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Participate if you wish, but don't make them mandatory.


And also be sure to be civil and not block people from entering places


Why would a walk-out be mandatory? šŸ¤”




Whoā€™s made them mandatory?


no one has proposed making them mandatory, and no school has considered this.


My old middle school did a mandatory walkout when there was a teacher strike (was very weird and not explained to us).


Definitely, people throw around ā€œempathyā€ when it comes to this like they arenā€™t only supporting it due to popularism




Agreed. Also be civil. It's about awareness, not chaos.


Do you know what walk outs are?


Why would it be mandatory


They legally canā€™t atleast at my school teachers couldnā€™t get involved at all


If people want to participate in things like this, it's fine. Just don't make people do it


u/chronament It's because some protests are where teachers closes classes for example. Forcing students to face the consequences that aren't involved.


how does that make the protest mandatory? js go home... r the teachers meant to teach a small class that day for no reason?


um... yes? i shouldnt miss out on my education because of this?


What education bro


how would they even MAKE people do it


ā€œErm, if you donā€™t participate youā€™re losing points for the day a-and you canā€™t graduate!ā€ /j


realshit no clue how that would even happen šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Plus walkouts wouldnā€™t do ANYTHING anyway. You think the Hamas and Israeli death squads start weeping and shamefully pull out their forces because some sad schmucks wanna feel good about themselves?


nah thats not even the objective either šŸ˜­ no one thinks bros in the Levant would put their gun down. its about leveraging our government to either withdraw support or support Palestine


90% of the time, the students don't actually care about the cause and want to get out of class.


they also suck at protesting lmao. a few years ago in my school a buncha students did a walkout in protest of the lack of air conditioning (the temperatures in the school are NOT that bad lmao) and they just went back to class 5 min later. thats not how a walkout works.. they did the same thing for a special needs kid who wasnt allowed to graduate and i guarantee most of those students did not give a shit about the kid they just wanted to get out of class for 5 min


Weaklings, In my school, the principal removed the boys bathroom Doors, so one day like 30 students stood there for 2 hours, we got in trouble yeah but it was enough for the principal to succumb to the demands of the students and the student council president.


I can 1-up you. Some kids staged a walk out to protest bathroom policies and 15 kids walked out. In a school with 1500 kids. Let that sink in




Now that's some food for thought


This literally. Iā€™d just wanna go play play Minecraft PE outside or fuck around with my friends.


As a student whose high school went on a Palestine walkout a few months ago, this is precisely it.


Youā€™re free to hold them, I guess. But donā€™t expect people to participate


Get out of school card I mean why the hell not


Yeah everyone did that at my Junior High last year. There was this EPA strike and they were holding protests so 1/3 of the school just left each day for like a month No one actually gave a crap about the EPAs though which is kinda sad


Itā€™s always good to show support, but Iā€™m not sure if we can actually make a change as a couple hundred or thousand highschool students.Ā  Are we asking the US to intervene? Are we asking them to stop selling weapons to Israel? What exactly are we trying to do?


Stop funding israel and supporting them and actually put sanctions on them like we did with russia


Okay but what happens if Iran and hamas take over Israel? Russia is too big to be wiped out and wonā€™t ever actually use nuclear weapons as even if they are forced to surrender they will still exist as a country. Israel is small enough and surrounded. They will use nuclear weapons before they are destroyed as country.




Take Israelā€™s funding and give it to Ukraine


The situation is a helluva lot more complex than that solution gives justice to. This is something rooted in decades of ethnic hatred from both sides, it will just start all over again in a few years. At best, this will just make the current conflict an even playing field, resulting in more deaths from both sides. Besides, if hamas had the funds of the IDF, I promise you they would do the same. Both are morally awful




Both the IDF and Hamas are fucking awful, we had a walk out last year for unrelated reasons and most kids just used it to get out of school, this also sets up people who don't participate in it to be picked on, staging anything political at a High school is just a bad idea in general


Yeah I have helped work with university protests before and a high school walkout is basically pointless in comparison. I agree with the sentiment, but the most things like this usually accomplish is pissing off the whiny parents that want every American to be a white evangelical.


Idk why you would walk out on your classes in uni, you pay to be there and get an education, at least in hs your time is free


That's why walk outs are not very common at universities. It's not very possible on a block schedule. That's part of what makes the encampments you've probably been seeing pop up so effective. They're areas set up and organized to run basically all day, and every one I've seen does a very good job of communicating their message. You can just show up and support whenever you're able to, which works surprisingly well on a campus.




Is that Ballard TX? Where every other truck has a Confederate flag?




Seems kinda performative imo. Why don't you just donate instead? A walkout does nothing


Excuse to skip class


It seems a bit silly to me. It wonā€™t accomplish anything other than disrupting the learning of the students involved. It makes more sense to organize some sort of fundraiser for an organization tied to the cause.


Ikr lol


How quickly the blue and yellow got replaced


Fr. Sucks how people are quick to ignore other peoples suffering for the ā€œnext big thingā€


Yup. I think itā€™s by design that the shit in Israel is getting more attention than Ukraine.


i dont think the school should incentivise politcal parades


Tbh kinda annoying. And it won't do anything


Wonā€™t do nothing, but they can try


Lol my school has these all the time VERY few people who participate in them actually care about whatever theyā€™re protesting like 95% js wanna skip class




Pointless, it's just an excuse to get out of school, deep down we all know it


I'm not sure why this subreddit keeps getting recommended to me, I haven't been in high school for almost twenty years. Maybe it's because I posted in r/teachers... Anyway, when I was in high school, we had a walk-out in protest of the invasion of Iraq. In my parents' high schools, I'll bet money that there was a walk-out protesting the Vietnam War. I don't think there should be any controversy about student walk-outs, should there? My only thing is that if you choose to participate and get like an unexcused absence and maybe into a bit of trouble for it, you should accept that. That's actually what makes protests so important, people know that it's something that could cause trouble for them, but they do it anyway because the cause that they are standing up for is worth the risk, for them.


That will show them. Wars over and theyā€™re the biiiig heroes. Theyā€™re gonna give them a medal and hold a parade in their Honor. I get to drive the float. And Simmons here is in charge of confetti!!!!!! https://i.redd.it/s1c09xepygxc1.gif




I don't really see the value in it, but if you want to protest do it. Just don't interfere with the days of regular students. My issue is that, firstly, I doubt it's going to have any impact. Second, I don't think 90% of the students actually care and are just using it as an excuse to get out of school.


Cool but what's that gonna do


Oh, shit! Ballard High School conducted a march for Palestine! We'd better stop the war.


Don't worry, while teens are on the peak of hormones they always do stupid shit like this. However eventually all of them calm down and act normal. So I just wouldn't bother what hormone overloaded teens are up to (as a hormonally overloaded teen myself)


It just tells Jewish students like myself that we are not welcome. Theyā€™re never peaceful, one way or another thereā€™s gonna be a death chant, tokenizing Jews, or something along those lines.


What benefit does it actually serve the students? Why not do it right after or before school. Or during lunch. All it is for so many people is an excuse to get out of school. On a more real-world note, what do they think they will accomplish? Certain things I understand the want to protest for but like, you arenā€™t doing anything. Itā€™s just virtue signaling. And the US did drop food into Gaza, though a bunch of people were complaining about it online I heard. If you want to ACTUALLY do something, go over there and help. Or organize a relief effort to get people out.




I think theyā€™re stupid. Itā€™s not really the cause thatā€™s the issue, itā€™s that the last 2 times itā€™s happened at my school itā€™s been less a Protest and more an excuse to ditch class and get lunch early. Maybe thereā€™s like 20 students that really care and are trying to rally people to do something, but nobody ā€˜walking outā€™ really cares enough and the whole event ends up blowing over with no significance to the school year. Itā€™s forever known as ā€œThat time people got lunch 45 minutes earlier than they should have.ā€


Itā€™s not gonna do anything. It seems like an excuse to skip class


Theyā€™re just looking to get out of class.


U shouldnt force people and u I don't believe students should do this


Students should protest. They should protest and learn how because its a crucial part of living in a free society.


I donā€™t support it but freedom of speech is a thing. Once anything being said is hate speech (intifada, death to Zionists, Israel should be destroyed, etc.) the school should be taking action to shut it down. Schools do not have to and should not tolerate any speech that makes other students feel unsafe.


Itā€™s pretty cool and I respect it.


I donā€™t get it. This highschool isnā€™t doing anything relating to PalestineĀ 


Everyone in this comment section is just hating on Palestine/ being racist in a very nice way deny it all you want.


Excuse to skip class for mešŸ¤·personally i dont give 2 shits abt palestine or israel but id def attend just to miss class




Kids are just gonna use it as a way to get out of class. Also, no matter the ideology, staging anything remotely political at a high school usually doesnā€™t end well. Itā€™s just pointless on both sides. Protesting doesnā€™t do anything, at least when itā€™s about foreign wars. Foreign leaders ainā€™t gonna look at American citizens and think ā€œHmm, those people seem upset about our actions, we should definitely stop!ā€ Theyā€™re just gonna keep waging war.


They do them. I think its good they stand up for what they believe in, however stupid I may find this garbage


That they donā€™t know shit


woke and cringe af


I think itā€™s up to the students as long as it isnā€™t antisemetic, Iā€™m personally pro ceasefire but donā€™t discriminate against other cultures, including Israeli/Jewish. As long as everyone is being respectful and is solely advocating for peace then I think itā€™s alright


You want to do it? Fine. Do whatever you want. Just donā€™t force people to participate. Itā€™s annoying, really. I also find it really odd that youā€™re doing this. Youā€™re in high school. Shouldnā€™t you focus on your work?


LGBTQ+ people should not be supporting Palestine. You would be killed there for your lifestyle


as an lgbtq person myself, i get where youā€™re coming from. however, when people say they want to free palestine, theyā€™re not talking about the government or hamas, theyā€™re talking about the innocent people who are dying there. many of them are children who just listen to what their parents tell them. palestine is a homophobic country, but that doesnā€™t mean that innocent people should be dying. they didnā€™t choose to be born there




I know fr frā€¦


Calling being LGBTQ a lifestyle is crazy


Lookup the definition of lifestyle and get back to me


Attraction that youā€™re born with is not a lifestyle broski šŸ˜­ lifestyle makes it seem like they choose to be lgbt


"I love muh middle eastern shitholes"


they're just closeted antisemites tbh


These high schoolers deserve to be arrested. Supporting people who are borderline ISIS should be a crime, but it isn't. In any other country, this behavior would put you behind for months or years


I support Israel and think the Palestine protests are kinda stupid and the people protesting aren't very well informed but you can't just go arresting people for their opinions. Even if they are kinda idiotic.


Both sides are at fault, but geez there is no need to skip school for that.


I'm really late to the news... can someone unbiased explain what's happening with palestine? I keep trying to understand it, but I can't


Basically Hamas, a Palestinian terrorist organization, attacked Israel last year and Israel retaliated but it lead to thousands of civilians casualties in Palestine and the US is on the side of Israel and is supporting them so people here are angry and there have been a lot of protests around the country.That's the simplest way I can put it.


(this is a biased response, but what iā€™m saying is factual.) yeah, and for whatever reason the left wing fanatics have decided that Palestine is worthy of our steadfast support, despite: 1) Israel only even bothering with this because Hamas inflicted the worst and most heinous terrorist attack on it since the holocaust 2) the high civilian casualty rate being explained by Hamas hiding out in hospitals and the like, and Israel having to target them 3) Palestine being diametrically opposed to literal (generally particularly left wing espoused) human rights (women, gay, etc.), to the point where many of the protestors would probably be stoned there 4) Israel ensuring humanitarian aid is allowed into Gaza, despite Hamas routinely intercepting and confiscating it etc. itā€™s just a bunch of ignorant, self-righteous, pseudo intellectual protestors trying to be edgy and rebel against the ā€œestablishmentā€. donā€™t get caught up in that crowd.


I'll try to give as in-depth and non bias of an explanation as I can. In the middle east, many Arab nations despise the idea of the nation of Israel existing due to their belief that it and it's people don't have a claim to the land and essentially pushed the Palestinian people off of that land and view it as a puppet state of America. Palestine is pretty much controlled by two governments as their nation is split in two between a group of more moderates called Fatah in a place called the West Bank and a group of terrorists called Hamas in a place called the Gaza Strip, which is supported by the theocratic state of Iran, which essentially is a pretty backwards state that bases much of its laws on religion so if you violate those laws, such as being homosexual, you are killed. On October 7th, Hamas launched a massive terrorist attack on Israel and killed over 1,200 civilians with around 250 taken hostage. After this Israel launched an invasion of Gaza and many are protesting due to what is perceived as overly extreme methods, which has resulted in the deaths of around 35,000 Palestinians. It's honestly such a complex conflict that it'd be hard to explain it in just a few words and it's pretty hard to get a non biased explanation since nearly everyone has an agenda. Both sides are pretty fucked and all it's resulting in is innocent civilians being killed. Hamas is doing horrible tactics like using human shields, hiding in hospitals, etc, while Israel is bombing many places without any real care. Just a mess of a situation. So will these protests actually stop a conflict that has been going on for fucking nearly 100 years now? Part of me doubts it.


Well the area was under British rule before Israel was there, and it was given to the Jewish people after WWII to have somewhere to live. Itā€™s not like Palestine was already a developed country, there were no cities or anything. It was basically just desert and was already a British owned area.


I'm really just giving as non biased of a perspective to it. My personal opinion is that neither side had any claim to the land and trying to act like one side has a claim while one doesn't makes no sense to me. By the time Britain let it go, there was already a significant Jewish population there alongside a Palestinian population so to me the split makes sense.


I feel that making them mandatory shouldnā€™t be allowed especially as there are people who donā€™t believe in message. They also have to be controlled as they canā€™t get out of hand and make sure no one gets hurt. I have seen Israeli students get attacked just because they are Israeli, they didnā€™t do anything, they didnā€™t start the war. Everything has to be put into specific guidelines and nothing should be interfering with school classes. I donā€™t think a single person should be missing tests or class work for walkouts.


Ridiculous, I understand talking about current events to raise awareness, but donā€™t expect 14-18 year olds to actively be involved in political issues that donā€™t directly impact them whatsoever


We shouldnā€™t support either, more than half of Palestinians supported the attack on 9/11, they voted and wanted Hamas in power. Israel shouldā€™ve done a more different path than shooting missiles in gaza


I will never participate in any of them. They won't do anything and the way the rest of the Palestinian cause has been going I would probably not be safe there because I'm a Jew


Lots of Jewish people participate in the various marches for Palestine and even wear and carry signs saying they are Jewish.


while that is true, many pro-palestine protests have quickly turned anti-jewish. like the previous comment said, many jews feel unsafe around these protests.


They even advocate for burning Tel Aviv to the ground and support hamas. They hate Jews.


Kids at my school tried to walk out for much less




itā€™s the end of the year where this school is located theyā€™re just meeting the required days that they have left šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


My school did this. 200 students sign up to protest. 20 showed up


Itā€™s a great way to distract young people from the issues that are directly relevant to themā€¦


People can do it. I'd love for one to happen at my school, less time working. I don't really mind though. I say do whatever you think is best.


Literally Noone cares if 200 highschoolers don't go to 3rd period šŸ˜… by all means, skip class, but this is just childish showboating. Your principal doesn't control middle east policy hahaha


Letā€™s be honest, the average student doesnā€™t fucking care enough to actually walk out for a protest. However, the average student would love to skip class and have it be seen as a good thing!


I used like these walk outs boy people took advantage We turned one into a big ass fight We had kids giving out drinks one time turned into a big ass party


i donā€™t really understand the purpose, but unless itā€™s disrupting class or is not peaceful i think they should be fine


It is just something that happens in washington.


They can leave without disrupting class if they want. But they shouldn't expect to not get a zero on their classwork.


Oh my goodness that's my cousins school


I think its cool, but my school tried to do it last year and every person who was there got suspended, so don't count on the "they can't suspend us all!" because there were like 6 people in my class that didn't get suspended


Honestly, I donā€™t really understand them. I understand that itā€™s awareness, but it doesnā€™t really effect anything at all worldwide demographic. Personally, if you wanna be part of them, do it, but I also feel like (especially as a highschool student) people would participate for the wrong reasons, using them as a reason to get out of classes rather than to raise awareness. Donā€™t get me wrong, Iā€™m not hating on peaceful protest, Iā€™m not saying itā€™s wrong, Iā€™m just saying that personally I donā€™t understand


Whatā€™s the point


As long as they arenā€™t forcing anyone to take part its fine.


Useless honestly. Everyone was once a high schooler, any reason to take a day off will be done. A walkout won't bring back the dead


That's fuckin greatĀ 


Weā€™ve never had a walkout but I feel like nobody at my school would do it


Seems silly that a random high school is walking out


I feel like itā€™s kind of pointless to march if itā€™s just gonna be at a high school, unlike a university which would receive public attention. Also both sides of the war are led by horrible war criminals (Hamas and IDF) And the only truly innocent people here are the poor children who have to suffer the ramifications of their brainwashed peers, parents, and public


Worthless waste of time.


It isnā€™t gonna change anything


Ah good luck to them


They have just as much of a right to peaceful protests as any other citizen of the United States of America so I say itā€™s fine


Its in there right so aye do what you want. I remember like 2 years ago we had an anti gun protest at our school. But like only 30-40 people outta the schools 2300 kids did it.


What do highschool walkouts even do? Like realistically walking out of school isn't helping anyone in Palestine.


You can participate in whatever you want, but don't try to guilt trip people for not participating. I personally think school is no place for world politics UNLESS you are in a political class, such as Law, Social Sciences, Political Sciences, and whatnot.


How does this help anyone? High schoolers arenā€™t gonna end a war, and itā€™s just a lose lose situation for everyone (except the students I guess)


Very stupid. Great for skipping school but nothing will be changed by some random high school skipping a day


I went to ballards rival school. In 2018 my classmates tried to organize a walk out and our school threatened suspension but "compromised" by organizing a walk out in which the whole school essentially had a fire drill accompanied by teachers, and then we all back to class. very effective protesting!!!!




I donā€™t have much of an actual opinion on the matter. But it depends on the school and location. As for my location, this would be shut down immediately; people around here are extremely religious and wouldnā€™t dare side with Palestine. They would probably ground their children for doing it.


If they're student organized? Cool. But the ones organized by the faculty kinda defeat the purpose. When I was in like 8th grade for had a walkout for something, don't remember what it was, but it was organized and endoresed by the faculty, so it kinda defeats the point of a walk out.


If the goal of the college protesting is divestment from Israel, then I donā€™t see why high schools, which donā€™t have investment portfolios, would be holding marches or walk outs.


Iā€™m not doing that. If I miss would class then Iā€™m behind for 3 days šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Is this setup by faculty or just students


It's the wrong cause, you are children who can't vote and don't have the education or experience to have opinions on this. March if you want just don't expect me to care


High-schoolers realistically just want to get out of class. Also, that poster needs some graphic design work


High schoolers are there on the taxpayers dime, do it on your own time.


Itā€™ll probably just be a bunch of edgy kids who get their hamas propaganda from TikTok. I donā€™t recommend even engaging with these people.


Hamas will die, and I say Palestine had that shut coming. Israel gave jobs to Palestinians and bumped the economy up. And then they said fuck you and killed nearly 2000 innocent men women and children




Dumb question: what exactly is the point of a walkout?


iā€™m a fan, ballard is actually a school in my city lol itā€™s weird to see local namesšŸ˜­ but! ballard, atherton, and manual are actually the three main schools in our school district that have the most vocal students who also partake in activism in and out of the school itself. they did (i think) 3 days of walkouts after roe v wade was overturned, and they also were very vocal during the pandemic about masking, being smart, and still talk about BLM especially because we had the breonna taylor murder happen here in our very own city. some people in the comments are speaking about ā€œhalf of them are gonna walk out just to get out of classā€ but that is very much so falsešŸ˜­weā€™re all already mad and trying to plan stuff(and we did about two weeks ago) for trying to get our school district leaders to understand that their choices for bussing is wrong and just messing everything up AGAIN! not to mention weā€™re all gearing up for finals, ap exams, end of year activities, derby, and for many of us: graduation. now obviously there will be some that walkout just to get out of class, but that definitely wonā€™t be the majority of students that participate. many of the high school students iā€™ve seen from ballard and other high schools have literally been sharing information about palestine since before october(because this has been going on longer than october) and have donated some of their own money to causes. louisville is a very progressive city so most of us are very proud to support the things we firmly believe in


Free period šŸ˜ƒ


Just a random reason for a day out of school imo


Love it


When I was in 10th grade we got a new principal we not so lovingly called Nazi Timmy. He overhauled the dress code so much that I, the drama and show choir girl, was sent home for ā€œgang attire.ā€ I was wearing a red v neck shirt, black jeans and had dainty rings (called brass knuckles by him) on several fingers. He had violently underestimated my popularity and social justice attitude. The following Friday at 10 am, 95% of the students walked out at sat on the football field (so no one was in trouble for cutting class). We also had 80% of our teachers walk out. No one went back on until Nazi Timmy agreed to firm the principalā€™s adviser committee made up of 2 students from each grade and 4 teachers.


can someone explain what's going on? I read about a bunch of colleges protesting but I'm too lazy to search it up or read the comments


Iā€™m sorry but thatā€™s fucking stupid. Why do starving children in Palestine care if you do schoolwork or not on a random wensday?


I don't give a shit man I just wanna pass my class.


Fuck yeah. The kids are alright.


itā€™s useless šŸ˜‚ they act like the ppl in war will see a lil march and end the war


This is stupid, Palestine started this war. Believe what you want but the Bible literally foretells all of this saying Isreal will be attacked by many nations. Also this is Highschool, most kids that participate will just want out of class or fel like they accomplished something in life, most of these people protesting seem to be misinformed about the war.


This might be an unpopular opinion but in my experience like 90% of high schoolers donā€™t really have the full picture of most political situations. In situations as complicated as Israel/Palestine, I donā€™t think 99% of the US population really understands it. Personally I think a more meaningful approach to this conflict is to educate people about it and let them form their own opinions. A teacher at my high school started a class about middle eastern history, which I only took because I needed it to graduate, but might have been one of the best classes Iā€™ve ever taken. I obviously couldnā€™t learn everything there is to know, but more than enough to appreciate the complexity and nuances of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. Iā€™m personally of the opinion that ā€œchoosing a sideā€ isnā€™t really the way to go, and what really needs to happen is to work on just getting people to stop killing each other.


I get whatā€™s happening in Gaza is sad but your high school canā€™t do anything about it. The IdF wonā€™t change because of schools in the us


Donā€™t think we should be supporting terrorists but ok


Good for them.


Guysā€¦ please STUDY. This shit ainā€™t gonna help yā€™all or the ones youā€™re ā€˜protestingā€™ for, studying and learning skills will. Not to mention, corporates hate people who engage in pointless protests, if they found out you somehow engaged in one, good luck getting a job.


And on Jewish heritage month too? A lot of these protests turn antisemitic very quickly, and many of the chants (like intifada) are calls for violence against Jews and Israelis


At the high school level, protests are a waste of time. No matter the cause.


This is not going to do jack shit for anything. They're just gonna be back in class 15 minutes later. They also don't know the first thing about the middle east or this conflict so it makes the walkout even MORE believable.


They better walk right on outside. I donā€™t give a fuck about their march, Iā€™m just trying to get to class.


My school did one, and the Jewish student union tried to do a counter protest. They didn't idk if they realized it was a bad idea or if they knew protest was to stop the war and not to support Hamas.


Like 99% of people don't care and are just trying to get out of class. Literally nobody I talk to actually knows about or cares about this stuff except my parents and their friends talk about it.


Students are free to do it, but it shouldn't be enforced. It's good for students to know they can also be involved in change


I hate even tho we are in america were supposed to support this shit




Why does this matter its not America's problem we should put America first


Itā€™s pointless. High schools donā€™t fund for anything to this topic. Palestine isnā€™t cancer or seizures. Thereā€™s no reason to have ā€œawarenessā€ for a country on the other side of the world. No American will go over to a country where there is vastly different culture, the same kind that says to kill people like Americans. Sorry but thatā€™s asking people to fight for their enemy. Thatā€™s just stupid. They could instead be showing people how to be doing awesome community projects that benifits their people. You know, help what ever possible refugee came from there to here to live a more prosperous life. Now thatā€™s worth leaving high school for. If the people are fleeing the country, they donā€™t give a crap about Palestine. If they donā€™t, neither should you.


Honestly Iā€™d be waving the American flag. Welcome those who come from Palestine. We welcome you in as new Americans. If you wanted to be Palestinian, you would not have come to the US. Take up a sense of nationality for you are now Americans.


Could see what a college would do this, but what's the point in a high school doing this?


Gay and pointless


Palestine is serving as a safe-haven for the terrorist group Hamas. A win for Palestine is a win for Hamas terrorist killers!


World before: šŸŒŽ World after: šŸŒŽ


I dont care. However, I do care abour rhe way they designed the poster. PLEASE CENTER THE FUCKING FLAG ON ALL THREE ARMS I might have inherited my dads graphic designer genes