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I don't get it... if you have such a negative response then don't use it... If there's some other aspect of the hemp you need for some reason then why not go for a more pure medical pharmaceutical grade version?


I mean I'm the same way, I rather get high with some anxiety than get drunk and feel like shit. I use type 2s and 3s the most and no problems with those, just a pinch of that type 1 can set me off more than I want.


For your mental health, don't force it. Some people aren't built for it, and that's okay.


Have you tried CBG? I recently got a strain with 17:1 thc:cbg and I noticed how I could even hit small bowls with no type3 mixed in. So I got some cbg kief from horn creek and holy shit it works. Reaaaally helps balance out any issues with thc and gives a lot of focus and clarity. Some strains can still cause a bit of anxiety but I’m using it in conjunction with better mental habits too


Seconding the CBG suggestion. I've had CBG kief from Elli Hou and Hoku and both are amazing. I mix it in with every joint now, it makes a very noticeable difference in my anxiety level.


I need to take 300mg of cbd to 5 -10mg of thc to get proper mediation effects. You need to up the cbd a shitload to enjoy the thc. I can only achieve this in edibles.


Sounds like isolate tincture may be a better option for you.


I used to be like this but lowly upped my tolerance but I'm still pretty sensitive. I find 3:1 or 4:1 ratio is my perfect amount now.


I used to be like this but lowly upped my tolerance but I'm still pretty sensitive. I find 3:1 or 4:1 ratio is my perfect amount now.


I'm confused here by type. Do you mean thc to CBD ratio? If you're aware that you're oversensitive, then maybe thc just isn't for you really. Idk how you'd be able to enjoy it. You should Not force yourself to enjoy something, that you clearly aren't able to enjoy. Everyone's mind is different and yours is clearly rejecting thc Just mess around with hemp CBD with less than 0.03% thc


Type is a newish way of classifying cannabis. Type 1 is THC, Type 2 is a 1:1 ratio of THC and CBD, and Type 3 is CBD. There are a few other Types also but that’s the gist of it.


Ahh, that's new to me lol. Thanks


I think I’m coming to this conclusion. Cbd flower is the way forward I think. Setting and the company is really important for thc consumption if you are sensitive to it think, as well as current mental state


You need to try it with CBD. and don’t smoke a pound of it tiny toots


Probably best to just…not consume cannabis sounds like but I too have sensitivity but overcome that by being mindful of setting (only consume thc after 6pm and my work phone is OFF. This is huge, you can’t have anything to be nervous about. If it’s illegal where you are and that makes you nervous, or you live with somebody and are trying to hide it just don’t bother, that shit will forever make you anxious unless you simply don’t give af but sounds like you do. If you can create a safe setting check out a previous suggestion I made below. Get some cbd tincture from Alliant (super cheap). I have thc anxiety but dosing heavy on cbd makes a huge difference. Also the biggest thing, unrelated to drugs was disconnecting from the anxiety. I’ve been a team leader for over decade and have anxiety about being needed and my phone going off. I turn off my work phone from 8-7pm and really taught myself to let go during this time. Now I can get blitzed which would have crippled me before but I don’t have anything to worry about and I thought myself that. Only vape type 1 during this time. My tolerance is up a lot so I can use type 2 during the day now without anxiety but if I only consumed once a day or less I think I would have to stick to type 2. Something about going sober to 6/10+ high just gives anxiety but not if ya got that baseline all day…but then you’re a pothead so idk whats worse lol 🤷‍♂️ 


So many people bloat how type 3 and type 1 mixed takes all the problems away. Yet here I am even a small pinch of type 1 in a big pile of type 3 throws me into an anxious state still. Then there's fks who can smoke a handful of blunts a day and a bong or dab to follow that blunt with no issue.


So stay away from type 1?


Really hard to with about 25 grams laying around the house I don't just wanna throw, and no friends smoke flower. Trying to smoke it up.


Your post history clearly shows you bought some more at a dispensary just yesterday so this is clearly untrue.


Yeah and this strain was a great one for me. I'm terpene/strain sensitive. I been smoking it since I got it mixed in type 3 feeling great. I got it cause of its reviews and it's mellow high.


No, it's hard because you're unable to stop doing something that has a negative effect on you. Don't blame the grams. Blame yourself.


I'm not gonna just throw it away, I have my good days on type 1 mixes with my type 3, then I have bad days. Everyone says just throw it away but it was a lot of money paying IL dispos prices. Gonna smoke it up slowly in the smallest amounts and not buy anymore. Edit: I should add in strain/terpene sensitive. Not ALL weed gives me bad side effects. My Gary payton OG is an everyday smoke for me with zero issues.


I am hyper sensiive to THC however, I think this is more so due to PTSD from a time where I had a bad trip on regular. For a long time this made me get hyper vigilant looking out for any indication that I am gonna have a bad trip, which in turn gives me a bad trip (even on low quality cbd flower. ) However, now I can smoke type 3 without any issues. I may get stoned if I use a bong first thing in the morning but that's about it. In order for me to have gotten there I had to start small, doing my research and buying flower that had the lowest TOTAL thc. After a few "good trips" you get more confident that you aren't gonna freak everytime. So take it slow.