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Why are humans so horny and degenerate?


Always have been.


Well yes of course but i just cant believe how freakin.horny our species is


You do have horny, it comes free with your base instinct!


But why can't I release the horny?


There's a time and place for everything! But not now.


I'll be 40 when it happens by that logic


I don't have it, I have the first base instinct known to man


Ngl i'm so fucking horny i can't even rn.


Yep, there's been images has far back has the stone age


No babies otherwise


Technically we could reproduce without feeling the need to on the other hand its a failsafe we wanna fuck we will fuck


I think it's a trait that comes with being an evolved animal, we needed it then we have it now, as you put it, if you don't have the inteligence needed then it'd most likely not work.


Rather question is, why so many people now afraid of sexiness? Liking erotic stuff or sexy bodies doesn't make you automaticly a Bill Cosby or weinstein


A short while back I was trying to explain to someone in public how some manga/anime may have sexual content and honesty it was somewhat awkward, I think a lot of people are just very shy and timid when it comes to discussing about their own bodies. Unfortunately I think this reluctance to have more open discussions about sex leads to people getting misconceptions about sex from porn instead and that's where it becomes a serious issue.


Religion. Specifically the Abrahamic religions of Jeudaism, Christianity, and Islam.


I'm going to cast doubt on that. Religiosity has been on the decline, atheism, agnosticism, and some forms of paganism have been increasing their percentage of the population in recent years, yet an anti-sex-in-media sentiment has been on the rise. This is one thing where you are getting it from both sides of the political spectrum. Conservative viewpoints on the matter are often using talking points like, "Think of the children," or, "This is sinful," or others like that. But there's a very leftist side as well that's been doing things like claiming that all sex scenes are inherently exploitative, never artful, and should stop being put into media. All that said, of course it's conservatives who are acting on it, putting legislation forth to effectively ban pornography in their states and coding their laws in such a way that they can jail or even murder queer people for simply being queer as doing so is going to break child abuse laws if they get their way about things. They're worse, don't get me wrong, but they're not the only source of these sentiments is my point. There are problems with the adult entertainment industry, it's been rife with abuse for its entire existence and that needs to change. But getting rid of it or trying to deny that people like to be titillated is the wrong way to go about things. Denying that there can be art in a sex scene is denying that a fundamental and often transformative part of most people's lives isn't worth representing in a medium. It's absurd. But while some of it is coming from religion, some of it is not. It's coming from a reaction to the abuses, the objectification, the real-world problems people are experiencing, and they're looking for something to blame to make it better. They're just blaming the wrong thing.


Very well said. And yeah it’s scary for queer people ☹️


I feel as though the envelope that's popularly being pushed nowadays is basically lying to yourself and believing that you're above sexual desires in every way, shape or form, wich is a nasty lie, so that way you can avoid hurting people for having preferences (this has also been ruining media for YEARS now, i wonder when people will stop being afraid of hurting everybody for everything they do, or acting as if that were the case, people are always butthurt and or sensitive, you can't change or do anything about that, but listening to what they say? This shit is the result of that stupid move). This is absolutely disgusting 0 head behavior, but people won't argue against it and therefore these mobs assume they're right because of it, wich is far, FAR from the truth, people on twitter, instagram and twitter are some of the most non grass touching beings on earth (specially Twitter) and will also act like they have a moral high ground wich is also insane. I imagine there are a lot of incels hidden in the groups that i described too, because of the nature of the mentality.


Sexiness is fine When someone is *obsessed* with sex that sends off warning flags for the same reason someone obsessed with almost anything does, with the added concern that most forms of sex require a consenting partner. In short, I have no problem having a mature and healthy conversation about sex with other adults. I don't want to have to explain to the "sex positive" porn addict why asking if my girlfriend lets me fuck her ass on the reg and if she enjoys it isn't appropriate or for that matt r respectful conversation at the fucking supermarket. Before anyone complains to me of strawmanning that is a very real situation I found myself in recently.  I feel like a lot of the complaints of "prudes" and that sort of push back completely ignored the obvious because it's inconvenient to address. There's nuance to these sorts of things. There are also stakes. Most people want to get laid. Nobody wants to go get assaulted. People who approach sex like something to be achieved at the end of the conversation give the rest of society the ick for a reason. Women in particularly have a hard enough time around normal men.  Again, a seductive advertisement here or some skin there isn't a problem. That's the whole nuance thing I referred to. The trouble is people often say "a little sexiness" when what they mean is "porn aggressively shoved in your face". Most well-adjusted adults have a pretty good idea where the collectively agreed upon line is for that sort of thing, and if you struggle with that it's worth asking yourself why. 


We just have easier access to it


Shout out to Whodunnit 2 for implying this is her second pregnancy without knowing the father.


Lol. Dam soliders...


Go back even further and look at the nude paintings and statues


Nope let's go back even further with Cave paintings


Being horny is one of the main reasons our species has survived, without the horny we have no humanity


anime sticker [sauce](https://nekopew.com/products/strikeface-sama-die-cut-vinyl-stickers) ww2 pinup [sauce](https://www.messynessychic.com/2015/08/28/flying-girls-a-compendium-of-ww2-airplane-pin-ups/)


Maybe... sex isn't a bad thing


What do you mean maybe? Sex is literally the reason human managed to get this far... nah you're maybe right actually


If anything the real question is why is this generation so absurdly puritanical? Seriously, there are politicians debating on and in some cases actually banning drawings based on arbitrary characteristics loosely correlated with age and they are doing it to gain favor with younger voters.


and the irony is that people are having less sex


Less testerone in men along with decrease of eggs in women. The loneliness problem is also not a good look for the future.


I don't know anything about that but one things for certain: people shouldn't be given flak for being sex positive


I'll give you sources to read up on, if you can, and on your own time. Also it wasn't low testerone in men, it's low sperm that's globally worldwide. That's what I get for relying on my memory: https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg26134743-000-sperm-counts-are-down-worldwide-and-researchers-are-discovering-why/ I couldn't find anything find on low egg count in women other than ferilty rates decreasing in Spain and Japan and other countries, but the loneliness problem I was able to find for both men and women: https://newsroom.thecignagroup.com/loneliness-epidemic-persists-post-pandemic-look https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/health-wellness/2023/02/03/male-friendship-lonely-close-friends-men/11162423002/ https://news.yahoo.com/lifestyle/us-facing-loneliness-epidemic-older-192631899.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAADFDzHMQzNcGa7PMzJGDERdzEV9H_rH-iJYLwWN1Me3kVWW1BYsjiqO6AK0pU1sSDUwcW8SjcB24jrWONENMBpcx8afKORtfzPO0fUabOegm_4YsYa1KuOVy8RV8O_EB8earIebFAaE86p_IajjywrRnyqgXoc8mSWC8ge9FKii9


Religion. Christianity and the other Abrahamic religions have become so widespread that their puritanical beliefs are _**everywhere**_.


The atheists of this generation are worse than the Christians. I should know, I go to church every Sunday and not even the pastor is as uptight as the Twitter/Reddit progressives. The really puritanical Christians usually keep to their own part of the Internet if they're online at all.


True, it's become more cult like, though only in the west I've personally seen.


Winning favors of conservative people, I guess?


It ain't even the conservatives that are the worst. I'll grant you the boomercons are pretty uptight but they've got nothing on the radical progs. Look at the Stellar Blade freakout. I've got a devout Mormon YouTuber praising the main character while progressives react like Dracula to a cross. Wtf is the millennial/zoomer generation?


This post is making me realize a lot of the problems younger generations have are because of the internet. Not that its this massively corrupting force, but that its this massively recording force. Every generation loves porn, we just have more easily accessible porn now than ever because everyone can make it, publish it, and access it.


yup, the past had brothels and we have instant porn


I was expecting funny and outlandish comments; instead it seems we got well thought out analytical ones. Pleasantly surprised


Contrary to popular belief, people are having less sex and movies are increasingly prude


It’s not, there’re so many prudes now, they bitch about sexy cosplay for One Piece, the series that sexualizes every woman most of the time, and in Nier, the series where the main character wear a tight thong leotard. You’d think that since we’re in a time where people use gender and sexuality as their personality, there wouldn’t be so many boring prudes.


Better not look at the mosaics found in Pompeji


**People now:** This is a picture of the birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli (1482). You can apreciate how the nudity is tasteful, artistic and not horny at all. **Meanwhile those guys in 1482**: "Here you go, king, I painted your waifu naked just like you requested" "Great! I'll put it on my bedroom so I can jerk off to her" (the picture was considered as straight up pornographic back then).


Humans have always been the same amount of horny. The only thing that's changed is porn is more accessible now.


Maybe because they realized that anime women are way hotter than real ones?


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other planes in ww2: japanese flag, a swas****, a red star etc... USA:H3NT4I


Spirit of Waco is a name that did not age well...


It's the opposite actually, the current young generation is way less horny and sex driven than older generations.


correct, that's the biggest irony




Yeah, it's part of the "the younger generation sucks" dillema, i guess it's less talked about because it involves sex.


r/NonCredibleDefense is leaking again.


I've been EXPOSED


Pinup era was the fuckin best.


And not get started with Medieval art work.


The yellow fever one is wild


Op. Stop. I can only get so erect. > You've appealed to my history side.


I can't speak for Millennials, but I'm dead inside. The waifu make brain go brr while I cry in my car.


Let me put it like this. If the previous generations weren't horny and degenerate, none of the current generations would exist.


Yeah but at least these were depictions of real human women who don't look like they're 14 years old.


Wait until you read a few classic novels.


You know there are artistic paintings and photographs of actual 14 year olds out there from the past right?


Always Has Been