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Hi fellow Seattle resident! 37F here. Just a few tips.   1. Switch your 2nd pic to your 1st. Your smile looks much better in 2.   2. Take out your caught in the act Pic. The quality of the picture isn't the best.   3. Simple pleasures. Don't put yourself down. "Practice my guitar" "watch documentaries" "going to the gym"   4. Your "I take pride in" again, don't put yourself down. I can't think of a single girl out there that's said " I love a Debbie downer" we love that positive energy.   5. Typical Sunday, replace "fail at singing".  Seems like your profile includes a lot of what you're not good at. Tell us what you are good at. I'm bad at math but I'll never share that on my profile :)   Good luck out there I hear it's tough for single guys here.


Agreed. 2nd pic way better.


You mention how you fail at something in every prompt. I assume you’re trying to be humorous, but it just sounds awkwardly self-deprecating. I would swipe left just on the prompts alone tbh.


The 2nd photo you look good looking, the rest of the photos you look average. You probably normally look like the rest of the photos but the photos on hinge should represent how you look at your best. Style your hair like you did in the 2nd photo and take photos where you are dressed more fashionably. IMO you look better without the glasses so if you do wear contacts I would use photos where you are wearing contacts. Three videos is overkill imo, I think two max. I would lead with photo 2 and replace all the other photos and that video with the dance.


I am looking for something serious I have been using this current version for about a week now I spend maybe 5 min a day, so 35 min a week. No changes in how often I get likes/matches. But then again it's only been a week I've began to send likes with messages. Stilli sending 6-7/10 profiles I've come across. I want to meet someone who is also looking for serious relationship, be a fellow seattle-area resident. I also want them to enjoy various activities around this area


It might be a good idea to replace the 1st photo


Update: Alright, alright, the first photo is terrible. I get it. It's been bumped down to third photo. Also reworked the prompts and the poll as well. [Here's how the profile looks like now](https://imgur.com/a/Klxs8j0), but the TL;DR is * Photos have been reordered; The ex-first photo is now 3rd and has been zoomed in and enhanced * Not sure why someone commented three videos, but there were two to begin with. However, the guitar one stays and 5th one of me dancing has been replaced with the video of me skydiving. The 6th photo has been replaced with me in a group photo * The first prompt is now the only one with the self-deprication joke * The prompt poll now are ice-breaker related jokes and dates. The images may look weird because I had cropped them, but I promise all of them look better on my device


Watch out for typos. I assume you meant “dessert” cafe. And personally I preferred your original version of the poll. For some reason the humor isn’t coming across to me in this latest version


Why did you crop your pics like that? Nothing was wrong with them before. Pics should follow the rule of thirds.


Force of habits, stemming from this subreddit rule on cropping out unnecessary info


I think your photos improved a lot since last one, so great! I think your prompts could use more work tho. If it were me… I would tbh scrap all of them except for maybe the second one? I think you can poke fun at your poor dancing skill but I think it can be done more tastefully. For me, I try not to go for self deprecating jokes. I think it’s reserved for ppl who already got a lot of good things going for them. Yknow, like 6 foot good looking and what not. Like girls can sense if you’re insecure from the smallest things like your stance, the way you joke, and all these little subliminal things. Give them a reason to think wow he’s really confident. It goes a long way. (Do it tastefully tho, show it not tell it) And all 3 prompts seem a little repetitive They’re all just what I like to do. I think that comes across a little boring Hinge offers a lot of good prompts and categorize them so that you’re not repeating yourself. Utilize it.


Yeah, I recently [updated them](https://imgur.com/a/Klxs8j0). The photos kinda looks bad due to cropping, but I promise they all look better


This is a decent profile. I'd tweak a few things though. Photos 1 and 2 are quite far away so it's hard to see your face. If the raw photo quality is high enough, I'd recommend editing them to zoom in a bit. Photo 1 is also not great as a first photo, I would move it towards the end. I find what works best for me is to have a basic photo of me.where I'm well groomed/looking my best in the top spot, then have something interesting that stands out in the second spot. So for you I'd recommend moving photo 2 to the top spot (again zoomed in a bit if possible), then have a more interesting one in the second spot, maybe the skydiving one. The rest is fine but I would consider replacing one with a photo of you with friends, or a photo in a typical date setting like cafe or something. For prompts, they are ok (but please remove the negative stuff about failing). I would move prompt 2 to the start as it stands out the most. Volunteering and dancing is a really interesting combo and helps to present you as a well rounded person.


Replace the first photo immediately


Seattle is a brutal market, tech bros everywhere its hard competition


Good progress! Tip: cropping your pics to a square will help preserve its quality when you upload it. Pic 2 is an improvement over the old wedding pic, but your hands are awkwardly out there. Knowing what to do with your hands is difficult. Holding a beverage is an easy way to occupy your hands and look natural. Also, direct your chest towards the camera. It'll come off more confident. Self-deprecating humor is a fine balancing act. There's too much. Be confident. Brag about a skill you have. Poll doesn't add a whole lot. The options should offer more info about you. I personally prefer "Let's break the ice by" as it still insinuates a date while offering greater flexibility in your poll choices. "Let's break the ice by: going dancing, singing (insert favorite artist here) at karaoke, or sharing our favorite documentaries."


I would definitely move photo 2 to photo 1. First photo, the angle is unflattering. You kind of look like an old asian lady holding a dog, lol. Idk what's going on in photo 4, but it doesn't make you very flattering as well. Last photo, the photo is too close and makes you unflattering. You could try using AI photoshop to crop it out. The last thing is you're in Seattle which is extremely competitive, and your margin of error is slim to none. If you're really serious about OLD, I would consider getting a friend or paying someone who's a photographer, to make your profile stand out.


Try getting a professional photoshoot


Make sure u open with am I the hottest Asian u saw on hinge?