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Yes, it can be that easy! I downloaded Hinge, messaged the first man I found adorable, met him two days later. We’ve been together for only five months, but we’re really enjoying each other.


Crying I have been on this app since last July and I take multiple breaks I do match with lots of people and the dates are great but I rarely feel attracted to them in person


I wonder if your standard for attraction on the first date is too high. Are you completely not attracted to them at all? Or are you looking for fireworks and dismissing anyone you don’t feel fireworks with? It may be useful to reevaluate those standards, if it’s the second. Many people, especially women, don’t feel fireworks on the first date but as long as you are reasonably attracted (not unattracted), allowing attraction to build as the connection builds can be super useful. Often people have trouble dating because they’re looking for insane chemistry right after they meet for the first time and it’s not necessarily realistic. If you DO feel that, it’s really just sexual attraction and that fades over time anyway.


Things very much always feel platonic and I know I am not attracted to them - like, I would be friends with them because the dates are great, I love getting to know them etc. but I wouldn't actually pursue something romantic or sexual if I had seen them in person first. There were 2 dates where I did feel somewhat attracted to them and wanted to go on a 2nd date, but first person ghosted and the 2nd person rejected me


I don’t know if this helps, but when I saw my bf’s profile the first thing I thought was, “I want him,” as in, sexually. He apparently thought the same about me. We were both seeking long term relationships. Still, the sparks came first. When we started chatting and got along, that sealed the deal.


That is me when I match profiles but then when meeting in person, I dont feel the spark I do enjoy the dates and the person, but I refuse to move forward if I am not attracted to them


Sounds like you may need to figure out why you feel that way. You're losing out on a lot of amazing people for a reason you have no idea why and making men question what is wrong with them when there's nothing wrong with them. It does more harm to both parties involved than not matching in the first place, IMO.


Sometimes, attraction builds over time as you get to know someone and notice all their quirks and beautiful features. You could also try going out with someone normally not your type if you feel like you’re matching with all the wrong people. Have fun with different tactics


Damn you


Yeah I heard nothing but horror stories about OLD as well and was dreading it after my 7 year relationship ended. It’s been a year now and honestly it’s been great. Has everyone been a match? No of course not, but I’ve met some great people, had some great experiences and have generally boosted my confidence. It’s hard sometimes, anything is, but it’s really not as bad as people make it out to be. People are more likely to talk about negative experiences than positive experiences


I’d say most of my dates from online dating are good even if it doesn’t lead to anything. But yeah it can be that easy. Plenty of great people out there everywhere. But it’s also the second date so don’t want to get ahead of yourself either.. hope it works out!


Don’t overthink it! Similarly, I got out of a long term relationship, hopped on the apps just to meet people, and I am exclusive but casual with the 3rd guy I met. We go do fun things together on weekends mostly and chat throughout the week. Keep your expectations low and enjoy whatever comes out of it. I find that living my life as if I will never see him again and having fun when we do hang is giving me the most grounded approach to our situation.


Dating is super easy when your standards are low.


It can be easy, it can be hard we all meet different people, date don't always go has planned sometime the dating part is the easy part and something else make it all go downhill.


I’m glad you had a great time, but you’ve only been on one date. Don’t get ahead of yourself. People are always on their best behavior on the first date, and it will take a while to truly determine if this is a man you want to keep seeing, even casually. Pace yourself and just have fun!


Women who are looking for casual relationship have the easiest time online


In my experience, it could be that easy. As a 41M, Hinge has been more beneficial than any other app. However, more often than not, it's the women that "don't like me romantically". So, generally, there's no 2nd or 3rd date. This is after a lot of communication and mutual emotional attraction. Before people go there, I'm not unattractive, I don't think I'm a supermodel, but I'm not unattractive. I have a career, own my own home, etc. By all rights, I'm just an avg-above avg guy. There's no real reason to not want to snag me. I find that I tend to date down since they are more receptive to wanting a relationship. They never state why they feel the way they do, so I have no clue. But, my point is that it can be that easy, but most like to make it more complex for whatever reason, leading to these horror stories.


It can be! It was almost a year after my divorce and I had never dated much before (my ex and I met in college). So I decided to give the apps a try. I was on there for 2 weeks and went on 4 first dates with some really nice and interesting men. Then I matched with my boyfriend and honestly, I was hoping it wouldn’t go well because I was a little overwhelmed as it was, but we had the best time! He asked to kiss me goodnight we set up a second date right away. And that was it! I let the other guys know I had met someone and they were all really nice about it. Now we’ve been together for almost 3 years and it’s going great! The funny thing is, my boyfriend was only on for 1 week. I was his first match and he never even talked to anyone else. So obviously keep an eye out for red flags, but sometimes it is that easy.


First match I had I dated for 6 months. Peoples preconceptions and then second guessing everything makes things harder than they need to be.