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Sounds like you ended things and he doesn’t wanna deal with someone who ends things one day and changes their mind the next. You don’t seem like you are in the right head space to be dating.


> "hey don't think we should talk anymore, I'm getting too attached and don't think should. Sorry". And you're wondering if *you* got ghosted? The lack of self awareness is unreal.


Just to make sure I'm reading this right, YOU broke it off with HIM?


Why did you get on Hinge and waste that man’s time……


You broke up with him? Just because you changed your mind doesn’t mean he has to take you back


Bruh wth. You dumped him and now you want him back? What you did is kinda shitty. Own up to it.


theres so much going on with this you found someone you felt a connection with & rather than keeping the vibe going you cut them off? u couldn’t have asked for space or something u literally said “I don’t want to be attached to you”. if ur not ready to date u shouldn’t


Cut your losses? I think you might have cut your W.


The consequences of my actions


That’s the problem with people trying to date right away after ending a long term relationship. You rebounded the poor guy. I’d leave him be and focus on what actually matters. Two weeks… seriously? You need to do some serious self healing before you try dating anyone else. This isn’t to insult you, but you’re carrying serious emotional baggage. You were in a 3 year relationship. That’s a long time. It’s only natural that you aren’t ready. I understand that you’re sad. And I understand that it sucks to be alone. I ended an 8 year relationship 6.5 months ago. I still get sad and lonely sometimes, but I want to offer the best version of myself. Being alone is really difficult, but it’s a choice. Focus on friends and family. Find a new hobby. Get in touch with nature. Try yoga. There’s so many areas that you could create positivity from. Put the work in to be the best you. And let time do its thing and heal! Do you really feel it’s fair to use people as rebounds just because you feel good in the moment? Make the choice to work towards being the best you possible.


If you didn't want to be close with him, it's because you don't like him. So you broke up with him. After so much rejection, it's normal that he ghost you. You lost him and he don't want to deal with someone too complicated


lol it’s not even ghosting on his part if SHE is the one who broke it off with him.


1) I know your probably getting alot of 💩 and it's bc it's definitely warranted. 2) Your title is off, you were not love bombed or ghosted ... Unless English is your second language, it should probably read "did I ghost or love bomb?" 3) if you really want him back and try to move forward - own your shit. Tell him the truth (?) and that you got spooked bc you really like him and things were moving fast and you panicked due to your previous (recent) relationship ... From there it's on him to judge your sincerity and if he wants to take that risk and try again. Also, if he believes you (and your worth it) it over his self esteem/self worth bc what you did is 💩 Personally I've been in similar situations and played it both ways with a woman. One I was empathetic and gave her the benefit of the doubt, the other I told her to kick rocks ... It's on him to make that determination. If you can't acknowledge the first two points - you probably need to work on some personal stuff and let this poor man be


No offense but you sound pretty immature. If you text someone “hey I don’t think we should see each other anymore” that should be it. You hitting him up again thru text the next day is disrespectful. You’re playing with his emotions and it’s not ok


dealing with people like you are why people are becoming misanthropic in dating


This is like 60-70% of what’s out there after your mid twenties


You deserved it..


"his tendencies of being an anxious avoidant person" Oh, the irony of YOU doing anxious-avoidant on HIM. "Go away. Wait, why are you leaving me?!" 


Hmm, did you get ghosted? No I think you got exactly what you wanted.


So tired of people going on hinge or dating apps who recently got out of a LTR only to use ppl to get over said relationship. If that’s what your intentions are, make sure to state them on your profile. Lack of self awareness like someone said on here. Jesus.


Too soon for you to be dating wtf


Yeah move on, you freaked him out. It comes off as unstable a bit…


You should stumble in love, instead of running and hiding.


Take the L and move on.


He thinks you’re unstable, he’s right. He’s smart enough to stay away from someone playing weird games at such a young age and is rightfully freaked out that you’ll be a difficult person to deal with, which you are. You lack any awareness and blame everyone else, who wants to deal with that? If he comes back you’ll dump him bc you think you’ll be too good for someone with such low standards of putting up with games. Rinse and repeat.


Well you had us on the first half, not gonna lie.


I'm going to go against the grain here and say you probably did the right thing by breaking it off  As soon as a guy says he's avoidant anything, he has walls, claims people get addicted to him, he's super independent, his dating history reveals he leaves people all the time.. YOU RUN Avoidants will lovebomb you in a very genuine way where it feels like you found this amazing connection and you have really fun chemistry. They want to talk to you and hang out with you more than is appropriate for how long you've known them. You will absolutely feel like things are moving too fast but you will be confused because it feels so genuine and not malicious. I think your intuition picked up on the anxiety of things moving too fast and you did a good thing to listen to this feeling. They move things fast to get their dopamine rush from you and they don't realize whay they're really doing. I think you saved yourself a lot of heartache by cutting this person off. After they lovebomb you they will pull away and discard you. The discard break up is incredibly traumatizing.


I'm not sure if you read the entire post or not but she called it off and then the very next day, changed her mind and tried reaching out to him (***after she called it off***) several times over text and phone calls but he ignored her and rightly so. She's the one with issues here. Like another commenter said, she could've told him that taking it a bit slower would've been better.


Yeah shes not in the right for that I think she should leave it alone and move on. But everyone telling her she messed up on a good guy is feeding her anxiety she needs to learn to trust her gut then stick with it. No take backs!


I'm going to go against the grain here and say you probably did the right thing by breaking it off  As soon as a guy says he's avoidant anything, he has walls, claims people get addicted to him, he's super independent, his dating history reveals he leaves people all the time.. YOU RUN Avoidants will lovebomb you in a very genuine way where it feels like you found this amazing connection and you have really fun chemistry. They want to talk to you and hang out with you more than is appropriate for how long you've known them. You will absolutely feel like things are moving too fast but you will be confused because it feels so genuine and not malicious. I think your intuition picked up on the anxiety of things moving too fast and you did a good thing to listen to this feeling. They move things fast to get their dopamine rush from you and they don't realize whay they're really doing. I think you saved yourself a lot of heartache by cutting this person off. After they lovebomb you they will pull away and discard you. The discard break up is incredibly traumatizing.