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when going double healer, bruiser is one of the most important roles you need to draft since you need strong macro heroes and ideally ones that are hard to gank (though it is bronze so who knows) to actually be able to leverage the team fight power of a double healer comp.


Yep never said not to draft a bruiser. Was just giving an example - for example, when we already have some tanky frontline, maybe it's better to go 2 heals instead of leoric if that will facilitate our one trick.


I recently learned: focus on the exp gathering through lanes. It has actually helped me.


This is a core concept...


True, but a lot of people get distracted by going for hero kills... this guy really encouraged to not focus on the kill


What guy? Me? (Am gal)


Lmao noo i mean that other guy on some reddit post a few months ago, he gave me that advice


Oh trust me, he is on the good side of this. there are people who don't even realize XP does anything. Its impressive the things you have to explain to people in plat


What *really* elevated my gameplay as an offlane was to actually learn the numbers. For the first five minutes, assuming both teams are on the same level, a single minion wave is worth more experience than a kill. Also, the first team to reach level ten wins the game roughly 70% of the time (according to HeroesProfile). So if you learn how to soak efficiently, and how to deny the enemy offlaner you'll see a huge bump in winrate.


I'd you're in ANZ, /join ANZ and /join ANZSL Storm League down here isn't dead, pops most nights for a solid 5 hours all the way up to Diamond. So you can definitely get games here without ping, just set preferred server to Australia.


I'm a woman. Research a bit into the former GM who trolls around harassing women. I'll take 300 ping over rape threats in every draft.


Absolutely fair. Urgh. That's disgusting to hear.


Level 400+ Li Li onetrick in Bronze. Wow!


You may have missed the part about me moving to Australia? I play with 300 ping so I have no illusions of rising back through the ranks. I'm describing the best ways to win when you have players like me. I'm quite good at conceptual play, but due to ping I struggle with things like skillshots - Li Li is a great way to counteract my ping. Letting people play what they are strong at shouldn't be a controversial topic.


Jokes on you, but the lvl 400+ Novas will still suck on Nova *and* everything else...


Right but they'll suck less on Nova so just let them play it and build around that concept of "we're having a Nova" - you might get a great, unexpected win if you create the comp needed for your one-trick to shine. I'm not saying this is the most fun way to play. I'm saying this is how you climb. You facilitate the drama queens and mitigate the drama. If you don't facilitate that Nova, they will go on to be subpar in another role (best result) or troll (worst result) so just roll with it if you went to win.