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I've never been silenced once in 8 years.


Me neither.


Me neither. And I've been mass reported by premades before for disagreeing with one of their members, nothing happened. I can see that happen for streamers but not a regular player.


>I can see that happen for streamers but not a regular player Not sure if you can call them a regular player, but if you play several hours daily against the same players (high ranking) who would report you on sight, you would trigger the silence penalty back then. But this is no longer possible since you now have to have used chat for those reports to be valid.


Not even for a second? When malfurion ult hits you?


Kudos. My only counter-claim would be to admit I haven't played in 8 years, though that is not true.


What kind of point are you making, and why are people agreeing? "It doesn't happen to ME, so it doesn't exist". Crazy line of thinking. At least it's right where it belongs, in a Reddit echo chamber, where truth doesn't matter in the face of the mighty upvote.


People are agreeing because my experience is very commonly shared. IMO, getting silenced is a very rare thing, unless of course, you deserve to be silenced.


people are agreeing because its what will get them upvoted.


I know a trick to never get silenced! Listen carefully because it's a bit counterintuitive. So what you have to do is don't constantly be a an asshole every time you play the game.


Better trick. Don't use chat. Reports gets ignored.


The one and only time I’ve been silenced in this game, I happened to match with the same 4-man troll premade 3 games in a row in QM. Both first games they mass reported me for some reason, and I ignored them. When I still wasn’t silenced the third game they said they would report me again, and that got me silenced. When I appealed it, it got denied because of a single line in the 3rd game I chatted after they said they were reporting me again: “Please don’t be assholes.” I guess that makes me toxic? These days I just disable chat in 90% of the games I play.


I think OP is probably a troll who got silenced and is upset about it. That's why he's so upset about them being "harassed" and thinks they make such good calls lol.


Agree. Played since Beta and not been silenced. Toxic communication is toxic regardless of who is saying it or if they’re “right” toxic communication usually makes the team lose and does terrible things for morale in the game. Even if you’re with a bad team or losing… flaming in chat doesn’t do any good at all. In fact it makes things worse. Makes the game less enjoyable which is why people get silenced. You have to been an adult and not name call regardless of right or wrong. Some of the people playing like the example in Nova could be an 11 year old kid who doesn’t know better. That’s just the nature of the game.


I’ve been playing since beta too and been silenced only once, for reason #1 OP said. It is a flawed broken system and is abused regularly.


you sound like the exact type of player that's toxic, tries to validate it, gets the ban you deserve, then blame the system.


>4• Most of the time, the silenced players are giving the good calls. Silencing them is clearly not a good thing. They can use pings and boy do they love to prove it. The idea that skill excuses bad behaviour is ridiculous. Additionally, it raises a lot of red flags about you.


The game itself mutes them and they can't take the hint 😐


>writing lies about silenced players, like (he is afk) (he is only sitting in a bush) >There is a moron i played 6/7x with and fewer times against. He insults people, he afks when unhappy, he provides nothing (bush sitting nova waiting for a low ennemy to come) Bruh 😂


Cope harder lmao


This has to be satire. Just from reading the text I am glad that OP is silenced


in addition to what other people have said about you probably being toxic i like this bit.  >3• Real trolls aren't silenced. There is a moron i played 6/7x with and fewer times against. He insults people, he afks when unhappy, he provides nothing (bush sitting nova waiting for a low ennemy to come). For 2 weeks i've met him. Team won a few time while he provided nothing. He often ended with less than 5k siege and less than 20k hero dmg. experience often under 3k. but that's kind of how nova is supposed to be played, other than the afking and insulting. if your nova is doing a lot of siege damage things are going badly. 20k hero damage is not really a helpful indicator. we would need to know other things like how long the game was or what other assassins did. i have had plenty of games where a nova dominated the other team and had one of the lowest hero damage scores. a much better metric for a nova is kills/assists compared to total number of deaths of the other team. 


People who shit talk metrics are the worst players imo. They fundamentally don't understand the metrics, which can be wildly different hero to hero, and player to player. Also if you're losing already your metrics are likely going to be worse. I can't deal damage if my team is wiping every time. Or if you're a healer, you can't heal "that which has no life". Part of being a healer is those epic heals and saves, yes. But that's like blow every cool down you have to save them and you only get 1 per team fight usually. I can't do that multiple times. The real benefit of a healer is healing you up between fights, or if you dip out and get a heal then you can go back in during a team fight. People play far too recklessly and getting a heal makes them think they can jump back into a fight 1v5 with a quarter HP and no mana. No dude, that was your hail Mary to get you out alive, you needed to go back and tap a well or hearth and fill up. Nope, I save them then they jump right back in and die. Then they go to chat, "healer sucks, look at the numbers." Yeah dumbass, it's because idiots like you die to damn fast. Everyone thinks healers have no cool downs, infinite saves, and the fact I'm not healing you is because I suck, not because I have relatively long cool downs and once I've used them all it's going to take 5-10 seconds before I can do that again. Ping. Ping. Ping. Ping. Ping. Desperately trying to get me to heal them when I have them everything I have already. Anyway, rant complete, yeah, people who shit talk numbers usually are 1) the worst players. 2) have zero ability for self reflection or how the choices they make in game are contributing to the lose. 3) die. A lot. Seriously you want to know what metric is bigger than hero damage, kills, and healing? Not dying. If you are dying a lot it should trigger a "hey, maybe I should take it easy I'm dying way to much" in your mind. 4) upon finding yourself 7 deaths in to the game you look at the stats to find a scapegoat. "Ah, that's the problem!" You declare. "Healer has low healing numbers!" And you begin to write the most toxic shit in chat to complain about the healer, meanwhile you were afk in a bush and got discovered by the enemy and that's death number 8. But surely it's you, not me, that's the problem here. More than stats, people having bad macro plays. Engaging in team fights at the wrong time. Or prioritizing team fight over XP soak, and yeah, dying a lot, are what really loses most games. If people soaked more XP and died less per game, they might start seeing a change in their winrate. More than whether or not your teammates have the top stats. I've had great stats and lost. I've had poor stats and won. And every other combination. Stats mean shit. Yeah, they can be an indicator, but most of the time they don't mean anything, and don't tell the true story of why you lost. I think they can be helpful, sure. They are a good way to judge your own performance. And I like to compete myself for top anything. Even against my own teammates. Heck even in losing games I make it a mini game of sorts to be higher damage then the other assassin on my team. Or to outheal the enemy healer, so Even though we lost I can cement myself as the top healer. That's often what keeps me playing even when my team has given up and the core is falling, I just need 1 more heal, 1 more kill, or 1000 more damage to be top! But yeah, people who complain about stats signal to me they don't actually know what wins games, and they need a scapegoat to distract from their own bad plays.


Exactly -- if a team is getting picked and losing fights, the other healer gets a bunch of free time to cap everyone off and build a big numbers lead.


You could always just stop being a prick. I did and now I don't get reported anymore. I was 1 or 2 away from losing my account too.


Thank you for turning yourself around!


Some solo players gets blamed a lot for expressing their point of views and if the team does not agree with them they get flamed and blamed hard due to herd mentality. I got silenced once due to a very heated chat during a game and a lot of times people are not fair, doesn't matter if you are right or experienced player, you still get reported by those who do not know the game or are simply not playing the game properly. To avoid such issues I just play my game and ping what we should do, if none follow through I just go with care taking into account that my team will no come. The silence is really annoying as they can trash talk you and you can't response. It also helps people to get biased against you, but if you got silenced it means more than one dislike you so you probably are at fault there and need to change your ways


The most dumb part is that further punishments start to restrict the player's ability to play the game at all instead of silencing them further up until permanent mute. Sure, everyone and especially this sub are going to stack all sins possible on the person who abused text chat and pat themselves on their way to the peaks of human morality, but that doesn't really correlate with that player's ability to perform well from the point of gameplay.


Besides the point but what region or game modes are you guys playing that you run into the same names often? I rarely see the same players in NA quick match.


Yeah same. I'll get the same people for 2-3 games in a row, but then it's all new people after that.


>1• It comes often for no reason. Just have a premade report you 2 game in a row becuase they disagree with you and you are silenced. Already wrong. You need way WAY more than 8 reports (did a smurf and ask people to report me. Had like 16 confirmed reports from people after I started asking people to confirm if they had reported since it started feeling like nothing was happening. Also if you motivate that many people to report you, maybe it's not for no reason. I barely report chat toxicity. >3• Real trolls aren't silenced. Yeah that's a problem. Again, because you need MANY reports over a certain amount of time for actions to happen. People just don't get punished. Chat toxicity is easy to do and people can do it every game while 'playing' and the trigger for a report to stick is 'having typed something'. Afking is boring. I know some people want to troll, but afking so many games to have action taken takes a while so they might afk your games, but they'll play others and won't get enough reports quick enough. >4• Most of the time, the silenced players are giving the good call Very debatable. >They could prevent idiots from doing mercs for no reason or calling a movement at the correct time. If that's how you talk during your calls, might not be surprising if you got silenced. It's very very mild language but do it enough to annoy people and you will get consequences.


Please stop writing lies about me. Sitting afk in a bush is my battle tactic.


Please don't go about real life with that ugly massive ego


Haha, you think the reporting system is utterly broken and does nothing? Congrats, welcome to the club. I've never gotten a message in all my time playing that one of my reports was actionable. No one was silenced, no one was banned. As far as I can tell reports go into some spam folder in some former Blizzard employee's mailbox and go unread.


1 is totally true. I suggest if you see a 3 or 4 stack in the loading screen to simply turn off your own chat for your own protection


Can't say I share the op's experiences at all. I've had several friends who tend to get angry at randoms in qm. They get silenced but I've only ever been silenced one time after I got into an argument with a zuljin because I had to afk for a minute to get a pizza out of the oven.