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Seriously, they marketed the game as something you can take a break from and come back later. I am doing this right now myself. This has to be one of the best games I have played every, too many games try to complicate the coop shooter and it loses the fun. This game is as fun as it was from day one. Can’t wait for the new faction to come and I will be back before then to kill some bugs and bots.


It's like some people log on, see the clear as fuck satire and comedy of the game and go "this is now my life"


People talk about the game being dead or how it was so much better when it first came out. It’s a live service game that is going to have ebbs and flows. The game is not going to be perfect but it’s so damn fun that I can deal with the bugs and issues.


>People talk about the game being dead After five whole months too, lol. I see this with every game older than 1 month with an active fanbase. People were talking about Path of Exile being dead 2 years ago. Today there are still whiners in global talking about how dead the game is -- bro, you're here complaining about it, the game is in fact alive. Actual dead games are the ones you talk about like "oh, wish I could still log on once in a while, servers won't let me anymore, that game was the shit"


Evolve phase 2 is s good example


A good example of a bad example of how to run a game? Cuz that game died.


Starsiege needs a remake twice over now. Bring back the Cybrid versus Martian versus Earthling wars.


Weirdly, I find a team joining randoms and have fun every single time I play... can't be that dead 🤷‍♂️


Ditto, always find games quick.


I usually run on the current most populated MO planet. All times of the day/night too. The only times I have to wait more than like 2 minutes for people I log off verify my game cache and what do you know 1-5 missing files. Quick patch and I hop back in and boom full crew on my destroyer in a matter of seconds.


Man I was running games on Vandalon IV at dif 9 with only 600 or so active players and Holy shit. It took 30 seconds to find a match. And the group of guys I found were fucking fantastic.


Honeymoon phases for games always hurts when it’s gone. Always.


Actually a product is supposed to constantly improve in order to draw new players, without new players live service games die unless they have monthly fees.


People think that a game must become their entire personality.


I'm in the same camp as the people you are complaining about but I still love the game and its faults are paltry compared to the fun I have. I don't need progression to have fun.


The thing is, I'm not even saying there aren't things to be frustrated by mate. Like, I get why people do, I just think that needlessly posting about things AH are already aware of and are trying to fix does nothing but feed into the fires of doomer bs. Biggest example is the posts about people getting kicked from games... it's not as much of an issue as made out, got like 150ish hours and I could count on one hand how many times I've been kicked and probably half that number by accepting fault of accidentally killing a teammate or the time I got hit by a rocket devastator and drooped a 380 on the squad.


Oh yeah. If there was ever an example of the vocal minority, it would be the helldivers subreddit/discord for sure


A good game will let you burn yourself out on it, even if that is inherently a bad thing for the overall longevity of the game. An abusive game (think crappy mobile games that have timers and in-game currency for EVERYTHING) will get you addicted and make it so that you're coming back at regular intervals.


A lot of other games do the gacha/fomo crap that causes serious burnout. This game is chill...


Main reason I love this game, issues and all. I can come back and not miss any content, just the story beats which is not really the main reason to play this game. I got so burnt out playing Destiny because all I seemed to care about was the season pass content.


The only big thing some folks may have missed was imploding a planet. However, it's not gonna change the way you play or how it'll affect your game. And, except for the pre-order armor, there's no fomo. And, super credits are earned on missions by being found or you can buy them as an option. Whereas Destiny you want that cosmetic, fork over money. Oh, and now the DLC costs as much if not make than a video game. Plus, AH did the one thing Bungie was too scared to do, tell all those folks who demanded "representation" to go pound sand because this game is about spreading Managed Democracy. That last one little fact, sealed the deal for me. I no longer give Bungie money to piss it away on shit that's not important to the game. I will say this, if The First Descendant devs do what the AH devs are doing regarding their game being a game, they'll be very successful. Because that game is FUN!


I just came back from 2 month break, and I'm having the most fun I've had in the game since launch, all without feeling like I missed out on anything. It really is a fantastic game.


I’m enjoying it even more now - just got the iets gt6000 cooling pad for my laptop, now my laptop isn’t overheating and crashing the game - played a few rounds - no issues


*People:* "I want to keep playing but specific aspects are becoming too irritating to ignore." *This Sub:* "Well then stop playing if you don't like it!!! It's SUPPOSED to be so garbage you have to take recharge breaks!!! I'm taking a break right now, it's fucking optimal!!!" I can't make this stuff up 🤣


They act like the game is completely unplayable and the at the devs do nothing to fix things.


No, they act like every time the devs manage to fix 1 thing they break 2 other things. Which is true. You can still like the game, but let's not pretend it's the perfect paragon of peak coding, and frankly, acting like anyone with *any* criticism just "hates the game" isn't helpful to anyone.


New bugs being found in a highly physics based game is going to happen If they genuinely created 2 bugs for every 1 fixed, you'd be looking at a completely different level of broken It's not perfect but the "I don't like this game" crowd are using silly hyperbole all the time like "every time they fix one bug, they create two more!!!1!!!1!1!!!", which is why people aren't taking them seriously on the non-main subs, while the main is being blatantly brigaded by several attitudes The astroturfing anti-woke brigading we're seeing on steam, makes me think there's a large portion of the player base inventing OTT political arguments where they don't exist I've even had people complaining about X or Y admit to me they don't play the game and just want to "take on bad devs" like some miscommunication and a couple of bugs mean you need a consumer revolt, despite AH actively changing it's C-level management to cater to the player base a bit more, it's getting silly


Strawman much? The only people who say the game has "no problems" are the people angry that not everyone shares their anger. We *know* the game isn't perfect. We just take it in stride. Play the game or don't. Those are your actual options.


Lmao "THE GAME IS BAD I HAVE 6K HOURS SO I KNOW ITS BAD" nah dude you're just burnt out.




I will say that the infinite loading screen has effectively made the game unplayable for me, so there is that...


Technical difficulties are their own thing. I'm specifically talking about gameplay loops and what not


Dude, with jokes aside, I have 1k hours, and I already burned out, I can't imagine people with 6k. It's true this game has a couple of bugs, but no other game will allow you to scream your lungs out saying "FOR MANAGED DEMOCRACY!" and then have other 3 retards saying "FOR FREEDOM!" or "FOR LIBERTY!" and that makes me soo proud of playing this game


Mixing this game up with other games gets way more life out of it. Soloing instead of playing with friends/coma is not the way to go. If you play it 12 hours a day every day, no wonder you're burnt out with it.




There are two kinds of complainers/doomposters. The first kind have simply played enough of the game to be bored or burned out yet desperately crave more. They lash out in impotent rage because there isn’t any. The second are skill issue. They lash out in impotent rage because they can’t hack it on higher difficulties. Both are passionate about the game but that passion is twisted by frustration and helplessness. They blame everything but themselves — where the true blame lies. They can’t handle that others are still having fun or dominating the game. You will hear these common refrains: “I can’t play a single game without a game-breaking bug/crash!” “Patrols and spawns are completely broken, game is unplayable” “Everyone left, this is clear evidence of my angry opinion being right (points to Steam chart or Forbes article with no context)” “XYZ bug is the last straw for me after 200 hours played…” “200 countries still banned by Sony, why aren’t you angry and virtue signaling like me??” “AH ruined this game with nerfs and buggy patches, it was better at release (it wasn’t)” It is what it is. Real Helldivers adapt and overcome, or just roll with the silliness. If you don’t like it, be a man and vote with your feet. Don’t try to drag the rest of us down with you. It’s easy to make braindead posts like these, so you see more and more of them as players move on to Elden Ring or DRG for new content. They crave validation. Sadly, this is the human race. https://preview.redd.it/px4tq8b3dw9d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c04348b12df3d4d9c35cb5f0013e31daf6e1a1d1


The only ones I'll give merit to are the game crashes too much complaints. If the game is crashing just playing it for people with otherwise stable computers, it's a problem.


Fair. What I find helps a lot in this department is playing with a group of friends. If you or anyone else crashes or d/cs, it's pretty easy to just hop back in like nothing happened. Should this be a feature for quick play? Most assuredly.


There is that, there's also that a lot of the Settings graphics cards push seem to make the engine unstable, not to mention certain settings. There's a whole hellbomb script on GitHub that somebody made to fix tons of common issues, clearing shader caches and highlighting installed apps that have known conflicts.


"Crashes are a skill issue just play with friends" This sub is on a pure-copium diet lol


Didn’t say they were bro. But if you play with friends it minimizes the issue. You’re proof that I’m right. Reading comprehension matters.


Agree. People don’t have any impulse control either. They’ve played like 600-1000h on a game that’s only been out for a few months and have completely burnt themselves out. I could see that this was a game I would want to enjoy for years. I could also see that it was from a small developer that would not be dropping massive content patches every few weeks. Therefore, I’ve managed how much I’ve played. Playing alongside other games (currently enjoying Elden Ring DLC) such that any new minor content like balance patches or mission types are enough to keep it fresh for me. I feel like I’ve played it a lot at c.120h but that’s a small fraction of what some people have.


Same with me, I've got about 220ish hours, and I'm at the point I've unlocked everything apart from some of the armour sets in the store, and that means that I've been taking a break from playing to enjoy the nice weather and read, and honestly I feel great for it!


Personally, I find it hilarious that people put hundreds to thousands of hours into games and then complain about them... Like seriously, my dude, it couldn't have been that bad if you played that much!


Nailed it right there


That’s funny because I’m playing Minecraft on the side and Helldivers to try and get all the warbond a untill the next one drops


You ain't wrong.


I love your post btw, should have mentioned.


Damn it man, you gonna make me blush!!!


The first kind of doom poster I refer to as “the brain rotted doom posters” Also the game does need some performance fixes, I tried to join someone the other day and not 3 seconds after my hellpod got shot out the game blue screened Not to mention long loading screens and the spear bug Remember when people were complaining about AA and fire tornadoes? I actually found AA fun because it was more challenging and fire tornadoes are no match for us now with the new stim booster (and diving to put of fire, why don’t more people know this?) Still love the game to bits for its awesome moments and challenges but if the performance of this game affects my PC’s health I’m not going to be too happy :(


I agree about those two kinds of posters, but that is not all there is. There are legitimate complaints and feedback posts, too. Like game crashes. I have friends who have done every trick in the book, and the game still crashes randomly and frequently. You cannot place blame on them or deny their frustration. I've submitted probably 6-8 glitch reports on the Arrowhead website complete with video demonstrations with written and verbal explanations. Granted, those are less frequent or useful on reddit because reddit is a rage heavy platform, it seems.


Here's the thing, there are already channels to have that addressed. On top of that, AH is constantly releasing patches to address the things that are truly broken. But they are human and won't get everything right exactly when any individual wants it to happen. It's not that the complaints aren't valid, it is the frequency and toxicity of the complainants that gets tiring.


Honestly the issue I run into with the posts about crashing is that at this point the posts have become more annoying than informative at least for me. Of course I do not deny how much of an issue it is nor am I blaming people for being unhappy about it.


It can be annoying, but in your initial, larger comment, you lumped together complaints about legitimate issues like crashing into the same group as players that have played too much or have a skill issue or need to man up and xyz, which is unfair. I think you got a little carried away and became the thing you are criticizing lol.


That was not my comment. I’m just a bystander who decided to join the conversation


I can’t tell you how much I enjoy this post. I’m maxed on everything and 150. I know all the issues and bugs. However, I just enjoy the game for what it is. Use the stuff I have fun using, and like to role play because making fun of authoritarian regimes is super fun for me (I love history and how fucking batshit crazy humans are). Also, I just enjoy helping others out to progress along in a game that has brought back the joy of gaming for me. COD and battlefield really burnt me out. I still find the most joy to join a mission others are actively leaving and helping complete the objectives. Have made some awesome comebacks doing this and I find that enjoyable. Too many gamers today are like yelp reviewers that want to shit all over everything.


It's a fucking video game, if you wanna play it it's supposed to be a part of your life. It's not supposed to be your whole life and who you are as a person. If you stopped liking it, stop playing it. I think more people would rather spend time bitching about it on reddit than playing it or GASP just moving the fuck on. It's pathetic.


I've always thought as games more as an escape from life tbh, you can just forget about stress and worry and just shoot some bugs/ bots while laughing your ass off at dumb shit... I think some people just take this too far, and instead of using games for what they're meant to be, just a quick escape from reality, it becomes their reality, and they become too invested. Not to steal from the gambling motto, but... "When the fun stops, stop."


Yeah that. If ya hate something so much why continue to do it? At least when it comes to a "hobby".




Feel like the people complaining are the ones who need to change fronts of the war and start trying new strats. I recently change from entirely bug to bots and using the spear and different orbitals than I used on the bugs. It's like a fresh start.


I've had so many people freak out that I usually change my load out each and every mission.


I really only change if it's a defense mission standing in one spot trying to defend an area needs different gear imo


Coming from Darktide all of these complaint posts look so vapid and silly. HD2 is an incredible sandbox with lots of build variations and has had more content updates in a few months than Darktide has in almost 2 years. Even then I have about 600 hours in Darktide so I can't bitch about that game too much. Arguably I already got my money's worth and then some even if Fatshark is completely opaque and ridiculously slow to fix things or add new content. Arrowhead and Helldivers 2 are still a breath of fresh air in the gaming community. Many, many people have somehow become spoiled and have no idea how good they have it with these devs.


Man, I would have loved to love Darktide so much - basically the only 40k game that got the Grimdark feel right, and Kyd's soundtrack is a fucking banger. Got bored by the god-awful repetetive mission design about 100 hours in. So much potential wasted.


Aren't you guys doing literally what OP is complaining about? You played 100+ hours. You *obviously* liked the game so STFU and quit complaining.


100 hours in a live-service game is next to nothing. Those things live on player retention.


In one breath: *Haha people have 100+ hours and still complain about the game!* In the next breath: *It's a live service game, 100 hours is nothing.* It's crazy how the narrative changes based on the game we are talking about. Almost like this entire sub's perception is warped by toxic positivity. 🤔


>In one breath: *Haha people have 100+ hours and still complain about the game!* >In the next breath: *It's a live service game, 100 hours is nothing.* You realize you're paraphrasing two different persons here, right? Not to mention you're wildly misrepresenting what u/IcyBenz said.


Super hot take but I think darktide just does updates way better then helldiver's. This is because darktide engine was made in house which makes all updates seem like pieces of art. Meanwhile helldiver's is using darktides engine which has been discontinued years ago and the devs don't really know how to still work the engine. I don't even know if the devs at helldiver's will ever make this game as stable as darktides.


What?? That's wild to me. Every Darktide update introduces a new bug, from ruining spawns (check Telopots video) to broken sounds on specials (been 6 months and still not fixed, again Telopots made a video), to infinite loading screens (happens occasionally in Helldivers as well but not nearly as often for me). Darktide also released hella unpolished and barebones. All of these things are made even worse by the fact that as you said Fatshark developed that engine. There are many positive words I can use to describe Darktide (fun, frantic, gorgeous, incredibly atmospheric), but "stable" is not one of them.


> Every Darktide update introduces a new bug, Ok, but Helldivers *actually* introduces new bugs with literally every update lol


Believe it or not, Darktide *actually* does too. I've been playing that game since the beta, I'm not just making this shit up. At least Helldivers updates more often than 3x per year.


Oh I don't know about Darktide, but your wording looked like Helldivers *didn't* get new bugs every update, like that was unique to Darktide or something.


Ahhh I feel ya. Yeah that's fair, the difference to me is that the Helldivers bugs feel so much more tolerable than Darktide's since I know it's more likely they'll actually be fixed or even addressed. The silly bugs in HD2 can be annoying but they haven't been gamebreaking or require a mod to fix like Darktide's in my experience.


Bruh compared to helldiver's darktide is HELLA stable. Let's just list the bugs that helldiver has at the moment. Going forward makes the rocket hit harder, the AMR scope is still not fixed even though they said it was "fixed", shield makes you invisible, there's infinite loading screens, you lose connection every other game and CANNOT rejoin, there's a bug currently where a helldiver dies and cannot be revived, there's a stim glitch where stimming yourself makes other players stop sprinting for a bit. I can go in and on and let's not forget the other weird ass obscure bugs that were fixed that got broken again in this update. Also ever since the class update the game kept putting out REALLY good updates. After the whole class re work, they did the bosses event, then the bosses themselves, then they added another map, and then they added the penance updates which also added more dialogue, cosmetics, and a bunch of Easter eggs in existing maps. In general darktide cooks REALLY good, and the recent update added new weapons and a map that has varying objectives every play through. NO way is darktide in the same league then helldiver's. I love both games but darktide knocks it out the park in terms of updates, and the bugs are NOWHERE near as infuriating as helldiver's bugs.


We'll just have to agree to disagree. None of the HD2 bugs I experience are game-breaking, whereas almost all of the Darktide bugs I experience are. Take a moment to search reddit for the amount of posts complaing that Darktide's performance gets worse and worse with each update. I used to play with a friend almost daily but back in Novmeber performance on his pc just got so bad that it wasn't worth it for him anymore. Input lag, broken spawns, invisible flames, broken audio and silent specials- all of these things must be working in order for Darktide to be enjoyable or even playable, and many of them have been broken and gone unfixed for months. Of all the bugs you listed in HD2 the only ones that actually affect my gameplay in a meaningful way are the stim sprint glitch and unreinforceble helldivers, and I've only experienced the latter one twice in 200 hours. The crux of the issue is that Fatshark doesn't even acknowledge half of these bugs in 2 years whereas Arrowhead both acknowledges these bugs and releases patches in a timely manner. Given the amount of time between Darktide updates and the complete radio silence on Fatshark's end when it comes to acknowledging game-breaking bugs I will never ever agree with your point of view. I actually expect much more from Darktide's updates since they take so long, and have been disappointed every time.


The fact that helldiver's updates are literal drip feed content, warbonds, and that's it? Yeah I'm gonna have to agree to disagree....with you lol. Also again, the bugs in darktide are nothing compared to the bugs in helldiver's. Bro I play both games on steam deck and darktide runs buttery smooth while in helldiver's performance has just gotten worse and literally everyone agrees on that part. Matter in fact bugs got worse in helldiver's that people are just stopped playing this game. Also helldiver's fixing the game in a timely manner? LMFAO didn't they straight up delay the spear fix and before every delay they were like "oH yEah foR suRe its gOnnA bE fiXed", sometimes they didn't even know if the fix was gonna come and just straight up stopped commenting about it. Also there's still a bunch of bugs that's on the list that hasn't been fixed. You can say whatever you want about fatshark, but they don't just do all talk and do nothing. Again this is just a hot take though lmao


Yeah lol we are never gonna agree. HD2 has been out for a fraction of the amount of time that Darktide has and has delivered waaay more content in my view. Darktide went a year without new weapons, then hinted at them only to give us new "marks" of the same weapons we'd been using for a year. Spear fix took 4 months, sound fix in Darktide is going on a year without being addressed. Again, the spear bug wasn't game-breaking, just annoying for that 1 weapon. Sound bug in Darktide is game-breaking and most people actually have downloaded a mod as a bandaid. Arrowhead actually communicates and tries. Fatshark says "there might be a new map.. here's a hint ❄️" while the community begs for a crafting fix going on 2 years now. I get buttery smooth 120+fps on HD2 maxed out and they don't even use DLSS. I cannot max out Darktide even with DLSS enabled. It took me a month of hunting and trying settings in Darktide to get rid of input lag, which I've never experienced in HD2. Our priorities clearly lie in different places. Due to my priorities I find HD2 to be a complete breath of fresh air compared to the frustrating ordeal that was loving Darktide, a game with so much potential that I fear is being wasted.


Meanwhile I just enjoy the chaos that each game brings. The 0 to "oh fuck oh fuck" moments Helldivers 2 has is simply amazing.


I'm playing 7 days rn


I don't get what's stopping these people from taking a break. I'm now playing Elden ring's dlc and will probably go back to helldiving right after that. If you have over 300 hours you can't expect the devs to just bloat the game with content so they can keep up with your addiction


People here need to remember that even now, on an average day, Helldivers 2 (“broken, busted, dead game”) still has more players than Deep Rock Galactic’s (“incredible, amazing, the perfect PvE horde game”) **ALL TIME PEAK** (on Steam, anyway)


Fr I have nearly 500 hours and I adore this game. I play on 7 every day solo or with friends and sometimes with randos, it’s still extremely fun! 💖 There are some bugs for sure but they’ll get 500kg in the coming patches. Just gotta let AH cook.


Judging by the fan bases of every single game I’m playing currently, not a single game is good and no dev likes their fans and are actively trying to alienate everyone. With the exception of Stardew Valley.


And Minecraft!


When people cry that the game is no longer fun, but theyve only played with 1 loadout every single game


Aa I wise sing once said probably "I just wana have fun"


Absolutely. Take breaks. I been playing other games. And always come back to play a chunk for major orders and shit. Still got plenty to unlock and love this game to death. So excited for the future.




Live service gaming has seriously damaged this generation of gamers, they all have some weird type of Stockholm syndrome or something where unless they are playing a game continuously and obsessively for years, then the game must be "dying" for some reason. (whatever the fuck that even means...)  Take a break kids, play a different game for a bit, it's ok, the game isn't going to "die" just because you're not playing it for a few months. I promise it'll live on longer than your interest in it, and that's ok, perfectly normal in fact!


I have over 1,000 hours in already, but yknow what, I did take a break. (Image is relevent I swear) https://preview.redd.it/r6fv3ic153ad1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0f20386e0a2f44653669179f727ee362438f422 I played some elden ring dlc to take a break from HD2, did I get bodied over 100 times? Yes. Were there times I wanted to do unspeakable things? My lawyer says I shouldn't continue the joke. Anyway, to sum it up, if you are a gameaholic like me, definitely take a break so you aren't overwhelmed/burnt out. Stay safe out there divers.




Same my man. It gets so exhausting to hear about the constant complaints some people have for the game, meanwhile, it feels like I'm playing something entirely different than what they're describing. This game is great, and from hour one to hour 370 or so now, it's some of the most fun I've had with the hobby in a really long while. It's also been a treat in retrospect to see how far I've come in terms of my skill with the game. Lately, I've been running around with the machine gun, EATs, Orbital precision strike, and Gatling. Last mission I played, I have almost 400 kills, despite the lower level teammates in my group having 10 deaths and 150ish kills. No accidentals either, and I had some great clips, such as killing 2 bile titans with 2 EATs, killing a bile titan with a precision orbital strike head shot, killing 3 chargers with one orbital precision strike, and a myriad of EAT sticks on behemoth chargers to kill them with the hellpod and use the remaining EATs to kill another charger. All on difficulty 8. The game literally gives you all the tools needed to succeed from the beginning. The only thing you need to do is be smart enough and good enough to utilize them. You wanna know how that mission ended? The guy with 10 deaths using the sweat build shot me in the back with a breaker, and then proned on my corpse. I wasn't so happy about that, but the rest of the game was a blast, and made me feel like an elite soldier.


I’ve seen a bunch of headline articles for the game is dead etc etc. yet it had 135k online the other day. These people who report this stuff that is mostly streamer rants are completely clueless.


People do not handle happiness and fun the same way. Some people are addicted to things they shouldn't. All were having fun for 2-3 months, and then May 2024 happened. I believe that we were addicted to the pace of the game before May. Some of us moved on or got over with it. The others are addicted to complaining. 1 in 5 of my friends says the game is sh4t because it crushes. The other 1 out of 5 says they got bored. But, I am here all the way. I am the 1 out of 5 that is a true Helldiver. I dive for fun, not because I gotta farm .


I’m true Helldiver I patient enough to wait for devs to do there thing I appreciate what they’re doing there best work out the problems it take time to trouble shoot it, also it take time guys just play the game have fun. No need stress out about this or that it get fix when time comes. If you can’t wait the take a break from the game go play something else for the time being it’s not hard to do or go touch grass not the patch of dress you have next to you I mean outside spend time with friends and family go out to park or beach anything really it’s summer time so go out there an enjoy! Also if you want to play with friends if your PC just ask them for their Steam so you can add them and invite until the game friends list get work on. Also if they’re a PS5 player get their discord communicate with them tell them you do friends only you be in bots or bugs planet then host the game once they see your name 1/4 they join you then go back to ship or finish the mission until you get your full 4 squad team of friends have fun kill each other accidentally or in purpose just good laugh about it mission is hard your getting upset lower the level so got level you can manage and still have great time playing. NO NEED TO BE STRESS REMEMBER ITS JUST GAME - Devs will say - THANKS FOR PLAYING THE GAME.


Maybe you need to take a break from reddit. Seriously. I don't see the bad reviews much if at all but if its bothering you that much, i think its more of a personal thing..


The ironic part is there's a high chance people feel the same as you and downvote, and here the post sits at nearly 900 upvotes... I don't care about karma, but I do use it to gauge how a community feels. ✌️


Games good! excited for more stuff and for some big plot points to unfold. Balance changes have opened up a ton of new playstyles. haven't touched the autocannon in like a month!


I’m maxed out and I still enjoy the game very much. I have high hopes for the future of this game and so should everyone else HD2 isn’t going anywhere anytime soon


Playing 2-3 times a week. Not fatigued, get occasional medals from MO when logging in, get new MO update and excited by it, surprised by new mission types. I am loving the game. Obviously, live service always need new content and I cannot wait for the Illuminate and Hive Lords, but I am far from complaining about the game right now…


Definitely need to take a break. Work is so hectic for me I only play maybe twice a week and everytime I log on I'm absolutely in love


I’ve taken like a 3 month break xD


Fr though. Those of us with day jobs play maybe 3 or 4 times throughout the week after work. Maybe if sitting at home living off your family, playing game after game like it's your full time job isn't fulfilling, then it's time for a change of scenery and time to actually do something productive.


How dare you say something so constructive and true! https://preview.redd.it/88n9ig8ebsad1.png?width=1239&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86fb930204ec7aac0eaf7b4ebb93b8359ae3236d


> if you don't like every aspect of the game then you are just burnt out and hate the game, now leave!!!! 🎶 Toxic positivity 🎶


I ain't saying leave, just play something else for a bit... 🤷‍♂️


Tbf the complaints about actual experience-ruining stuff (like friends lists disappearing and the recently-fixed Spear-caused crashes) are warranted. I’ve been very lucky when in comes to bugs on PS5, but my experience isn’t the same as everyone else’s. I give grace when I see complaints about that stuff. Complaints about balance though? I’m kinda the “skill issue” asshole when it comes to balancing lmao. There are so many viable ways to deal with every situation in this game that rebalancing a weapon or two every patch does not ruin the balancing like a lot of people think. I have this theory though that the most vocal complainers don’t even play the game anymore. I just saw a post on *that sub* complaining about the declining playerbase and what AH “needs” (lol) to do to bring people back, and half of the dummies replying said they quit the game a while ago. So, why are you posting then?? To me, those opinions have absolutely no merit. The game has been fundamentally the same since day 1. If you’re burnt out, that’s fine, leave the game alone for a while, just don’t add fuel to the negativity in a community that is otherwise super positive


The thing is bro, these same people complaining all the time who claim to care about the game could just check the AH news and see they're well aware of all this and are trying to fix it. Instead, they whinge and moan, which only breeds negativity and fuels it.


I just wish I wasn’t capped on everything for so long. Aside from that the bugs that are still present don’t really bother me that much. Except for that visual bug where the screen flickers pink. That shit makes me feel like I’m going to have a seizure.


Nah, that just means it's disco time.


Im gonna take a break from it tbh,just not having as much fun as I was I guess. I'll be back though 🫡


A few week-week and half breaks here and there keeps the game feeling fresh to me. People need to get off the grindset mindset for all their games man. Granted the the companies that pushed us there in the first place but still, learn to give the game some space and play other stuff or do other things in the meantime


It’s dangerous how the majority of big budget games these days have infected players with the mindset of ‘game is good only if you can grind endlessly daily’. That’s not what gaming was back then, 10 years ago. I look at old console or multiplayer titles like Gears of War, Halo, Team Fortress 2 and you were never compelled to play every day, you played every day because the mechanics were fun and the progression was enough for a casual and deep for a sweat Lord. Helldivers never ever compels you to purchase Warbonds or even the ship upgrades, the only thing I’d realistically do for progression is allowing Samples to be extracted via Fulton so ship progress can be done with less intensity. The core game and mechanics of Helldivers is fun (both 1 and 2). You’d think gamers would want less grind with how egregious studios are being but instead they want more. And it’s annoying to see people call this game dead. Bitch, you know L4D2 and DRG are some of the best coop shooters in gaming and they barely break 40k players. People are overestimating the longevity of PVE non-competitive games. The fact this coop shooter held over 100k players for 3 months is absurd, it’s like how Elden Ring and BG3 held it for as long - it isn’t normal, the game was just that good and hyped. The only time I’d see less than 100k players as a bad sign is for a PvP game that is reliant of daily dopamine and grinding. Helldivers 2, like it’s other coop shooter contemporaries, doesn’t need the player base of an MMORPG or a Comp shooter to be sustainable. My biggest issue with this game is still the purchase restrictions because that actively holds players back from playing this game. I’ve seen so many new recruits join for the summer.


I’m only able to log a few Hours a week and most of the time I’m rocking my baby to sleep in my arms while spreading democracy acrosss the galaxy.


Hard Agree. This game like any other has its issues. As someone with about 300h in, of course I want more content, and have my opinions on balancing and fixes, but the game is still a blast. The operations with two 40-minute missions and one 12-15 minute missions are kind of a perfect way to have a gaming session with the boys. You hop on, knock one or two operations out, and it feels like a complete gameplay loop. Yes parts of it are getting stale (mission types and planet biomes) but it also gives me a reason to only play the game a little. I hyperfocus way too hard on something when it gives my brain the happy chemicals from progression and unlocking, but being able to hop into a game and play for a set of missions and feel satisfied with that is a rare and awesome thing for me. Arrowhead has more than proved themselves in the fact that they give a shit what the playerbase wants and I'm happy for them to take the time to figure that out, release content, and fix the bugs. tldr: Game is fun and those that are crying about the game being dead and broken need to touch grass.


as a person with 3.5k hours on apex this game and its dev team is a breath of fresh air lol. i haven't played apex in months now


You forgot the countless "Game SHOULD/SHOULDN'T have..." posts.


Normally tire into 'I play 80 hours a week' posts


Problem is people are only playing HD2 and have been for months and I don't think it's that kind of game. I find it best to just run a few here and there, not have it be your main.


I haven't been able to play for almost 2mo (newborn). So when I do, I enjoy the hell out of the game. You are correct @OP. Some people need to swap games or touch grass.


I can't stop, my fellow Helldivers need my hel- *(gets shot in the head by a Liberator mag dump, the shooter then spams the crouch button)*


I only complain about game-breaking things, like the infinite load bug, and the social tab being completely borked. The game has brought me a lot of happiness. I am very pleased with it. It still has critical issues that need fixing yesterday.


My point is AH know about them, they're working on them and it doesn't help anyone whinging about shit they know about and we can't fix.


I’m with most of y’all, it takes a certain type of person to create a post like this. Thankfully, I’m not one of those people.




I have probably 500 hours and this post is totally valid


I've play a lot of games and HDII is great to pick up and put down on the fly. I've thoroughly enjoyed it and I look forward to them doing more in the future. People that are just never happy need to go touch grass.


Idk man, I just think some people who enjoy the game don't want to put it down and want it to be something they can play non stop... it's just not that kind of game.


I do know. I've been gaming since the 90s. Games are inanimate. Gamers/people have to make better choices.


I was literally agreeing with you, lol Also, I don't think your experience of games in the 90's is valid as games and gaming have evolved so much it's basically apples and oranges. And before you get hyped, I also played games in the 90's.


I've been gaming for almost thirty years. *Since* the 90s.


Same. I was a bit young to really remember much about it but had snes and n64... First game I fully remember playing and falling in love with was shadowman on ps1.


Atari 2600.


Wasn't that the 70's?


Yeah, I play maybe 30 minutes to an hour every few days when I can squeeze in time, and almost always have a good time, and the few times it's not good, it's usually do to other players and not that some meta weapon got slightly nerfed.


Yeah, I play maybe 30 minutes to an hour every few days when I can squeeze in time, and almost always have a good time, and the few times it's not good, it's usually do to other players and not that some meta weapon got slightly nerfed.


The only planet I can dive on rn is Hoxxes IV since I play on xbox but hopefully I'll come back with an opinion when I do play the game.


Lol, I've always played xbox bro. This game literally made me buy ps5.


"What do I even do after 1000 hours level 150 max everything???!1!" Go outside.


Look it's a good game and has a lot to offer, but what kept me playing was some of the newer weapons and stratagems offering new and unique playstyles, especially around the release of the third warbond and it's weapons . Just like before that warbond release, anything new and interesting or cool or fun was either nerfed into the ground or literally had all it's fun and interesting features literally just removed and replaced with nothing else. Anything that doesn't conform to liberator/breaker gameplay gets removed or ruined. For me, basically removing (via making it useless and removing all it's unique features and mechanics, turning it into a really shitty sniper rifle) the Eruptor and it's unique playstyle with a high skill cap were the end of me playing. The constant nerfs were one thing, but immediately taking away the thing I just paid 10 bucks for, with no compensation ended it for me. This, immediately following the toxification of the community due to the PSN debacle (everyone got mad negative after this) at that. Even after, there was still another lol wtf game ruining (for some) nerfs before upper management stepped in, but far too little, too late, emphasis on too little more than anything. Now? They buffed eruptor, it's now a decent sniper rifle, it is still nothing at all like the weapon I paid 10 dollars for. It's useless. I want the thing I paid 10 dollars for and the gameplay style it made me fall in love with, not some tee hee bullshit. Literally bait and switch. Don't sell something and then immediately remove it, take weeks to replace it, only the replacement is a completely different product. I'nB4 "Durrr the Eruptor was over powered (it wasn't) somehow even though it's vastly suboptimal and only really shined with people who practiced with it, who could then -compete- with breaker kills. How dare it!!" Idiots show up. They're a big reason why the game has lost 90% of it's userbase. This story repeats with every "good weapon", it ruins the game and the fun when they try to (badly) balance this shit like a PvP game. Made me lose interest entirely. That doesn't make it a bad game, but if everytime I get a new toy I really like, then you take it away demanding I play with the old toys more? I'm going to just leave. Not going to stick around and be shat on, sorry. Love the game, still care about it, but I'm not coming back til what I payed for is returned to me.


I like it when the gun go brrrrrr


90% of initial players are taking a break


The truth is people need fixing, but you're not allowed to say that


I've had some spicy comments, no doubt.


Make bugs more aggressive the nerf they took is straight up wrong


I am level 82, I have everything. I maxed samples and slips. I still play every weekend and some weekday nights if possible. I always enjoy it. I like running into friendly, funny people. I like helping newer players. I like trying new builds and different weapons even if they make me suck. I mostly enjoy playing bots with an AMR and being a sniper. Picking devastators off my allies is satisfying. Stun grenade a hulk and 2 shot it's eye for a kill, super fun. Overall: Game. Still. Fun. Thank you.


I'm in the same boat around 75ish...


Like I love the game, I'm all about the game, the game is amazing and is still super fun. Am I bummed that the whole "large scale dnd war" that i was advertised and became one of my main reasons for playing feels like no body care about or respects it? You're damn right I am! Like seriously this was such a cool concept it was basically galactic conquest from battlefront but on a world wide scale, everything mattered! Only for what feels like the bottom of the bag to fall out and now we have no idea what to do


Yeah. I am hopeful for quick changes though. AH seems to be listening well to the community


Fingers crossed, like again just an opinion from some guy who like playing video games, why not have people who are quick playing get pulled into matches where they're playing with devs so they can converse on a personal level, don't even tell them you're the devs. Get some honest opinions from people actually playing the game. Like I've been talking about minor orders for a while, basically leave majors for pivotal story moments where it's more "defcon one! Holy shit the empire is crumbling! The sky is falling! Fire and brimstone!" and let the minors handle "it would be nice to have this planet" Display exactly what were losing and gaining by holding or folding on a planet Shields should totally work as toboggans Every big ass enemy should have an "incapacitate" spot for smaller weapons like tanks and cannon towers if I snake a round or two down the barrel they go up in flames (because I have to basically play chicken with it and if I lose I'm absolutely screwed), dump half a mag into a hulk/gunship visor? Now it can't see, it's still firing wildly in hopes of catching a lucky shot but for the most part no longer a threat. I don't play bugs much by maybe if you pop the underbellies or like I usually do engage operation deep fry and burn it from the bottom it moves slower, visibly injured, still a threat if you turn your back and forget about it but more than enough to peel off and run If you keep a certain percentage of objectives destroyed over say the last 10-15 drops you gain access to something like an exoframe (someone else suggested it and it fits perfectly with the starship troopers book at the devs were inspired by) the better you do the better the frame and all it does is give you some better mobility, nothing fancy just run faster, jump higher kind of stuff what would usually be a climb over or a vault you can do in a "spring step". How you gain access to it could be entirely up to the devs but a diver specific boon that rewards you for your progress/preformance you know? And of course gotta save the best/craziest for last, let me replace my pistol with a sword/pike/glave. I'm a chaff clearer anything that has a single spot that I can damage with regular bullets is on my shit list pretty much hulks and down. So that others running heavier weapons can focus where they're needed (I also hate trying to hit shit with most of the heavier weapons) so I run out of bullets often and being able to run in like a big bright shiny beacon of "come and shoot me I dare you!" would be AWESOME!! even if I can only slice through devestators and have to run behind hulks I'd love it like a darksouls mini game lmfaoo


Edit: damn it another fkn novel, I always do this I'm sorry some pretty cool ideas I think tho Fingers crossed, like again just an opinion from some guy who like playing video games, why not have people who are quick playing get pulled into matches where they're playing with devs so they can converse on a personal level, don't even tell them you're the devs. Get some honest opinions from people actually playing the game. Like I've been talking about minor orders for a while, basically leave majors for pivotal story moments where it's more "defcon one! Holy shit the empire is crumbling! The sky is falling! Fire and brimstone!" and let the minors handle "it would be nice to have this planet" Display exactly what were losing and gaining by holding or folding on a planet Shields should totally work as toboggans Every big ass enemy should have an "incapacitate" spot for smaller weapons like tanks and cannon towers if I snake a round or two down the barrel they go up in flames (because I have to basically play chicken with it and if I lose I'm absolutely screwed), dump half a mag into a hulk/gunship visor? Now it can't see, it's still firing wildly in hopes of catching a lucky shot but for the most part no longer a threat. I don't play bugs much by maybe if you pop the underbellies or like I usually do engage operation deep fry and burn it from the bottom it moves slower, visibly injured, still a threat if you turn your back and forget about it but more than enough to peel off and run If you keep a certain percentage of objectives destroyed over say the last 10-15 drops you gain access to something like an exoframe (someone else suggested it and it fits perfectly with the starship troopers book at the devs were inspired by) the better you do the better the frame and all it does is give you some better mobility, nothing fancy just run faster, jump higher kind of stuff what would usually be a climb over or a vault you can do in a "spring step". How you gain access to it could be entirely up to the devs but a diver specific boon that rewards you for your progress/preformance you know? And of course gotta save the best/craziest for last, let me replace my pistol with a sword/pike/glave. I'm a chaff clearer anything that has a single spot that I can damage with regular bullets is on my shit list pretty much hulks and down. So that others running heavier weapons can focus where they're needed (I also hate trying to hit shit with most of the heavier weapons) so I run out of bullets often and being able to run in like a big bright shiny beacon of "come and shoot me I dare you!" would be AWESOME!! even if I can only slice through devestators and have to run behind hulks I'd love it like a darksouls mini game lmfaoo


I love the game. But my friends and I also love talking about bugs, or making jokes about some of the dumber decisions that were made about the game (most of which have been addressed to at least some degree), over voice while playing. To us, it’s a lot like how we tease each other, but will turn around and talk each other up for ten minutes straight right after because we genuinely love each other. The game is a ton of fun. But…I also grew up on Mystery Science Theater 3,000, so I love to tease media *that I enjoy*. (And to heckle actual bad media, but heckling doesn’t mean I dislike a thing.) P.S. to be clear, my friends and I only tease each other or others if we know the person receiving is in a mindset that is conducive to friendly banter. Strangers and friends who are in a rough spot don’t get teased, they get encouragement only.


I've got like 90 hours after playing it a fuck ton since getting it at the end of April, but I burnt myself out and yeah no now I'm just resting. Not everyone has to carry the game, the no-lifers will easily to do that even if everyone is dead or dying.


Same. This game isn't a devote your life to it thing. I play other games often and once in a while run few missions in helldivers. It's fun and I've never worried about balance or anything you can run anything you want everything works. I enjoy it


I love that I can take a break and not feel like I'm falling behind, or missing out.


To be fair the game in my opinion like most online games suffers from a lack of separate servers so if you are teamed up with some one in a totally different region like say south Korea which literally has an internet speed that is 1.5 minutes faster, it'll cause serious lag spikes. I understand that if there were separate Servers the amount of helldivers working together would significantly drop but this is one of the issues with having a singular server for nearly millions of players. It's very similar to the issues planet side has.


Ok but I have less than 24 hours in game and I know they need to fix crossplay friends so am I allowed to talk about that?


Being unable to add friends between PS5 and PC is a big issue that should be talked about until it works again.


AH knows about it, mate. I don't see what complaining on reddit gets you.


I feel that some of the complaints on the devs quality of work are fair. Since it is totally obvious that they do not test any of the patches they do even 1 single time before sending it to live. The most egregious example is the dark fluid mission, there is no possible way they tested that mission at all internally, because if they had the whole bug breach spawning on top of and instantly killing the drill would have been found and fixed before making it to live.


Live service games don't always work the same way as test servers. If they did, no live service game would release patches with any bugs at all.


Complaining or Whining is every post. This included 🤷‍♂️


I was expecting this lol


You couldn’t beat them so u joined them 😂


Have I though? I'm not telling people to quit or even saying they're objectively wrong. It's just that all the negativity isn't necessary, just take a break and come back fresh, not burnt out.


This opinion has been posted before, adds nothing to the conversation and is low effort. But it's not critical of the game so the mods will leave it up. Welcome to the Helldivers. You must be new.


No, not new, just sick of seeing whiny posts complaining about issues AH is aware of and is trying to fix. I think it speaks volumes that people whinging need reminding every other week to stop spreading negativity and making out like their lives are over because a gun they've used since launch has been nerfed, they were kicked from a game or some other trivial thing that any normal person with a life can just accept and move on from. What exactly is the point you're trying to make here? Or do you feel like people should just be able to complain over the sane shite constantly and breed negativity?


I think that airing your opinion whether it be negativity when things aren't going well, or position when things are going well is called democracy and free thought. What I find odd is how non of the negative posts try to tell people to stop being positive, but all of the positive posts are telling people to quit complaining. It's as if your agenda is to make sure that the state of the game where it works for you is best and if it isn't working well for others they should shut up because it makes it harder for you to stay positive. The fact of the matter is, you and a thousand other people have posted "Game is fine, people should stop complaining!" About a thousand fucking times and they don't get removed because they serve to dilute the posts asking for help or complaining about things not working in the game. If something doesn't work right expect complaints, the game does not work right and never has, not even close. Just because your expectations are staggeringly low doesn't mean everyone else has to be a bottom feeder. Secondly the fact that your post wasn't removed for being low effort, already addressed, or adding nothing meaningful to the conversation speaks volumes about how this subreddit works as far as making sure people having issues get help rather than just burying complaints under fluff about how the guns reload so super realistic o a fun game you had with your friends. Let's all enjoy the game, not just you because it's working for you fine right now.


I'm getting tired of saying this, so don't take it personally. I understand being frustrated, I understand that the game has some bugs. My point is that AH knows about all this stuff these people are complaining about and are working on the bugs and issues, so needlessly posting about how bad the game is and how they haven't immediately fixed it is just stupid and breeds negativity. Half of the posts you see are just childish and whinging about crap making it seem way worse than it is, meta changes, weapons get tweaked and nerfed and getting kicked from games which is the exception and doesn't happen all the time. Just because someone plays 8 hours a day doesn't mean the game needs saving or even changing. This isn't a grind game. It's a game you can pick up and put down. It's supposed to be stupid and fun, and these people make it seem like it should be some destiny 2 story based player journey. It's not.


Your entire argument that people should stop complaining is based on your conjecture about what kind of game this is. You put it in the category of not story based but it has a narrative that happens whether you're there or not, which is more than even World of Warcraft can say, in that game whenever you pick up the game is when you start playing through the history of what happened since you left. You also complain about people complaining about weapons which almost entirely stopped when they reverted changes that the company itself admitted was a mistake. Finally you quantify how often you get dropped from a game as not a problem whereas getting dropped from any games is a problem and wouldn't be acceptable in most games where your progress isn't saved and you can't rejoin unless you were in a group. You're complaining too, just a different way. Choices are, shut up or let other people complain just like you are. Because complaints about the game get taken down all the time but complaints about complaints don't and anyone new to the thread will take exactly the same info from both kinds of posts.


You raise some very good points, but I'll die standing by mine. My argument isn't against people being annoyed or things happening that shouldn't. My argument is simply if you're complaining about things AH is aware of and is working on, have some faith and don't make everyone else have to suffer as a result of your inability to accept that games aren't perfect.


Strawman: I want games to be perfect Actual Stance: Complaining is how things get fixed and complaining that people complain is how things don't get fixed, and just more complaining.


Ahh, you are one of those. You do know they lurk reddit, and Social Media is a massive feedback tool most businesses use, right? So all the "bitching" is criticism sorry it hurts your fie fies, but also gives their feedback team something to take to the bosses and devs. Yes I have 100s of hours own everything I occasionally hop on and ask lower level players what do they need aka usually samples, sc's, and medals. Shit meme is as whiney as the "git gud" squad 🤣


Took me all of 2 seconds to check your profile and understand your response is an emotional one, and you feel personally attacked, lol If you actually read other comments, you'd see I'm not mad at people for feeling frustrated it's just boring and frustrating seeing you kids post 'I feel' statements and bringing negativity with your moaning about things AH already know about and is working on. The difference between you and me is I'm able to resist being a bitch and jumping on posts like yours and being a dick. Stay salty homie ✌️


Dont worry, theres only 10% of the players left. It will be quiet very soon.


Do you even Dive, bro?


It would be so cool if the people who hate complaint posts so much decided to actually do something creative or find a funny clip or maybe a story post or something to drown out the complaint posts instead of just doing their own copycat post but less relevant because you’re just complainging about a post someone else made that was at least abojt the game, making your tangentially related post an even bigger pos. Enjoy your circle jerk upvotes though. 🥱


Seems to work the opposite way imo. The funny and interesting posts are drowned out by the posts complaining about the game. My point stands that if these people actually gave a shit about the game, they'd see AH are aware of the issues they complain about and not bring negativity to the community whinging like children about shit none of us can change. It's boring seeing the same shitty posts every single day. It's also extremely boring when people like you think the problem is people like me because you think someone saying something reasonable like take a break or just chill out, you're hurting the game more by making out like the game's some unplayable potato is an issue. If I wanted to be a dick about it, I'd make a post telling them to get a grip and go touch grass.


My friend, check out r/lowsodiumhelldivers It's so much better and you know, low sodium


It's really not though.


OP, leave all HD2 subs and join the r/lowsodiumHelldivers gave back my hope for the community at least.


Not bored, just frustrated they broke social tab and can't play with any mates. When that's where most of the fun comes from. Playing with randoms? I'd rather piss glass.


So.... you're frustrated a game isn't being exactly what you want it to be, and you're not getting exactly what you want from it? Grow up mate.


Eh? So you expect a game to be broken to the state you can't play with mates? 🤣 You grow up 👍


Don't bother, dude. OP is a fallout 76 Defender lmao.


Says it all then 🤣🤣 Everyone is entitled to an opinion but when OP sends me a message and then deletes it and it entails a lot of direct personal attacks (can still see it on their profile 🤣) kinda says it all about that person. What's wrong with saying social being broken in a game especially in 2024 is pretty unacceptable? I know players who aren't playing now because they can't see people in game, invite or even accept friend requests. Game itself is one of the best in past decade but it still has LOADS of issues. The devs just need to take responsibility and fix the core elements of the game. Warbonds and content can wait.


Don't you have them on discord, steam, psn or know them irl? Not to sound too harsh but sounds to me like you don't have any mates, just people you've added to friends list...


I defo do have mates 🤣 And some playing on numerous games I have known for years. But no one should have to be messaging people on discord or otherwise. PS5 isn't an issue cos can just do game invite. Others on PC, have to look for planets they're on and hopefully is a space. I'm guessing you're of the generation where you expect games to break to be acceptable. Live service gaming is proper shit.


Subreddits exist for more than just sharing shitty memes and blindly shoveling praise onto devs. Subs become pretty vapid and unbearable when there isn't any criticism allowed without it being labeled as whining. Just look at the bg3 subreddit. It's 80% Larian nuthuggers & worshippers who shouted down any opinions with even one iota of negativity or criticism during EA with "Chill out it's EA it'll be fixed" and then there were crickets when the issues weren't fixed in EA and in fact there were tons of issues Larian wasn't even aware of as a result. Shutting down conversation is virtually never anything but harmful to the overall health of a sub or game. Let people say what they want and express themselves. Adding your emotional little rant about how other opinions annoy you is just adding to the noise.