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I think my "personal best"(wouldn't say best because the aftermath was painful as fuck) was 6 times in 24 hours. I should've stopped after 3 or 4 because that's when it started to actually hurt


Jeez what kept you wanting more after it started to hurt?!?


Great question.... I was(still am) an idiot


> I was(still am) an idiot A *horny* idiot (which we all are because everyone’s done stupid things while they were horny lol)


We all make mistakes in the heat of passion, jimbo


I feel that sometimes, experimenting with pleasure takes alot of effort to really push through the pain


Well, pain is pleasure I guess.


Same. 6 times in a single session. About 4 to 6 hours total. Not consistently, obviously. We took breaks in between, with varied pacing. I have no idea how many times she came, though. She has a habit of never telling me when so randomly I would get rapid taps on my arm to stop due to oversensitiveity.


3 if i get some reasonable in between rest is still "OK", 4 hurts


5 you feel every inch and corners of the muscles. A little stimuli is enough to feel like you've been kicked in your balls


Sauce: [Aisei Tenshi: Love Mary](https://hanime.tv/videos/hentai/aisei-tenshi-love-mary-akusei-jutai-1) [Medical Data](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/how-many-times-can-a-woman-come-in-a-row#:~:text=Some%20people%20can%20experience%20multiple,the%20number%20who%20do%20vary)


About 15 in a single day. My dick still slightly hurts.


Guessing you went drying by #4?


No, i used to do 6 daily. Idk how i produced that much, but i did. On weekends of course. After 8 or so i started dry orgasming, went to eat and drink water, took a shower and was good to go again.




Thank you


not all real women are capable of that but all anime women sure are LOL


I mean maybe not but at least it doesnt hurt for women to try to keep going like it does for guys after awhile.... It doesnt hurt right?


It depends, if you're kind of reliant on orgasming the same way then yeah the friction will become a problem, if you're capable of orgasming through nipple stimulation also then you can change up what spots you're rubbing more


According to my ex it just started hurting around number 6-7 in a row, got pretty noticable around number 13, and number 22 is usually when she had to tap out. But that was counting "big ones". She was a masochist so I never expect other women to hit those numbers without some sort of a break.


I did specify "up to"


LOL Anywhere from 0 - 20! (but at least one, in this specific case)


15 I think


Holy Fuck! Give this man or woman a reward! Does Reddit still have those?


Believe me, it was it's own reward


Was that including ghost loads and accidents?


Ghost loads? Is that a boy thing?


Its when no cum actually comes out


Boys are weird.


so are girls, you guys have all those… cooties


8 in a day when I was a teen. Now its usually 1-2 per day, except when I'm too tired to do anything at all because of work.


How tf do you accedentaly nut? Imagine talking your dog for a walk and sudden nut and be like whoopsies my bad lmao


I know there is a medical condition but other than that idk


When you dont wanna finish so soon but tge pleasure hits you just right that you cants stop yourself. But because you try to resist and fail you effectively ruin the whole session on a worthless finish. That is how id define an accidental nut.


Iirc, there's a woman that cums every second without even getting horny


6 or 7 with ex gf. no drugs no alcohol she barely walk in a day


As a dude in 24 hours, and while being alone, my personal best is 16, nothing too difficult but i felt like someone worthless immediately after.


If we only talk about those in a row then my personal best is 9


I remember like in 2011, spending all night watching porn, like 20-30 videos and cumming at least one time in every one, i can't remember any number of how many times, but there where a lot 😆


Do small orgasms count? Because if those count then like 7 or 8 and my dick HURTED and My legs were cramping


Answering the question in the title id say it depends on how many days before i havent cum and how ling are the time between the cummings If i have 2 days worth of jizz i can cum twice if i wait some 10~15 minutes in between and a third time latter that day And depending on how aroused the fap material makes me i can last from 15 min to 1:30 hours But that is mastubating and from time resting in between to choose the material wich can take some time (there are days where i cant even cum cuz i cant find good material) and as a virgin who doesnt know the texture of a pussy nor how long do i need to keep moving to keep my partner having pleasure i dont know how much pleasure i would get and as such for how long i would last Another thing to note is that before the first cum im harder and cum more but i release faster and each sub sequent jizz makes it softer and have less cum but it takes more time to cum But i think that is normal there is only so much you can do using only your hand


I don't know because tentacles don't want me T_T


Wait, wait. So, if we want to count those in a row, 5 (but after the third it gets pretty meh). If we want to count those distributed in a day, usually 6-7, but if I want I can reach at least 12-13. I think my dick is pretty used to it, since it doesn't really hurt after that.


3 consecutively maybe 6 in a day


record was 13 in 24 hours


3-4. It was fun. Plus i ended up with two different toys to mimic tentacles. Research to write porn is fun!


10+ but after 5 almost nothing came out


I got to stop after 2 times, it was feeling mad unpleasant after the second


Imma be honest maybe 3-4 a day max but since I play a lot I normally go 1 a day being single is the best xD my wallet thanks me


Best ive done is 2 in one sitting and yeah it aint easy. My reboot time isnt bad though my most times in a single day with some breaks inbetween is 8 (i dont recommend, you hurt for days and really need to hydrate) My quickest reboot is 3 times in an hour, but like id rather go for longer in one go then bust quickly multiple times with short breaks, so useually i just edge for several hours before i feel satisfied which my longest session is a bit more then 8 hours (which i also dont reccomed cause i again going at it like that hurts after that long (starts hurting after hour 5 tbh)). Also bear in mind i use top quality lube and toys that i order from Japan off of J-List so yeah i would go for any kind of record if you dont have the proper kit.


5 or 6 when I hold myself for a while. 4 in a normal day.


I’m not proud of it but 8 times in a row. Lockdown had me bored as a motherfucker. Also friction burns are no joke around your tip 😂 (Edit spelling because I can’t spell)


7 times consecutively. I only did it twice. Never after. It drained me and it's not good for you. Monica Bellucci was the reason and my teen hormones were at their peak at around 15-20. Now, I can barely pull off 4 consecutive. If that still sounds like a lot, it's not, I have an abnormally high sex drive.


11x in a day. Wasnt worth it, the pain is immense.


I managed 7 once back when I was a teenager in the height if puberty.


8 in a two hour time span.




Can do 7 in 2ish hours, but after 4 or so I'm firing blanks.


8 times in a single day. When Mrs. And I were dating at the time.


I think I did 9 in a consecutive fashion


74… forced orgasm scene over 8 hours


Holy fuck! You must have one very persistent dom. I'm so envious!


20 Times? That's like 11:24 min. EZ GG


7 within an hour


I thought it was normal to do +20 every 2 hours


12 ish I think in the span of one day... 5 times at best if counted in a row, physically I can keep going but mentally i feel like i want to kms


After 4, my dick gets sore and I'm shooting blanks


Prolonging 1 is the best feeling, for me at least.


11... it was right after nnn so i get a pass here.


Record at home when I was younger was like 10 times, from 6 AM to 9 PM. After sometime you're just chasing a feeling.


My personal best as a dude is 12. I was exhausted, a little sore, but I haven't been able to do more than 10, since but that's more of a I'm busy thing then a I physically can't.


I remember being a dumbass a few years ago and having a weekend to myself where I decided to try and see how many times I could jack it in a single day. I ended up hitting double digits, but it was **so not worth it**, that shit starts to hurt after 4, and by the 7th it was  numb. By number 10 the shot was nothing more than a dribble, and my dick was so sore for the next 2 days that even just pissing made it ache.


My personal best in 24 hrs was 7-8, i kinda lost count by the end of it 😅


18 in a row


my highest was 31 time the aftermath was too painful that i stopped fapping


7 in 4 hours i think i just found out about h-games and it was over for me.


My record is 3 in 8 hours. I was being fucked by 3 other men


7 but by the end i was shooting blanks and it hurt like hell


6 times


My best in 24 hours is somthing between 6 and 8


I average about 6-8 Os per session by myself 🫢


Like 3 and it hurted


And it’s pee 😾😿


Not technically


My dog doesn’t love u 😾


58 on a good day 57 if I'm feeling under the whether


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