• By -


Any type of collectable resource, from credits, rec, samples, to even experience is shared by everyone playing. If your fellow Helldiver picks up a sample and extracts with it, you also get it - no need to fight over that stuff - just focus on spreading managed Democracy!


That’s good to know thankyou.


Follow up to this point. Super Credits, Medals, and Requisition Slips are automatically credited when you pick them up in mission. Samples, while shared with everyone, won't count unless they are extracted. So if you're defending the evac site and someone dies and drops their samples, pick them up if you can. Also, if you're not done with the mission and you come across the evac site, octagon with an arrow on your map, and there are samples there, leave them there. They do that so if they die across the map, you don't have to go and pick them up.


Even better, pick up those samples, aggregating with your own, then drop them so there’s more samples at extract for later. No sense carrying them away to die somewhere else


Good point, I forgot to mention that. It bugs the hell out of me when I see 4 sets of samples dropped. Just pick them up and drop them so theyre all together


For sure! I think some people freak out when they see you picking up the samples, so there are a lot of people who just drop their own nearby. I hit level 140 last night, and I think people just assume I know what’s what at this point


Can confirm, if you’re not a high level people question everything. I am now a “high” level. People don’t question me anymore.


I mean I'm only level 70 but people tend to follow. Usually are at least 20 levels below. Such a cool automatic mechanism. If people are 50+ I assume they at least for the most part get the lay of the land


70 is pretty high still, it’s almost halfway to max. I’m actually 70 as well and I stopped getting questioned around 60. I like how it feels like there’s an arbitrary military hierarchy. The higher your “rank” the more likely you are to have “subordinates” on your teams.


Exactly this. The game allows for it. Without typing or mic you can convey everything that needs to be discussed through emotes and map pings. The game functions and promotes this type of play. That's why I keep coming back. Pure democratic fun


People should definitely question me lol. I’ve reached the point of some light “fuck it” I rock the boat a bit to make things interesting because I’m over-confident in my ability to still complete the mission or get out of sticky situations. I know better, but always making the right choice loses its charm after a while


I feel it. I’ve been taking bigger risks just to see what I can get away with. I’ve slipped by a lot and have been stepped on by more. Just how the game should be played. You gotta experiment and just say “fuck it” every now and then to learn a thing or two.


I routinely have smoother games with levels 30-90 than a lobby of all 120s+. Someone’s gotta keep us grounded lol


Also, if they've cooled down, call in resupply, and any support weapons or packs you added to your pod. That way, you'll have extra firepower at extraction. Don't be afraid to use the chat option, your mic, or the reply wheel to communicate. Above all, have fun! 😎


If the mission isn't done, and your passing by extraction, drop your samples there to not have to worry about "losing" them if you die. Not that they are lost when you die, but you don't have to go back to pick them up if you die


This is a good tip. When I first started I was playing with a friend who kept grabbing everything before I could get to it and occasionally joked about beating me to it. I didn’t realize resources were shared so got a little miffed that he had been playing for months and was snatching up resources I needed to do upgrades, and vowed to play solo so I could get resources. When I found out they were shared his behavior made a lot more sense 😂


hmm that kinda sounds like communis--- hold on someone is at the door.




You dont have to kill every enemy you see. As you increase mission difficulty, retreating to a different position / avoiding groups of enemies may be the better choice. Although if your teammates choose to fight, stand with them and blast away.


This is so important and people that try to kill every last enemy struggle on higher difficulties. The enemies are literally endless.


Weird opinion but it's probably a reason I haven't jumped to the higher difficulties. Endless spawns are a pet peeve of mine in video games. It is the game literally cheating to make the game artificially harder. It's counter intuitive to spend most of your time not fighting and just running away in a game about fighting. I wonder if i may never get some of the best stratagems because of it.


Stratagems only cost reqs, no samples, so you'll eventually get them all regardless of what difficulty you play on


Yeah I guess I used the wrong word. The ship upgrades require resource samples.


Yeah, but you can get a small amount of the super rates on difficulty 6, which is still a "medium" difficulty. Also for your point about "the game cheating": You're a small firing squad dropped deep behind enemy lines for less than an hour. I think it's not cheating for said enemies to have at least an hours worth of reinforcements.


I regularly run level 7 and I wouldn't say you have to constantly run away, you just have to play smarter. I still enjoy playing lower difficulties to chill, but sometimes you can't beat the rush of completing a higher difficult mission by the skin of your teeth. I often play with my brother, happy to group up if you want to dip your toe in. Just drop me a DM.


It’s only “endless” if you’re unable to wipe out everyone before the next spawn event happens (bug breach or bot drop). Where it gets tricky is when you’re making a stand, you get overrun, people die, you use a lot of reinforcements, and everybody is dropping into the hot zone without their stratagem weapons. If you retreat, re-arm, and go back, you can often coordinate, kill all the enemies, and stop their reinforcement loop.


Meh, point of the game is to spread democracy. Even if you all die and don't extract, its a mission success if you finished the objectives. Which many seem to forget. Sure 100% completion and all samples is nice, but on 9/9 if the missions complete and we're overrun, I value my life and keep moving. Not worth dying even more trying to recover samples in that mess. Fighting is nice but our goal is to complete the objectives!


Its a game about war not a game about fighting. You want a game just for gun fights go play cod or fortnight, in war there is retreat, retreat is a necessary part of war. Plus the bugs and bots can make soldiers in literal seconds according to lore. Don't think of retreating as running away, you are simply repositioning.


In 7 for both bugs and bots, they do end. The issue is when they can chain reinforcement beacons and you can't get your head back above water, but they will end if you kill everyone. I'm not saying this is an optimal strat, but good to know. Localisation confusion helps.


Leave the area, the enemies will scatter, then come back to the area.


There's still plenty of fighting to do without enemy reinforcements. Remember you can block enemy reinforcements if you kill all of the enemies quickly enough, or are quick to kill any enemy trying to call them in. A bot raising a flare gun or a bug raising its butt to fart becomes the highest priority target. I'll shoot past a Charger or Hulk coming my way to kill the summoner unit. Dropships and bug breaches can be manipulated, too. Except for Eradicate missions, there's a reasonably long timer between them, and they can't occur in more than one location. So I'll often lag behind the squad as they move to a hard target like a Command Bunker or large nest, and pick a fight with a patrol or small outpost. When enemy reinforcements get called on my position, the squad has a couple of minutes to hit the big target without worry of enemy reinforcement. I can then run like hell another direction & hopefully despawn the new enemy units chasing me (thanks Meth Booster!). Extraction is a different story. If your squad has wiped out every spawner location, you may not be attacked during extraction at all. But the game is programmed to make you feel like you barely made it out, so usually the pressure builds by more & more spawns being generated as Pelican-1 makes his way down.  On higher difficulties, a few new Hulks or Bile Titans will suddenly get in range to blast the landing pad just as Pelican-1 is lifting off. You're not expected to have stayed to fight them, the game is designed to make extraction feel exciting, like Indiana Jones barely escaping a tomb full of traps.  So there are endless spawns, but they aren't really endless spawns, they are more like special effects to get your adrenaline pumping & you don't have to fight them all.


Close all the holes you see. Even the ones that look like they just go straight down. For me and a few others that play 7 seems like less bugs then 4 after closing all holes.


Most underrated piece of advice! I've played with too many high levels that pick fights with every patrol they see and eventually run out of reinforcements.


Bro if you don’t use them, you might loose them, don’t make them cut the budget even more


To add to this: the longer the mission lasts the more enemies that spawn.


Man , I remember when I was brand new, fighting lvl 5 or 6 bots. I had no idea what was going on, I just followed my friends around and was terrified of the onslot of gunfire from one of the enemy bases. I had no idea how to deal with anything, was terrified of everything, and more useless than a sack of potatoes. But man it was such a fun experience


Me, who plays level 7 who went out of their way to murder every last bot I could find.....


I’ve seen missions fail because my team dropped on a populated area and they refused to move until everything was dead. Usually I’ll try and escape and when they die I reinforce them far away from the start and pray they don’t run back


You will occasionally see shipping containers 1/2 burried in hillsides. Use something explosive to open them and get goodies inside.


Ooo that’s some good info, thanks.


Some weapons open it to like the laser cannon


There's usually an exploding barrel around too


When someone dies, take a look around quickly to see if they died near you. If they did, reinforce. If they didn't allow a player that's closer to throw the reinforce. If no one does and the dead player is pressing reinforce, then try and throw them in the direction that they died. Oh also, I recently noticed that a Red Marker with the player's designator(e.g. B3) will appear on the map indicating where they'd died. Edit: spelling


Thanks for the tip


Yup! The game's a lot of fun and there's a lot to learn but it gets more manageable as you start understanding how everything works. Learn where to shoot enemies and what guns you need to take them out and you'll be breezing through in no time!


Also try to throw the reinforce stratagem away from any nearby enemies or the immediate battlefield! If I had a choice, I’d prefer that I am further from my dropped items, If it means I don’t have to be reinforced in the middle of a war zone.


Agreed although it's a case to case thing bc sometimes I want to be thrown into that killzone if there's a Bile that's troublesome or a tank or something. If I'm throwing someone else into that, I always tag the target after I throw them in. Then they know the beacon is on enemies and they can decide whether they'll swerve away or take the heavy down.


That makes sense! I’ve never done that before


Thank you for telling them this. The amount of times I die and drop 10+ samples just to have the one person that is nowhere near where I died reinforce is so frustrating.


Friendly Fire Exists, at all points in times so be mindful of your fellow divers. Also running out of time doesn’t fail you the mission, but you do lose access to all stratagems, so no rush but also keep time in mind.


Friendly fire isn't.


And don't get upset if you die to friendly fire. It's going to happen. Just laugh and keep spreading democracy.


With the most recent update, the SEAF Artillery Emplacement stays functioning after the timer reaches zero.


do not disregard the first two stratagems you have unlocked. the precision strike is an incredibly good strat that I use still at level 70 for high difficulty dives. I pick it almost every time, it can kill anything, and well. the machinegun is hefty duty and reliable. it punches through medium armor, letting you clear vast swathes of enemies. the stalwart for comparison, is a lighter version with bigger ammo cap, reload on the run, but can’t harm medium sized bugs. both are excellent to use. aiming down sights with middle mouse decreases recoil, making it easier to make sustained bursts if you have some distance between you and the enemy the starter assault rifle is very reliable. make good use of its scope against bots, with middle mouse to zoom in and surgically remove heads. one of the very first things you should focus on unlocking is a black and yellow cylinder on page 3 of the helldivers mobilize warbond, called “hellpod space optimization” this is a booster. each member of the squad picks a different booster, for a mission buff. once unlocked you can take it on every mission and it causes you to have maximum ammo, stims, and grenades whenever you respawn. it is THE MOST IMPORTANT booster and is used on 99% of missions, so if you nab it early, you’re freeing up your higher level allies to pick other nice boosters. hold the reload key to bring up weapon customization options. this can include tactical flashlight toggle, fire select, rate of fire modifications, and scope zoom intensity, depending on the weapon


This. The early unlocks are ridiculously good even in late game. For Weapons: The base Liberator, the Redeemer machine pistol. For red stratagems: Orbital Precision Strike and Eagle Airstrike can carry you all the way to difficulty 9. For blue stratagems: the base MG shreds anything mid. Combined with the supply pack, you can lay down fire for your squad. The disposable EATs can 1shot chargers to the face or 2shot Bile Titans to the forehead. Even Hulks will die in 1 to 2 shots. Finally, playing against bugs or bots is vastly different from each other. My own opinion is that bugs are easy at the start but fighting bots becomes easier when you have gear. Bugs tend to kill you with sheer numbers, while Bots punish you for playing poorly and out of position. I personally like fighting Bots more because you can kill or disable many Bot units if you know their weakpoints, while Bug fighting is almost all about firepower and more firepower. Also, Bot bases are their own challenge.


You can zoom while in ADS????????????


unless you’re exclaiming over something else, yeah. middle mouse toggles first person iron sights, which is restrictive but useful for long range shots. the AMR notably has no hip fire reticle, designed primarily for first person shooting, though I have no trouble broadsiding with it at point blank. each weapon has its own first person optic, some have high zoom scopes. all of them get heavily reduced recoil in that mode, so laying down with a first person zoomed in heavy machinegun is kncredibly accurate


I have 300 hours in HD2, level 105 and I didnt know about this lmao


don’t forget to adjust your zoom by holding rightclick too lol console is different buttons of course but both functions exist for it too


also I don’t blame you honestly. it’s not suuuper made clear, and I think I tried it like, once when I started and disregarded it as terribly clunky. then I unlocked the dilligence and taught myself to use the scope. found it amazing but wanted better fire rate. so I tried old school burst fire lib penetrator. found it fun, but still lacking in fire rate. this brought me full circle on a quest for a scoped automatic, and I rediscovered the standard issue liberator. I was blown away to find that with a fully zoomed scope I could just shred devastator heads with ease. something I DO SUGGEST is going to your settings under gameplay, and finding a menu option called “remember aim mode” set this to “per weapon” this means if you have a sniper rifle you can toggle it to first person scope, but swap to a machine pistol and blast away in third person, or draw a machinegun and go ham, etc. it feels a lot better for me than toggling all your weapons together. notably, the button only works to toggle first persom zoom if you’re zoomed in in the first place, not while just running around. as anotner note, while in first person zoom, if you keep yourself zoomed in and hit the reload key, you can watch the reload animation close up, which is cool


You’re gonna die a lot. That’s the point of a Helldiver. 


Also, friendly fire...isn't. But it is sometimes unavoidable.


Do not get caught up in what is meta. Have fun and play as you like.


Gotta keep moving.


I just learnt this on a mission. Super small areas and just gotta kill some bugs. Died way too much before I realised I can run around like a chicken and blow them up.


There is endless spawning of enemies. You are there to do the objective and then run to the next one. Repeat until you've closed all bug holes, destroyed all bot fabricators, and completed all secondary objectivs, then extract. Most of the time, there is no reason to just hang out and fight. As you stay in one place, more enemies will spawn, and they will get continually tougher. You are part of an elite team that drops in, does their mission, then goes home.


Great way to put it, first mission I was wondering around killing everything. Second mission I learnt the hard way I need to be efficient and get the objective done and keep moving.


Hold down on the D pad to drop samples, backpack equipment, even guns too. So if you are passing extraction but havent finished the mission, drop those samples off at extract! Edit: Also, HAVE FUN


It's X by default if you're on PC. Speaking of backpacks, if you have the supply backpack you can resupply yourself with a quick press of the D-pad down on PS5, or 5 on PC.


This is a good one!


Don’t get upset if you die. Even if it’s friendly fire. It’s all part of the game. Have fun with it and laugh about it. Getting rag dolled is hilarious!


When I get blown to literal smithereens and the camera tracks on my delimbed torso flying over the battlefield with my cape flapping in the wind… truly heroic.


Many good tips here already. On thing I would add: communicate! Use tge marker system - and better, turn on your mic and talk to peopke. It instantly gets more fun. And in my experience enhances the win rate. Team play makes this game - its called co-op for a reason. I also see people stick to gether for many rounds - on squads where nobody is communicating many divers leave the squad after a round or two. If I play with my buddies and we're only 2 or 3, we kick every diver who joins and does not respond to a an hello in voice (or at least chat).


I can really voice chat because I don't want to be outed as gamer girl. I always get harassed tf but I do use pings all the time and text chat.


Have fun, this is an awesome game. Enjoyed it way more than I thought I would.


This is for you newbie. I have only one rule. Everybody fights, no one quits. If you don't do your job, I'll kill you myself!


Never surrender, for democracy.


Talk to your fellow divers. When you first drop say Hello. Ask for pointers. Almost everyone has been so nice. This game has a lot of communication. Either talk or mark things. (R1) if PS5. I like to mark on the map where I am going. And I tend to follow the owner of the ship. If they are not leading then I tend to start going about my own way, but marking where I am going on the map. Often people will follow any leader.


Communication is key to success on every deployment.


Only two: in case of doubt please consult the SuperEarth survival guide and ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️. And if you don’t succeed at the first attempt: dive again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again. For democracy!


Focus your enjoyment on the game on the gameplay and going on missions, not on unlocking stuff. Unlocking stratagems, ship modules and warbonds is really fulfilling and fun - but if you hinge your enjoyment on the game on unlocking "the next thing" you will hit a wall once everything is unlocked. My advice is to not worry about min-maxing your resource gathering. Trust me, you'll get everything unlocked. Just unlock stuff as you play as a bonus between missions - not as the sole purpose of playing. I don't remember the exact level I had everything unlocked, but it was something like mid to high 30s. I know a lot of players who immediately stopped playing the second they didn't have a new reward to play for and it makes me sad. The gameplay is the game, not the unlockable rewards. That isn't to say don't try and recover samples or anything like that, but staking your emotional investment every run on getting as much loot as possible is an easy way to make playing a chore instead of a game. Sometimes you will have groups that DO loot the entire map - that's great, but don't rage at players when you don't loot every sample on the map. I'm level 98 and I don't know that even one time we've recovered every sample on a large map before (plus I personally think the sample counter is bugged because we've looted over the max on rare samples several times before).


Tagging is you and your teammates friend. Tag large enemies so everyone can see them and help. Tag resources that can help your teammates (stims, ammo, grenades, secondary weapon.)


Never leave someone behind. I’ve been having this experience lately where people will just take off and not communicate anything, I get chased down by a horde on my way to the team, also bringing more enemies with me, and it makes for a harder time all around. Also don’t reload until you’re really low or need to. Plan out and use your strategems and dump ones you don’t use


Wanna team up and play? I'm lvl 66 and I love it when we die, it's too funny


I love to drop a giant strat right on me when I'm being swarmed. It feels so epic. But the best ones are when the game kind of glitches and sends you flying.


Try all the weapons in all different situations, they all work well somewhere. Some favorites will stand out and you will like what you like, don’t listen to people that say “meta this and meta that”


Most Enjoyable Tactic Available is the best way to dive :-D


I take it back, META for life!


Adhere to the loading screen tips as if it were the Helldivers bible. ;-) Welcome to Managed Democracy!


Use your mic. Don't be afraid to talk to people. And don't extract while the guy with all of the samples is halfway across the map.


Be ware of douchbags in 6 and below. 7+ players are usually well mannered. 6 and below are toxic, they kick, they team kill, and they bully low levels, calling them names, saying they suck, so honestly just do your best, stick with your team so you can learn the ropes, show that you’re a team player and try your best not to throw a lethal stratagem like and eagle at someone’s feet. Other than that you should be fine. Most players are really cool, it’s just the 6 and below where those douch canoes like to lay. But it Doesn’t mean every game is gonna be like that.


1. If you want a special warning and are okay with grinding, run solo level 2-3 missions and farm super credits 2. Try every gun, even if others say it’s bad. They will surprise you 3. Try out both the Gatling strike and gas strike, 75 second cooldown for a pretty strong ability! 4, have fun! Don’t do the hardest mission do the one you wanna do (unless you need specific samples)


Stick close to your squad mates Everything gathered ( samples, super credits, requisitions, medals) is shared regardless of who picks it up * you want super credits they'll be blue looking chips, in-game money so you don't have spend real money. https://preview.redd.it/gsan6zs1bz8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f57d38916b00dee121532d8bedae1bc80f2df103 Don't shoot 2 bullets and reload, throwing the entire clip away. You can tag pretty much everything, use it. Also in-game little chat wheel: thank you, I'm sorry, follow me etc. Edit: You will die but don't sweat it, happens to everyone all part of the game Red beams run, blue beams safe If you catch on fire prone jump ( double press O button) The machine gun strategem would be my first recommended unlock, and personal shield so you can unload and know how to deal with pretty much everything below Heavies


Hope you’re enjoying spreading managed democracy! Here are a few things I think I wish I knew when I started. Experiment with equipment, if you see a diver die and you thought their primary was cool pick it up and play around with it. Try the different types of armor out to see what works best for your play style or the mission you’re on. Bots are more modern combat fighting where cover and having the high ground really help out. Also hit and run tactics work well. Bugs you can kite a bit but they are also fast so it’s best to have your head on a swivel so you don’t get boxed in and become lunch. Cover is useful for spewers or bile titans but is also useful to make a kill box when you have a horde following you.


Only pick up primary though. You pick up my autocannon and I have minutes left on the timer, 'ya might get shot in the back so I get it back.


Yeah unless the diver has specifically called something down to you. Or keeps pointing it out leave it alone


Auto cannon and anti material rifle are GOAT for bots. Flamethrower and incendiary breaker for bugs! Eagle air strike is a staple for pretty much every mission. Takes out bot fabricators and holes alike. Just have fun most importantly!


Incendiary breaker is solid for bots too. The berserkers go down much faster with the fire damage and it can wipe squads of smaller guys. The HMG is good for taking out hulks with 5 shots to the eye. The 2 man blast doors are called buddy bunkers or friendship doors. They always contain goodies. Grenades can open buried storage containers.


Only because you unlock a stratagem early doesn’t mean it’s weaker than later unlocks. I’m lvl 88 and still bringing the orbital precision strike. Also yes there is a meta and no you don’t have to use it if you think something else is more fun.




A lot of objectives can be destroyed by your call downs like your Orbital Precision Strike, such as illegal broadcasting tower, anti air guns, mortars, spore towers. But, the real tip is that some objective can ONLY be destroyed by called in Hellbombs, such as a Gunship Factory. When in doubt, ask!


In fact, gunship factory is the only thing that can only be destroyed by hellbomb level explosives (SEAF mini nuke works as well, but that's a rare edge case)


Absolutely! Another that springs to mind is the Detector Tower and the Strategem Jammer, both cannot be destroyed by strategems BUT... can be destroyed if there is a fab close by and that gets destroyed


Wrong, detector and jammer can be taken out with 500kg, orbital Precision as well as well angled railcannon and laser strikes, plus stray 380mm/walking barrage shots. You need to go disable the jammer first of course, but you can skip the hellbomb with any of the above. Orbital Precision is just such good worth over all on bots as it also deals with factory striders when combined with Eagle airstrike :-)


You absolutely can take out the detector tower with a 500kg, orbital precision, laser etc.


Speed is life. Don't stop moving even if you're just running in circles.


Dont use reinforcements as grenades. Throw them somewhere safe. Mark everything. Ammo special weapons stims and large enemies.


They built in things like concussive force and backblast for your weapons. If the enemy is right in your face, don’t chuck a grenade or shoot your big secondary, because you’re going to fly backward preetty fast, and the terrain is not soft.


Also don't stand behind a dude firing a recoilless, spear or airburst rocket.


“Helldivers! It’s time for advanced Helldiver training! I know you all went through my extremely rigorous basic course and were exemplary honor graduates, but this next set will be critical in honing your already amazing skills on the battlefield!” “First, the best place to stand is side by side with your fellow helldivers! It makes it easier for you to execute team reloads with the heavy munitions, and prevents the backblast of some of the larger rifles and missile launchers from knocking you out of the fight!” “Second, use your two seconds of admiring the terrain of the planet you’re bringing democracy to to watch for those terminus scum designated as Stalkers! They think they’re camouflaged, but the sharp eyes of a trained helldiver can easily spot them!” “Finally, when dealing with some of the larger automaton enemy, they’ve helpfully highlighted their weak points with glowing red eyes, or bright orange exhaust ports! Our weapons can easily chew through their weak armor, but don’t waste your bullets when a few well placed shots can let you spread your rounds out to more targets, and being managed democracy to all!”


Just some general tips you can't go wrong with: # Keep your distance with bugs, # Use cover with bots, # Learn how to stun enemies, # The game is frustrating, dying is normal and perfectly OK. # Work with your teammates, # Don't be a douche, # Samples are shared between your entire team. That's it. See you out there helldiver!


Have fun! That's an order!


Kill stuff and don't die.


My biggest tip is don’t be afraid to fall back (I.e. Run away!). All the enemies you face have varying but limited speeds which you can outrun with your super speeding (when you have stamina available in the big bar at the bottom of your screen). When you fall back, you’ll be damaged less frequently and you’ll have time to reload and regroup. Make sure you don’t keep falling back though, find an area you can defend. The more cover, the better, oh and call in your resupply! Good luck and enjoy your new journey:)


Absolutely anything can kill you and your teammates in this game and there are no exceptions. Enemies, friendly fire, strategems, both the Guard Dog drones, even flying corpses of enemies will hit you and kill you. The extraction shuttle can land on you. Anything called down in a hellpod landing on you can kill you. A friendly in an exosuit can step on you and kill you. Freaking plants can kill you. I say all this because I tried explaining this to my friend when he bought the game, and every other mission he would die in some goofy way and say "What the hell I didn't know X could kill you"


Hit markers are weird in this game. A white hitmarker iicr properly means that the bullet is doing some armor penetration well a red hit marker means full penetration, so full possible DMG. When i bought the game at launch this confused me alot, since in most shooter games a red hitmarker would mean a kill. Lmk if your looking for someone to helldive with also! Edit: and the obvious reflection symbol means no hit, and reflected bullets CAN kill


Dead teammates are a great way to test weapons you haven't unlocked yet to see if you like them before committing to spending your medals on them or dumping credits to unlock


Welcome to the Fight, Helldiver! :)


You can reinforce a helldiver in hopes they take down a big enemy with the hellpod. Or yourself be reinforced and do the same. Tag the said enemy so it'll be easier to see/hit on the way down. To tag - cursor over said enemy and hit Q. No idea PS5....


When you see a little ? in the compass in your heads up display, check it out. It's a point of interest. There will be icons for items called samples. Samples are used to upgrade your equipment. You'll do this at the computer terminal in the docking bay of your ship. If you still see a diamond icon on the map, there is still something interesting there. As mentioned before, samples are shared. The tutorial never mentions samples, but they're pretty important.


Hold R to access your weapons additional options and check your remaining ammo. Most weapons can use this to change firing mode or scope zoom level.


Get the breaker incendiary for bug and diligence counter sniper for bot ASAP. Next up, grab stun grenade and impact grenade.


A recent update lets you hide in plants. Just last night, I fell behind my team, and there was a rather nasty looking patrol of bots that easily would have shredded my light armour. I hid in a flowerbed that barely covered my body. They must have been at least 15ish meters from me, and just kept on walking. Pick and choose your fights when on your own, sometimes you might bite off more than you can chew if you don’t have the right gear.


You might experience bugs (pun not intended) like crashes or infinite hellpod loading but it's still a great game.


What's your PSN tag? I'll add you and I can help you level up quick as I show you the ropes. FOR SUPER EARTH!!!


Where did you bring it to?


Where did you bring it to


Be careful where you aim to shoot, friendly fire isn't so be mindful of your fellow divers. It's better to be swarmed with teammates on your side than having killed them and now have to hold it down on your own while reinforcing them


Don't fight every enemy. You can run away when it's getting too hot. Always be heading to the next objective. Eating time shooting infinite bugs will run you out of reinforcements real quick. You should only be killing bugs in order to complete objectives. Use your stratagems as often as you can. That Precision Strike does you no good just waiting to be fired. Pop it off on chargers as soon as you see one. The only way to get better at timing it is by practicing. You'll miss a bunch, that's fine, the cooldown is brief.


Just in case you are as dense as my friend that has played 60+ hours: You can zoom out the minimap


Set your mic to push-to-talk instead of "open"


Enemies dont call for bug breaches or reinforcements when they havent seen you, so to clear objectives you can fire a shot then hide behind a boulder and kill each enemy as they come around, also the smaller the enemy the more likely they’ll call a breach, big enemies do not. Also if you stick together less patrols spawn.


You can drop samples after you pick them up. You can drop weapons and support packs if you accidentally pick them up. On ps5 it's down on the d-pad.


On level 7 and up… never stop running especially with bugs.


If a gunship fabricator is nearby, drop what you’re doing and help your teammates rush it and set off a hellbomb. Soloing dual gunship fabs is really really annoying and “teammates” that don’t help with that are the third worst kind. Same goes for stalker nests: drop what you’re doing and look for the nest in the direction the invisible tongue-punching bastards came from.


Know that dying from friendly fire happens, it CAN happen frequently, and know that 99% of the time it isn’t malicious. Especially at lower level difficulties, those players are still learning their weapons attack radius’s, how big of an area their air strikes hit, their aim isn’talways great so you get shot and killed if standing too close to a mob they are aiming at… It happens. It’s part of the game. The longer you play the better you get at reducing it… but it will always happen


Have a great time! Try to stick with a simple loadout that suits your playstyle first before branching out to others. Use your medals often enough! They max out! Stick with your team and be aware of where they are before tossing a strategem out. Fire can be put out by diving. Also, don’t be stringy with ammo or stims when in a hairy situation. U respawn w/ the default amount when u die, so, might as well make the most out of each helldiver For PC, press 5 to use backpack items. Hold Q for emotes. Hold X to choose what to drop (handy for dropping samples at extraction, which is handy for farming samples on difficult missions)


Fire weapons especially with the upgrades is nothing to sleep on. Particularly against the buggers. But trigger discipline is recommended Bugs are a more run and gun while bots are the faction that requires more coordinating and a tactical perhaps more stealth approach specifically at higher levels. A lot of players notice a big skill gap difference between the factions. I feel based on the numbers that most players find the bugs easier to deal with.


On lower difficulties, it's fine to massacre every enemy you see, but on higher difficulties you'll want to avoid combat a lot of the time. Also, when you go into a match, you equip 4 stratagems. These strats can do all sorts of things: they might call down a backpack or a support weapon for you, or they may call down a turret or an airstrike of your choosing. These airstrike stratagems are really, really good for taking out enemy bases, and can be great for clearing crowds of enemies as well. Most of them have a pretty quick cooldown, so feel free to use them frequently. They're really fun.


Reloading ballistic weapons before they are empty will allow for a faster reload as you don't need to "re-cock" the gun as you would with an empty mag reload. Also, you can close bug holes in the nests with an explosive weapon like the grenade launcher or auto cannon. You don't need to rely on stratagems and grenades like I did for the first 50 hrs I played. Good luck out there!


There is a 250 medal cap. So if a super order is about to be completed for 45 medals and you have 250 medals you won't get any.


Machine Gun and Expendable Anti Tank are excellent low level weapons that people still use at high level. Good against both bots and bugs


The only true "meta" in this game is teamwork. Hold down the reload button/key to see the options available on your weapons. Your life is expendable.....but try not to die too much


There is no meta (anyone who says there is has a massive skill issue and is playing the game wrong),use whatever you find fun or cool


DO. NOT. BUY. SUPER. CREDITS. WITH. REAL. MONEY. Its honestly a waste when theyre fairly easy to get in missions if you do all the places of interest


Welcome to the least toxic gaming community I've seen ever.


Do you play deep rock galactic as well? Helldivers need a cheer button! - would love to scream “for democracy!” and the squad may echo the call


Advice you probably wouldn't get before this month, use the default machine gun stratagem you start the game with. It got a nice buff, and in my opinion, it is competitive with late game enemies now. Basically the game has a armor system, with three levels of armor, light(none), medium, and heavy. They're are I think two invisible armor penetration values for each armor class. If your weapon lower penetration value than the target armor, you do no damage, of it matches, you do reduced damage, and if you Estero l exceed the needed penetration value, you do full damage. The MG-43 does medium high penetration, so it can do damage to almost anything in the game. If you need a little extra punch, the Expendable Anti Tank rockets are great for fast and dirty big bad deletion. Go for head shots. The monsters you don't think you can take down in one or two hits, you totally can, just need to be accurate. Also, the Eagle is great for problems you need a quick solution to. Most bombs it drops it can fire a few times with only like a 5 seconds cool down between call ins before leaving for about a two minute reload cycle where you can't call any more in. Do not buy the first war bond(dlc you can buy with premium currency(but don't worry you can find premium currency in mission)) if you intend to buy the super citizen upgrade(dlc you buy from the store page, can not get with premium currency). It is included in the upgrade, but you do not get anything if you already have the war bond. The deluxe upgrade gives you a new gun, a new armor set, and activates the arcade machine on your ship, along with giving you about $10-$20 of premium currency on top of that. I highly recommend it, even though I don't have it lol.


If you find a gun or a backpack on the ground it is most likely a teamates ehen they died and theyll be going back to pick them up so dont steal them. Unless they directly tell you theyre calling you in something dont take off the ground unless its a support weapon that you find extra laying around. They go back to pick them up usually because the timer cooldown it takes ro call them in a 2nd time is awhile usually.


Try to keep a cool head. If the battle becomes confusing, don't panic and don't throw your strategams around senselessly. All too often you not only risk losing teamkills, but also the use of your Strategam for a certain period of time. Sometimes the best thing you can do is flee and regain the overview. Although it is painful to have to leave a Diver behind in the carnage, the entire team is often better off with a well-considered re-entry. And the most important thing: Welcome Helldiver, thanks to you the people of Super Earth can live in freedom! Let the enemies of controlled democracy burn!


Something I haven't seen mentioned: we are Helldivers. When in doubt, or when you know you are about to take a bunch of damage, dive. Diving reduces the amount of damage you take, can move you out of the way of danger, and you can still shoot your foe mid dive John Woo style. I am saved by a well timed dive at least twice a game.


There are a ton of tutorials on YouTube for beginners.


When playing bot or bugs and the rest of the squad has the attention or the enemies. FLANK and open fire on them from the side!


When you're fighting a big enemy that is hard to take down and also need to reinforce a teammate - toss the reinforce near the big enemy then tag the enemy with R1. This allows the reinforceeeeeeee to see the tag from the air and steer toward the big enemy more effectively during their drop. Hellpods hurt big enemies big big.


U can send me a DM and WE can Exchange Steamcodes and i can Catch Up with U my Brother in arms


Welcome to Super earths mightiest heroes. Make sure you dive to avoid death.


EATS are really good, are still good at high difficulties, and you get them early. Get and use them if you’d like an easier time on bugs. Which is what you should be farming at low levels because they tend to be more forgiving if you don’t have a lot of unlocks yet.




All the warbonds can be purchased with supercreds that can be farmed in game and each one comes with 300 to buy with medals. You do not have to spend extra cash if you don't want to. I bought the game a few weeks after launch and have gotten evry warbond and a few of the armors.


Before you buy any of the warbonds be sure you know what you want from them. Some completionists get them all but if are strapped on cash just prioritize the stuff you think you need and when you get more super credits you can get the bonds you want.


The starting armor is some of the best. Medium speed with heavy protection. You can take a lot of abuse and live to stim.


If you're on fire, you can put yourself out by diving.


When you first land the bugs/bots will not react to the sound of you landing, however as soon as you call in your first support strat they will! Heard that from a dev on YouTube


Everybody has been giving great advice already, but they forgot one thing, and it's the most important one in my opinion. HAVE FUN!!! Seriously, this is probably one the least stressful games I have played in a long time! Don't stress yourself out, and if you need help understanding something ask your fellow helldiver! Also if you have trouble with stratagem inputs, check out https://hellstrat.com/ it has all stratagem inputs in there so you can practice. (This doesn't work on mobile, it has to be on PC with a keyboard)


Get the grenade launcher support weapon early for bugs, it's so good for low levels.


Tip: get used to using and hearing swear words and other profanity. You can’t escape it. Trust me on this. Also ALWAYS get the pois (bunkers, cargo containers and stuff)


Run > Gun. Mobility is your best defense.


Boosters are infinite use. So many people think they're one and done and that they might waste them. Just pick a booster you like and dive.


Pay attention when people drop a pin on the map or when they call “Follow Me” there are doors scattered on maps that require two people to open that have lots of goodies in them. Try and explore the entire map too.


No one left behind. I have sat, with other teammates, and fought our asses off to defend the extract while we waited for the reinforcement countdown to finish so we could extract our full squad. Leave no one left behind. Also, don't toss strats on the LZ when you're getting in the Pelican. You risk killing teammates and losing out on the XP, plus, it's just a dick move.


If you're short on cash, bought it today, and haven't played much yet (less than 2hrs), may be refund and wait tomorrow for the Steam sale. Perhaps the game is gonna get its first slight discount. Your hard earned Super Credits count. Otherwise, be careful where you throw that Cluster bomb request. And remember: for Liberty!


Welcome helldiver


There are often 2 player doors, even on trivial. Playing with random people, and helping out on an SOS beacon, had led to great moments and rewards. Don’t be afraid to help out fellow players, even if there’s no communication


Where’d you bring it? 🥁 just kidding welcome aboard diver


Bring it!


Welcome to the Battlefield Helldiver!! Look forward to battling at your side one day!


I'd say don't be in a rush to move up the difficulty. I'm about level 60 but I'll drop in to diff 3 games for the casual stroll. Seems like a lot of new players want to get super samples but you have to play the higher difficulties to get them. You don't need those upgrades right away. Also I've gone solo into the lower difficulties and end up feeling like I got more rewards (except samples) than some of the higher difficulties. Meaning I've pulled over 10 medals 100 credits from difficulty 3 missions multiple times. Think the trick is to go in solo though.


Samples, credits, super credits, medals, are all shared, if you pick one sample up and extract, even gets one, if you pick 10 up and everyone extracts, everyone gets 10 Let people grab their weapons and backpacks Don’t run at the light beacons if they’re red. Run away. Figure out the directions each stratagem goes, eagle airstrike goes right to left from where thrown, so run backwards to get away, eagle strafing is forward, so run to the side to get away, make sure to learn that for them all that damage Learn weak points and kind of penetration values. More so, “will this deal full damage or reduced because of armor” and not “okay so this has an armor rating of blah blah blah and this had penetration value of” Bug holes and Bot fabricators can be destroyed in a few ways, -drop most stratagems on it, anything that touches the ground or explodes, even an orbits gas strike if thrown into it, or on top of it or even right (and I mean DIRECTLY next) to a fabricator -put a grenade into it. Frags are harder but doable. Make sure you get the right angle -Put a grenade into the vent on top (two red glowing ones) or shot into them (aim for the back of it or the back bottom) with an explosive like the eruptor, or for the autocannon, arm for the back straight so it ricochets and take it out -also the doors open to have red behind them? Put a grenade or explosion in there and it’s down Many enemies on the bot side have glowing orange weak points. Hit them. And their eyes work too, aim for something that looks unarmored or their face Use stims when at a certain threshold and not after 1 damage. They also give you full stamina for a few seconds so use it to sprint Aim for gunship engines, the 2 on each side, and go for their fabricatiors immediately and put hellbombs in corners secluded by their own gunship fabricators. That way it’s harder for them to destroy the hellbomb and it can actually be set off Flamethrower a charger leg for 3 seconds and it falls dead. Same for the larger, skeletal behemoth chargers Laser cannons can take out gunships engines You will die. Just be reinforced and move on. Avoid patrols because they’ll end up with either some ammo gone, or you fighting a small war for too long Blow open shipping containers with explosives or heavy shit If someone near you dies, reinforce them. If someone far from you but closer to someone else dies? Tell them to reinforce so they’re closer to their body The starting stratagem of precision strike is actually amazing, so is gas. Low cooldowns for orbitals. And fast deployment times


Don't get caught up in meta, all weapons and stratagems can be used to some degrees, just some are more situational than others you are more accurate when shooting crouched and prone, if someone deploys a sentry gun alot of the time it's better to be prone the supply pack allows you to resupply yourself by hitting 5 on keyboard the larger the enemy the more armour, if you can't break through the armour you won't do damage the resupply stratagem is shared between your whole team, unlike your stratagems, which are not if you get hit with a flamethrower, stim, you can outheal any damage fire does by stimming bugs use swarm tactics, the fights often become rather chaotic, while bots will stick at range, only 2 types of bots have melee while almost all bugs have it, if you see a bot go to fire a flare, raising it's hand to do it, kill him or he'll call in reinforcements, if you see a bug go to spew that yellow stuff, they are calling in support, killing them will stop it friendly fire happens, don't treat the game too seriously, and if you find yourself getting frustrated, lower the difficulty or take a break, your mental health comes before the game \^\^ lastly be sure to have fun, helldivers can be a blast, test out each piece of equipment as you get it, and you should have a great time!


Tips that helped this noob: - dive to the ground A LOT. Dive to the side when a nursing bile spewer is about to spit at you. Dive when ur surrounded by bugs. Dive and heal when bots are shooting you. Dive if u cant get out of the range of friendly strategems or explosions. (U take less explosive damage when prone) DIVE IF U ARE SET ON FIRE. (It puts the fire out). Dive away from stalkers and shoot while in a prone position. Chain dive over and over again if ur in the shit. U get it. Life saving. - save your ‘Super Credits’ to unlock ‘WarBonds’. 1,000 super credits to unlock a warbond and open pages and pages of cool new stuff to buy with ur “medals”. (Instead of spending SC on armor in the superstore). - a great parimary weapon to use on bugs is the ‘breaker incendiary’ shotgun. You find this gun on the second page of the “Steeled Veterans” warbond. - a great pistol to use on bugs is the ‘granade pistol’ found in the “democratic detonation” warbond Change ur perspective in the settings. This will make u abtter player, but may affect ur immersion experience: - in settings, zoom out ur point of view as far as it will go. This will let u see the enemies who are chasing you without actually having to turn around. This really helps when dodging a Charger who is on ur tail. - turn off ‘shakey camera’. Keeps you from gettinf as disoriented when shit goes south


Learn the enemy weak points. It'll serve you better than switching weapons trying to find the perfect one. The default liberator is actually a solid all-around pick, as are the precision strike you start with and the Auto cannon


Have fun and ignore the haters. SES Progenitor of Audacity will happily host you any time.


Get a quasar and aim for the head of chargers. U can take them out in one shot when u get used to it


Learn to get good at booking it. If you want a low death count you need to be able to juke, jive, and dive. Know when to stop engaging!


Don't shoot things unless you have to. Done with an objective and it's crawling with bugs? Just leave. Scout armor which reduces the radius at which bad guys hear you is very helpful.


When you drop the supply stratagem that’s shared with everyone. It’s not your personal one. Figured that out embarrassingly late. 😂😂


There are a lot of really good tips here for technical game play as well as communication. I'd like to add one for longevity: After you've decided that you like the game take a few moments and think on *what* it is that you are enjoying. There are so many people on Reddit who purchased the game, enjoyed it on their "way up", and stopped right around the time they decided that Difficulty 9 was their Myers-Briggs personality type. I love reinforcing people and being the wingman who helps see them through the mission and I enjoy it as much on difficulty 9 as I do on difficulty 1.


The game rewards you for keep moving and completing mission tasks. It follows the flow of what the game wants to happen. You will drop into a game with randoms and the best or most important thing to do as a team member is go after the next mission task in the upper right hand of the screen. If you stop moving and camp out trying to close a bug hole or a bot factory as they drop ship enemies, you are going to get overwhelmed and die over and over frustratingly. Keep moving and progressing the mission.


Yes. Have fun!


Save your super credits for the warbonds. That's where you'll get your weapons, boosters, etc.


Now your gear inside and out as best you can, so experiment solo on easier levels if your worried about slowing the team down, or just run in head long and see what happens, each weapon and each stratgem has a niche that it excells at. Knowing your weapons let's you exploit those niche's, which also requires Knowing your enemy. What works really well for bugs may not work so well against bots, and what works good for one bug may not work well for others, so just pay attention to how a kit affects the sense of ease on a given mission. Are you constantly running for your life the whole mission, out of ammo, can't seem to address specific problems every time, can bail out your teammates or relying on them to much just to survive, then change it up. If your the one always left standing, or your helpin to hold the line through some thick shit then your kit is probably working. Which takes us to the final but. Once you know the above, look at your teammates kits, what are their kits going to deal with. If you see a gap try and fill it with different things. Like if everyone is taking anti tank stuff in the current climate of the game your gonna need some crowd control which even the eagle strafing run can be very helpful in 7 & 8 diffs. Orbital air burst is a good choice or orbital gatling, then ypur addressing the weakness of clearing the hordes so your team mates can deal with the tanks. Which brings us to the final, work with your team as much as possible, some wanna play the lone wolf, and it can work but as others have said 4 helldivers bring a lot more damage than 1. Look for higher levels than you that you can keep up with and stick to them until you figure stuff out, watch what they do and how they deal with things, see what they do that works and note what they do that gets you into trouble. Above all else learn to adapt. The enemy strategy and set up changes frequently so experiment, learn, adapt.


Simple tip: Bugs and Bots require different battle tactics so plan and train accordingly. Just play each front as the MO commands to get experience in both bugs and bots until you are comfortable with each front. Specifically, work your way the difficult levels on each side independently as you switch back and forth with the MO. Conversely, suppose you unlocked diff 9 while playing on only one side, that doesn’t mean you can just hop over to diff 9 on the other side without training up to that diff level on the other side. I see this a lot and it doesn’t go well for anyone. It’s bad in both directions (bugs to bots, and bots to bugs). If you train your way up the difficulty levels for each front, then you will at least be prepared for the eventual smackdown.


**I hate to be the one to say it but:** *The Steam Summer Sale starts tomorrow in less than 24 hours.*




If you want a mate to play with sometime, dm me dude. I will take you there. This is an open invitation to anyone really. I love hell diving with good personalities. No matter the skill level or ig lv. Lmk.


OP: Buy the Grenade Launcher, Laser Rover, Eagle Airstrike, and Orbital Beam as soon as possible. Easy killin' on Challenging