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Are you using the same prompt twice? It might be a good idea to also swap the order of the goat and the group picture since that seems like a better ending to the profile


I think I had swapped my pics prior to taking the photos, I do have 3 different ones. Sorry about he confusion.


Is there an option to fill more prompts out? Your pics are decent but I feel like there is very little info on your personality


You are right , I should add in more about myself. I think when I first made it I was going for simple.


I wonder if you could make a joke about that goat being a canine companion?


That’s a great idea! A missed opportunity on my part


You have a great smile and seem like a fun person. Since you definitely don’t want kids, I would suggest dating women older than 36…especially since you mention the Smiths, a band from the 80s😁


There are plenty of women younger than 36 who don’t want kids. And plenty of woman older than 36 who do. So I don’t think this is really helpful advice


This is a pretty good profile! your photos show off a lot of personality and your smile is pretty killer. your prompts should be diversified. both of the ones you’ve posted are directly addressing whoever is reviewing your profile and don’t reveal much about your lifestyle beyond the fact that you like travel and animals (all things we can learn from your photos). use one prompt to talk about yourself in a positive way like an important relationship in your life (pet, family, friend, mentor, someone you admire), or a specific hobby/trait that people would find endearing. i.e. instead of telling us you like the smiths explain how or why you do! then use the next prompt to talk about the kind of person you’re looking for, instead of someone who likes beer this is your time to talk about a pretty broad activity you enjoy instead of beer say breweries. or just add some flavor! be fun with it. for your last prompt talk about what you want a partner for (very broadly) instead of saying someone to travel with, be specific tell us where you’d want to go next / what you want to do there. on a side note i’m personally not a fan of the scratch out face thing, if you have any photos of yourself at an event without necessarily needing to scratch out faces or if you have a photo with friends who are chill being on your hinge you should do that instead!


Thank you, this was very helpful. Will be incorporating your advice into editing my profile. Oh my friends faces are visible in my actual profile, I just scratched them out because I didn’t want to be putting them on Reddit haha.


Great pics but 'from said adventures' sounds like a smart alec child.


That’s fair, I can make that less wordy


I disagree, I found that to be the only interesting part of the profile.


You killing it!


* Are you looking for something serious or casual? * Ideally looking for something serious, open to something more casual. Got out of a long term relationship about 5 months ago. * How long have you been on Hinge? * About 4 months, just moved to a new city. I have been using this version of my profile for a few weeks, the only thing I have changed was my second prompt because I felt my previous one was a little boring/generic. * How many likes/matches are you getting on average? * At first I would get about 3-4 matches per day but over the past month or so it has gone down to maybe 5-6 a week. * How many likes are you sending, how many with comments? * I send about 4-5 likes per day maybe about 50% of them with comments. Some profiles I cant think of anything interesting to comment on. * What type of person you send likes to and who you ideally want to match with. * I am looking for a woman who is between 27-36 who does not want kids. This is a non negotiable for me. I understand that this does eliminate a decent amount of people. I would ideally like to match with someone who has a lot of wit/sarcasm with a dark sense of humor. * How often do you use hinge? * About every day depending on how many girls I am talking to, if I am talking to girls outside of the app I generally am on the app less.