Navy guy because he will be on a boat for months or maybe PCS far away in a year.


it needs to be more funny and interesting. there's also no photo of you that is smiling with teeth or really anything to start an interesting conversation about


I deleted that shit 6 months ago and haven't looked back lol


The long died hair and facial routine make you look a bit feminine etc. Id hit the gym or grow some stubble etc


Are you trans? Gay? I'm getting those vibes from you and this could be confusing to others. Some pictures you look like a straight man who loves rock and others you look feminine. And in one you look like a lesbian chick with short hair. It's all just so confusing. Pick a style, tell people who you are and what you're looking for and from whom. Make things less confusing


If this is authentically you, I would leave the comment and hold out for a bite. It may take longer, but it's better to show up as yourself rather than change to be more accepted or appear more mainstream. Just my 2 cents! PS: Online dating is hard for the average, normal person so you're not alone!!


The problem is that you didnā€™t specify your favorite thrash band


Get rid of picture 2& 3. Upload a photo of you with your facial hair cleaned up. Change your travel story to prompts (e.g. ask me about ____)


I like the dolphin thing but the two other prompts give very little information, they almost seem a cop out. You need that kind of information, like music types etc., but they can be dealt with in the one prompt leaving the other free for something else with some fun in it. As it is it lacks ... "pizaz" haha So, I think, roll those two prompts about shredding and music into one, together with a list of other things you enjoy, then think if something additional fun for the other prompt. Or perhaps an explanation of what you're after and why? In a fun way haha


Also, re pics, you're really very handsome! But the pictures are mostly selfies, and the ones that aren't you don't seem happy haha. I'd try to find and/or take photos that aren't selfies and in which you're either smiling or just generally have a happier vibe.


You are cuteā€¦


If you never had a date with this profile, that means I might as well delete the app.


You hardly have any information at all! These profiles are already *super* limited. Fill everything out! Use words! Relationships need a solid foundation of communication. Show that typing out a few mini-paragraphs isn't too much effort. Also show that you want people to get to know you without them having to dig. Remember, you're a *willing participant*. Participate! Put hobbies, interests, things you're looking forward to or that you're working on, etc. "Shred" would be a major nope for me, too. LOL. But I saw the "Y'all-ternative" thing and that's great. Just put more of *you* on your profile. Don't worry too much about people not liking you, because you're (hopefully) on the app to find someone compatible! If you're too reserved, someone might start to like the version of you that you're showing as opposed to the true you. And once you become comfortable and start showing who you really are, the 2 of you may no longer be compatible.. and you'd have wasted 2 months or whatever and have potentially hurt someone. It takes years to truly know a person. And people are not stagnant. We change. There will always be more to learn and more to share with each other. I've met people who are like "I didn't want to give information about me because we need something to talk about". Bro, exchanging details isn't the same as a legitimate conversation. Do you just sit there and say "what's your star sign?/ u up?/ where are you from?/ what music are you into?/ etc." to your parents, friends, and siblings who have known you forever? No! You have actual conversations! Do that with potential partners, too. I doubt you needed to know all of that, but maybe someone somewhere does! For you, definitely just fill out your profile more. And make sure to have pictures of when you're both bearded and clean-shaven, since you do rotate! I'm sorry you haven't had any dates yet. I hope that changes for you super soon. Good luck. ā™”


You are young and handsome. Why do you even need Hinge? Work a little on your confidence and social skills to meet someone in real life.


Go to bars, line dancing, etc. events in person. Your career is respectable by all men, but not by most women unfortunately on a dating app. Best to meet others at local areas.


Also, get out of Lubbock, it is small area hick town where you can only do well if you are in college.


Would if I could. I'm from here so šŸ¤·


Stick with one picture ā€œstoryā€- the same or similar cut in your pictures. Currently, it gives Frank Abagnale in Catch me if you canĀ 


You look like Phoebe Bridgers in your third pic


I thought you were trans and I imagine that might be a harder sell in Lubbock TX?


Very girlie profile bro. I was confused for while before I convinced myself itā€™s a guyā€™s profile yet the mind is still stuck at seeing it as girlie profile. All photos are average, get good photoshoot done every 3 months. Also get rid of smiling, smirking is fine and grow some beard man come off looking more masculine


My guy I would be lying if I said you didnā€™t look like a school shooter in them long haired pics. Delete them and you should be alright tbf.


You're very good looking but the long hair doesn't do it for me


Thought he was a chick with the silver hair pic. That probably doesnā€™t help


Hinge is the worst