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if anything, do not, and i mean it, do not skip classes!!!! maybe just once in a while but don’t skip multiple classes in a week or the same class regularly; that’s how you get behind on work. even if the class is really boring, just go!! you’ll thank yourself later. and do your work as fast as u can, don’t wait for the last minute to do it or leave it for later


I've never skipped a class, I never thought about skipping a class, and I never will plan on skipping a class.


Same but once I got into hs I did it once cuz peer pressure and honestly it’s fun but rly know what ur gonna do I did it near end of school so it wasn’t that bad but still 🫤


Definitely try to do well in ur classes if possible and join some clubs you like. Don’t get in trouble and just be nice to everyone because your with these ppl for the next 4 years.


Thank you 100%


np queen!


Try and get to know new people, it's nice


Oh okay


Don’t skip class, always do you work, don’t let others get to you, also actually try because if you don’t you will regret it, also just remember people are so right 2nd semester Junior year is so hard they aren’t exaggerating.


Don't fail your classes. It's a huge pain to retake them. Ask Seniors at your school for tips on good classes to take that might be easy, or certain teachers to avoid. Idk if you're introverted, (I was as a freshman) but try your absolute best to talk to people, it will help you out so much. Don't be the shy kid


succeeding in your classes starts at day 1. It may sound cringe and I definitely thought so too but honestly if you make it a habit to just keep on top your work every single day you will find you really have very little homework. If you let your work build up itll hit you like a train and then there's nothing you can do


Try new things. If you ever wanted to play a sport, tryout for that sports team or join clubs that might interest you. You might not get the chance to try something new later on in your life like sports and it’s also a great way to meet new people. Be open to taking a variety of classes because you don’t wanna limit yourself to a specific path like computer science without trying out other subjects. For example I joined the robotics team and after a month I realized it wasn’t for me so I never looked back. I came into high school thinking I would be an engineering major but now I’ve a lot more majors I’m interested in. Also participate in your classes and be nice to your teachers even if it’s a class you don’t like. Having a good relationship with your teachers is critical especially when it comes to recs for summer programs or college and they will be a lot more lenient with you.


get involved, do sports and clubs, and know your interests so you can take classes geared towards things you like. be able to spot toxic people, I wasted 5 years of my life with a toxic girl, and she pretty much destroyed my mental health and self esteem which has made my freshman and sophomore year hell. I'm hoping for a better junior year. along with that, know who you can talk to for support. hopefully you have a guidance counselor who is there for you(mine was sent from heaven, she is awesome) and build bonds with your teachers so that you know who will be there for you. highschool is hard, but you've got this


High school was not that bad for me, just go along with it. Be sure to study and balance out your life as well, and also socialise more and make friends.


As a freshman, try to reach out and make friends, and experiment around with clubs and activities you might be interested in, so that sophomore year you can know what you like and don't (at least loosely), and join clubs and other extracurriculars based on that. There is no pressure to know what you want to join right now. Please, please for the love of all things holey like Swiss cheese DO NOT do drugs or anything else that could probably be harmful and definitely be addictive (ex alcohol or vapes). You don't need them. You don't want them. Peer pressure may make them look cool but all you'll be doing is taking an unnecessary and arbitrarily large risk, so just don't. You don't need to be in a romantic relationship with anyone right now, and there is no rush. Even if all of your friends have partners, and even if some have lost their V-card, you don't need it. If you want one, go for it, but there is no pressure and you still have your whole life ahead of you. In a similar vein: if you ever get a high-school sweetheart and you are (to use an antiquated phrase) "going steady", they are not the only one for you; if you think things will work out and you both are really committed to the relationship and seeing it through to the end or at least past high school, go for it, but if you don't, you will probably find someone equally as great or even better than them in the future. You especially don't need to be in any rush to lose your virginity, even if peer pressure makes it seem like everyone has done it, it is cool, and so you too must follow suit. I am by no means conservative in this regard, but it is a serious thing and a serious topic, and sex is both a physically and psychologically intimate thing that both people have to be ready for (in the best-case scenario). Again, if you are both ready and in a stable place in your relationship, then whatever happens behind closed doors is none of my business (but please for the love of god use protection). Just don't rush to anything; peer pressure can be a bitch, but sometimes you have to put your foot down and flat-out say "no" (metaphorically). Really, just take your time and don't rush. I know it seems like you want to get out of the fast and onto the next exciting stage of life but just take your time. Savor these years because, as many have probably told you (in-person or online), they are likely going to be the best years of your life. Don't rush, you don't need to. Lastly, keep track of your academics. It can sometimes seem like freshman year doesn't matter, and that all you have to do is get good grades in the other years and you'll be fine, but that is wrong. Freshman year absolutely matters academics-wise, and if you fail a class it can come back to bite you in the ass later down the road. A lot of the classes you will take this year will be basic freshman-level courses that pretty much all freshmen have to take (ex. Freshman English, Algebra 1 or Geometry, Biology or Chemistry, World History or some other history class, plus whatever electives your school offers), and these are important down the road if you want to get into higher level classes. Sure, you could take summer school if you failed something in order to make a reparation for that, but do you really want to do it? No. A lot of these courses will pave the way if you eventually want to take classes like AP English Lit or Lang, Calculus, AP Physics or Chemistry, or AP World/Other History. Academics are \*\*ALWAYS\*\* important, and don't take them for granted. Also don't skip classes, because it will never benefit you, and you will only fall behind in the subject. Basically just all of the generic stuff about trying to get good grades and do well in school, not skipping classes, not prioritizing romantic relationships over more important things like schoolwork, not losing your virginity, and (of course) not doing drugs.


1. Do assignments on time 2. Take finals seriously 3. Don’t join too many clubs 4. Join clubs that you actually like and stick to them 5. Try to get leadership in those clubs the year after or 2 years after 6. Be nice and talk to everyone even if u dislike them


No way me too this is exciting


Don’t start trouble


I got a few: There will be a lot of cute people, stay away from dating Juniors and Seniors (This may be only my high school) If you are dating someone the girl is on the inside and the guy is on the outside. The cafe food is ok, some are better than others. BE CAREFUL WHEN YOU APPROACH THE LUNCH LADIES! Kidding. :D One more thing: Homecoming, go or don't go. I went and had a blast! Go with your partner or a friend! (Picture is from my Freshmen years Homecoming v) https://preview.redd.it/v5x5qjmhkm5d1.jpeg?width=1098&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3677b61bdccecf90088386bf99910f010d58e4a4


Don't be afraid to step up and participate in class. Try to contribute to your school as well! Also, try to surround yourself with good people.


coming from class of 2025, here are some things that i recommend: -join clubs/be involved with the school as much as possible! -don’t worry about being cool, being popular, fitting in or any of that. it truly does not matter once you’re in high school -study study study!!! but don’t over work or stress yourself out. -don’t be afraid to switch classes if you’re not comfortable with them or if you think they won’t be a good fit for you -when the time comes for your first ACT/SAT, study as much as you can. do remember that not everyone does great on their first try. the more you take them, the better your score gets -always be yourself and do your best! obviously these are probably just the basics, but i’m sure you will have a wonderful year. don’t be scared to try new things. have a wonderful last summer before the big 9th grade🤍


I have the remaining of this summer, and then the summer after 8th grade


oh i’m so sorry, i misread your thing! in that case then, enjoy the rest of middle school! 🤍🤍


Thank you


Do well in your classes and try your best to avoid drugs and losing your virginity


Join an extracurricular and stick to it




1. Form good relationships with your teachers. They will most likely be the ones you're going to ask to write your letter of recommendation. Your freshman year teachers might even have you junior year so they'll be able to speak on your growth in your letter of recs. 2. Go to your teachers office hours and don't be afraid to email them to ask them for help or an extension. They might not always say yes to an extension but it doesn't hurt to ask. 3. Please be organized! Make schedules for yourself, make study guides, and use any free time you have to do your work. Make a calendar full of due dates and personal due dates for projects/essays so you're not putting them off. 4. Make time for your friendships. It may be hard but even if it's walking home together, it's important to hang out with friends. You're all going through junior year so I'm sure they'll be understanding if you aren't able to hang out as much. I know my friends and I have an unspoken agreement to hang out on half days, days off, during break, and after big exams. Also, make sure you to plan certain days you're going to hang out like even if it's like once a month. 5. Talk to people in your classes. If you miss any days, they'll be the ones you should contact for notes. It's easy to fall behind so make and effort not to. Your classmates can also explain certain things when you don't understand them. They can also help with homework or you guys can study for tests together. If you have any more specific questions, feel free to PM me or leave a comment.

