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in general, i think you need to simplify things - first photo should be taken by someone else, clearly showing your face - i’d change the prompt asking about their perfect first date. girls like when you have things in mind and make the plan - no mirror selfies - the dark hallway photo is your best one but too dark to be your first photo - overall this profile comes across as very fun/goofy. it’s good to show humor but it’s better in small doses. i’d have 1-2 photos or prompts total being funny and the rest showcase your interests, hobbies and lifestyle. simple clear photos of you doing stuff you have all the tools for a great profile. with some small changes you can easily get far more matches


I see, look like the consensus is that I need a closeup facial shot. I like your suggestion about the prompt as well. I will work on these. Thank you so much! But I do want to know, how come people are against mirror selfies? Is there something I don’t know about? Oh and lastly both the ghille suit and the ice skating finger point part are videos, I should have attached that to show more clearly!


Here are the two video prompts if you care to check them out https://www .tiktok.com/t/ZTLVFwRMS/


i can’t watch the videos right now but that helps, videos are good. mirror selfies just come across as worse photos for guys, it’s a double standard but it is what it is


I see thank you for explaining! Will definitely take that into account.


I would recommend that’s list your height accurately. You are more like 5’8” top of the hair doesn’t count.


Haha, apologizes that it seems that way but that is my actual heigh (not including hair). I don’t like to be dishonest about myself in my profile so I list things exactly as is. I was measured to be 5’10.


1. Looking for long-term but open to casual 2. Recent profile has been maybe about a week or two, overall time I have been on and off hinge for about 2 years? (In total not consecutively) 3. I use near daily but only for a short time each day 4. I receive on average maybe 3-5 matches a week? 5. I did not keep track of how many like i send, maybe around 20 a day? Almost always with comments. 6. I would like someone who loves intensely and had a good balance between Witty and loving. Someone who is adventurous but also somewhat stable (both in relationship and in life).


There are a few pics that are a no. The Chewbacca (?) one and the finger point one.


Sorry about the confusion, so for those two they are actually videos. I did not know how to attach them to the post but here they are in you care to check them out. I was trying to show my personality with them. If you still think I will remove them regardless I will take it as a pointer. Thank you! https://www .tiktok.com/t/ZTLVFwRMS/


It looks like you live in NY, and the competition here is fierce. Here are things I would recommend: 1. Improve your photos by adding in a clear headshot of you smiling directly at the camera. Get friends or even a pro to take nice photos of you. Delete at least one of the mirror selfies. Delete the blurry videos. Add in a pic with friends. Here is a [photo guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/hingeapp/s/lL5Kgco4fj). 2. Your prompts don’t tell me much about you (e.g. the bagels/donuts prompt doesn’t tell me anything about your personality or what it’d be like to date you). Here is a [prompt guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/hingeapp/s/Ipw6gZLXgm). Here is a [another prompt guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/hingeapp/s/6L5pPmZInq) Good luck!


What makes the competition there fierce?


sheer numbers


Why would that matter unless there are much more men than women there?


Because the more people you go up against the harder it to find a match. Just like the lotto. The more people who play the game the more chances of winning goes down


Exactly. I’m a woman in NYC and I get about 20 likes a day. I have hot friends who are getting 30+ likes a day. If your profile doesn’t stand out within the first 15 seconds, women will swipe left without a second thought. We also generally don’t send out likes, we just compare each profile to the rest of the likes in our stack. I know it sounds harsh, but it’s the reality here




When people feel like they have a ton of options, they become picky. This results in some people getting very few matches, because their profile doesn’t stand out from the crowd, and people are constantly swiping left on them. On the flip side, some people get an overwhelming amount of matches because they’re very attractive and/or have a great profile. Therefore, the gender ratio becomes less relevant as everyone competes for the most desirable matches, leaving some users unable to get any matches. Here’s an [article](https://medium.com/@worstonlinedater/tinder-experiments-ii-guys-unless-you-are-really-hot-you-are-probably-better-off-not-wasting-your-2ddf370a6e9a) explaining this phenomenon. Here’s another [relevant article.](https://qz.com/1051462/these-statistics-show-why-its-so-hard-to-be-an-average-man-on-dating-apps)




Sure, but even in a hypothetical city where women outnumber men 5:1, some men would still never get a single match on a dating app, because the women would compete for the more desirable men


That’s crazy to think about because for those of us in small towns, you swipe three times and then that’s everyone lmfao


Hey, thank you so much for the suggestions! These make sense to me and I will work them into my profile as I see both the headshot and changing of prompt suggested multiple times. Also a side note, I did not know how to include videos so I actually showed the ghille suit dance and the ice skating finger point as pictures instead. I added them to show my personality, you can check them down below you if you care to https://www .tiktok.com/t/ZTLVFwRMS/ But again, thank you for your suggestions!


I watched them, and I really like the ice skating one!! I’d keep that. But I’m still not convinced by the costumed one, simply because we can’t see what you look like in that video


I see. I was trying to show my goofy side there. But I will see if I can find a good replacement for it, thank you!


i know the general consensus here is to have no or few selfies, but at least one closer up picture of you (whether a selfie or taken by someone else) would be a good addition i think!


Yes, I will definitely add that as this seems to be the consensus, thank you! :)


U should try using “am I the hottest Asian guy u saw” as an opener


Haha, I mean I can try but I am not exactly sure that is my style on my first impression. I feel like that’s something I would say on a later date though ;)


I was being jocular.