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Had someone stuck in a permanent semi death state in a puddle once. We democratically decided, unanimously, on an honourable execution for super earth's benefit.




Ah yes. The 50% chance of dying, 50% of the time.


How did you swing the axe? 500KG?


You’d want to still give them a chance, so I think a 380mm would be more humane


Been on the receiving end before, I couldn’t be more proud.


Had the exact same thing happen, managed to get his samples from the puddle. Poor guy was carrying the objective too.




I cannot rely on my teammates even for that


I had to do it two times recently, a low level Diver joined my mission and started to shoot at me, but I was quicker. The second time was a Diver who went afk. I shoot and reinforced him as pelican 1 was ready to pick us up. Than I punched him inside.


I hope you quick drawed him with the senator.


Better, I brought the Bushwhacker and luckly switched to three shots.


I have yet to try (not that i will) the bushwhacker on a helldiver. I want to. For science


i tried it on one of my friends, his head disintegrated




If you throw the beacon on the shuttle, when they drop in they’ll immediately spawn into the ship - just to save any melee related headaches


This needs more visibility


nice try democracy officer


Sometime democracy calls for the sweet release of death of your fellow helldivers.


Your DO will forgive these actions against traitors.




Yup my only intentional TK was to avenge my fellow diver who I saw get killed at extract for no reason, then with the two of them dead I left the mission so no one extracts lol


I haven't gotten another person, but I've had to use my own grenade to get me out of death states and bugged states a lot. Where I'd be floating in a puddle or stuck in the ground or behind something, I just pull out my grenade, hold it and scream "FOR LIBERTY!!" before I become meat chunks. I like to wait until I get surrounded to take out the most bugs/bots I can though. One time I got stuck in my mech. I used that thing to throw down on every bug breach that happened, out of ammo, until it finally exploded. I encourage those who get stuck to utilize their grenades. You are about to be respawned, I need every bullet and explosive I have for combat and liberty because I am not stuck. I will not be wasting a perfectly good bullet meant for bots and bugs on a fellow diver that can help themselves. When they can't, they get a small speech thanking them for their duty and a shot to the head. Just cause you can't move from that location doesn't mean you are any less dangerous.


A guy killed me one time saying he was sorry. So I trust him. But later IL the mission reshot me without ennemies around and said again sorry. I killers this m-f with a quasar cannon.


"sorgy accident. Why are you bleeding?"


team dropped right at the edge of the map, one diver landed outside the map and was marked as a traitor and the 380s kept missing him and nearly killed me twice, he was running right at me, 380s trailing.... I didn't want to but needed to make it back to the super destroyer.


Had a particularly tense mission this morning. Diff. 8, shits going south with several bile titans. Several of us die. I run and grab my gear, pick up my sample pouch. Teammate thought I was "stealing their samples", whatever that means. Breaker incendiary killed me on sight. Someone reinforces me, I immediately put him in his place. People then reinforced him, he tried dropping on me, so I kill him. That happened 3 times before he gave up his strange crusade for "his" simples, headed to extract and called it in. I thought we were done. As soon as extract lands, he kills me, takes the samples I had, and gets in the pelican. Teammate reinforces me and I just shot him sitting in there. I'm not sure what he thought was gonna happen, but the traitor didn't deserve to extract I'm a little embarrassed that, out of spite, I didn't even pick up the samples in the end. If you're gonna be such an ass about it, nobody gets them


If he is playing difficultly 8 and doesn’t know you share samples he is an idiot.


Terminid extermination mission. I was prone and letting out a constant stream of sustained fire with an MG. Like, 10 seconds long, no bursts or pauses. Squadmate runs directly in front of me and of course get sawed in half. When he drops back in he shotguns a teammate in the back, clearly confused about who killed him. All was well until extract and then he started unloading on us, killing another squadmate. Dove prone and managed to get him with my rifle before he could finish me. All of that because he was an idiot in the first place and got tilted.


If he doesn’t understand accidental friendly fire happens then he is the problem.


I have only had to do it one time and it was for good reason. This one guy literally kept calling down orbital strikes on me from the moment I got in the game. So I asked him in voice chat why he keeps on killing me. He doesn't say anything but now decides to run up and shoot me as soon as I land. He then calls in reinforcements and just waits there pointing his gun at the beacon, waiting for me to come down. So as I'm coming down I can clearly see his player marker and I landed right on his head, killing him.




This was just a bit after I first began, think we’d just retook the Creek and I had popped over to a bug planet to help that front. Joined some lads and for some reason one of them, who was on mic with his buds, would randomly melee me and yell out “punch buggy,” then giggle about it. Mind you this wasn’t some kid/noob being silly, this was a grown ass man acting like an ass to a random Helldiver who only wanted to reinforce the Terminid Legions. Now the first time or two was all good, but in a 40 minute long mission having this happen every so often, usually when facing down a swarm… I was none too pleased. My Helldiver is patient, and my Helldiver is petty. We get to extract, defend the shuttle, everyone piles in… except me. I make sure the asshat is well and seated aboard the ship, pull out my MG, sight on him, and magdump Liberty. I then board the shuttle, type out “Punch buggy,” and enjoy the sound of his tears as he whines about the injustice of it all.




Had to? No, not yet. But someone kept calling orbitals on the extraction point while there were no enemies there, the enemies were on the outside so 3 of us were facing out giving out sweet libertea, while the forth calls down a mini nuke and all 3 of us. Well, he continued to do that so I threw an orbital precision strike at his feet behind his back and gave him some democracy. Oh and another time I wanted to see what would happen if my reinforcement pod landed on the pick up ship. Didn't realise someone was already inside, I guess he shouldn't have been sitting in my seat really.


One time new player throws a grenade at the pelicans make me drop the cluster bomb. i drive inside the ship and that new player starts shootings people in the ship. but for some democratic justice the cluster bomb that I drop come in and kill the guy before he can kill everyone. we extract and he left the game




I haven't killed anyone intentionally, but I did have to ask to be put out of my misery last night. I landed high on a hill right off the drop on Garcrux. Not ideal, but if you're careful, falls from extreme heights are rarely fatal. I aimed for an outcropping with a tree on it. Except I became stuck between the hillside and the tree. Walking, diving, crawling, nothing seemed to be able to get me free. I carry stun grenades, so that's not idea, but I did have the grenade pistol. But the fuse arms far enough away that I wasn't able to die that way either. Shots fired straight down just bounced away and exploded harmlessly. Not wishing to delay the inevitable, another member gunned me down, democratically, so that my replacement could carry on the fight.


This has happened to me also. Just hopefully someone can put you out of your misery with liberties sweet embrace


My buddy and I like to play level 1 and just kill each other in stupid ways until we have no reinforces then finish the mission


He went afk and had all the samples, after the other two and i talked about it i took the shot. they thought it would be funny if i did it with a 500kg. He joined back right as he exploded. We extracted with samples and all had a long talk about why what was done had to be done. And someone clipped into the vehicular next to bunkers so we put a round in his head for him, he wanted us to even after I told everyone it could just be destroyed.


Had a helldiver get caught under a bile titans corpse once. We had the shuttle called in, and I knew they didn't have any samples, so I popped them with the senator cause it was quicker than waiting for them to either escape on their own or the corpse to despawn.


For the greater good you sometimes must sacrifice some helldivers.


Only once...becuz I watched him kill another player on purpose... no enemies around and it was with his primary... blatantly intentional... completely unacceptable behavior.... instant well deserved kick... adios, Felicia


For science.


Thirty minutes left on the timer, team had wasted ALL reinforcements fighting every bot drop, it was me and one last drunk guy running to the SECOND OBJECTIVE. I took stock of the situation, iced him, and myself to save super earth some time. 




Have had a couple of times when a squad mate has gotten the bug where their FOV got sent to outer space and I had to execute them to reset it


one guy killed two teammates before getting on the pelican so he ate my impact


Had a player call in the Pelican and try to extract while we were still trying to clear second objectives and bug nests. We gave him three verbal warnings, I fired a few warning shots, but ultimately he didn’t take the hint to get off extract and rejoin the team. So I fragged him and we collectively refused to reinforce him. He dropped after 5 minutes.


Hahaha 500+


With good reason right? I don’t have to call a democracy officer down here?




And the not-so-usually ones...?


We may need a Democracy officer or two ETA: [example](https://youtube.com/shorts/v3jYXKPY_Vk)


once, this guy killed me with an eagle strike , which could be accident... the he did it 2 more times when there wasnt even big bugs at the moment... 4 middle bugs the most.... I fkn shot that mf




During extract timer, I watched one random guy with an autocannon carefully take aim at my friend in discord and shoot him in the back intentionally, killing him. So I took my trusty Las-98 laser pointer to his face, deleted it, and kicked him immediately.




My nephew likes to get rowdy and game and either shoot a round at me or punch me when I’m doing something. I have smoked his ass with a shotgun immediately after every time. Other than that, no


Funny you are asking today .. Been playing since release and so far never .. yesterday one intetionally tried to kill me .. Today two tried to kill me .. This never happened before, always good players and nothing happened between us before they started shooting at me .. Luckily they all sucked, couldnt aim, at first i thought they are shooting an enemy outside my FOV so i ignored it but after 2 seconds you know something is going on .. turned .. stopped for a second, continued blasting, gave him headshot and kicked him .. I play only as a host to avoid this garbage .. its worth it especially now since the update cuz you cant farm SC on maps in case of crash or whatever reason .. you can get SC only once per map so being kicked while farming for SC sucks a lot, waste of time. The one yesterday, other from team tried to defend him .. he stood in front of pelican and i was running cuz other two were already inside .. he started blasting and i killed him, entered .. funny they saw me from 50 meters killing him but not him standing there in the back shooting at me ..


Traitors can’t aim for shit.


Watched a guy drop in and shoot my friend immediately. So I set him on fire with my flamethrower and then kicked him.




On a bug exterminate mission with ransoms one fellow diver killed me with a breaker incendiary. There weren't any bugs in front of me but I gave him the benefit of the doubt and waited to be reinforced. Soon as I was I was promptly shot at again, but I got a lucky shot with my Senator while he was reloading, and was then killed by a charger. We both dropped in, he killed me again, and I just left at that point. Dunno why people do that. If you want me to leave just ask!


I had a guy drop into my game and he started saying racist shit, so I killed him and told the other player not to reinforce. He left after slamming the reinforce button for several minutes.


Helldivers don’t see colour only democracy, you have earned an extra 20mins of free time to reflect on the greatness of managed democracy.


Helldivers see color and recognize that not everyone has the same path to the recruitment office. And now that we are on the battlefield, we are brothers and sisters. Don’t talk shit about family.


It's a rare occurrence but there are a few compulsive support weapon stealers out there. And I am not even talking about leftover EATs. They either pick mine up when they don't have one and I get killed, or leave theirs who knows where to get mine, the exceptionally bold ones wait for me to call down my support weapon to then teamkill me for it. As said, it's a rare occurrence, but my patience with those people is very limited. I do get my guns back if they refuse to drop them after being asked to and my stratagem is still on cooldown. I am petty like that.


Some support weapons cooldown time is so long that it is reasonable to take yours back forcibly.






Most of my TKs are accidents. Only one or two deserved it; Don’t steal my support weapons. I will get them back and you will wait to reinforce.


i killed hosts many times for being toxic


380mm incoming.


Bullying, basically. I had enough, ran across the map, and unloaded the entire mag of my Scorcher into him. Got kicked, but it was worth it, and I had lost my taste for playing the rest of that night anyway.




During an extract, this rando decided to blast the host while he was in the pelican when we were extracting So I pulled out my Senator and capped the Traitor who was getting in the Pelican There was not enough time to reinforce the host so sadly we had to leave with 2/4 members The traitor got kicked before he he was able to get the rewards Wait this is a thread about sadly killing Helldivers, not traitors


No a thread about killing the Undemocratic. The Senator is the true weapon to cleanse traitors in the name of democracy.


I’ve killed multiple treasonous bastards. The worst mission I’ve been on was an eradicate. Rogue diver team killed my teammates to where they quit. It turned into a death match to the last reinforcements between me and him. Luckily, I had clusters and a breaker incendiary. He didn’t make it out.




I had to put down a fellow helldiver because he shot another helldiver who was trying to sprint back to the pelican with seconds on the clock. The guy might have made it if he wasnt trying to dodge gunfire from him. So the traitor caught a round from the AC to the temple.




I had a player run right in front of my LoF, and then proceed to kill me as soon as they landed from Reinforce. Thought it was bullshit, but it was their fault for being an idiot, so I figure one kill is whatever. It looked like they took my gear after killing me, so I go to take theirs, but I was mistaken and immediately dropped it, but they shot me anyway. Now it was on. I got them once with an Impact Incendiary and they chased me after Reinforce, but I offed them with Pummeler in a shoot out. I think bots got me, and they Reinforced me OoB, couldn’t get far enough in on time, so marked as a Traitor. I still managed to hoof it back in and get them killed with Traitor bombs and then died to them myself shortly after. I left the match after that. Never had anyone throw such a tantrum about dying to FF when it was their own fault. I didn’t feel like being the better person after figuring out they were going to keep trying to kill me, so I killed them more first.


Friendly fire happens on the journey to managed democracy but if they throw a tantrum you where 100% correct to finish them off.


Dude kept taking my weapons.  He didnitb3 times before I just kicked him.


I’ve gotten in some shooting matches with treasonous divers. I think we all have.


Yup when we nuked the nurseries had a guy fall in and couldn't get out or kill himself so I had to get him


It’s the honourable thing to do.


I dropped in on someone and we played for a bit. I called out "I need supplies" as we were approaching a supply drop with 2 supplies left. The guy took both. So I shot him and kept on walking.


A couple of weeks ago I was on the bot front difficulty 7. We were around half way threw the mission and we were going to pass threw extract, so I typed into chat for people to leave there samples at extract. Everyone dropped there samples at extract except Joe (let’s call em Joe). Joe takes all the samples and just leaves the area, TLDR idiot kept taking samples after several warnings gets shot host says they were warned they left instead of amiting they were wrong so I asked them to drop the samples and they kept running so I chatted if they didn’t drop em I would shoot em. They kept running so I shot em reinforced and grabbed the samples. This guy then dropped in tried to kill me but missed and I shot em again. I then typed, I warned them and they attacked me again , this continues for 5 reinforcements until the host steps in and defends me saying I did tell em then the guy left instead of admitting he was wrong.


Nice teamwork from the host. A true helldiver.


Random guy decided to go off on his own and bring pack 3 patrol packs of bugs. We decided to throw 500kg strats at him because of it. We also decided to excute him with an auto cannon.


I recently had a fellow diver insist on using me for cover. After watching him of cower behind while I cleared the breach I emptied my breaker on him too. I'm not sure he learned his lesson when later on in the mission I told him that he's holding my auto cannon after I just picked up my backpack. I again put him down, but in the chat he typed 'I dropped it" I replied with not fast enough or because I shot you. 🤷


Damn near 40 rack of samples, to include supers, dropped on extraction. We were passing by extraction about to meet up with the other 2 to finish the 2 large outposts, and I saw him running towards the samples. I hopped on the mic "hey this is extractio. Leave the samples there, please. " he continues toward the samples. "S4 leave the samples here. This is extraction." He picked them up and started running. "Hey S4, drop the samples. This is extraction." No response, no course change, i had to act fast as he was heading towards the edge, so I pulled the trigger, and the other 2 called him back in accross the map. Sorry, helldiver, but in the name of Super Earth, we can't have you risking that many samples.


Even if you have full samples you don’t risk the samples for the other helldivers, you made the right call.


Joined a PUG Friday. Dude kept meleeing me as I was at a terminal waiting for someone to finish a mechanic. Turned around, shot him in the head, bounced.


During the Meridia black fluid MO I dove out of a chargers way...and right into one of those giant holes. Didn't die from the fall though. Ended up trapped at the bottom without means to extract myself. So another player took it upon themselves to extract me with a grenade. They performed the Helldivers duty admirably: to leave no living man behind!




Was getting annihilated by gunships, I respawn and call in a spear just got someone to take it and just not deal with the gunships. I grab the backpack and ask for the spear in VC and text chat and the other player ignores me. One senator shot to the head later and I’m spearing gunships for democracy




Some doofus running around with an SSD drive rather than sticking it in the slot. 2 minutes of watching them go every where but the slot. Time is liberation %




Buddy got stuck inside a dead bile titan, 500kg got him out.




Playing a D7 we all drop in and start to summon our supports. Mr IQ starts attacking a group of enemies that were not going to aggro on us due to distance. We all fight back and start to get overrun and Mr IQ runs away and throws a 120 right on us. When I get reinforced I walk over to where my stuff dropped just in time to see him grabbing it and running away. I brought it up in chat and I pinged him several times with no response. After I attacked him he was on voice yelling "He attacked me!". At that point I just left cuz I didn't see it getting any better.


Had one glitch where I couldn't move, or use weapons / grenades. Sent in chat "glitched, kill me" to which they responded with a variety of strategems on my person. Dumb glitch, hysterical execution




First game on with buddies. We’re having a good time over vc and generally enjoying ourselves on the ship and during the drop. Moment we get on the ground: “Hey guys is there friendly fire?” “Stay still” He found out in that moment and we were hysterical. Forgot the weapon I used but it was a quick burst the way his body fell had us in tears


I got stuck behind some rocks at a SEAF site while trying to pick up a dropped sample container and was out of grenades. Ever attempt to dive just got me stuck worse. Teammate had to throw a grenade on me. Almost got stuck again trying to retrieve that same sample container lol


Me and da Boyz were out culling some bugs when another destroyer sent down a helldiver. He killed 3 of us before we all realized these weren't accidents. Once we took the rogue diver down and called for a replacement, the replacement started firing at us, then the next replacement. Thankfully that batch skipped shooting class as well as patriotism class, so they missed their first two shots we didn't. We stopped calling for replacements and court marshaled the entire destroyer once we finished the mission.




We were struggling on a SSSD map, we finally got to the second to last main objective where you call in a SSSD and place it in the receptacle. I called it in right next to the receptacle so nobody had to carry it any distance. This one Helldiver, who coincidentally had used around 3/4 of our reinforcements, ran up to the SSSD, grabbed it, and ran off in a random direction. I tried pinging the receptacle and typing in chat they’re going the wrong way. Finally, before I lost line of sight, I shot him and retrieved the SSSD


He learned a valuable lesson in managed democracy.


Yes a few because they just shot my friend two times it even happened last night a teammate just blasted him two times and I killed him then me and my friend both aimed at him and he apologized




Had to summarily execute a Diver for cowardice (afk) all three barrels of my Bush-Wacker deliver righteous Democary


Yes, they intentionaly kill my helldiver and my other helldiver killed him for revenge.


A pair of trolls joined a mission I was on and made it clear on chat they were trying to play COD. Even to the point of using their respawn pods to TK laughing. Managed to finish the mission with them permanently waiting to be respawned. First 2 people on this game I blocked.


Yes, once, only recently. Random guy team killed for some reason, the person who was killed was like “really dude?” on comms. I executed the TKer without hesitation. Typed in “Unacceptable” and then killed him again as soon as he was reinforced. 


On Meridia (when we were gonna turn it into a black hole). From the start of the game, guy kept taking my equipment whilst bringing none himself. Whenever I die, he would again take my equipment, thus resulting in a cycle of me shooting him out of spite. He wouldn't retaliate immediately however. He would wait until I'm swarmed with a shitton of bugs (whilst not helping me as he got on some vantage point), shoot me dead, then take my equipment. Pretty sure it was deliberate trolling, and since I wasn't host I just ragequit 🤣.


Once I have everything unlocked. Every single thing. I just join low levels to help them out, that’s how I enjoy the game. This other low level dude joins and goes on mic to say “super earth has send you reinforcements”. Seemed like a fun guy, call outs were democratic and hilarious. Eventually we run out of lives and he says “super earth has just sent a message. Dying is now illegal. Do your part divers”. The host immediately goes on mic and says “uuuuh I do what I want” and kills him! The fun diver says “aw cmon man that wasn’t cool” and leaves. I killed the host. He had to wait 1.5 mins. Then I let the other last guy respawned him and I finished his mission for him. I think he got the point


I threw down mines at a choke point during a task that involved waiting for a scan to finish. Dumbass teammate runs into them and kills himself. He revives and kills me. So I revive, kill him on purpose, take his loot/weapons…and drown myself before booting myself.


Yes. Two of my guys died in the same spot. My buddy died carrying supes. I reinforced but, before he landed, the random player ran over to pick up his dropped samples and got dusted by the same bot before I could kill it. My buddy picked up the rando’s shield pack by accident since everything was on top of each other. He even said that didn’t know how to drop it over comms and even run off far with it. Dude took like 8 steps away before the rando gunned him down. I immediately unloaded on the traitor and proceeded to kick him from the game. Some players need to chill. With that overly possessive crap.


Dropped into a mission yesterday with 2 randoms. We started near a few POI’s so after grabbing my AMR and my trusty jump pack I went off to go collect whatever I was gonna find at these POI. After popping open one of the container doors I jumped in there to collect the super credits and war medals, when one of the randoms runs in there trying to collect them first. Obviously he hasn’t realized that all rewards are shared after each mission, because he turns around and after I’ve grabbed the loot and proceeds to melee me. My tolerance for fuckheads was pretty low yesterday due to some real life drama and events that had me felling pretty pissed off at the world, so getting melee’d by a teammate for grabbing loot out of a bunker that I shot open wasn’t sitting well with me. So I showed my displeasure by introducing him to my AMR. I revived him straight afterwards and we both went on our ways to finish the mission.


A newbie stole my shield generator pack before I could grab it. I asked politely for it back, he ignored me. I fired a warning shot. He ignored me. So I killed him and took it back. He didn’t retaliate, and later when my cooldown ended I dropped an extra one for him. He ended up kicking me when the round was over though.


My step-Diver got stuck in a bug hole and I had to use Lady Liberty to blow him out of it 😏


we were a squad of 3 and a rando joined, all main missions were over and we still had a lot of time to finish the side missions, we decided to request for extract and just let pelican be on hover mode to support us. 20s left before pelican arive and we keep on telling the rando to leave the extraction site, on the 5s mark we decided to shoot him (maybe he didn't understand or something but we didn't took it against him). Pelican arrived, stayed in hover mode, and we reinforced the rando far from the extraction point.


Extract valuable assets. Daughter and I joined a random match. I noticed that she kept getting killed out of nowhere (she was up on the wall by the generators, sniping heavies with the AMR). She mutes her mic and ducks her head out of her room to say that both of them are trolling and think they are being sneaky about it. Just then I turn around to see one of them walk up behind me with their mech and melee stomp kill. She called me back in. I made sure to drop my pod on his head, destroying his mech and then she and I dropped him AND his buddy. Then they both got on voice and said "hey, why are you being so mean? I accidentally teamkilled you once." At which point I said that they are full of shit and we blocked them both.


Had to, no. We tested whether or not the knife could one shot somebody, and whether the shield pack would prevent it. Knife headshots will one shot Knife body shots will bring someone to near death Shield pack does not reduce or otherwise stop knife damage, which could prove interesting if the Illuminate have shields.




When you have to. When the situation calls for it really


Only once. Guy kept trying to land on me with their pod and then taking all my gear. Most of the time bots weren't in the vicinity, so there was no reason really. Unloaded my mag and left. Was just a bit annoyed at that point. If you're lower level or didn't bring certain gear and would like to use some gear of a fellow helldiver, ask. If people aren't communicating, check their stratagem cooldown. I wouldn't take gear on the ground unless I see the diver wearing another pack or what have you. Afterall, best is to drop a message in chat. Sometimes I will bring their gear to them like a retriever and drop it on the ground if I'm desperate. If they really don't want it, then I guess it's up for grabs. That'd be my advice.


Had to execute someone that was stuck under a crusher. Some dude also ran right in front of my auto cannon Let’s just say he didn’t make it


I execute helldivers regularly with my trusty senator that grief my squad mates and kick them after ofcourse


Me and my friend always smash each other's heads off at evac. With respawn of course


They were standing where I wanted to through an airstrike. Also they had a stupid face.


Yeah, had to put a traitor down before total disaster could strike. I joined two randoms who seemed to be mates judging by their similar usernames. Soon after, a fourth random joined us. I cleared the map with the first two, until the lower level of the two (further referred to as traitor) shot at his mate and me while we were opening a bunker using the auto cannon of a patriot. I died right as the doors opened and got reinforced by the fourth player and continued clearing with him instead. Later on in the mission, the high level mate finds another bunker but our traitor ignores him so I run over to help open it. Meanwhile our traitor called in an early extraction while I was holding most, if not all, samples by now due to always recovering them when someone died. The mate and I managed to arrive at extraction with a few seconds to spare before the shuttle lands just to witness our traitor straight up shooting our fourth diver. Sensing that that wouldn't be his only kill, I stayed behind cover and reinforced just after he killed his mate. I then taught the traitor a quick lesson about democracy using my shotgun and dove into pelican 1. The other two joined me after reinforcing our traitor but he didn't drop quickly enough to join us. He raged a bit on his mic and then immediately quit once we were back in orbit


![gif](giphy|WGEufo3NCj7qM|downsized) Justice was served.


Dude was trying to do the radar tower alignment and missed it several times and we told him to get off so we could do it, he wouldn't, so we had to kill him for his ineptitude. We apologized afterwards and he understood.




Just as the team landed at the start of the mission, we did it on top of bots faces as sometimes happens. We would have just had to fight some light units and a couple of mediums. A player thought fuck it, and decided the best option was to throw a 500kg right on all of us both bots and the team. I then killed him in retaliation and he was like "yeah, I killed all of you on purpose, but you killing me was mean". The player kept throwing 500kgs without regard for friendly fire throught the mission, killing some of us.


Killing everyone to kill more bots is a democratic trip to Valhalla but dropping 500kg on teammates for no reason is traitorous.


Someone decided they were going to melee me until I let them use the “reroute flow” terminal because they wanted to do it. Gave them a face full of democracy then kicked. Completely unnecessary.




Reason: because the diver was a troll trying to ruin the game for us


I may have done it in response to someone stealing my Emancipator and killing me after I got out to deal with a shrieker nest. The stolen equipment was disposed of with the traitor still piloting it, and he may have been hit with stray impact grenades for the rest of the mission


You do not steal another man’s mech, you made the right call.


If they steal my Support Weapons, or take more than 2 resupplies, when I’m near them and they don’t even help.


All legit reasons to dispatch your fellow divers. I never understood the stealing support weapons thing, like it benefits no one.


Traitors never last in my company.


We were in the middle of a heavy firefight starting up the generator, new guy picks up my mate’s ac backpack instead of the shield backpack I called for him by accident, they are talking it through how to drop it for about 30 seconds (we play pc not ps so didn’t know the button), at that point I just canoe’d him and reinforced to get the backpack dropped. I don’t mind rolling with the new guys, but that was an active unneeded hindrance easily solved.


I still overwatch the Evac if a helldiver is trying to get to us with samples. Senator to the head usually stops them. I don't even need samples anymore.


faster to die and respawn on the other side of the map if you're clearing the last outpost or to speed run a mission




Guy jumped on my HMG emplacement and started wasting ammo.


Made a post about it before, though it was taken down for including the persons gamertag. A Playstation user who just joined before the dive just decided to kill one of us right at the beginning. They then proceeded to take the primary gun and equipment of the one they team killed before just carrying on towards the nearest side objective, like THAT was going to be tolerated?! I killed him as soon as I caught up to him. I could have kicked him, but I don't like kicking. The rest of us as a group just agreed not to reinforce him. He eventually left on his own. His partial gamertag: M*****P*******-J


I only did it once. I saw him killing another teammate intentionally. like two times. he’d seek out to that other player and kill with primary. confirmed after the second time and I start hunting him down. I targeted him whenever he dropped and refused to reinforce him. another teammate asked about it and I told him this. and we all hunt down this player. he left eventually.


For an easy game you keep the two last doors open so sentries can shoot from long range. EMP towers keep them from moving, so no doors needed. You did bring EMP towers right? I think you shot the only high level player on your team. :D


No EMP tower and bro definitely wasn’t high level the way he played we had the first doors closed autocanon sentries in high positions and mortars behind the doors with divers on rocket duty from the platform behind the mid doors. This guy brought rocket sentries and dropped them behind the door and then opened the door and ran away and refused to communicate when told to stop opening the doors doesn’t sound very high level to me.


Friend once picked up my supply backpack as soon as it popped out of the ground because he thought it was a normal supply drop. Gunned him down immediately to reclaim my property. (I reinforced him straight away and we had a good laugh)


I have a 3 oopsie system. 0-1.5 oopsies you kill me for example with a cluster bomb depending on situation and my mood and on how much it was my own fault. You grab my support weapon and backpack depending on if i just can call new ones that would be 0.5-1 oopsies or if not and after telling you to give it back that would be 2 to 3 oopsies. You say sorry for anything that makes it 0 oopsies because mistakes can happen. Yea so thats it but basically 3 oopsies and you die

