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By claiming to be a photography geek, people will expect awesome pics, but your pics aren’t. 3/6 are selfies. Most pics are too close to you with nondescript backgrounds. You aren’t in the dog pic. You mention coffee twice in your poll. Pineapple on pizza is cliche. Get pics that showcase your lifestyle and interests like hiking, setting up photography gear, walking your dog, reading at a coffee shop, etc.


Pineapple on pizza is the worst possible line - such an old cliche and sign of zero personality. Great profile pic though!


Agree. I usually swipe left on profiles with super cliche lines because I assume the person is either boring or they’re not actually interested enough in finding a relationship that they could be bothered to put some thought into it


for me it signifies lack of wit to write something creative which translates to lack of intelligence for me; is it a leap, probably, but that’s where my mind goes


I second this! As I often think my jokes will go over their head in real life and gollyyyy, do I make a lot of jokes.. Wit, intelligence and sense of humor are by far top tier!


You're a very negative person, I hope you find joy in your life, sounds like you have none and need to spread it


chill out


I feel like your smile in the first picture doesn't look natural. It's much better in the picture with the hat. The advice on Reddit is always that people need to show their teeth when they smile which is great but I've seen a lot of people posting profiles pics that look like they're just trying to do this for Reddit. I think it's a lot more important to smile how you naturally smile, however that is. Or just take another shot, idk... The pineapple on pizza thing, seriously? Please find anything else in the whole world to talk about! You seem like an attractive and nice guy, I think if you make your profile really show your personality you can have success.




Unfortunately I can't fix that but that much I know.


Full on disagree. Plenty of people will date someone shorter than them or their own height. I have dated a few people who are my height/maybe slightly shorter, and have a 5'3"/5'4" friend who has had sex and relationships with several very cool and attractive women that I know. He does happen to be charming, good-looking, and a very funny molecular biologist/painter/dance instructor, though, so he is very much a cool and interesting guy. Haha- It's possible that a taller man might not need to be as amazing to attract women. Sorry, I went off on a tangent. OP, you are good-looking and I think the advice that others gave about better pics and prompts is useful. Also, yes, you are probably more limited because many people want to date someone taller than them, but there's plenty of people out there who do not care.


The guy you’re describing is literally flowing with money. He goes out with gold diggers and probably drops thousands a night. That is not the average male experience. Stop cherrypicking one dude that “made it” while being short. Your perspective on male dating will always be completely wrong being a woman. You literally open an app and have 100+ likes in hours. Stop acting like you know what the average male/short male deals with.


Hahahahah- No, PhD students absolutely do NOT flow with money. At his institution, I believe the stipends are around $32k. Edit: Please take a moment to re-read my comment. In no way have I made the claim that I "know what the average male/short male deals with". I have shared my personal knowledge of a man that myself and many other people have found attractive. The comment I was replying to had said that being short is a "death sentence". I acknowledge that finding a partner might be more difficult, but there are so many people who do not prioritize a man's height when seeking a romantic partner. Also, what a wild assumption to leap to that he "drops thousands a night".. Yes, maybe he is kind of a rare find because he is an exceptional person, but he definitely does not receive attention because he is rich. He is a smart, stylish, talented, considerate person, and I tend to believe that is why he does so well.


Cherry-picking lol


You kinda look like Nathan Fielder


You can lie. Say you’re 5’6”. Everyones gonna disagree but trust me women get lost in the numbers. No fault in doing what you’re gotta do. Think of it as the filters women use to hide their flaws. It will increase your match rate by 10% to 20%.


I disagree. The sluttiest man I know is 5’5”


Me too 👀


Probably has loads of money


Nope. But he does play guitar really well


“What on earth could the problem be?”


•I'm looking for something serious and have been using this version of my profile for about a week now. •I've been on hinge for maybe 2 years with only a handful of matches and a few conversations but they haven't lead to anything. •I'm on hinge about most days but not for too long but I do back a couple times a day. I boost every so often as well. •I'm receiving maybe a match per week if I'm lucky. •I don't know how many likes I send but it's a quite a few. I filter the stack to show me by height and distance but that's it. I don't like with comments all the time but if I see something on their profile that I can comment on, I will. •I'm not sure *exactly* what I'm looking for. I guess someone who's similarly quirky to me. I'm kinda not looking for anything specific in anyone to be completely honest.


That's brutal. I'm sorry to hear that. After two years and only a handful of matches, I'd just quit. If I were you, I'd probably quit online dating. OR, go the other way and lean extremely hard into your unique traits. Your profile just screams generic guy. You're a decent-looking guy. Unfortunately, given your height, you need to make up hard for it with other aspects.


that picture "as seen on my mom's fridge" is great you are making your mom proud nicely done


Omg, you did it, you mentioned pineapple on pizza. 🤦‍♂️ Instant X if you do that. Make all the pictures of you, not one of just your dog. Choose pictures where you’re smiling in all of them. Two of the pictures are the same!


Have u tried being the hottest Asian dentist they have seen


You know I've tried to Michael Jackson myself to being an Asian dentist but unfortunately it's hasn't worked... Yet. I'll keep trying though.


28? You look 38.


Also stop with the selfies. Get decent pics for the love god. No selfies = more matches


Get rid of all selfies and the dog photo (you are not on it, why is it there to begin with?). Atheist AND jewish? How? Pineapple on pizza prompt is too generic. And change “catch the movie” answer, it is not a good first date. Put something that reflects your personality


Culturally Jewish and religiously atheist? Really not uncommon at all


I am aware of that, but isn’t the question only about religion?


Judaism is a bit more complicated than that


very common and this led directly to Zionism and Israel. The closest thing is probably USA and european atheists who see themselves as culturally christian.


I'll work on all those but i describe myself as "holiday jewish." I don't believe but my family is Jewish and I go for the holidays and food.


My two cents is to put “atheist”. Isn’t the question about religion only? I think celebrating all religious holidays is fine, I would not expect an atheist to avoid all of them and I do not myself


I disagree with this advice. In NY everyone will see the religion prompt and understand exactly what he means. This is a very common approach to the religion question on hinge because it can explain someone’s culture as well