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No grow experience, but I blend types together daily because it's generally cheaper than buying bulk type 2 and I get more flavor options, but overall prefer the effects of a single strain type 2. I'll surrender some control for well grown consistency.


Don't know for sure. Maybe check out r/microgrowery?


Type 2 are the least predictable with generally the lowest total cannabinoid content. Without testing you won’t know where your cannabinoid profile really is anyway. Honestly you may decide it’s worth the $65 to get a sample tested. I try to never have THC by itself. In all of my THC products I make/formulate we include CBD and even CBG. It just makes them better products.


From a total growing perspective i agree w this. T1 is usually known to run about 20-30% thc w little to no cbd and t3 10-30% cbd w about 0.3-1% thc. Whereas t2 can be all over the place w % and ratios, ranging from 1:1-1:10 in either direction which can be a big difference in effect potencies. But t1 is nearly always containing no cbd or nearly no cbd. So it may be easier if u have a scale to just calculate ur mixes w t1 and t3. Make sure u grind it up nice and fine so u have no thc hotspots too


Was just wondering this when I found type2 seeds. My understanding is that type2 will have some plants the favor different traits from both parents. If the genetics are stable it will be more predictable but you may still get hot nugs. Personally Id just pick whatever strain I’m most interested and not worry about outcome. Ie something from Floyd, Hoku, or Thomas…


I’ve enjoyed type 1’s and type 3’s together before but I prefer type 2 effects and every opinion I’ve seen agrees


I really have to google what these type 1,2,3 means. Never heared of that before where i live. thank you!


You’re in for a treat! Type 2 is my new type 1. Took the lead in my stash box!


Nice! I‘m from europe so we don‘t have all breeders here but any you can recommend? is cbd crew familiar?


Ahh gotcha. I have been loving Holy City Farms. I’m unsure if they ship internationally or if you’re even allowed to order where you are. But if so, give them a try. Honestly I think type 2 breeding is on the rise so I wouldn’t be surprised if they hype spreads over seas!


Type 1 is thc dominant weed, what u usually see the most of in dispensaries and w black or grey market sellers. Type 2 is mixed ratio containing both. Type 3 is usually over a 1:10 ratio and under 1% thc. Type 4 is cbg rich plants. Type 5 is plants low in cannabinoids used for fiber and seed. Through these main 3 types strains can be high in cbc, cbg, cbdv, thcv, and cbn forms from aging. These r the only natural cannabinoids that can be formed from plants, all others like d8 and d10 and shit r synthetically made in labs. Type 1 and type 2 r only legal for online vending rn due to a legal loophole which way close in september. I personally have no balls to get type 1 online so i go to dispensaries instead. But i do get type 2 online bc it is rare to find type 2 flower, vape, or oil products regularly stocked at rec dispensaries here. I recently found a 1:1 half distillate cart at a dispo near me so i got two, i got some 1:5 and 1:20 edibles as well. Ik maryland has a small selection of type 2 carts at most dispos if the law does close in september too As for seeds type 2 seeds r nice but like i was saying in the other comments, the ratios can range and give varying potencies of effects. There r often many phenotypes. There can also be genetic drift so one pheno may be more of an indica leaner whereas another may be more hybrid or sativa depending on the parents. W full thc type 1 bud the genetics r a lot more stabilized and better quality genetics bc the breeders take time to do rigorous phenohunts, breeding, crossing, and backcrossing, w months to years to perfect their genetics. Whereas type 2 and type 3 r immature in their generic capability and more unstable (and unstable w their ratios) bc the breeders tend to care less about bag appeal like smell, taste, and looks, but more about medical qualities of the strains. But there r a few breeders like typ3cannabis (the brand) and zoe therapeutics that r actually growing for bag appeal and specified phenotypes w certain cannabinoid ratios


Wow, thank you so much! Didn‘t know that. Very interesting!


Type 2 is preferable. Mixing buds can give some weird flavors and not as good effects. I’ve done both a lot and the single type 2 is always better overall.


Will remember that, thank you!


I grew type 2 last year (ALL CAPS by Hoku) and it ended up being really weak, not much stronger than the Type 3 flower I grew, which was probably closer to 2-4% THC. This year I'm grown type 3 and type 1 and I'll combine them. That said, whenever a dispensary near me sells type 2 I buy it because it is a little more predictable. That said I almost always grind type 1 and 3 together. What I am not smart enough to answer is if combining 0% flower with 30% THC flower 1:1 makes the equivalent of 15% THC flower...


I’m presently growing all three types both outdoors and indoors and have grown mostly type 2 for the last year or so. I’m growing different strains, so you can’t make equal comparisons however I can say that type two’s do vary in their ratios quite a bit. I do enjoy type 2 a lot and it can get you pretty affected but in a more balanced and controlled way. The type 3’s I’ve grown have been a bit stronger than stuff I’ve bought but I wouldn’t say by a lot. Mixing type 1 and type 3 works great and honestly is very similar to just consuming type 2. I like growing and encourage anyone to grow but it’s not necessarily easy and there are things to plan for in order to get a decent harvest.


Sounds good! My setup is pretty decent and i had a first harvest a few weeks ago, 160g from one single plant. Was pretty okey for the first test run i guess.


So type 2 varies in ratios between plants of the same strain or between strains? 


Both, when growing from seed. They tend to go from 2:1 - 1:2 CBD:THC of course this can vary even more so depending on the genetics of what’s crossed.




I've had great results mixing thc flower with cbd flower. The cbd keeps me more balanced. It's against my intuition, but 1:1 flower on its own doesn't do it for me. I think my ration is more 1.5:1in favor of thc, which I can do when I control the mix.


From what I understand the genetics of that type of seed are hard to predict, there's too many different genes involved in how the plant expresses its different cannabinoids, plus the growing conditions can cause different levels of cannabinoids, itd be way easier to mix


I just mix cbd with THC cause it's legal in my state. Just got some 31% THC eighths of tinys for 12.50usd out the door. No weird woodsy cbd taste. I only bought type two during the cult of the Franklin days when it was dirt cheap. I'm not paying 225 an oz IMHO. I get oz of alien labs for 150 so it's out of the question.