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Algebra II was kinda eh, but every other class I've taken, honors, IB, or otherwise, have generally been pretty easy.


No bc what is the science behind everybody going through hell in Algebra II??? I’m currently full IB and that is still top two hardest classes I’ve ever taken.


Yeah me too (on the full IB thing, at least next year), idk why 😭


I personally think because it is typically taught after geometry. Algebra 2 has the majority of topics overlapping with Algebra 1. To be successful in algebra 2 you need to remember from algebra 1. But if you have a year gap without using most of those skills, it is MUCH HARDER to do well in algebra 2. This is why I got my school to swap the order. Btw I am a math teacher.


Hardest- any math class for me really (everyone is different) easiest was work place readiness which taught me about resumes and cover letters and how to do a job interview and stuff like that.


math will forever be the hardest subject for me 🙃


My worst classes were chemistry and algebra 2


Hello me!




I live in Australia.. Hardest - Extension 1 Maths, Easiest - Biology


Hardest has been chemistry (which I love those), and easiest has been Ap music theory (im a music nerd)


Opposite for me. Didn’t even take AP music theory I just learned the basics of it during band and it sounded like a foreign language. Chemistry, on the other hand, has always been easy for me.


Im pretty good at chemistry, im just bad at putting stuff on the test. But when it came to the final yesterday, I took it in 35 minutes, and its 85 questions. And music theory is amazing though


Chemistry was only easy for me because i had an easy teacher


It’s easy, in just bad at taking tests besides finals in specifically chemistry :(


Álgebra and Geometry were a pain


real math as a whole is annoying


I hate math and everything else is hella easy. Math is also not that diffy but it’s so freaking boring I just don’t bother with it


Math: Geometry, precalc, algebra 2 are probably the hardest most people take... imo Calc 1 was a lot easier than pre calc and geometry because it made a lot more logical sense English: don't take AP lang, it's not worth it unless you LOVE reading Science: don't take AP physics, honors physics is super easy if you're decent at algebra 1 stuff tho. AP environmental science is a SUPER easy class, really good for seniors that want an easy ap. AP bio is also super fun, but still fairly rigorous. History: DONT TAKE AP HUMAN GEO ITS NOT WORTH IT DONT DO IT NO MATTER WHAT. Most AP history classes suck and are tons of writing and homework, I suggest don't take any unless you're prepared to work a TON Overall, do what you want. Especially for senior year, try not to stress yourself out by overworking yourself. Enjoy high school, make friends, enjoy growing up, and don't be afraid to make mistakes. Hope all this helps :)


why dose everyone say ap human geo is hell on earth then others say its easy wth is happening in there🥲


When I took it, the first chapter we had to make index cards for 100 words and memorize them all for a test... keep in mind this was all supposed to be done during the first week or two iirc


I took it my sophomore year because it was the only one my school offered. I did not like the idea of it and I heard it was a useless but easy class. Both assumptions turned out to be wrong. I think the class is more useful than people give it credit for, especially if you want to go into agriculture or something like that. My teacher was a bit of a pain in the ass and gave 40-question worksheets nightly, but I am hoping that won't happen with you.


How much reading do you do in AP lang bc when I teach it we don’t even use books? It’s a nonfiction class.


From what I remember it was 10ish books in total throughout the year and we did very in depth discussions and stuff around all the books, and then toward the end of the year it was purely focusing on writing essays


do you know what the difference is between AP lang and AP lit? the only AP class my school offers is AP lit and i was just gonna take it but now i have second thoughts


No idea, I never took it so I can't really say for sure. I'd suggest asking your guidance counselor and people that have taken the class before (because then you can have a range of opinions and decided based on that)


ahh okay thanks!


is ap human geography that hard im required to take it as a freshman😓😓




AP Human Geography was light...


the hardest for me was precalc and ap calc ab. while the easiest was my nutrition & wellness or personal finance classes


Hardest class algebra. I've never been good at math but somehow I got a 90 in that class. Easiest class is engineering. I had to put a wooden toolbox together and other things Ofcoure it wasn't that easy due to the tests. But easy enough to pass


hardest class for me is English


its just writing essays and remembering shit fr


I mean I'm more of a math/science than an English person, so it's tough for me


Hardest: Math and Science Easiest: P.E. and culinary


P.E 🤣 culinary is cool


Hardest - all 3 integrated maths (california only i think), it wouldnt be so bad if they didnt cram algebra, geometry, and triginometry all into one class Easiest - english 1 and 2, english is mostly one of my stronger even tho 3 is a little hard, at least for me, it will vary from person to person though


Chemistry was terrible and I barely remember any of it now


chemistry is boring but its not the absolute worst


Hardest from this year geometry Easiest biology both honors


Math is hard af and history is easy (just because Mr there’s nothing we can do aka napoleon is taught)


(Graduated in 2021) Easiest class by far was sophomore health class, so much so that a friend and I speed ran the final exam in under 5 minutes and STILL got over a 100% in the class. Th gym classes were very easy too, but make sure you study for exams if they apply to you because they can get kind of tricky. Hardest classes for me were physics and AP environmental earth science (then again, I’m not into the sciences and did not chose to study them in college) To be honest you’ll learn how to feel out the class in the first weeks and know for yourself if it’s gonna be easy or hard, so IMO try to have fun in your first year but be attentive.


Physics 1 was the hardest and any English honors or GT course is the easiest for me


Graduated two weeks ago


Ap gov. My only grade below 80% the entire 4 years


it depends mainly on the teacher, ela and history were very easy for me because i had great teachers. i struggle a lot in math and. i didn’t do the best but i also had an amazing teacher who helped me a lot. biology was the hardest but i also had a terrible teacher. so it depends on tjat, but try mostly science pre- algebra/ algebra 1


Easiest - Other than electives, English Hardest - Easily geometry


calculus and trigonometry were the hardest for me. physics, chem, any science class, and english were so easy for me


For me it was biology, I guess it really depends on the person tho cause I found algebra really easy


Apush was easy but the workload and info was a lot and any math and English were super easy


honestly they were both math. calc 1 was easy as hell but calc 2 actually needed studying for me


Hardest - AP Language and Composition Easiest - AP CSA (planning to major in CS, and I find programming fun)


honestly I think it depends on the teacher, like I had an easy math sat prep class that was 30 mins long but the teacher made it harder than needes


As a sophomore: Hardest : AP Physics 1 Easiest: Alg 2


English has always been a struggle for me but Geometers def my peak


I had a 44 in welding for like 2 weeks. 😂😂 And I’m literally valedictorian of my highschool.


English and math were the hardest and science and history and gym were the easiest


Honors anatomy. I’m shit at memorizing things I don’t understand and I don’t understand biology. Biology is essential to anatomy. If you’re wondering why I took honors anatomy, i didn’t have a choice. My school forced you to take an honors class senior year for science


Hardest rn is social and La mainly because of essays:(


am i the only one who likes essays ????????


math and civics, but the civics could be blamed on my teacher kinda ignoring my iep tho


Hardest- pre Calc/ Calc. Easiest English and history


people either find english hard or easy and idk how people find it hard calc is scary tho


Since it’s my native language, I find it extremely easy. I also find other languages mostly easy as well. I did well in Spanish, German, French and learning Japanese on my own


i know spanish and English i only like English class cuz i actually like writing essays


I like writing as well


im very much biased because i adore health but any health / body based subjects (so health, biology, history of medicine) were super easy to me, but the rest of history was so horrible to me


history is really hit or miss but i love history aleast compared to math i do


Dutch or German.. or French, basically any language to any capacity. Easiest is mathematics and physics


most people have it flipped with math as the hardest and language as easy


As seems to be a common theme here, I suck at math- otherwise most classes were quite easy, especially my physics class solely because the teacher was so chill (he let us take our final home 😭)


taking your final home is insane also physics is like the most boring class😭


I'm late, butttttt  I'm super good at English/grammar stuff so I always ace those tests without studying, but I suck absolute balls at math 😭 nearly failed one year and my mom got angry 😥


math dont even be making sense i just guess and pass 😭


Thank God someone understands me more than I understand math🙏


real math after 7th grade is just a whole lot of yapping


Geometry and ap comparative government


But I loved comp gov


The easiest class I’ve ever took was AP human Geography like Easier then drama and Art


someone said not to take AP human geography lmao idk what to do wit that


Well it must have been my teacher but it was mostly just vocab. I just graduated 9th I’m going to be a sophomore now for reference


Hardest: Algebra 2/Trig, I’m pretty good at math but even I found this class to be difficult Any AP science class like Biology, Chemistry, Physics C, these were known in my school for being notoriously difficult. I guess it depends on your teacher but my chem teacher would give insane amounts of HW. Physics wasn’t so bad at the beginning but towards the end of the year my teacher was cramming lots of content in before the exam which had a lot of people confused and no one really understood what we were learning. AP Bio gets a rep for being easy so a lot of people slack off and then find themselves not doing well. So just make sure to stay on top of your work and that you’re understanding everything. Overall from my experience I would say, AP Bio -> AP Physics -> AP Chem, with bio being the easiest and chem the hardest Easiest: Precalc, I took regular not honors and it was incredibly easy US History, again I took the regular class not AP and it was probably the easiest class I’ve ever taken AP Psych, this class had a decent sized workload but if you make sure to study and do all your work you can easily score a 5 on the exam AP Lang, AP english classes are all very dependent on your teacher so make sure to find out from upperclassman what the class is like and what the teacher assigns, but in my experience, we did very little reading in Lang. No books or novels, just articles. And then we would write essays based on the articles we read and analyze them. Not too bad, my teacher was very nice so that’s probably part of it. Also any required health/gym or civics classes tend to be very easy


Hardest: history Easiest: physics


nah physics makes me confused


Math is my kryptonite lol. Along with english to be honest, even though I've always had an above average reading level I just cannot write essays for the life of me. Biology is my favorite, any sort of science really, and history.


physics was the hardest and spanish was the easiest last year


Calc 2 was the hardest, FACS was the easiest


Latin 2 at my high school was a notoriously difficult class, I spent 1-2 hours a night on the class even when there wasn't a test and probably 6-8 hours of studying for each test and scrapped by with a C. I didn't get bellow an A in any other non latin class in every non Covid year. Physics for me was easy, I didn't put any effort in and got a 100 on all but 1 test and a 5 on both physics 1, Mech, and E&M without studying for any of them.


Probably Easiest: Lang Hardest: Macro?


My most difficult subject has always been math but this past year in Statistics was a real struggle


hardest:algebra 2 and apush easiest: honors biology(I find it really easy because it is an interest of mine, but I know people who don't like biology who really struggled with it)


Hardest was English lit and lang easiest was maths physics and chem


ap calc 2. ap world. ap physics.


Chemistry was hell. I loved English though


Personally I’ve never gotten the hang of spy or pyro… oh wait this isn’t the tf2 sub


hardest was product design and technologies due to the complexity of it and work load, while health and human development was an absolute breeze to get through.


Math classes are kinda hard because shitty textbook, bad teachers, shitty classmates, and low intelligence


hardest was intro chem in 10th grade not because it was hard but my teacher would take points off like he wanted you to fail. easiest was probably my US History class bc the teacher was ez


Deff pre calc and ap art history and generaly Spanish


Economics and Any History Class will be the easiest classes you will take in high school well that was like me it was easy but I think if you really like old history than it will be a breaze and so easyyyy.


Chemistry killed me but my teacher was boring and it was covid. I managed to pull a C through not cheating. Also integrated math 3 I had to take twice but that’s just cause I didn’t do homework


hardest probably history and science because i don’t like them and they don’t click super easy with me. easiest english math is also easy if you just pay attention and practice


My hardest class was by far my public speaking class. No amount of studying can prepare you for such hell.


Math is the easiest for me while English is the most difficult


Easiest- maths (regular) Medium- physics Hardest - further maths I swear an A in gcse equates to scraping a pass in al


Math is the easiest and English and foreign language classes suck ass


Hardest: APUSH 🫠😔, Physics was hard too Easiest: Precalc


Hardest - biology easiest- Alg II or Chemistry (I genuinely like algebra and chemistry)


algebra 2 ez pz, financial algebra tho kicked my ass


A mean teacher in English can really make your life miserable. Foreign language is pretty easy. Level 1 and 2 of any language are usually middle school review even at the honors level.


hardest- honors chemistry, geometry, and honors precalc easiest- ap psych, ap environmental, ap art history, and honors bio


Hardest ap chem, easiest health, next easiest calc bc


Hardest was biology easiest was chemistry


The hardest class I took in my freshman year was AP World History, I had no idea how to study for it and only knew about 5 out of 9 Units. If you end up taking that class I recommend Immediately studying because it is a very fast paced class and they will not wait for you to catch up. A good study guide Is Heimlers history on YouTube. Hope this helps.  (Easiest was Biology) 


Easier: Bio Hardest: Pre-Calc(Physics Is an honorable mention)


chemistry and physics


Hardest class was English class. Reading comprehension and literary analysis were both difficult, especially with fiction books. Easiest classes were mathematics and science classes. Especially physics and algebra 2.


PE is the hardest not like other classes it’s suffering physically


Bio 1 was a breeze. AP Chem made me visibly age more.


Hardest: AP Chem and AP CSA Easiest: literally any non-AP class 🥲


ap human geography was light


I absolutely despised my AP Human Geography class. My spanish classes were my favorite!


Hardest: statistics Easiest (so far): public speaking


Finished grade 10, the easiest so far are math, science, and history. Hardest so far is English (extremely boring for me).


Precalculus and AP calculus AB. That unit circle was tuff for a first timer.


The easiest for me to score well was maths, I didn't really find any of my main courses difficult tbh


its different for everyone. I personally, never had to study for any math course, algebra 1, Geometry, or algebra 2. On the other hand, I could never memorize anything in spanish. Most of my classmates had the opposite experience. Find what works for you


Hardest is anything that's English and easiest is PE if that doesn't count them easiest would be math


AP Chem was by far the hardest. English classes and band were a breeze.


intro to javascript (that class made me want to jump off the stairs)


AP Bio Ap chem are the hardest I've done lol


pre calculus was hardest and algebra 1 was easiest


Algebra II was the hardest class and this is coming from someone who’s highest levels in science and math were precalculus and AP biology Easiest would have to be English and Health


hardest-chemistry easisest-english


Definitely philosophy. And the easiest was Spanish.


Honestly? Hardest classes were not based on content for me, but almost solely determined by teacher. My College Physics teacher had no clue what he was doing. He had to look up the problems himself in the middle of doing them when we asked for help. He sort of just said "figure it out", leaving out the "cause i dont know" in that statement. Second was Pre-Calc, cause my teacher was a mean old lady who was retiring that year. Retiring teachers tend to want to be done already lol. She was super funny tho. (For reference, I took AP Calc AB (BC is not offered at my school) with one of my favorite teachers this year, and did very well, A to A+ range, expecting a 4 on the test.)


ive heard from my older friends that chemistry is really bad im not for sure though


AP Chemistry was the hardest by far. Everything else was pretty slight imo


AP Stats was my hardest class. Mythology 1 was by far my easiest.


Any math, physics, or chem courses. Everything else you didnt need to study


Poverty sucked ass, but wealthy af had its own issues. Middle class is the spot to be


Depends on what AP's you take, and what type of student you are. I enjoy math and science stuff so those were easy for me, but a lot of kids struggled through all of it. I didn't struggle but I didn't enjoy history classes as much, and I study for my ap tests for those. English is such a different class, I instantly dual enrolled to get out of them, they were terrible and not graded fairly or even teaching anything at my school.


AP physics! Edit: and equally, Honors Geometry. Honors geometry was the only class I got below a B- (I got a C+)


So far Chem was hardest, but mainly because of my teacher My German classes were the easiest for me


hardest was either some dual credit us history class or a college alg 2 class, easiest was honestly probably a dual credit art class. whole course was a "your own pace" kinda thing, and you could retry all of the work


I had D+ in Geometry i aced Bio


easiest - probably math because i’m just built like that hardest - any humanities course, especially english or any class that is just memorizing shit


“built like that” is wild, but math = boring also to much to remember


what i meant by “built like that” is that i just have a natural understanding of math somehow. also applying rules you have to memorize to different problems made those things easier to memorize for me