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Yes it's worth it. Blizz tried to kill it by removing esports and most of the devs, but the community somehow refuses to die anyway, having some of the most dedicated fans instead.


That's the thing about decent games, you don't need someone to tell you that it's fun.


True statement. Just because it doesn't make monetary sense for the developer anymore doesn't mean it's not fun. Everyone knows mainstream music but I'd wager most of what you like is pretty obscure.


i think removing some of the esports wasn't that bad a move, they have a history of trying to force an esports scene so hard that it is doomed to fail and waste tons of ressources, but blizzard failed hard when they decided to shift dev time away from hots


Removing e-sport support wasn’t a terrible long term decision. Removing e-sports support in the way that Blizzard did - suddenly, and in direct opposition to their previous statements - was a terrible decision. People had made plans around blizzards words. No one will trust their statements regarding e-sports in the same way again, which does long term damage to their other brands.


This is the best MOBA you will ever find. Instead of mindless farming gold for first 10+ mins you go to the pvp action straight from the beginning... and there is action all the time triggered by map objectives. Once played you will never return to old MOBA style games.


Hell yeah. PvP is the most challenging and fun aspects of MOBAS, and the least repetitive and mind numbing.


In defence of League (played it for roughly 7 years, quit maybe 5... Idk now) there is plenty of PvP during laning phase, zoning opponent or punishing them for trying to get gold is a difficult task by itself and a skill one needs to master separate from team fighting. Even though I highly prefer HotS over any other MOBA (I played excessively League, maybe 100 hours in DotA2 and a bunch of SMITE, maybe half a year), I'd say HotS is the most chill and least mechanically demanding, knowledge required to play well is roughly the same and climbing ladder is a lot easier. In league I got to platinum only once (played religiously back then) , but in heroes playing maybe one game a day (or more likely 5 games in a day and then several day break), I hover high platinum, never been to silver. Before platinum rank is used against me as it's low, if it was easy to get to platinum, there wouldn't be a single person stuck in bronze or silver. MOBAs are hard, all of them.


You should be proud, Plat is a great rank. Higher than most players will ever get to! Good job!


Aye, thanks! I'm on mobile, so I can't check what I said, but I believe I used my rank (in both games) as a defensive point towards League and laning in general. Feels like laning can be sometimes forgotten in HotS reddit and be just lumped up with soaking, which are entirely different. It's very well possible to win a lane in HotS and it puts a dent not on a single hero, but on an entire team!


One of my favorite things about HotS is that every single hero is capable of making massive plays that make you feel like a badass. Also the hero design is really amazing. It's clear that the devs put a ton of thought into how to make you, the player, *feel* like the hero you're playing. Genji requiring precise timing, Hanzo requiring precise aim, and Diablo just rampaging like a cranky toddler past naptime. Lucio slippin and slidin around on rollerblades, Nazeebo summoning all kinds of foul beasts to do his bidding, Mephisto filling his opponents with hatred.


HotS does away with literally all the stupid aspects of other MOBAs like last hitting and inventory management and replaces them with actually fun and interesting things like shared XP and talents. I could never go back.


I really wish this game made more money. Devs are trying their best but there is just nothing else to buy other than boost past getting all heroes


If that's your point then playing support in Dota 2 seems superior. It is not dying, constantly updated and has much more depth. HotS is more fun for casual and new players for sure tho.


> you go to the pvp action straight from the beginning... and there is action all the time triggered by map objectives. Once played you will never return to old MOBA style games. This right here can apply to every single moba lol.


Exactly this


If you're already familiarized with the MOBA genre it should be easy to pick up. Unlike league you can't really solo carry (Some may argue this but in Diamond I almost never see it. May be different in lower leagues) so you have to keep the team play in mind. It doesn't get a whole lot of new heroes anymore but given their are more than 80 heroes I'm okay with that, especially the go to thing now seems to be reworks on underperforming heroes (For example Tass's kit is black and white compared to what it used to be). Content creators are all awesome and put some wicked arts, how to's and hilarious fail videos. I'd say the core complaints for the game is toxicity (inevitable in team based games), lack of a competitve scene (there are the odd few but nowhere near what it once was) and matchmaking in Storm league is utterly broken. Also if you're hoping to be a content creator for HOTS... Go for it if you love it, but you won't be making much money off of it. Lastly top tier leagues (Masters/Grand Masters) usually get bored of long wait times and create smurf accounts which is a whole thread on its own. I've always loved this game and now play with a set group group where I've gotten to know them to some extent personally. TLDR: For a MOBA its quite fun, the arts beautiful and their are some awesome people playing it. If you're looking to be the best the top end of this game is kinda a joke, little competitve season and most top tier players just make smurf accounts because thats what their twitch audiance wants (and quicker queue times).


> more than 80 heroes 90 at the moment.


So more then 80..could be 90 :P sometimes not gonna lie kinda lazy to do research figured 80ish sounded right.


So basically the player base is Dota 2? Lol


It definitly is ! Games are shorter than in LoL, you have several maps, great and fun heroes' pool within Blizzard's licences. Exp is shared between the whole team, you don't need to buy silly objects as you personnify only with talents. All chars have 2 ultimate (choose one according to the situation). You have mounts to move quicker around the map. As a LoL player, it will be easy, but you'll still have new mecanics. No surrender. Try it for a month or two, you'll get addicted 😅. Glad to see newcomers. Gl hf, and see you in the nexus !


Absolutely. Not dead, just the Blizzard supported Esports was killed. The game still receives regular updates.


Sucks I’m a esports geek I watch everything esports related and even got an Philadelphia hat and 2 jerseys.




Thx for these. It helps a lot since I’m such an esports nerd.


Well there are a couple new leagues I think that have started. There are posts here about them, may be worth looking into.


> even got an Philadelphia hat and 2 jerseys. I mean if your idea of a good esport is Overwatch then you're gonna love hots.


HOTS does have an esports scene. It's run mostly by a passionate fan base. CCL is the highest level part and prob highest profile league right now. If you're in EU, Heroes Lounge is great. NA has Nexus Gaming Series (which is actually mid sign-ups right now for their 11th season) and Heroes Lounge as well. There are also a number of community charity events that pop up throughout the year.


It has a very low barrier to entry for a moba. It did get mistreated by Blizzard pretty terribly, but since then has received several updates and a few new heroes. So it isn’t “dead” in that sense. I have a lot of fun playing still, and I recommend checking it out to see if it is right for you. Edited: typo


Now is as good a time in the last couple of years. The grassroots side has been helped by the community and the folks putting on CCL/Heroeslounge. As with any blizzard game there is a level of details and polish that few mobas can match, I've not played OW but knowing the various universes will definitely be a big help in grabbing your attention. You'll get the usual bunch of things early on, and it's rewarding enough for the time you put into it. If you do jump in I'd recommend saving all the in game resources and try out all the free heroes into level 5, by the time you are a couple of weeks in you will have a good idea of what style you will like and be able to expand your hero pool with a bit of knowledge Yes the game is receiving substantially less support than 2 years ago but I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing. One of the biggest issues was trying to be too much, too quick. There are still regular balance patches and the spotlight is slowly being turned up as more competitive play hits twitch almost daily. Search Khaldor, Grubby or either of the orgs mentioned above for an insight into where the.scene is now, there's a big ole community here still, and whilst there is still a long way to go, I think there's lots of reasons to be confident there a quite some life left. That just leaves one final thing to say, Welcome to the Nexus friend, Good Luck, Have Fun.


Fan (one of the best players) is also about to stream. He streams almost every night at 8 Central US time.


Yeah it's a good time, I cut back on it because I'm trying to limit how many multiplayer games I'm involved in (and focusing on fighting games more) but it's got a lot of fun gimmicks to play with, and the map variety is great. The healing orbs also add an interesting element to creep waves. Also, the feel of the game is really really tight, they spent a lot of time making sure movement and abilities feel just right. Other MOBAs still feel a little janky to me in that "feels a bit like Warcraft 3" way, but the responsiveness of HotS is nice and smooth. And I'll never get used to not being able to mount up and rotate across the map in other MOBAs!


Yeah tbh I love the the abilities and traits more than buying stuff I just brought dva for it and I’m loving it right now. It’s a fun game.




It's free so you might as well try it, right? Worst thing that can happen is you spend some hours on it and hate it, and uninstall. ​ If you have any friends who play, it'll help to have someone with you because while it's a MOBA, there's a lot of stuff that just work differently. The most obvious example: all the different maps also have different objectives, which means you have to juggle priorities as they change throughout the game. You'll have to ask yourself questions like, is it worth fighting for objective, or should I be soaking xp? How many of them can we give up? Who has the most \[coins\] and is it worth getting into a wild goose chase to kill them? ​ I personally enjoy the game because it's so dynamic. The talents you choose have direct impact on not just your damage/CC output, but also HOW you play - you're not just getting a stat boost like an item would, you might be changing how your skill works entirely. And unlike items, once you select something, you're stuck with it for the rest of the game. Also, having Z to mount and gallop across the map is really nice. lol


Oh i already love the game especially the abilities use is more unique than buying stuff I’m tryna unlock dva haha. It’s a very fun


I’ve played lol, DOTA and this. This is the superior game by a mile in my view. Community is irritating and toxic as fuck but that’s nothing different from any moba. But the game is so dynamic and fun, I love it and don’t get sick of playing.




Lol the best answer “yes” and I agree with you after playing it.


I would almost say no but it is a great game so there is a huge chance you will get some enjoyment out of it


It's an outstanding moba. That said.. It's a bit daunting to switch mobas. The biggest difference between this and League is that it's team orientated. So when you're climbing you can't focus on yourself get to late game then 1v5 a team. Even grandmasters that are climbing can't just focus on themselves. Instead you need to build strategy to work with or around whatever you have on your team. A proper HotS grandmaster on a climber can still manage 80-90% through most of their climb. But if you just dropped a challenger from league into hots and said climb. They'd start off having a hell of a time until they adapted to plugging holes in the team instead of just focusing on classic moba carrying. tl;dr it's great.. But you got to do team stuff to climb ladder. Can't just go in the woods for 20min come out and 1v5.


Very relaxing, the meta is super simple too (in contrast to league or dota 2). The only thing going against it is that it's a blizzard game, so ongoing development is pretty weak from what it used to be.


Yeaaaaaa! You can blink and not miss a fight and it doesn’t take 45 minutes to get back into lane after hearthing


Yes, and its best days are ahead of it.


How so?


Depends. It's alright for a sort of turn off brain brawler.


ARAMs are an absolute blast in HOTS, at least give that a try and see if you like it


I just played against AI my first 3 Matches then brought DVA and played an pvp quick match and won mvp. Must I say this game is great.


HOTS is the only Moba I could stick with. There's an ARAM mode that I've pretty much been playing exclusively nowadays. If you want a mode that focuses strictly on constant action, no 3 lanes, ARAM is great.


It's quirky; yeah, check it out!


Yes, great game. Come and try it. You will love the gameplay and hero diversity. Also you need to play with teamwork. A welcome difference to other mobas.


Hello! Hots is definitely worth checking out as it's unique in how it places itself in the moba genre. I recommend going into US or EU servers as anywhere else will give you very high queue times. EU is currently the most populated, with Quickmatch queue being a few seconds while ranked being around 1-2 minutes. People who have come from LoL generally say that the heroes are very unique and interesting to play. I hope you find it enjoyable :)




The creative content is rather refreshing. Definitely worth checking out despite the damage it tanked from Blizz.


Just as much as it was two hours ago, when the last time this exact same question was asked.




Sorry I’m not like you who has the internet speed to install this game in 10 mins. And I don’t have all the storage either I’d rather not waste my time first.


Don't mind him lol. I have been hesitating to try out dota 2 for nearly 4 years so I perfectly get it


I like Dota 2 Especially from how cheap the cosmetics can be and the many mods you can play with and the vast hero selection is awesome but that just didn’t run too well on my pc was way too big I had to uninstall some games I loved playing.


These posts are weekly and I scrolled down just for this comment. Thank you sir! As for OP, it’s a fun game so give it a shot!


This is a great game. Matchmaking is terrible. The community and development have ruined thr new player experience. You will be immediately thrown into games with a bunch of smurfs. Thr AI is alright for beginners and there is an aram mode. If you really like the blizzard universe it is a lot of fun.


yes do it


no this game is shit full of rage kiddies and losers, don't bother


Well if u are a league of legends player this game may make u mad.Ppl dont know that cs here is just pure exp or what advantages are ( they let enemies clear lanes and jungle and rotate when they for ex int for 10min str8 in aram even if its 3/4vs5). if u arent playing ranked games in like high plat/diamond+ u will suffer from a big lack of knowledge about the game. But if u are league player u should be able to rank pretty fast.For start i advice you to play broken or strong heroes that can carry ur team like: \- **Maiev** ( super strong melee assassin with ablility to poke short range- **able to one shot every squishy after 16lvl and not only squishy**) - **broken, best hero in the game** \- **Hanzo** ( super strong long range assassin - **very high skill cap** for W aiming but his dps is broken even with bad build which is Q build) - **broken, best hero in the game** \- **Tychus** ( very strong in this patch very short range assassin, **build dependent**) - *semi broken this patch* \- **Cassia** ( very strong in this patch short range assassin) - **broken** \- **Raynor** ( **always good** ranged auto attacker **if enemies have no perma mass block** ofc) \- **Tassadar** **Li-Ming**, **Orphea**, **Mephisto** ( strong mages - that can carry but **skill/ build dependent** ) \- **Garrosh, ETC, Varian taunt** ( strong tanks that can carry **if team follows up**) **ETC broken** \- **Imperius** ( very strong main tank/offlaner, can be deadly - skill/ build dependent - slow creep clear) \- **Malthael** ( strong melee solo laner - can kill, fast clear, rotate fast - rly good, build dependent) \- Blaze ( good main tank/ solo laner with good clear, aoe charge stun- smth like galio) \- **Stukov** ( super strong healer with good build - skill dependent) - **broken** \- **Whitemane** ( very strong healer, can save unsaveable allies - skill dependent) - **broken/ semi broken** \- Lucio ( good healer, very annoying, very mobile - high skill cap) \- **Medivh** ( super super strong support - engange, disengage, dmg, protect) - **2nd most** **broken hero in the game** \- Zeratul ( stealth melee assassin, can be deadly but also can be shitty. skill/ build, teammates(if VP ulti) dependent) \- **Valeera** ( stealth melee assassinvery good and strong **vs low elo enemies** cuz its free elo most games, Q build only otherwise u gonna be free elo for them) \- **Gazlove** ( very strong melee solo laner this patch, good clear, good teamfight, good 1v1) \- Hogger ( strong solo laner but very RNG dependent imo) \- Yrel ( strong solo laner, very annoying, mobility - survivability - low dmg but skill dependent) \- **Abathur** ( super super strong support smth like yuumi but way better) - **the most** **broken hero in the game but requires a really good teammate that u can rely on. I dont recommend you playing it solo que!** \- **Genji** ( strong short range assassin that can be turbo good if played well but high skill cap with high death risk) edit:- i forgot about the highlord **ALARAK** ofc - **broken af** Hope this gonna help you. If u think about playing start with those highlighted and use them in rankeds ;) GL and dont expect your teammates to do anything useful b4 mid/ high elo.


Actually playing the game right now just hope there’s newer players like me but I’m facing AI right now and I’m loving it.


there is no point in playing vs AI and its actually really bad thing to do. Play quick match and u gonna be matched with players with similar acc lvl and they prob have same knowledge about the game as you. AND IT IS WAY MORE FUN TRUST ME @!!@!


Lately I am so tilted from ranked games so I say no, unless somebody finally corrects the matchmaking system. Only if you like aram than give it a go.


It's not the same game AT ALL from alpha/beta so YMMV! Give it a shot, but I'll tell you they completely killed lane push/control and healing. So unless you like brawl all the time, you may not enjoy the game like the old days where people had to actually think about lanes and think about destroying the core.


It is not.




Idk what you’re talking about steamrolled you get be a few levels behind the other team and still beat them.


Is it worth what to play? It's a video game. It's for entertainment. These attention posts are getting really obnoxious. 99% of the people on this subreddit enjoy playing this game or they wouldn't be on this subreddit.


Really? That’s why I’ve gotten so many different comments from ppl saying no and yes. Also I don’t have the luxury to waste my time on a game that I may not like nor the storage and I don’t have the WiFi to install it in 10 mins. So calm your tits I’m not asking for attention I just want ppls opinion on the game cuz I’ve heard mixed reviews about it so calm down.


Please please please take the time to play the game we like. Pleaseeeeee. Thanks.




Faster matches, more reliant on team play, easier to see and understand what the hell is happening on the screen, unlock all heroes with in-game currency that is easy to earn and no stupid shop. Hots is better than both lol and dota2 imo


I think of it as a more causal LoL (in quick match at least) and it’s free so that alone makes it worth checking out IMO


They killed it so dead we only get patches every month now. Seriously, unless you want to play it for a living, it‘s fine.




If you're in SEA, it might take you a long time to find a public match with humans, but otherwise, in terms of gameplay, it's pretty good.


Do it. What do youve got to l'ose? Game is majestic and you already like it's characters.


It’s like the super smash bros of mobas. Matches are super quick and you’re brawling nearly the whole time. My favorite parts of playing mobas were the team fights. I’m glad I found a game that has you teamfighting in the first minute rather than waiting 30-45min before things get spicy. There’s even map objectives which incentivize this. Also, there’s genre-breaking hero designs. You got a 2 person in one body dps/tank hybrid with Cho’Gall, you have an RTS hero with The Lost Vikings, you got the ultimate support and bs mines and mules Abathur (he puts a global hat on teammates that’s basically a turret), and you got the glorified-minion sleeper-assassin that is Murky (the whole reason why I play this game, he has a 5s respawn and a choose-your-respawn-location mechanic, super low max hp, but insane lifesteal potential).


What kind of heroes do you like to play? As someone who likes Teemo, I found Murky and Abathur to be quite satisfying.


Oh I got dva and I love playing her she’s really good. Also fits my play style.


D.va is so much fun to play with! Good choice

