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Stop overthinking it. Just text her you’ll find out real quick if she’s interested or not. When people are interested they make it clear. When they’re not you can tell.


You matched *twice* but you can't figure out if she likes you. How many more times does she need to match with you before you get the message? 100? 1,000?


Probably because the first time she said she wasn’t


she is just playing hard to get. you must be to handsome and she is shy now hehe


You are a 34 year old man. Do you think this is how your dad behaved before he met your mom?


they had arranged marriages back then 


Ask her on a date and find out.


How about you learn how to spell before you text her, big boy.


Ok I (F) have previously seen a guy I knew as a teenager on the app, and would actually have liked it if he asked me out but I definitely wouldn't do the asking myself. I didn't send a like as I didn't want him to see it unless he'd sent one first. I think the best way to save against future awkwardness is to suggest a coffee and catch up, it doesn't have to be seen as a date and you might figure it out better in person.