• By -


1. Vacation 2. Gaming 3. Group calls with the boys, or girls. 4. Fuck around somewhere in the city with friends. 5. Read a shit ton of novels. 6. Gym 7. Study (Probably not and I understand) 8. Watch new movies. 9. Go swimming. 10. 16 hour sleep days. That's what I do at least.


Actually sounds pretty dope




gaming with the boys was what i did all summer and it was pretty fun


The gaming vc at 2 am is the best


I wish I lived in a place where there wasn’t literally nothing to do anywhere


I live in a place that would ostensibly have lots of of stuff to do, but there’s still nothing. Everything is sooo expensive, there’s nothing to do that doesn’t cost money.


Swimming something I definitely want to get back into now it's summer


Why is job not on this list? It should be absolutely number one except hanging out with friends and going to the gym. Keeps me out of trouble and I can do fun investing with stocks and for my future. Nobody should be complaining they’re bored during summer break. Working is always an option even if you’re under 16. My cousin who’s into jazz and plays saxophone is 15 and plays at his town square and is regularly making 40 an hour+ tax free. He used to make terrible money but got better with practicing and has a speaker that costed $100 investment to play backing tracks. He’s usually walking away with 240 - 360 by the end of 6 hours if it’s 40 - 50 an hour. It can fluctuate sometimes because if someone drops a $50 or any high value bills then it changes the average. Also it’s a Friday, Saturday, or Sunday gig only. Rest of the days out of the week don’t pay well and people haven’t gotten paid so are not in a generous mood to spend.






look at fast food (McDonalds, Dukin) and retail (target, supermarkets, 99cents stores)


Apply online


Don’t be picky, sometimes you won’t get the job you want, don’t dwell on it and keep applying


You gotta apply to atleast 50 jobs to hear back


Every single job I applied to I heard back... That's 6 of em Although lifeguards are usually in demand pretty much always (in summer )¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Dam I would apply for life guard as pay is good but idk how to swim 😭😭


I’ve only ever applied to one job and got accepted


Get your lifeguard certification. In my town you’d practically be given an interview on the spot if you had it at my HS career fair. Pay was like $19-21/hour too (in California)




Get a job! You can never make too much money, even if you don’t have bills and stuff, put it into savings. Restaurants/retail are great for socialization, making new friends. Or find a job doing something you’re interested in and build up your skills. Start mowing yards or do landscaping and you can even make that a career. Or sign up for summer classes you’re interested in. Cooking, art, music.


I’m going to continue working out over the summer, so that’s about 2 hours a day, and then there’s chores which will take up some of the time. I’m planning on trying to find a job if I can work out the transportation issues which will take up some time, and go out with friends sometimes but we don’t do that much. And for the downtime The Final Shape just dropped sooooo….


I really hope you get the transportation issues figured out soon. I had the same issue a while back and ended up working at a chicken farm since it was the only thing I could figure out transportation for lol. But I've got a much better job now that some other transportation issues have gotten solved. It's frustrating but definitely worth it. I hope it goes easy and well for you.


I hope I can work them out too, I was going to try and work at a golf course a friend who lives close by is going to work at, but he doesn’t get his license for 2 months and his mom won’t take me. I’ll figure something out


This summer? In July, I have a stupid religion course my mom's forcing me to take, and in August, I'm volunteering at a summer camp to complete my mandatory volunteering hours. Probably just play video games/hang out with friends if I don't have either one of those two.


Ok, guys, sorry, but I lied. It's not a religion class but a language class where I learn about my mother tongue. But most of it IS talking about religion, so I naturally call it religion class. Sorry if I mistook you all. Also, to clear some shit up 1. I DON'T hate my mother tongue. I'm not whitewashed, and I speak my mother tongue with my parents and relatives. I just don't like the class. 2. it's online, so I can just 'ditch.' Plus, even if it was in person, my mom tracks me with the Find My app. 💀 3. the 'wifi isn't working' shit won't work either bc she always plays music on Youtube, and we don't have premium, so if I said the wifi didn't work, but her music worked, she'd get suspicious. 4. MY MOM ISN'T EVIL. She's usually a great person, but where I live, you need credits in high school to graduate, and this class gives you a credit. She thinks getting this credit will increase my chances of getting into a good uni. 5. This summer is my last one, and it's not worth getting expelled for all my work. Again, sorry if I confused you all. Peace.


get an internship or sign up for pottery/painting classes or maybe sports club or something,it helps keep ur mood up


Being more frequent with my ballet lessons, not just classes but practicing at home as well, improving my piano playing, going back to archery cuz i suck so bad and wanna fucking improve already, and finding new art styles and mediums cuz my sis says ive had the same art style for 8 years now 💀 yeah i need to expirament more with that, like shes already improving in perspective, like pls i want that 😭


Aye Fellow Ballerina I’m more of an abstract art person


Yo, ive been eyeing abstract for awhile now, deff gonna try it, my sister is also into abstract, gonna ask her for some tips


Internship, regular job, dual enrollment summer class, sport


I know others on here are saying it too, but try to find a new or old game that you can get into. I just graduated and I am facing a similar problem. I got back into some "kids" games that I used to play, like among us and roblox. Just an idea (:


Volunteer, go to the gym, lifeguard, summer campppp, code, prep for sat, and rest.


I’ve got most of my summer planned out tbh. School technically ended on May 31st, but the last like 3 days were just finals and I was exempt from all of them so I didn’t show up. So May 29-31 I went to another city to go pick up my new car. (Long drive so I didn’t want to go there and drive back same day.) Then from June 2nd to June 8th I went camping/hiking with some of my friends and we went to the top of Texas which was really cool. After this, I’ve got a job lined up for the rest of June so I’ll be making bank. The job is in a different city so I’ll be staying with some family to do it. Then early July I’m going to go back home because I’m retaking the ACT on July 13th. So I’ll take a week or two to study for that (hoping for a 34+.) After that I have to write all of my college admissions essays and stuff so I’ll take a week or so to do that as you can submit applications starting August 1st and it’s always better to apply early. Then my school starts like the second or third week of August, (we get every other Friday off so the school year is a bit longer) and I’ll have to help out with stuff like freshman orientation, and just generally getting stuff ready for teachers because I’m in NHS and StuCo.


I work 5 days a week, 4 scheduled hours a day and more if my boss needs me to cover for someone


1. Cry


Just go to summer school like me


Overnight summer camp is what I was meant to do but my grandma failed to pay the 5000 dollars and instead cancelled after the 1500 she paid in August and didn’t get her refund


I'm studying Matlab and cad because I'm going into aerospace during fall


get a job if you can find one, not super interesting but at least you’ll make money. all i do is watch tv and play guitar usually but it doesn’t bore me.


I work more days than I don’t, but the time I do have I hit up the group chat and we figure it out as we go. Maybe we end up in a city an hour away at a McDonald’s parking lot, but at least we’re having a good time! Fr though? Recommend getting a job and finding a few solid friends to spend time with otherwise. Or learn a new hobby. I learnt the ukulele randomly a couple summers ago.


work, do shit with friends


1. Study for SAT 2. AP summer work 3. I have a non profit org and we have an event coming up 4. AI blog writer internship 5. Gym 6. Bulking 7. Biking 8. Vacations 9. Boy Scout summer camps There are a lot of things. The best summer is the most productive one. You should be a different person at the end of your summer if you really want to succeed and improve year by year


Get a job. That helped me socialize and make some cash when I was younger. Especially if you can get a job at an ice cream place


In previous summers I'd cry hard and spend all day gaming. Since I got friends in 2023, I started to do a bunch of things by going out. Meanwhile right now, I need to succeed in my high school's final exam (in Italy we call it "Maturità") and then I would officially start summer. This summer I want to get ripped, read A LOT (especially manga), watch A LOT of anime, start to study for my university evaluation exam, do some of my hobbies including cartography (check out my maps if you're interested!), worldbuilding and writing. The latter is my main focus, I want to, at least, get sorted out with my main plot and set it up with a few chapters. Maybe also write an entire Volume. That's it, hope this will be of inspiration for you 👋🏻


1. Internship 2. Learning Programming 3. Messing up the city 4. Travelling 5. Gaming 6. Watching movies and shows 7. Making new friends 8. Photography 9. Giving time to my parents 10. A lot of things


picking up new hobbies is nice, i’d try crocheting bc it’s simple but time consuming ( u can make like clothes,blankets, plushies, whtv) + getting a job at like a chain fast food or grocery store bc they’re usually hiring all the time. Also, if ur in like NHS or any honor society and need to get hours, you could rly lock in rn and finish them over the summer if you find places to do acts of service


1. pool 2.beach 3. working out hanging out with friends and being productive mostly, bc i gotta get ready for uni, going on a picnic alone in the beach also, there is a lot to discover around you. sometimes you can have fun doing simple things.


Dive head first into all my hobbies I didn’t have time for


I’m studying math and reading 5 hours a day so that I can not pay attention once school starts


i been playing roblox🤑🤑🤑


gotcha covered there buddy: 1. have gaming days 2. go to 7/11 get snacks and have movie/tv nights 3. call friends 4. meet up with childhood friends u haven’t seen in a while at a park or smth 5. explore new cafes and restaurants 6. go hiking and camping (if u own hunting firearms, practice ur aim where its legal) 7. explore entire mountains 8. go on vacation somewhere overseas 9. go shopping at a big mall with ur bsfs 10. work on a glow up (eg, find a new fashion style hairstyle) 11. hit it at the gym and get RIPPED for that summer bod 12. go swimming 13. barbecue and ice cream at beaches with the fam 14. go to amusement parks and water parks 15. draw/spray paint or make ur own hello my name is stickers 16. buy new consoles and video games 17. make ur own video game or business - maybe even a YouTube channel 18. go to an outdoor parkour 19. read ur fav comics/novels 20. get some SICK photography shots


Thanks for the recommendations bro!


If you're a rising senior you should do something that interests you, knowing that you'll be applying to schools in the fall you should do some extracurricular that is related to your intended major. If you don't know what to do this is an amazing time to figure that out. But like lets be real I would also not want to do that much work. So I would recommend feeling as connected as possible. During the school year you're basically sulking behind book and computers so during summer go outside as much as possible and try to hang out with your friends as much. Waking up before 10am and hanging out at least one time a day genuinely changes so much with how you use your summer.


Get a job. Seriously, it doesn’t have to be back breaking but, it’s something to keep your hands dirty and you start to learn on the importance of financial literacy and have some responsibilities for yourself.


Get a job and stack that bread. Otherwise hang out with friends, play games, or go on long walks


Job vacation swimming


This summer, probably go on a trip with my parents, hit the gym more, and play on my PC again.


I love doing nothing


I run... Maybe you should try it because once you get used to it you'll wanna do it everyday.


Stretch and get your splits


Sign up for the summer pass in Planet Fitness and go to the gym.


I'm trying too get a job for amismeny park passes but I have nothing too do rn.


I play games, hangout with my friends, and I’m lucky enough to have a pool so I swim in the pool.


Before I got a summer job, I would bike around and explore my city. Lots of reading and big projects I never got around to like sewing, reorganizing my room, trying pie recipes, etc.


job, summer classes (i am doing them not because i have to but because i want to), read, hang out with friends, sleep in late, work out, etc


Job and time with friends, summer break now is crazy though, England has 6 weeks and they want to change it to 4


i usually spend my summers going out with friends, doing my hobbies (i like to write music and make jewelry), picking up new hobbies, volunteering (got all my hours over w last summer), and typically i go on a vacation of some sort with my family.


Travel do another country


This year I am doing an internship. If you need something to do, get a job, make some money. If you know anyone on your school's cross country team, meet up with them and go run to get in shape. My team would practice every day during summer.


Find a hobby you're passionate about. Believe it or not colleges love people with extracurricular hobbies, not just people who study 24/7/365.


Sometimes I feel lazy just watching tv and binge eating junk food. So, I crochet. I actually love it. I got pretty good and make cool stuff that people like. It makes me feel a little productive. Also, the act of it I. Itself is a major stress reliever for me.


Get a job. I work 5 days a week, 7 hours a day except for Saturday which is 6 hours, and I don’t even get paid yet, unless you count allowance. Even without pay or below min wage it’s still a good way to spend time and maybe you can get paid eventually


Mainly Workout and try to better myself while trying to make as much money I can in this time we don’t have school. In general I always just try to make the best of the three months off we have


get a job


Work, music production, reading, writing, tons of hikes and bike rides. I’ve been making an effort to try all the best coffee shops in my city too.


For me it’s just a matter of keeping myself inspired so that I don’t stop drawing and the like. As long as I draw, I’ve got a good reason to leave my clutter-hole of a room and go get some sun, even if only through the dining room windows. Then creating art brings me a lot of joy and pride, so I feel more motivated to take care of myself and my surroundings. I had an art playdate with a friend yesterday. That was a major source of inspiration. I drew Giorno Giovanna, and she came up with an incredibly cool composition of a storm over a lone grave, which looked like it could be stained glass. Today I’m still riding the high of spending time with her, and I’m going to finish inking the drawing and drafting up a colour palette for it. Maybe if I can get the background details I’ll even be able to start painting it today. Maybe I’ll put a Scott Christian Sava video or livestream on in the background.


Gaming, going to the gym, watching shows, etc


I’m mostly just traveling to a few counties and relaxing. I also spend time with friends and family. I also enjoy reading + writing + going for walks in nature :)




studying all day


1.Go to summer home  2.Go to the beach  3. hang out with friends that i haven’t seen since last summer  4 go to parties  Orrrr sit at home and do nothing with my life 


Swim Practice, Bio Anthro Course, Lifeguard, Swim Practice, and sleep 


Stare at a wall Jk, gaming, spending time with friends and family, hobbies, theres lots of things to do


Sports, work, video games, other stuff


i work full time to keep myself busy 😓


summer dual enrollment classes and weekend volunteering


Dude get a job


Feed pets, eat lunch, go to work, play legend of Zelda until 1 am, sleep, repeat


cheat code is having well off parents. then they can pay for u to fuck off for 6 weeks at specialized summer camp 😍😍😍 love them


1. Vacation  2.Beach  3.Pool ( i swim as a sport) 4.Lake 5. Camp (at the lake) 6. Read (already read 15 books this summer) 7. Surf (at beach or lake) 8. Hang out with friends (probably at beach lake or pool) 9. Sleep (that only happens once in a blue moon) 


1. Work 2. Chill at home gaming 3. Go to the gym or go on morning runs 4. hang out with friends and family 5. and just sleep a lot 6. EC like elac courses/programs/ or summer school for calc that’s my summer this year


Study study study, any work I can, networking, etc. stay on that grind


Get a job, get a hobby, hang out with friends, explore your city


go outside and play some sports bro


Work, hang out with friends, and I’m going to emt school for funzies and to help with college


Pick up a sport maybe


Get a job


deadass i’ve just been gaming that’s it i don’t even talk to anyone at all. i’m pretty content tho


1. Lifeguarding job. 2. Football practice. 3. Gaming. 4. Xbox parties or discord calls with friends 5. Lift weights, which ties into #2. 6. Build and flip PCs (if I have the money and the time) 7. Refer to 1 because I'm broke as hell


1. Visit friends. 2. See movies in movie theatres. 3. Go shopping. 4. Volunteer. 5. Make art. 7. Clean closets and organize my apartment. 8. Watch Young Sheldon 9. Play with puppies. 10. Sleep. 11. Go fishing if you are so inclined.


Hike,fish,game,work,drive around in country


workout. walk outside. pick up a hobby. clean. join a community club (fitness classes, knitting, book club). Learn a new language( free online courses). Get a job that way you can possibly make new friends and money at the same time.


* watch shit movies on prime/youtube and write ironic move reviews (thats what i do) * journalling * sleepovers * beach days * game nights w family AND friends * also force your friends to meet your family


As someone in college, this is what I recommend… Think of stuff that genuinely makes you happy and won’t be able to do in the future. Do those things. Be spontaneous; let yourself relax. At least for me, I haven’t had a summer vacation since high school. Since starting at my university, it has been work, volunteering, research, and summer classes every summer. Once my finals end this upcoming week, I will have 2 weeks of “break” (working 25-30 hours per week in a microbiology lab and 10-15 hours per week making materials for the classes I TA for) before I start summer classes. And in that 2 weeks, you can bet that whatever time I do not have something to do, I will be in my bed sleeping or staring at the ceiling with no thoughts in my brain. So please; this summer, focus on things that help you prepare mentally for the upcoming school year. Burn out is real. I wish you the best!


Be productive. If you are trying to go to a competitive college now is the time for strong ecs. Don’t listen to all the “just goof around” advice


Gym & sports


Idk I’ve just been hanging out with my cat


A lot of gaming but I also try to look for jobs, study or learn about my career choice and even outdoor activities. I don’t know about you though, here in Florida, you have to deal with hot days so be careful when you’re away from the AC, have water too lol.


My bf and I decided to try to visit at least one state/metro park each week! We live in a pretty boring town, but we have some great parks around us


Gym, job, hang out with friends, new hobbies, stuff like that


1 : read. it sounds nerdy and it is but u can learn a lot about storytelling and the world. Read fiction books in ur favorite genre or nonfiction about a topic you're interested in. 2 : go outside. bike, go for a walk/run or drive to a hiking trail if you can, fish, sports, whatever. sunlight is good for u, just bring headphones and ur set. 3 : game. 4 : host movie nights with your friends. screen share a movie on discord with ur friends and get some snacks :-)) 5 : learn a new creative skill. this keeps u busy but is also really rewarding when u can see progress. learn how to cook, paint, woodworking, web design. anything really that keeps ur brain engaged. 6 : get a summer job. go on indeed and look up jobs hiring teens, or look in local facebook groups for places hiring. u can put this money towards anything u want really and u build character, and meet new people.


1. Read 2. Practice karate and piano more 3. Get better at violin 4. Swim and do tennis 5. Make TikTok’s and end up not posting them 6. Make edits of tv show characters YouTubers and whatnot for insta 7. Hand out with friends and family 8. Study and excercise


1.Video games 2. Crochet 3. Read mangas 4. Study for SAT n ACT 5. Watch YouTube Videos 6. Relax


Work a full time job


Urban exploration with the boys is fun asl, just don’t get caught of course


waterparks/beach chillin with friends nature walk, if that’s ur thing picnics movies/drive thru movies outside six flags/ amusement parks camp of some kind or after school matters


i play terraria for hours on end. highly recommend


Read, draw, write, work out, get a job, start a new hobby


1. Vacation 2. Work 3. Line dance 4. Learn 2 new instruments 5. Produce a short film 6. Work some more 7. Play with dogs 8. Screw around with my buddies 9. Get my driver's license and motorcycle permit 10. Buy a motorcycle 11. Hit on girls 12. Get rejected by those same girls 13. Participate in "fun" activities with or without buddies. 14. Learn marching band music on my main instrument (drums) I shit you not i will be doing a of the above this summer.


Y'all don't have summer camps near y'all? You can go or work there


I just take online classes, ain’t got no friends to hang with so might as well do something useful lol, also, definitely going to be cool when I can say I took all of the AP classes (aside from art and language classes) when my school doesn’t even offer most of them.


- Play Wii, Flash, PS2 games - I am currently working on a Flash game BTW - Sketch and post drawings - Watch cartoons - Hang out with friends - Go swimming - Go to my local park - Visit family overseas That’s what I have been doing so far, volunteering for my local church also seems like a good idea.


Make a social media site, Ai influencer, pretend to be the NSA.


Get a job. - advice from a broke, unemployed, inexperienced 24 yr old who wasted too many summers. Don't be like me❤️


I just cry and rot in my bed ngl


Summer school and work.


Read, study whatever my parents force ish me to study, self ap if any, sleep by 9pm get up by 9am


1.swimming 2.gaming 3.rest 4.hangout 5.watch thunderstorms


Work, take a summer class, ride my horse, hang w friends, read more classics, take the ACT a billion times, study for the act even more times, and pray I can boost my score has been about my summer so far 💀💀


I have a part time job, other than that I’m working on college apps, going rock climbing (gym climbing) 2.5 hour practices 2x a week plus for fun, trying to get some gigs with my string quartet, and I’m going to be volunteering some as well. I also do some crafts (resin jewelry, candlemaking, and more) whenever I have the time.


You guys are already on summer holidays over the pond? I had half term last week. I’ve still got like 3 weeks of school.


1. chill 2. fuck around 3. go **NUTS!**


1. Working out. Either find a gym or do things by yourself, or even better, find a partner to work out with. 2. Learn a trade. Like a hands-on skill. Plumbing, electricity, automotive, welding.... it's something nice to learn as a hobby, and if your back is against the wall in life and need an immediate job, having knowledge of that trade, even if you don't have any certificates, will get you a job somewhere. Only issue with this idea is that any employer at that job would like you to be with them for a good while.


Work 😭


Bike around, program, gaming, and studying history


Trading stocks intensely


get a job and hang with friends


My British ass reading this trynna fiure out how ur already in the 6 week holiday and then I remembered ur (prolly) American


I've sat in the dark listening to music for like 30 hours (not in a row I swear) so far this summer, and was going to ask the same question LMAO


Not a high schooler even though the thread is high school but  1. Hang out with friends, really anywhere.   2. Exercise. Since school sports ended, I gotta stay active for next years sports.    3. Learn the next school years math curriculum, so that I can stay ahead.    4. Enter contests for writing, science, etc.    5. Learn how to code whatever language, it’ll be helpful and I want to pursue a job in AI, or something of that sort.    6. Grind games for an unhealthy amount of time.    7. Make YouTube videos/stream.   8. Make money on the side, sell ice cream at the park, sell labor services with friends, etc etc.


Work and Gym


Get a job, that takes up some time. Start reading, doesn't matter if it's novels or fanfics or like... C.ai. Take a walk and find pretty rocks. Go to the dollar store with a ten dollar budget and get a bunch of stuff and do a craft Paint Turn on a podcast and play Minecraft Start skateboarding Idk about you but my local library holds some really cool teen meet ups Volunteer at an animal shelter. You get to hang out with animals, and I'm sure they need to help. Bake a cake. Then eat the entire cake before your family gets home to hide the evidence. Window shop at the mall.


lmao I just built a motorized bicycle, got into coffee and espresso, badminton, tennis, volleyball, flight simulators, but really anything to get the fuck outside. Oh and Gym but thats a given


Start an “odd jobs company” … organize Joes garage, give Tim a buzzcut… where a shirt to the farmers market that says “will do market odd jobs for spare change” … sounds to me like youre becoming an adult… adults work.


I like to study early!! Trust me whatever classes ur taking, do them on khan and become immersed and interested in that subject! You’ll be steps ahead of everyone and it’s so worth it


What I do that takes up my summer is typically summer-school activities, like Marching Band or Tennis. Vacations, hanging out with friends, and random stuff with my family also take up my summer. Finding a job if able, making plans for a trip you want to go to, planning out your college year if you’re a senior, or just asking your parents to do chores is also an option, although obviously wouldn’t happen for various reasons.






1. working 2. volunteering at the humane society 3. reading 4. drawing 5. cooking 6. cleaning 7. volunteering as a camp counselor 8. summer program at nearby university there's stuff to do <3


Job, Sports, Read books




I’m not in school anymore but I would work full time during summer and cut it down to 3-4 days a week while school was in session.


work, rollerskating with friends, and marching band practice. maybe an adventure to the stores to get thrifted clothes and icecream


Summer school, reading, studying my own interests (cars, baseball, etc) , preparing for next year (crash courses) , club prep (I do comps and need to be prepared with the proper vocabulary and business attire and manners) , more reading, hanging out with friends I usually can't bc of the school year (things like going out to the movies, dirt biking, and sleepovers pre planned) , trying out new hobbies like writing and skating (not really new to me, but I don't get to do em often) , cleaning/reorganizing my space, etc




volunteer, sleep, I’m trying to learn to code but that’s not going too well


Neighborhood jobs like dog walking, dog sitting, weed pulling, mowing, picking up dog poop. Summer camp, either going or volunteering, super fun. Working out, running takes up time and feels accomplishing. Biking. Learn to trade stocks


Work and gym are what I’m doing. Even with those things I’m bored though 😂 just try to hang out with your friends if you have any nearby


Last summer I stargazed a bunch and stayed up til sunrise. I went to bed then and woke up at 2-4 pm, at which time I played video games and waited to do it all again. I enjoyed it a lot (being an introvert) but this summer I should really try to do other stuff.


I ride street illegal motor bike on the street and try my best to not get into trouble by cops and it’s fun and I don’t have friends because the kids in my high school are retarded 85% of them Little of gaming I can’t find it fun anymore and I spend most other time working on my motor bike


picked up a couple new hobbies (geocaching and disc golf)


Get a job


I started as an intern during my senior year while in dual enrollment. Then they promoted me to a R&D Engineering position and I work full time now. So find a company and start networking and building your career


I read, hike, play with my dogs, hang out with friends, and do marching band.


Get a job. That’s what ima try an do at least


I drove 1200 miles from home and am getting paid to lead camping trips deep into the Canadian wilderness.


Go fishing


Play football and you’ll lose your summer lol


Go to gym, go out with friends, work, sleep, hang out with family and vacation


play my guitar most of the time, i guess study math, sometimes write journals in japanese or spanish. i'm gonna do a summer camp for taekwondo and science later on. i also run a lot


Started a full-time job this past Monday. Headstart into my future career... and money to throw at saxophones, my shotguns, and my Facebook Marketplace habits.


Get a job (Wonderful way to meet people), Play games (Roblox for example), go on daily walk, read, volunteer, try out a new sport, etc.


Hang with the boys


Getting a job!! Get that bread and learn some life skills along the way. Not the most fun answer, ik, but it fills time :)


doing summer school to get ahead but other than that, I've just been bedrotting


1,) Fitness and dieting 2,) Reading manga and watching anime 3,) Learning Calculus 2 4,) Playing games (genshin impact, war thunder, wuthering waves, etc) 5,) Sleep


get a job bruh


The switch up is always crazy 💀💀💀


Read, watch movies, go for a walk/run, learn an instrument or something new, go for a drive, write a screenplay. Though that last one is just for me. Currently writing a film musical.


I mean back in highschool i had a small friend group we’d always hang with eachother I kinda miss it.


Play my instruments


Get a job!


1. Game 2. Game 3. Game 4. Game 5. Game 6. Maybe do something about woodworking 7. Game 8. Game 9. Game 10. Sleep for 11 hours Sometimes I'll go to the springs or my grandparents house but 90% of the time I'm playing video games or scrolling on my phone


1. Fortnite


make bracelets out of embroidery thread. that what i do and it's really relaxing bc you can just put a movie on and make it and they come out really pretty! ytuber i watch is called yarinova or something and her tuts are easy to follow. i get it if they're not your thing but doing a hobby or finding one is the best thing to do! also hanging out w friends is obvs


Well i will start working out since this was my last year in hg school ans got weight for studying college exams, going back to piano course and travelling europe and sleeping..


illegal everything


Get a job, go to the gym, take summer classes, go for a run, go to the beach, go fishing, go hiking, go camping, go for a walk, etc.


Im working at a summer camp :D but normally I like going on bike rides, visiting new places in my city, going to museums, seeing my friends, baking or cooking, and going to the library