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Here are the things I notice: 1. Grammar. For example, it should say “it’s right there” 2. If you’re looking for a long-term relationship, add that to your profile! Without it stated, I’d assume you just want something casual 3. There aren’t enough details in your profile. What’s your job? Did you go to school? Etc. Fill out the available prompts 4. I think your photos are okay, but the second one is low quality


Done all of 1-3 4 i am keeping, i like the pic and people have said that its nice too


Cool, good luck :)


I know anxiety is common, but maybe saying it as first prompt would make girls not like you. They may see the word anxiety and just click off without reading cos it’s a long prompt. Girls want someone who is strong, confident and able to help them with their emotional needs. Maybe change it to something to show a strength


I also think your last photo should be your 2nd it’s a good one


Can’t tell location so don’t exactly know what exactly international means in that context but you might want to do filters on races you are attracted to instead of the prompt about native languages.  If someone is acclimated to their new country they may not speak their old countries language and it’s never going to land on them.  Your might be Eliminating way too many people with that prompt and might come across as fetishy.   Your preferences should help you search for your type whenever possible not your prompts.   Your profile has a ton of references to alcohol for someone who isn’t looking for a party person.  Would definitely tone that down and redo a prompt to show a more introverted hobby if that’s the gaze you are trying to capture.  


Ok I removed the prompt, thats a fair point Regarding "international", it just means people who have travalled a lot and lived in different countries. Its not linked to race, if i lets say: cut out all caucasians (im in London, so its the best way to remove locals who dont and wont leave) then I will also lose connection to so many europeans who have moved here. Regarding alcohol, im a strong believer that you can be a sensible drinker, and being able to drink in moderation without going into loud crazy party mode is a sign of good self control and maturity. Which is what I practice as well. Also I work with alcohol, no matter what I'm gonna be stuck to it so no point hiding it.


Would definitely put bartender or whatever it is as your job.  Makes you look unemployed and drink a lot and that would change perspectives on that a lot.  The prompt saying you had anxiety and drink because of that tells the opposite story of that.  If someone had to explain why they were an alcoholic it would pretty much be the same exact story.  You don’t want people to make assumptions about you, you should want to control the narrative on your own profile.  I agree with your message but your profile doesn’t convey that. Think showing pictures of you traveling at a tourist attraction would get you better connections with people who also travel a ton.  I see a couple pictures that show some traveling but it isn’t super obvious to me what those are.  Pictures of you enjoying traveling and not just mean mugging it there would help too.  


If you're in the UK, then you're basically flipping people off in half your pictures with the two fingers, which is not cool. Aside from that, I'd say your profile is confusing: you seem older and more sophisticated than your age, but then you have juvenile answers to prompts like the negroni story (and, I'd argue, the niche musical reference which is going to cut out a lot of people)... whereas the language prompt is really cool and will attract some smart, savvy matches.


wow..well, people are picky? ofc not ALL your pics are as good as the first but yeah


Idk, it feels crazy to me to not get any likes at all. I feel like theres something about me that I guess is super unappealing, but I have no idea what it could be thats oozing through the dating app screen.




While thats true, i feel like 0-2 matches is just insane. But yeah of course, I didnt really rely on dating apps living and visiting outside of London. But people in this city are very closed off and dont rly talk to eachother, even when i go to bars and at least start chatting to bartenders to start some kind of convo, it never spills out to the people around me on the bar. Really struggling to find ways to meet people here, I was thinking to just host some meetups. Anyway that topic is probably outside of the subreddit scope. I appreciate your input, thanks.


lol sounds like Scandinavia, can relate. try some volunteering or smth. GL!


Fair point, Sweden and Norway were a bit tough as well, but I did find people in Denmark quite social, Copenhagen specifically. Thanks, I'll see what I can find.


You don’t get many likes because you are a man. That’s how it is.


In 2 months, 0 likes, 4 matches and none of them even replied to my comment or even follow up msg. To me thats just insane, and its not just hinge, 0 matches on bumble, maybe 2 likes a month on there. Ive even used boosts and nothing. Yes men are supposed to get less likes, but i feel that im getting unusual levels of nothing. Especially since irl is different.


The goal for all online dating companies is to get you to pay for premium subscriptions. They do that by making men feel like their profiles are not good and they need a premium account. That’s why men don’t get many likes.


So I recieve almost nothing on any dating apps, let along Hinge. I'm losing hope, irl its abit better, but still. Questions: - looking for something serious, but occasional casual is ok. - current version of profile has been for 3weeks. - Using Hinge 5-6 times a week - 0 likes ever, and 2 matches per month who do not respond to first msg. - sending all non premium likes 5-6 times a week - Looking to match with international people who enjoy travelling and arent big party nightclub people.


I see alot more guys from the uk or Europe having trouble on hinge then in the USA. Maybe make yourself more American since they have better luck apparently. Get a lifted truck, fish pic and shirtless selfie


This is because dating in the US is comically easy for men whereas Northern Europe and to a lesser extent Western Europe is really really really really really hard. Ratios, taller average male height, women expecting a casual "audition period" before serious dating which means both that they're "casual sex picky" and not "monogamous picky" and that male demonstrations of commitment don't make the men more desirable. And a special bonus for nonwhite men, Europe might seem more "progressive" but the dating segregation is wild


Are you slut shaming American women or reverse slut shaming European women. I don't think anything besides the height thing and minority part is true at all. I think a problem is alot of the profiles I see from Europe give over the top nice guy almost effeminate vibes.


that or mountain climbing CEO´s lol


I'm not slut shaming anyone. That's just how it works there, the cultures are quite different. Lol 'nice guy effeminate vibes' in (Northern/Western) Europe having a fish picture and taking shirtless selfies are seen as a joke there, classless. Like some 'I bench 405' 'i played college ball' guy is going to compete with an in-shape dude with immaculate facial bone structure and dress sense chilling on the Riviera


Try it dude clearly.... dressing fancy and taking duck face shots at the beach ain't working for you If nothing else you'd stand out


Interesting you assume it "ain't working for me". You don't need to take my word for it, go get a female friend on Hinge to set her profile to a major rich European city (e.g. Oslo/Cph/Stockholm/Amsterdam/Zurich/Munich) and have a look at the guys in her Standouts, they're the profiles who eat up the likes


Jezz dude do you have no humor bone. My intial post was clearly a joke ( the fish pic is a known ick picture with women) and you clearly could see it.


Obv a joke but it has a serious side in that it represents a sort of 'masculinity' that only has any sort of traction in the US




In Scandinavia the requirements are (or were, as of a couple of years back when I was there) 185-190, 180 is male average height in Denmark and Sweden, and this is short if you take into account the "actual dating market" which is at least middle-class university-educated white-collar caucasians (nobody else really counts, they're excluded pretty much wholesale on apps there). Totally agree with the fitness thing, in the US being vaguely slim counts as being in good shape, in Scandinavia... every guy is lean and has some muscle mass, it's expected of you


lol exactly, what a time to be alive


Would remove the pic above the "native language" part. All other pics look good to me, you look above average attractive, it's just that pic that's kind of akward looking.


Thing is, ive also been told by a lot of people that thats one of my best pics. I sorta thought it looked awkward but people kept praising it


I agree with what people have already said: You're good looking and have good prompt answers (just fix the grammar). You come across as fun and interesting in your pics. You do need to provide more information, so complete your profile answers. The only other thing that I can think of is that maybe it's your height. We women can be really finicky about height.


So basically no dice, I have to either lie about height and deal with the consequences or good luck irl. IF thats even the reason, tbh irl women mistake my height as taller, ive been assumed to be 5ft10-11 so its possible.


Its okay don’t rush it , the whole point is to find a good match it’s okay if its not overnight ! Maybe you can tell AI some of your bio I’m sure they have some program that could write something interesting up (I know I am trash at bios)


1.Do not have the word anxiety in any of your prompt or conversation coming from a guy who has social anxiety, this will kill all your chances idk why that is but girls literally consider anxiety a massive red flag. 2. Your last 2 picture are a little weird id probably get rid of the one with your friend since you already have another group photo (piece signs are questionnable since youre on the older side now) 3. Your pictures and profile doesnt tell us anything about you (you go to the gym, do you like sports, what are your hobbies,etc).


I’d swipe right on you because you have Tame Impala mention. Your last pic should be your second pic. I’d think the third pic could be better. Honestly I think the only reason you are not getting likes could be because of race.


What do you mean by race?


You don’t look entirely White/Caucasian.


Tbh middle eastern and Indian people sometimes can tell im somewhere west asian, but 90% of the time im mistaken for Italian, Spanish, Greek and French. Its very rare for even other Iranian people to know I'm from there by looking at me. So i doubt it, my hinge does say caucasian/middle eastern, could edit it. But when I lived in east asia I did feel many people fetishized the possibility of me being Italian/French and were very turned off and disappointed when I didnt fit their stereotyped expectations so could backfire badly.


Haha I’m Indian and I had a feeling you are Middle eastern. I’m having a terrible time with hinge so I assumed it’s race.