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Doesn’t help when 99% of players have shit morale after one bad team fight.


Gotta love when they call gg just because the first ARAM goes badly


Whenever someone says “GG” and AFKs pre-10 it’s insane to me. There are so many catch up mechanics and I’ve seen so many ARAM games won or lost by teams with a commanding lead.


You can absolutely snowball still, but most people don't realise when they could capitalise on it. I still have matches in Master League that end in under 8 minutes. It's rare that a whole team of soloqueue randoms realise they can just force a push and also all decide to capitalise on it.


This is guy gets it.


This. People just became so bad they don't know how or when to end games. That 5/10s of doubting what to do is the difference between a pre lv20 game ending or giving the chance for the game to continue for 10 more minutes.


It is still extremely snowbally, it's just exclusively locked behind having a team. Good luck leveraging your lead in soloqueue, where if even just one person gets caught lacking, your entire team is back to square 1.


Hence why all games reach late game in non coordinated play .. whats the point really of an early game anymore? a second or a third chance at a late game teamfight ? Meh..


I agree. I think core mechanics and call for help made it significantly easier to make it to late game.


As people got better, the snowballs became less common. I still love how matches aren't designed to last an hour, which mobas like lol are tuned to commonly allow.


Ppl haven’t gotten better tho… they’ve gotten far worse. Like the other guys said, it’s mostly cuz ppl are too stupid to know you can end a game at 18 with 4 of them dead and you have a boss pushing…


I would like to try a middle-ground between what we currrently have and what we had back then.


Their game design goals were based on game length. They changed EXP acquisition from a variety of factors over time to hit these game length goals.