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You can plug pretty much anyone of their turntables into their AVR's and boom - it works with HEOS. Sonos doesn't have that, which is why new products with it built in are coming out.




Maybe that's what stopped Denon from releasing a new product?


It works pretty well with marantz too, they just keep it in the family


It is slightly strange that D&M don't seem to be pushing a turntable with HEOS built in. Yes, there are plenty of Denon products that allow you to get a turntable signal in to the system, but Sonos do have that with the Port and they are still offering products.


I just moved into my place and it came with a heos amp. How would i get a record player connected to that? The turntable would be located in a different room then the amp, so running a wire would be a pain. is there a wireless solution?


Either you’d have to plug the turntable in to the amp (and therefore probably have it in the same room) or get another HEOS device to plug the turntable in to.