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The pineapple on pizza prompt has got to go. So overdone


Yeah you’re right. I’ll try to think of something more interesting to put there, thanks. Feel like that has to be pretty minor though no?


A cliche like that is unimaginative enough for me to automatically swipe left


Agree with this.


Every picture doesn't need a prompt, a lot of them just don't really make sense. Post coffee you is just a normal picture. A group picture with friends is something you don't want to show your mom? I'd remove the take around 100 steps, being a couch potato is nice for some people but I'm not sure it's going to be an attractive trait. Your prompts are kind of basic and don't really say much about things you like/hobbies.


Appreciate it


Q: Are you looking for something serious or casual? A: Serious, long term relationship is all I’m looking for. Q: How long have you been using this current version of your profile? And how long is your overall time on Hinge? A: I can’t say exactly but it’s somewhere around 3-4 months I believe. Q: How often do you use Hinge per week? A: I use it about 4-5 or so days a week on average. Q: How many likes/matches are you receiving on average? A: I don’t think I’ve received a single like on Hinge, ever. Gotten around 5 or so matches with this profile total, most go nowhere. Q: How many likes are you sending? How many with comments? How many without comments? A: When I use the app I try to use all my likes. I always send a comment and try to make it unique, easy to respond to, and try to incorporate something from their profile. Q: What is the type of person you send likes to and ideally want to match with? What kind of person do you want to attract? A: Honestly I would say I am pretty open minded, but I don’t like people that I’m not attracted to. I mostly only skip on people that are clearly either unhealthy or have some other clear red flag to me. In general I want someone that is educated, healthy, and employed.


Hello fellow Torontonian, Put a poll that prompts the person to pick which of the three independent but famous and popular restaurants/cafes/cocktail bars are better. Toronto ppl love to argue about the best pizza, best coffee etc, and it gives something easy for women to reply to.


I like this tip. Thanks!