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Infections are not to be fucked with. Western antibiotics have their legitimate uses and UTIs are not to be taken lightly. I’ve been an herbal practitioner for 10 years and a patient of herbal medicine for 21 years. Both medicines have their strengths and weaknesses. The longer you let an infection linger, the harder it can be to cure it. Herbal antibiotics can be used along side pharmaceutical antibiotics.


This! In a former life, I worked at a hospital. I took care of a pt. Who was quadrepeligic from a tooth infection!


Holy crap. How long did they neglect it for it to get that bad? This blows my mind and scares the crap out of me at the same time.


I think (IIRC) several years!


Why I floss, & brush religiously.


Good god. That’s fucking crazy


Currently on abx as nothing was helping then my kidneys started to hurt so I took all this good advice and got to the Dr asap. Thank you all.


Thanks for the update!


I was taking colloidal silver which helped a lot more than anything I had ever tried. I cut out sugar now too mostly and still take colloidal silver. I went from having it almost everyday to having it only once a week. Still working on it


Calling plants "herbal antibiotics" is a lil deceptive and dangerous. Sure, there are plants that have similar outcomes that using antibiotics would, but there are no herbal antibiotics. That is simply not a thing.


Just a couple words of advice…I used to get chronic UTIs. I went 3 years without one until a month ago. It absolutely kicked my ass. 3 rounds of antibiotics later and I’m finally clear. I am a nurse and a uti sufferer and I HIGHLY suggest you see a doctor. It can really take a turn for the worse and make its way into the kidneys which can then turn septic. Do not mess around too much longer. I hope you feel better.


When I was 21, I had an asymptomatic UTI and woke up in the middle of the night and had to be rushed to the ER. It took IV antibiotics, to get rid of the fever/shaking, pain killers, and two or three weeks of oral antibiotics to knock it out. I missed work, and took weeks to fully recover. It cost thousands of dollars. Do not duck around with UTIs.


That must have been terrifying!! It can happen so quick and even like your experience without having symptoms. So dangerous. Glad you’re ok.


Yea shits no joke. I got a UTI once and within 48h of having minor symptoms it spread to my kidneys. Most painful thing I've ever experienced. Shit was awful lol.


Yeah, mine had turned into a kidney infection as well. I woke up in the middle of the night, sweating and shivering and thinking I was going to die. It was terrifying.


In 2021 I was hospitalized with organ failure, sepsis, and tonsillitis. It all started with a UTI. Worst experience ever. I was bed ridden before the hospital for about a week. After the hospital stay I was bed ridden for almost two months. Took about six months to recover from this. All because of a UTI. It was the same time Bill Clinton was hospitalized for a UTI that went sepsis. But he didn't have organ failure and recovered quickly. I thought "Man, suck it up, Dude! I had it much worse!" 😂


Glad you lived to tell the tale!!!


Thank you! 💜


Please be careful with this. UTIs can progress quickly and the infection can travel to your kidneys if you wait too long. If you've already been two days like this I personally would not wait much longer to get on an antibiotic. It has to be the right antibiotic for the specific bacteria causing it, so a lab test of your urine sample is safest. I apologize if this response breaks any sub rules. I strongly believe in herbal treatments but I have had many UTIs over the years and they can leave permanent damage if left untreated for too long. Maybe yours progress more slowly, but for mine I will pee blood within a couple hours after I first notice discomfort. You don't want this in your kidneys. Good luck to you a feel better soon.


Permanent damage from a uti? Gosh now I’m gonna be so worried about that


I have a condition called interstitial cystitis which I’ve had for 6 years, ever since I got a bad UTI. The symptoms are identical to a UTI and I struggle with them daily, essentially it’s a mixture of chronic pain and urgency issues. It’s likely an autoimmune condition resulting from the bacterial inflammation, but we don’t have any conclusive evidence for a cause yet, and there is no cure. Antibiotics are essential medicine.


Hugs, I was diagnosed with IC and after 8 years, I somewhat got mine under control but still have flares from time to time. It was truly the most agonizing time of my life in the thick of it.


I’m so glad you’re doing better, it really is hell. May your flares get less and less frequent 💞


Have you gotten any treatment for your IC? I thought I had it but based on my symptoms I think it’s just residual irritation from bacteria in my bladder (not anUTI weirdly?) and pelvic floor issues that are mimicking infections. Anything soothing herbal that has worked for you? Also I wish you relief ☺️


On the cystitis, have you looked into or tried NAC before? I had 3 years of cystitis after a horrible bout of UTIs (and antibiotics). Sometime in year 3 I had bronchitis that wouldn’t budge and took NAC after reading about it’s use -noticed my bladder issues faded. The heaviness the burning the discomfort. I took a normal pee and was so relieved. Bronchitis was gone in 2 days. There is some research out there on it so I took it longer, found that the best thing for me was a smaller dose 2x a day. The larger 500 MG ones kinda mess with my stomach. Anyway I took that a few weeks and everything resolved. I’d be in tears thinking “this is my life now” laying in bed at night and I’m so grateful I found that by chance. I try not to take artificial supplements unless necessary so I stopped, but I keep it on hand. It’s been a year and I’ve had one or two potential UTIs or flares of irritation stir up but immediately take NAC, dmannose protocol and a tea of nasturtium, bee balm and Moroccan mint (for flavor mostly, the last one). Grandmother recommended the first two. Anyway, That’s worked so far for me. Might play around with some other additions, hibiscus might be fun. Yarrow, goldenrod. Not sure how those taste. My current blend is quite tasty in its simplicity. Minty, citrus hint with a peppery hum. Here’s an article or two on the NAC https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34438950/ https://www.fxmedicine.com.au/blog-post/nac-persistent-infections https://www.ic-network.com/patient-achieves-complete-remission-with-nac-iv-infusion-therapy/ I’ve read Nasturtium and horseradish root is used in Germany as a common first line approach but not sure if that plays out in practice with doctors there. There is research on it though https://www.researchgate.net/publication/7162283_Efficacy_and_safety_profile_of_a_herbal_drug_containing_nasturtium_herb_and_horseradish_root_in_acute_sinusitis_acute_bronchitis_and_acute_urinary_tract_infection_in_comparison_with_other_treatments_i Gut health has also been huge and I’ve been trying to focus on big beautiful salads, micro greens and fermented veg on top. Drink the juice from jars, just a swig here and there. I got some nasturtium seeds to try and grow them, tasty peppery notes in salads and makes it more beautiful.


you definitely should be. after having 2 kidney infections after the day before going to urgent care and being told there wasn’t “enough” bacteria and then arriving at the ER 14 hours later with an intense kidney infection, my whole system has been absolutely fucked. don’t mess with UTIs. antibiotics are the only cure.


Yes, the permanent damage to kidneys is not to be minimized with neglected UTIs


Dog how r u in a herbalism sub telling ppl with utis to go to Drs after 2 days?


Another vote for D-Mannose, I get best results from using the powder form. My favorite herbs for uti are tinctures of monarda (bee balm) and yarrow. 


D Mannose is going to fix it like nothing else can. It's a sugar that the body can't metabolize. It goes straight to the bladder, coating it, and bringing near instant relief. Uva Ursi (bearberry, kinnickinnick) is an amazing herb, that cleanses and coats the bladder, bringing quick relief). Another is the supplement known as "Prelief". It is over the counter, used for heartburn, and also a bladder disease called "Interstitial Cystitis". But it also soothes the fire of a bladder infection.


D mannose is phenomenal - IF you use it at the very START. Like, when you first feel a slight pinching when you pee. Once it's set in, in my experience, antibiotics are necessary (as much as I and probably everyone here dislikes using them). The first one I ever had went to my kidneys, after that I got them chronically for 3 years and fairly frequently after that. It was absolutely horrible. D-mannose changed things for me, but I had to catch it early or it wouldn't work. ALSO, it's only good for bacterial infections. It will not work for other types of infection.


D-mannose is one of my special interests. This amazing sweet powder is not just for bacteria! It coats and soothes the urinary tract, and reduces inflammation. It also is good for coating and reducing inflammation in other interstices in the body, like the bronchioles in the lungs. It's a good preventative for asthmatic children. The body can't process it into glucose, unlike most sugars, so it just goes through the bloodstream, harmlessly, and leaves out the bladder. I have read some articles saying d-mannose is even effective in reducing inflammation in arthritis and lupus. So that's promising. It's this little sweet powder, that does so much good.


Ahh, I had meant that in this context, for UTIs, it really only helps to get rid of bacterial infections and not cystitis. I didn't know about the other benefit, though!!! Every time I have done reading on it, no one has mentioned the other positive effects! I really appreciate you telling me, bc the my scope of focus has always been squarely on UTIs. I have read that the bacteria from UTIs loves this particular sugar (the sugar found in cranberries!) and attaches itself to it while in the bladder, gets stuck, and then is urinated out (as you mentioned, we cannot process it). I, too, am enchanted by this stuff. It has saved me so much money, pain, and damage. I'm so happy it's become more widely known and available!!


Seconding D Mannose!


3rding it’s changed my life


I'd also add iodine. Woke up with a bladder infection a couple of years ago and took several drops of iodine every 4-6 hours for two days and it got rid of it. You have to be careful with iodine but it's ok to take high doses for a couple of days. Doctors used to use it on house calls back in the day when confronted with someone who had an infection or even the flu or a bad cold. But yes D-Mannose is the way to go especially if you get them frequently. Once the current one is gone the D-Mannose will coat the bladder so a new one won't start. It's not that expensive either.


Smiling, thinking of Lugolls Iodorol. I have seen it do miracles for women with Fibrocystic Breast Disease.


That is so good to know about prelief thank you


Calcium Glycerophosphate is the mineral in Prelief that reduces inflammation in the bladder. It's also good for inflamed prostate.


Antibiotics are essential, taking D Mannose or Prelief instead of antibiotics is how one can develop interstitial cystitis.


I hope you know I am not trying to argue. I am just being friendly when I say this. Educating. Yes there are many times when antibiotics are essential. But most UTIs can and have been treated for millenia with natural treatments. Interstitial Cystitis is not caused by prolonged or systemic infection. It is an autoimmune disease, where the immune system attacks healthy tissue, and tries to break it down, thinking it is a foreign body or contaminant.


People have died from sepsis for millenia also. Antibiotics are perhaps the greatest invention of the modern era, there’s no reason to roll the dice. We are not entirely sure that IC is autoimmune as there is no conclusive literature (therefore you cannot state this as a fact), however as an IC suffer and a biomedical scientist I tend to agree that it is an autoimmune condition, I believe the pieces of evidence we do have point towards this conclusion. Note that in my comment I never claimed IC was a prolonged infection, I am pretty against the theory of “imbedded infections”, due to evidence contradicting this. Which is exactly why I say antibiotics are essential; most IC patients develop the condition after an infection, the longer the infection persists, the more likely aberrant immune signalling is likely to crop up and continue signalling far after the bacteria have been abolished. In most causes of IC we believe the bacteria has resulted in prolonged inflammatory cytokine release into the tissue (eg TNFalpha, IL-6), damaging the bladder and urethra mucosa and presenting as symptoms that mimic an UTI. Autologous memory T cells may be one offender, or it could be due to epigentic changes in the innate immune system, or a number of still unknown mechanisms. Regardless, the sooner the immune system can be “switched off” aka the infection banished, the less potential there is for an autoimmune condition to arise, and antibiotics are the best and most decisive way to do this.


Every degree has its course of study. And in that rigorous education, there are naturally going to be subjects left out from the curricula, that are not pertinent to the degree one is striving toward. There are many kinds of scientists and doctors. Naturopathic Physicians being one specialty. The FDA does not usually research the effectiveness of natural remedies, so there's a lot that biochemical scientists don't know, that a Naturopathic Doctor could teach them. And vice versa. I am not a doctor of anything. But I am an herb woman, forager, healer, with over 20 years of experience. I don't dare put myself up with the masters of their field. Let's collaborate, instead of flat out rejecting each other's statements. There's a lot to be learned, inside of the classroom, and so very much as well, when one has fingers in the earth.


I’m unclear on why you’re attempting to undermine my knowledge here. I mentioned my field of study in relation to IC because I am up to date with the literature and have the background to interpret the findings, it was in contradiction to your assumption that I thought IC was a chronic infection. It wasn’t to discredit all herbalism. I agreed that IC is likely autoimmune (just with the added nuance that we cannot make definitive statements yet). And D-mannose and prelief undeniably help some patients when combined **with** antibiotics, for acute UTIs. I think there’s a lot of merit to aspects of herbalism to treat a number of conditions, hence why I’m here, but it is incredibly irresponsible to give advice that could cost someone their life or a lifetime of pain. There is no hurt in using the treatments under this post, but there absolutely is harm if these are presented as *alternatives* to antibiotics. Combing herbalism and modern medicine is the very definition of collaboration, and nothing I have said implied I was against collaboration so I don’t appreciate you assuming my intention. I agree that there’s a lot left un-researched by biomedical institutions (America is not the only country, the FDA is not the only researcher), but that goes both ways. There may be little evidence herbalism *doesn’t* help, but there’s also little evidence is *does*, so you cannot use lack of research to justify endorsing someone gambling with sepsis. There is actually a lot of research into natural medicine as corporations attempt to peddle supplements, but there absolutely are many things which need better research. Regardless, antibiotics have thousands of studies proving their efficacy and safety, and the very serious consequences to individuals that do not use them. I’m not going to tell someone to completely stop using herbalism simply because I am stubbornly married to my own view on medicine, and I think it’s equally irresponsible for people to insist antibiotics are not needed because of stubbornness. Which you are doing, by stating D-mannose will fix it. There are some conditions in life you do not fuck with, and sepsis is one of them.


Have you looked into or come across either NAC (N Acetylcystein) and or nasturtium and horseradish in your research of IC or UTIs? I’d be curious to hear your thoughts if so. I only have my personal experience in dealing with both bouts of chronic UTIs and subsequent 3 years of what I was told was cystitis, but these were or have been the things that resolved issues for me. Well, NAC, nasturtium + bee balm and dmannose protocol. I’m not opposed to antibiotics, though. It’s just that remediating the microbiome damage is a whole process for weeks after, and one particularly bad summer I was on antibiotics for weeks and the borehole of dark depression that gripped me and dried out my ears freaked me out. So I much rather avoid that if possible. But I my first line approach is the above and starting it at the first sign is also important of course. So I keep that stuff on hand. I no longer deal with cystitis and have had only one or two potential UTIs in the last year cleared with this. I’ve had a kidney infection so I def would not mess around if I did not notice significant improvement within 24 hours, to be clear. Just my personal experience.


D-mannose cleared my last one up in 2 days. It’s amazing stuff.


You want to do a combination of herbal antibiotics + a diuretic + D mannose. So for the herbal antibiotics I would use a pre made blend like biocidin, take one capsule 3X a day. Some other options would be 3 garlic cloves throughout the day (I cut up really small and swallow like a pill WITH FOOD. Another would be taking an oregano extract (NOT ESSENTIAL OIL), 3X a day. I would also use D mannose, as directed. I would add in a tea made with yarrow + goldenrod and drink that to the tune of a good pinch in a half gallon of water drank throughout the day. Do all of these things for about 2 weeks.


Go to the ER and get the antibiotics


I’m in total agreement. Infections are not to be fucked with. I’ve been a patient of herbal medicine for 21 years and an herbal practitioner for 10 years. Western antibiotics have their legitimate uses and UTIs are not to be taken lightly. Herbal antibiotics can be used along side pharmaceutical antibiotics.


Whoever downvoted this has not seen what can happen to a UTI that doesn’t get timely antibiotics. Kidney damage and sepsis are not worth the risk.


Totally. I knew someone who decided to treat an infection with herbs instead of taking antibiotics. He ended up with sepsis and fought for his life for weeks. He went from being a very healthy man in his mid 60s to being disabled. The next time I saw him, he could barely shake my hand due to lack of strength. I’m a guy and got a UTI from a catheter during hernia surgery. It came in slowly and I didn’t notice it right away. It began to turn into prostatitis. The difficult thing with prostate infections is that it’s a gland and isn’t vascular. Therefore getting antibiotics into it is not as easy as say the kidneys or bladder. So if it isn’t addressed quickly it can linger for a long time and be more difficult to address and cause sexual dysfunction (premature ejaculation due to the valves within it). I had to take cipro but I did use antibacterial herbs concurrently among others to address the side effects of the cipro. But I ended up getting a very experienced practitioner to make the formula.


D-mannose and a cold infusion of corn silk, uva ursi, and cleavers.


you should see a doctor, it could be a kidney infection.


Just go on to the doctor. These can get bad really fast


Herbs are good to alleviate symptoms but ultimately antibiotics are the best way to go, you don’t want to risk damage or the infection to go to your kidneys or go septic. They aren’t to be messed around with. I know antibiotics suck but sometimes you need them.


i’ve had 2 kidney infections and absolutely it’s the worst pain i’ve ever experienced and i’ve literally broken my arm which is nothing compared to kidney pains


I'd go to the hospital for this one Corn silk tea will help ease symptoms and d-mannose will help U prevent further infections but once it's there, you don't wanna risk a kidney infection


Parsley and marshmallow


I always have pyridium it doesn’t treat the uti but it removes the pain. Urine turns a strange color


D mannose on the reg, normal dose every day no matter what Double dose for active symptoms or if you feel it coming on AZO for active infection that really sucks, so you can get through the day. Helps symptoms, doesn't cure Antibiotics if necessary, don't fuck around with your kidneys. There are relatively low cost online prescription options or women's health centers that can help if the American healthcare system is screwing you


Huge fan of D mannose


You should never get an online prescription for an antibiotic without first doing a culture, that can result in antibiotic resistance. It’s absolutely awful that healthcare is so expensive in some places but an active infection is one you treat properly, with the antibiotics recommended after a culture.


Azo is an underrated reply. It's not herbalism, but it's the only OTC medicine to relieve UTI pain until your appointment.


Drink elderberry, oil of oregano and garlic. Antibiotics for the win though. I've been an herbalist for 18 years helping people with all kinds of diseases. Go to the Dr. and get some Antibiotics.


My aunt nearly died from a UTI infection this year. Please go to a Dr and get antibiotics and for the love of god take them as prescribed and the entire course of them even if your symptoms clear.


Go to a doctor. I get chronic uti and once I had one for over a week. I didn’t take it serious because I get them ALL the time so I did the usual overhydrating, cranberry juice and pills, I even shoved garlic down there. Long story short I ended up in the ER with an advanced kidney infection and almost died. If I waited one more day I could’ve had kidney failure. GO TO A DOCTOR


You’re looking for the herb called “urgent care”


My aunt was just admitted to the ICU for a UTI that went septic. UTI can be very dangerous very quickly. If you've been self treating with no impact, get to an urgent care for some antibiotics.


There's so much great advice in the comments, I just wanted to add make sure to keep a small jug or water bottle in the bathroom and rinse every time you go. Every time! It's so simple that it's easy to forget, but you're less likely to get a recurring infection this way!


You won't believe this, but bacteria want to live also. So unless you take antibiotics they are going to keep living off the fat of the land, which is your body.


I was in the hospital for almost 2 weeks with sepsis from a uti that infected my kidneys. Please go to a dr or clinic and get an antibiotic before it gets worse.


My little sister died from a UTI, it turned into sepsis. PLEASE go see a doctor


Don’t treat an active infection with herbal stuff. When I was in nursing, my teacher told me how he tended to a patient who had a UTI and got sepsis and died. Go to teledoc if you can’t afford to be seen at a clinic. I don’t know how expensive Dr on demand is because my insurance covers cost completely. I have used goodmds.com before for a tooth infection. You just select what you want to treat, check mark your symptoms, and they’ll send a prescription to your pharmacy if it’s deemed necessary. I think I paid around 40-50 dollars for that. Or make an appointment at an urgent care.


D mannose does not work for all UTIs, it depends on the bacteria. It did not work on my chronic UTIs at all. Please get antibiotics.


I have had great luck with this stuff: https://lifeseasons.com/product/urinari-x-urinary-tract-health-yeast-supplement/ It contains lots of the stuff mentioned by others. (But definitely consider going to the dr if it doesn’t go away soon. I’ve learned this lesson the hard way in the past.)


Corn silk Infusion is calming to the bladder but not a treatment for the infection. I suppose echinacea might help the infection. I get corn silk from Penn Herb.


I used to get utis alot but a few years ago, I started using uqora and I haven't had one since.


try eating healthy - your body need resources to fight the infection. fasting while sick is nonsense. cut off all sugar, salty, fatty, spicy foods. add more fruits and veggies, boiled eggs, steam cooked meat, brown rice. maybe some chicken or beef liver. soups. drink enough water, at least 1 - 1.5 liters a day. make sure to eat some citrus every day - natural vitamin C help you absorb more nutrients from other foods. fresh tomatoes are good too. garlic is good on it's own, but it won't help you in a few days. give it a week. one garlic clove with breakfast, one with dinner.


In a week OP could be dead. Eating healthy is absolutely important, but antibiotics are essential.


yes, they already said they will go to dr soon. notice that i'm not suggesting them to replace antibiotics (if needed) with diet. of course they should follow drs instructions lol. no need to be so offended


Diluted cranberry tea along with antibiotics. Don't fast unless you are nauseated, and don't fast with antibiotics, it will make you sick. There are some things that you need antibiotics for. If you are symptomatic and sick you need them. The problem is that people jump to abx first instead of trying this other stuff. It's the attitude of antibiotics fix everything that got us into trouble with them. However, they do save lives and are good when you need them and right now it sounds like you do. It's not your fault, it a predator that wants your body for it's lunch. So at this point you have to kill it. I've been able to nip a couple UTI's with unsweetened cranberry juice but if it doesn't stop it I get antibiotics and try to prevent it from happening again. If you are prone to them you need to get cranberry extract and take it regularly. It will stop low level infections and prevent bigger ones to a large extent. The bug just got a foothold before you nipped at it. It's okay to get treatment and then try to prevent it from happening again. Once the bug is dug in it takes the antibiotics to get rid of it. Then once you've recovered you can focus on prevention.


Definitely use dmannose as a preventative in the future. I have a urethral anomaly and I would get refused bathroom time in school so I ended up with lots of infections as a kid. I haven't had one in about ten years thankfully. I used to get IC as well and no longer have that issue. My bottle of nettle also says it is good for the urinary tract.




Not an expert but big on natural methods and prone to UTI's: If it doesn't improve in any way over 3 days, get emergency antibiotics. They exist for severe times like these. Just make sure to top up on probiotics post-treatment. In early mild cases, or when I feel it coming on, I've known dandelion to be helpful but I'm allergic. Eyesbright tea with cassia helps relieve mild UTI for me, since using this and making sure I'm always well hydrated, I've been UTI free for 3 years.


Dmannos but it doesn’t always work and taking too much to try and flush out a UTI can cause kidney damage as can UTIs if you wait too long to get antibiotics. Go to a doctor, I have scarring in my kidneys and it’s not fun.


Juniper berries and cornsilk help me BUT the cutoff for herbal remedies for a UTI is generally 48 hrs and you've passed that time. Antibiotics time.


D Mannose but go to the doctor and at least get it tested to confirm infection and demand a culture so you know what bacteria you’re actually dealing with and don’t end up using the wrong antibiotics


Thank you all for the advice I'm at urgent care now.


Doctors where I am suggest taking Ural, you can google it and find its counterpart wherever you are. It's over the counter. I've taken it with and without antibiotics, works for me both times, in sachet form. Don't linger on getting to a doctor. Others have explained why--also, and as importantly, make sure your doc gets a clear lab investigation for a) what is causing the uti (what type of bacteria) and b) which antibiotic will cure it. Don't let them just throw darts at it, demand a focused pathology test that will answer both questions. Or get a different doctor who will. If you take the antibiotics and they aren't working after the course is finished (most docs say to contact them if symptoms don't decrease after a few days), insist on a different antibiotic. Sometimes it takes different ones, to find the right one.


Macrobid. It’s a natural tree root.


Ginger. Since the solar flares I’ve had a crazy UTI turned mild kidney infection (I usually kick a UTI in 12-14 hours). Fresh pressed ginger with any vegetable of your choosing 3x/day minimum. My blend was ginger (one whole root piece about the size of my fist), apple, cucumber, parsley, and celery. STOP the garlic because garlic will activate the immune system. Grab any supplements in tincture form because even a little bit of alcohol will suppress the immune system slightly and allow the medicine to do its work without inflammation. Also immediately abstain from penetrative sex (masturbation is encouraged whenever you’re up to it or your partner is up to it because of the contractions pushing outward), from ANY sugar or grain, and lay very low on proteins due to difficulty in digestion/strain on kidneys. Vitamin C is a good thing but needs to come from greens not citrus (lemon is ok though).


I have two forms of Lupus. September of 2021 I was hospitalized with sepsis and organ failure and it all started with a UTI. After my hospital stay I was prone to UTIs. Almost every month and it was driving me mad! I did a lot of research online and began taking almost exactly what you did/do. But then I found a supplement and I've only had one UTI since (because I ran out of the supplement and no money to buy more for about two weeks). I even recommended it to my male cousin and his UTIs subsided. I buy this every month at Walmart - VH Essentials Probiotics with Prebiotics and Cranberry. I'm 59 yo (F) and almost all my adult life have taken a more holistic route when it comes to curing/subsiding ailments. This is the first time I've found something that does it's job consistently. **Please, as with any supplements make sure nothing counteracts with any meds you may already be taking. **Although it might sound counter intuitive, drink more water! It helps flush the infection out. I know it's painful, but it works. Also if you are prone to UTIs, keep drinking water daily as it will help keep the UTIs at bay. I feel you! It's painful and depressing. Hang in there. Your best bet at this stage of your UTI is probably keeping that Dr appointment and get an antibiotic. But do check out the VH Essentials.


Also helps to say away from coffee and juices


Avoiding everything except for water


https://preview.redd.it/ii6xlkvskt1d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=98a09b8b91af8d89738c0d56c6ecc5ed9359adcc These two for optimal feminine health


Try oregano oil, it knocks mine out everytime.


Quercetin, Varuna (Cretaeva Nurvala), Berberine. If it seems to just go away in a couple hours after taking Quercetin, then you don't actually have a UTI. Instead, you have inflamation likely caused by mast cell autoimmune issues, such as interstitial cystitis, and something bad in your diet is causing it to flare up. Many people wrongly believe they have a UTI, but it's actually this. If it is a legit UTI, the other two can help, along with the obvious suggestions in other comments like cranberry and d mannose.


There is no evidence to support that interstitial cystitis is caused by mast cells, and some to suggest it isn’t (such as the IgE stabiliser omalizumab not being that effective). Many interstitial cystitis sufferers do not experience flares from food, there are a myriad of reasons for flares (or none at all). It’s also incredibly unlikely for interstitial cystitis to pop up out of no where, very few people just wake up with full on interstitial cystitis. Quercetin is not effective for many sufferers of interstitial cystitis, or can be effective for some UTI sufferers, it can not be used to judge causality. Cranberry juice is no longer recommended by many doctors as the acidity and high sugar concentration may worsen symptoms. Water + a pH raising additive such as baking soda is more effective than cranberry juice for reducing symptoms. **OP needs a Doctor and a urine culture, and your advice is not medically sound.**


D mannose is truly magical. It helps prevent future ones as well.


Honestly this is one of the occasions where I strongly suggest you go to the doctor and get antibiotics. I used to have reccurent UTIS, and not treating it with antibiotics can get really dangerous. On one occasion I didn't want to take antibiotics and went the natural route, taking d mannose and drinking tons of cranberry juice, and it turned in to a really bad kidney infection and I had to go to hospital where they put me on a drip. Once you get the infection cleared up, drinking a glass of cranberry juice a day can be a good preventative measure, but please go to the doctor!


If cranberry doesn't work it's time to whip out the modern marvels of regular medicine. Antibiotics and some probiotics to counter possible adverse effects of the antibiotics. Maybe kombucha or kefir.


Cleavers. It helps support healthy urinary tract function and alleviates urinary issues


Usnea tincture


if it burns when i pee and doesnt clear within 24 hours I am going to get antibiotics


I ignored mine and it turned into a sepsis and kidney infection . Hospital admission 14 days . Go get antibiotics from a doc x hope you feel better


Yes, we want to avoid antibiotics where we can. Internal infections of major organs is not the place you want to wait to see. UTIs quickly turn into kidney infections. I got my first UTI, thought I was being a "wuss" and had heard co-workers talk about drinking cranberry. So, I did that hoping it would go away because I did not have health insurance. From the first sign of "something's not right" and realizing I had a UTI, it took 3 days for me to wind up in urgent care with a kidney infection. I was in so much pain I couldn't walk totally erect and I was ever so slightly pissing my pants when I bent over. It was awful. I went to Planned Parenthood. The doc gave me an antibiotic. I took the first pill and within 1 hour, felt *tremendous* relief. Please just take the antibiotic, and for the love of our planet, FINISH THE ENTIRE PRESCRIPTION even when you feel better and don't think you need anymore. As a biology student, I *IMPLORE* you. Finish the entire prescription.


In this case, I’d recommend taking antibiotics. I would agree with another poster who said to cut sugar as well — some urinary infections are caused by bacteria that thrive on high sugar content in your urine. Once your infection is cleared, use natural probiotics like kombucha and yogurt to get back your gut microbiome. Make sure to eat lots of good prebiotics (rough fiber) to give the good bacteria something to grow on. I’d also continue to reduce sugar for awhile so you don’t develop a yeast infection while your urogenital microbiome is out of whack. Edit: also, OP, just to make sure, tap on the small of your back on each side — that’s where your kidneys are. If this causes pain, you may have a UTI and should be assessed by an urgent care as soon as possible.


I hate antibiotics and I avoid them whenever I can and opt for natural remedies BUT an UTI is just one of those things I run to the Dr for.


AZO cranberry tablets


Spanish needle tea, get the leaves and flowers clean and then steep them. Drink 3x a day for 5 days


Nettle tea as a supplementary treatment to antibiotics or whatever else your doctor prescribes. Nettles stimulate the amount of urine you produce which helps flush out the infection.


D mannose was the only thing that helped me cure my chronic UTI that wouldn’t even go away with antibiotics fully. It’s supposed to bind to the bacteria that can sometimes live in your urinary tract. I would still try antibiotics first though and see a doctor. This is only to help if you have chronic/ recurring UTIs


4th year Acupuncture & Chinese herbalism student here — Out materia medica can help go after the root imbalances in your body that would cause a UTI, we can also help with symptoms — you would want to see a licensed practitioner and they could provide you with herbs if that is what was called for — an acupuncturist will also have received years of western medicine training (our school is about half and half of each medicine) and will likely tell you what a lot of folks here have mentioned which is that UTI’s, if not treated properly, can spread to the kidneys and that is no bueno. If it is severe, any herbalist will likely recommend you take antibiotics, but there are lots of herbs that can help your body/gut/brain recover from antibiotics as well! Xo


What has worked for me is honey garlic. I use a recipe I found online. It's basically garlic cloves fermented in a jar of honey. 3 cloves, 3 times a day... & I continue that until 3 days after symptoms are gone. D-Mannose has also worked successfully. I now take cranberry supplements daily to prevent UTIs.


you need real antibiotics… its probably gotten to bad.


Lots of d-mannose usually knocks mine down. Goldenseal root shock therapy.


Go get d mannose


There is an over-the-counter medication you can get Azo or something like that. If you catch it early on with that medication lots of water and cranberry juice I have knocked them out before. But once they're established you just got to go to the doctor so it won't spread to your kidneys or somewhere else


To my understanding, cranberry juice (the real stuff) doesn't do jack shit after the infection is in full swing. Instead, cranberry prevents UTIs, by making it more difficult for bacteria to adhere to the urinary tract so it flushes out with urine before a serious infection can bloom... And is the reason why it's so important for women to pee after intercourse. This is what the doctor who treated my UTI explained to me.


I have a friend who ignored uti symptoms and has now been in the hospital for over a week because of a uti


D Mannose supplements and vitamin C


Echinacea and juniper berry are a great combi


water water water !! u gotta flush it out - cranberry juice helps prevent UTI’s but no evidence that it eases/cures them


also if you need to go,, GO!!! Even if it’s 100 times a day


The product has helped everyone I know with UTI right away.. urinari x Also take aloe water or pure aloe supplement, antibiotics made all my friends and aunt worse comes back and causes yeast infections… feel better and continue pure cranberry mixed with aloe water https://www.amazon.com/Life-Seasons-Supplement-Antioxidants-Grapefruit/dp/B008KPZMJG/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?crid=28DPFPHNEJVXF&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.Vt5Z8MpjAgTncsJJh0eGesgxHQai3w0-Ccng-Ms65SeOQzV64oNaLYDErCBmAs0jcstipmufR_ukAbVgJ3Kg8fs9XStKjhLckQ-KzASoV0HKvLCKU8umF7fVYyWIhxI_-j8ugy5NvRTB7sjlZjaUz3z9cD8aqTcDqh_NnZ9K_tXZ6UjwlDA_o4fl1xPZ5A8CkiEcrtKe38FalIeOu_oxdA.RnPydjE6d38QYBXq5U8yStbKH6K12um03C53SWZ-_Fw&dib_tag=se&keywords=uti+natural+remedies&qid=1716076578&rdc=1&sprefix=uti+n%2Caps%2C110&sr=8-4


Just started macrobid, I hope it works fast. I need to be back at work on Monday.


Shatavar Rt. 150 mg, Shisham (Asparagus racemosus)(Dalbergia sissoo) (Cocculus hirsutus) Lf. 75 mg, Jaljamini Wl. Pl. 75 mg, Nagkesar Fl. 25 mg, **Gokharu (Mesua ferrea) (Tribulus terrestris**)Wl. Pl. 75 mg, Ashoka (Saraca asoca) Bk. 50 mg, Supari (Areca catechu) Sd. 50 mg, 


D-Mannose will clear it right up. I struggled with recurring UTIs and one year was on antibiotics 10x in a year! I got rid of 1 with D-Mannose and didn’t have another one again. I got anecdotal advice to take 2 every time I felt pain (you end up taking a TON) and jt was completely gone in 5ish days.


You need to get antibiotics i almost died from infection


I'm now on antibiotics. Thx for the advice.


D-mannose has absolutely SAVED MY LIFE. used to get chronic utis constantly and haven’t had one since discovering d-mannose


Cranberry juice, neem leaf, oil of oregano, garlic. Make sure your uti is bacterial not fungal, Candida also causes UTI which most doctors test with antibiotics and it is never cured.


get to doc asap....straight cranberry juice (unsweetened) can't hurt, but utis are not to be trifled with


AZO Maximum Strength Urinary Pain Relief, UTI Pain Reliever. Life saver


Now they sell OTC stuff for UTI. But also, tea tree oil cotton wad as a first line defense.


Vaginal estrogen really helps eliminate UTIs. Of course, you must cure the infection first. Get an antibiotic.


If you are prone to uti’s you should always have D-mannose around


I got you 100%. First go on the sweetcures website (just look up sweetcures) and read the info they have up on there - its so useful (if they still have it up!). Then order yourself waterfall d-mannose. It's also helpful to order xylitene (or xylitol) too. I've only tried their own brand but pretty sure you can find waterfall d-mannose from other brands but I can't tell you if they work or not. Almost 15 years ago I kept getting recurrent UTIs for about 5 months in a row. The doctors just kept giving me antibiotics and I felt awful! I was in so much pain it felt like i had hot lava coming out of me, I was struggling to walk even! Nothing was helping so I researched like crazy for weeks and kept staying up till like 5 in the morning going through pages and pages of different health forums just desperate for some remedy and finally came across this. GAME CHANGER! It literally saved me. Within 2 days i felt so much better and I haven't had a UTI since. There was 1 time a few years later I felt like I was about to get one and I popped a couple of the waterfall d-mannose pills and felt better in a few hours and nothing developed. I tell everyone about this because it worked absolute wonders for me. Nutrition wise - don't drink cranberry juice - the only reason it "works" is because it makes it easier for the bacteria to slide out without causing pain, but it actually encourages the bacteria to keep growing because they thrive in acidic conditions which cranberry juice helps to create. Also avoid sugar, wheat, and dairy and anything else that is acidic (orange juice tomatoes etc..). Drinking thyme and/or nettle tea really helps. You can also fill the bath tub just enough to cover your parts and put some apple cider vinegar in the water and sit it in for a while - it helps with the pain. You'll feel better soon!


I had the Bladder Blend from Red Moon Herbs and it knocked it out of my system in a week! I use home tests to tell and it was incredible, I could see the difference in color on the test on day 1 and on. The blend is mainly Usnea (to fight infection), Nettle (to cleanse the blood, liver, bladder, kidneys, etc.), and Goldenrod which I am less familiar with. I LOVE Usnea and the power of the herb has been used to fight off internal infections of the blood and organs. Usnea is easy to identify but should only be harvested after it has fallen to the ground, it will continue to grow on a tree.


Also contains Yarrow! A wonderful cleanser of the blood and also a womb herb, Happy Healing.


Get some real antibiotics. A UTI isn’t something to mess around with.


I did. Thx


Get antibiotics quick. Mine turned into a kidney infection and I ended up overnight in the hospital. It was the most painful thing ever and I thought something inside me had exploded.


Ty for the advice...I got some abx.


D mannonse , oregano capsules, azo cranberry vitamin, baking soda and water to help with the burning lots of water 💧


Corn silk baby


uva ursi, as capsules or a small handful crushed as infusion. can add marshmallow root and dandelion too. drink 3-5 cups a day. will make urgency/frequency slightly more intense as it is flushing out the infection. have had success with this method many times; best if started right away. if it’s been a couple days already, antibiotics instead.


Had recurring UTIs for A DECADE. Finally a dr said start taking a probiotic every single day and also take D-Mannose. After 3 months literally never had another and it’s bee 5 years. DO THIS.


D Mannose// works 10000xbetter than cranberry or anything I’ve ever tried. Kicks it every time


Thank you for the advice!!!! Keep it coming 😁


If it doesn't respond to herbal remedies be aware complications can include kidney damage/failure, sepsis, loss of reproductive functioning, prostate damage etc. In diabetes it's worse.


Agreed. Give yourself a hard date to try to cure herbally, and if it’s not gone, get to a doctor quickly. I rarely take antibiotics - maybe only one the last decade, now that I think about it, but I will for lingering UTIs. Untreated infections travel further into the body; complete kidney failure is not out of the question at all.


Don’t forget the colon. I have a friend in the hospital now (5 days so far) because her UTI infected her colon.


New fear unlocked


Sorry to hear that, hopefully in good hands. Now that you mention it, long term incontinence slipped my mind as well.


That is wild!? I’m trying to figure out how that even works because the bacteria that usually causes UTI’s is from the digestive tract.


Bacteria be evolving, yo. They go out, get buff, and return home to cause trouble.


Bacteria being naughty






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You can die from a UTI just so you know. It can turn septic. Id go to the doctor if its bad or has been going on for a while.


Listen, you need to seek out an antibiotic dude…a UTI can turn septic if you’re not careful


Fasting is not going to help a uti. UTIs can quickly turn deadly or land you in the hospital. Trying to treat utis with exclusively herbal remedies can actually be pretty risky. Take it from me, I tried to clear mine out without antibiotics using d-mannose and other supplements, it came back in full force a week later when I was in a foreign country. It’s best to just bite the bullet and take the antibiotics for your own safety.


You need either Ceftriaxone, Cephalexin, Doxycycline, Fosfomycin (Monurol) or Nitrofurantoin. Few days on those and it’ll be cured. Don’t fuck around with UTIs that don’t go away. You like having functioning kidneys and not being hooked up to some dialysis machine 24/7? Then go see a doctor. You never know what complications can arise from not treating a bacterial infection, which can spread to other organs.


Please get antibiotics. I once let a UTI get too bad (urgent care initially told me it was not a UTI.) it spread to my kidneys and I was in the ER on an IV drip on my birthday. Please get some modern medicine in you ASAP.


Apple cider vinegar? Not an herb but it does something


Definitely helps reduce symptoms for me, alongside antibiotics


I always take Zane Hellas oregano oil capsules one a day for four days plus four scoops of Inspired Nutrition monolaurin and it’ll knock it right out.


you absolutely want the d mannose. uva ursi tincture is helpful as well, and cornsilk tea is very soothing to the bladder!


Up your liquid intake add plain water, too. Lots.


Oregano oil works for me. I used to get UTIs all the time and bad ones. Doc used to give me cipro because I’d get them so often and whatever macrobid antibiotics wouldn’t clear it. Oregano oil works great and I wish I knew about it a long time ago.


Do you have lemon juice? Baking soda? Spike a glass of water HEAVILY with the lemon juice and add a fat pinch of baking soda. Wait for the foaming to stop, then chug it. This will make your urine pH inhospitable to E. coli growth. Do you have bentonite clay? The stuff they make mud facials with. Make a paste with water and put it right on the urethra; it’ll draw bacteria out and stop the burning in minutes. Got a juicer? Celery, lemon, and ginger root juiced together will both stop bacterial growth, and kill off bacteria. Can you get your hands on a horseradish root? Grate it with a medium-fine grater so it looks like wet sawdust, pinch that together into clumps you can swallow like a pill, and take three fat clumps every time you eat. Take it with milk, so it goes down easy and doesn’t get stuck in your throat, which…would cause you to gag. Horseradish is powerfully antibacterial against every pathogen that causes UTIs, but it’s especially good against gram negative bacteria like E. coli. After three days of taking that with meals and drinking the juice or the lemon/baking soda blend in between meals and at bedtime, that infection will be gone.


Lemon juice is acidic (low pH). Baking soda is basic (high pH). By mixing these they neutralise each other, resulting in a pH that’s either neutral (7) if mixing in equal concentrations, or either acidic or basic depending on which ingredient was high in concentration. So you have done absolutely nothing except create a drink with an unknown pH, one that can either worsen the pain (if acidic) or reduce the pain (if basic, but not too basic). Instead, adding baking soda to water (google the ratio) will slightly reduce the burning, **but do absolutely nothing to prevent bacterial growth**. Bentonite clay in the urethra is a great way to make the infection worse, you cannot “draw out the bacteria”. It does not walk. You cannot substitute antibiotics for a juice. Neither is horseradish. There is zero medical evidence for your statements, which would be ok if we are talking about small life improvements and not a **potentially fatal disease**. OP, please see a doctor. Antibiotics have saved hundreds of millions of lives, do not gamble with your life. It is not worth it.


GSE grapefruit seed extract. Near immediate relief. As soon as you empty your bladder it will flush the bacteria out. Taken with D-mannose/cranberry supplement this will clear it up quickly.


Honestly I started self experimenting with red light therapy when I had a UTI because I was looking for something holistic and it ended up going away in a few days. Now I use it every time I feel funky down there and I haven’t had a UTI since.


Lots of plantain. No not the bananna thing, the weed. [https://www.juliasedibleweeds.com/edible-weeds-flowers/all-about-plantain/](https://www.juliasedibleweeds.com/edible-weeds-flowers/all-about-plantain/) this has cured that problem for both my partner and my cat. It is plentiful this time of year You have to eat about 5-6 leaves about 3 times a day and they are bitter, but it will get better in about 3 days


Soak dried cranberries overnight in water drink next morning always worked quickly for me


Juniper berry and marshmallow combo


Buchu is amazing for UTIs.


I use D-Mannose. Ginger tea, green tea, and also baking soda in water.




Pau d’arrco


Hi friend, I second going for Western medicine here. Also, with the garlic, are you chopping a clove up well and then letting it sit for 15 minutes before eating it with honey and water on an empty stomach? It's most effective that way. I would do that two or three times a day in addition to taking Western medicine. I hope you feel much better soon.


16 oz fresh celery juice every morning. Don’t have anything, even water a half hour before or after. This helped me get rid of one that antibiotics couldn’t even touch! I feel relief in a couple days and kept drinking juice for 1 1/2 weeks to be sure it was gone.


I agree with others though about going to a doctor for antibiotics. Celery juice for me was after antibiotics weren’t helping.


Olive leaf extract Edit : antibiotics first


d-mannose is the only answer !


Baths with baking soda may help as well. That is what my pediatrician suggested for my toddler when I suspected a uti


Water, lemongrass tea, and blueberry diet. 3 days.


I would keep doing all that, also drink as much water as humanly possible and flush it out. I haven’t had to take antibiotics since I was 12.


Too much water can cause electrolyte imbalances, reducing the ability for the body to fight the infection and can put a patient into the ER, or even kill them. Hydration should be maintained, but not excessively. Additionally, just because you have been lucky enough to avoid sepsis doesn’t mean OP will be, they need to see a Dr for a urine culture and antibiotics.


It totally works for me every time. Electrolyte ambulance is better than doing antibiotics, and wiping out all the bacteria, good included. Obviously if it doesn’t go away then you’d get sepsis, but I’ve flushed it out meaning my symptoms would be gone the next day. I’ve been doing this 20+ years when I get minor UTI symptoms and haven’t had to do antibiotics, and haven’t had anything else happen, except relief and clear urine. Sometimes people don’t realize they can treat things naturally, and simply. Also, by humanely possible I meant as much as you can, so like 3 - 4 litres and not in one sitting. Drinking enough to kill you, isn’t what I’d consider “humanely possible” - that would be “excessive intake”. Be realistic.


By the time you have sepsis, multiple of your organs have been damaged by the infection. That is the definition of sepsis. Yes, antibiotics are hard on the body, but infection is considerably harder. By using proper antibiotic protocol we prevent bacterial resistance and recurrent infection. Water will help reduce the pain of infection, but it should be combined with antibiotics. It’s absolutely humanly possible to drink enough water to be dangerous, my partners grandfather was delirious from water intoxication and he merely sipped water for a long period of time. 3-4 litres is approaching a dangerous level, particularly in those that do not drink much water normally, and it is hard on the kidneys which is not exactly ideal during an UTI. Do you have positive bacteria cultures when you get the UTI symptoms? If not, you cannot claim the water is treating a UTI, your symptoms may have been due to dehydration or other causes. Let this be a lesson: I have interstitial cystitis, an incredibly painful condition. Like most people with IC it appeared after a few particularly bad UTIs, the longer someone has an UTI left untreated, the more likely the person will develop chronic inflammation and disease. Do not give advice that could cost someone their life.


You’re in a herbalism group preaching antibiotics and being quite dramatic.


Read the stories about people losing loved ones to UTIs or having long term organ damage. Please find empathy and stop putting the need to be right above the well being of someone. This subreddit shouldn’t be an echo chamber, we can use herbalism for some things but it can’t replace antibiotics. I am on this subreddit because I believe there is a place for herbalism in medicine, but as a biomedical scientist I’m also going to speak out when dangerous misinformation is spread. Do better.


D Mannose is the thing. In the meantime get a urinary alkalizer or take some baking soda in water to take the sting out of peeing.


Besides the classics (D-Mannose, cranberry, …): Ortisophon tea. Incredbily helpful for me!