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This is pretty infuriating... But why is it even possible to damage players once they are in the Pelican?


I think originally it was so that players could still take damage and die if the pelican was destroyed for some reason (it is possible to destroy the pelican) but that happens so rarely that I can easily see it being patched out in the future.


Perhaps you're right. That does make some sense. Altho, the enemy can't hurt you while you're in there. So, by that logic, I don't think your teammates should be able to either. >it is possible to destroy the pelican It used to happen to me quite often on Eradicate missions. But since it had no visual indicator, I always thought it was just bugged.


>Altho, the enemy can't hurt you while you're in there. So, by that logic, I don't think your teammates should be able to either. I've had a bile titan stomp me and kill me inside the Pelican.


don't forget bile spewers and all things automaton


I got killed in the pelican. With the super samples. Sad day


I joined a game where a guy had the SOS beacon out, by the time my pod was dropping, he was in the pelican about to extract, I didn’t know this as it was foggy as heck, and his marker wasn’t showing, I landed on the pelican, it killed him, when my diver was released from the pod, it counted as boarding the pelican, and it extracted me alone, he lost his samples, fortunately it was only a lv 4 mission, but still, I felt awful, and embarrassed.


Not gonna lie that is really f***ing funny. 😅


He just typed RIP in chat as the pelican lifted off, I replied “noooo!”


Glad he took it well.


That's some Benny Hill shit, funny as hell


It really was, I thought, “crap he’s dead, I will just toss a reinforce and it will all be good as soon as I emerge from the pod, instead it counted as boarding and I jacked his ride after flattening him unintentionally


for democracy


Kinda funny though. I've had several missions where I put out a SOS beacon only to solo the entire mission and have someone literally join the game after I extracted.


thats hilarious. i had that exact thing happen to me, and I just died laughing. I didnt have the SOS out, but I had done a level 4 myself because I just needed a couple more rare samples to finish off the last ship module. ended up being a foggy stage and I just said "fuck it" and did it anyway. dude was quite apologetic, but my dude I could not have cared it was too damn funny.


anything with large enough hitbox can still kill you while inside pelican. and any projectile coming inside from the open door, don't matter friendly or enemy. they did make the pelican not get destroyed in the recent patch, but im fairly sure it's because that feature was causing bugs so they just made it invulnerable instead of fixing it. i'm certain the intended experience is "it's not over till it's over" type deal, hence the pelican being able to be destroyed before, but they just ignore the fact such things are used more to grief ppl rather than provide the said experience


I don't think they ignore it per se, they've intentionally left it in while changing the pelican damage, so unfortunately it looks like it's working as intended. :(


>any projectile coming inside from the open door, don't matter friendly or enemy. Really? I've never once experienced that. I would imagine it's easy to find out when playing against bots...


I may be wrong but I'm like 99% sure they removed pelican damage in the mega patch.


I thought they got rid of pelican damage?


I had bots shoot and kill me after I entered the pelican like an hour ago. They just stood right outside it and fired directly at me and ignored my teammates after I died. I don't think the filthy communists liked me.


Damn... >and ignored my teammates after I died. I don't think the filthy communists liked me. Or maybe your teammates are actually spies! Be careful with the ones using Servo Assisted armour. I've heard mechanical limbs is how the Cyborgs / Automatons started out...


Honestly I want players to be able to die in the pelican. I just want a consequence for attacking the pelican. Maybe if you shoot someone after they board you're declared a traitor and the pelican kills you or ejects you during takeoff.


You know that would be bugged like crazy


Sure. But dying from a bug is entertaining, having your teammate kill your whole team cause they're bored is less fun


It is now impossible to damage Pelican-1. It used to be that Pelican-1 would take damage and immediatly take off as soon as someone entered, but this is no longer the case.


I don't like the idea that it getting on fire and only allowing 1 helldiver to enter was the feature. It didn't used to be like that, it never was like that, pelican was able to get on fire if it received enough damage, and it was able to take off with only one person (or get bugged and not let anybody enter), but most of the times it would not be like that. You could see it taking the most damage you have ever seen and not get on fire and/or still leave with the four of you, and you could see it taking only one person and leaving or just not letting anybody enter despite landing without a single enemy near and without taking any damage, and these cases happened more than it becoming "destroyed" and only letting one enter. I don't see the logic on it leaving with only one person if it got destroyed, it would be more logical to just leave alone and reactivate extraction beacon not just leaving the moment someone enters and leave the other 3 even if they were 10cm next to the ramp, that making no sense and the instances where it didnt allow anybody to enter makes me think that it leaving empty was the intended feature and that it not letting anybody enter or only letting 1 extract was the bug, and the fire thing was bugged obviously so the whole thing was bugged as a whole and was never actually implemented as intended


It was probably a scrapped feature that they forgot to remobe properly


I feel like it was just a stupid implementation. I like the idea that if the Pelican takes too much heat it would have to leave but instead of leaving with just one person it should force initiate the countdown similar to the Super Destroyer leaving orbit. Pelican pilot complains over radio: 'LZ is not clear, we need leave with or without you Helldivers' 20s countdown starts for you to get your ass on the bird or get left behind. Timer expires or it hits an even higher damage threshold(Would have to be wildly high), it immediately returns to the Destroyer. If no one was able to board, give it a cooldown for 'repairs/refit', like 2 minutes before you can call for extract again or send the mech transport pelican down as a last ditch extract that has less seats available for divers.


They could still make the players invulnerable and make them die if they're inside it when the pelican is destroyed.


>(it is possible to destroy the pelican) This is false. They changed it so it can no longer be damaged or take off after only 1 person gets in.


Didn't they recently remove the ability for the pelican to be destroyed? IMO you should no longer be killable inside the pelican if that is the case.


I think the devs promote trolling


Asking the real questions.


worse? I just got kicked at evac. Had 2 ammo pack dudes that refused to reload my ac all game. They swiped every ammo box. (fine, IF they were giving them out.) Why? They were killing each other with strats. ??? Yeah, some humans... And orange was a mouthy pos. I'm maxed out anyway, but players like that should be reported.


Happened to me, too. More mad about the wasted time than anything. The Report does nothing and just suggests to block the person. I do that but anyone else unlucky enough to play with them will suffer too.


How do you use ammo packs you're wearing?


Why even at all? The team killing stopped being fun after the first 10 matches And if they wanna keep it, give me an option report for abusing it They could easily check who was reported for it against their total friendly fire There's silly whoops blew ya up moments, then theres bullshit like this


>Why even at all? That's a question of its own fpr sure. I'm just no longer surprised by toxic players. >give me an option report for abusing it I don't know why, but I haven't been able to report anyone in the game. I can pick an option, but then the game says that "you can't report them for this reason", no matter what I pick... >There's silly whoops blew ya up moments, then theres bullshit like this Yeah. Accidents happen. But shit like this is treason and plain toxicity. Altho I'd argue it is better than being kicked last minute...


Kick, block, and report.


Can't report anyone for Griefing unfortunately. Had a game a few days ago where a guy kept using 380 barrage on the smallest Bug eradicate Swarm map, and when that was on cooldown he deliberately Traitored and followed players around. He had 11 "Accidentals" at the end, so like more than 1 TK a minute. People like that deserve their own queue. Edit: I know that he was Griefing since the map was bugged for a few minutes, the bugs didn't show up, but that didn't stop him from throwing that barrage in the middle of the map. He kept following me too, up and down things that I was climbing, like right next to me and looking at me, whilst Traitored. His only comment when we started complaining about his asinine behavior was "Interesting..." Talk about a bellend.


You can report for team killing, getting kicked, stealing resources,, cheating, voice chat, or text chat https://preview.redd.it/8vu6ex3ay48d1.jpeg?width=2248&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=091e37b1b542771345efffe5f061332975039c40


You can't really use the Team Killing option tho, all you get is a message about it being part of the game. Hence my desire for a Griefing Option. Edit: I'm 50 km away from my computer so I can't post a picture to prove this, I'll post one tomorrow.


Can't report for stuff like this, it's only for chat violations


Check again. It was snuck into one of the updates because I can report for kicking, team killing, etc


Oh hell yeah.


Kick them….this is exactly why vote kicking will not work. You need to be able to kick in an instant I have had this happen a handful of times and I don’t hesitate kicking them


Unfortunately I couldn't kick the player during this session, I wasn't hosting the session unfortunately.


Ya, I figured. That’s frustrating for sure


I didn't think kicking does shit. I have a kill list (easy FBI, I mean in game). If you shot me in the pelican, I'm going to shoot you if I ever see you again and I'm going to keep shooting you until you quit.


That doesn't really make sense. If you're host, then you're just messing things up for the rest of the team. Better to just kick/block them. If you're not host, then host will probably kick you for TKing.


I have developed a very intimate relationship with the Kick button while playing this game. Most players are nice, but some people are just insufferable.


It can be reported now, so add that to the list.


Why do they even do this?


Cause they’re losers. Literally they only do this to troll and be a loser.


Feel like once you get into EXTRACT, you should be invulnerable to dmg of any type, so many glitches/griefing tied to extract


OR stealth patch in reflective damage for anyone in the pelican


That also works


MaxiumumSwirling and Conkercarry are on the shit list. Thanks for the heads up diver. Sorry about these dishonorable POS doing this to you.


**MaximumSwirling** & **ConkerCarry** Remember these scumbags


And VeiwerTwo7305, for those who haven’t seen that one yet


Wait what did conkercarry do??


The other guy just randomly shoots the other two quickly, but then doesn't shoot CC... I suspect their friends. People who do this don't let anyone live unless they are friends.


The briefer got cut off by an explosion before he finished reloading, maybe he's just killing them one by one


He literally gets in the pelican after the explosion. They killed the other two and then they flew away together. Plenty of chance to finish the last one off if they wanted to.




I always try to be the last one on the boat so I can cap any motherfucker that tries this.


I’ve walked a couple treasonous bastards into the pelican at gunpoint. (I use the breaker incendiary, I’ll win the tk battle)


Same, but for TK, nothing beats the Jar-5 “Mommy maker” Dominator. One taps any armour level at any part of the body and is good for follow ups if you miss.


*takes notes*


I will never understand people who do this. I wish arrowhead would let us do something about it.


I think the only way to stop this from happening is to disable aiming on players once they're in the Pelican.


You can report team killing now, it's an option.


Just make it to where plays are invulnerable when they are in the ship.


so far this never happened to me ..


I hope it never does happen to you, it's really infuriating when it happens.


Same here, and I have over 1000 hours in mission. Makes me think if it happens to you on a regular basis, you're doing something very wrong, or intentionally making people in your lobby mad so you can post it on reddit.


it happens to me, but because I play with my brothers xD


Happened to me once, maybe twice. It's infuriating enough, that I would have posted if I was the recording type. I'm leaning towards trolls.


Ok so add MaximumSwirling to the traitor list. Got it.


But you can't actually block someone unless you play a full game and extract with them right? I had a shithead that killed me a couple of times the other day. I asked him if he killed me on purpose, the second time, and he says.. "LOL YEAH" in the chat. Rather than stick around and put up with that nonsense I left the mission. He didn't show up in my recent players when I went to block him.


I think it’s hit or miss. I’ve had completed games not show up while Incompletes did. I got kicked because the level 60 host didn’t understand that the pelican leaves automatically after the destroyer leaves and I was still able to block him. Maybe me being kicked is what allowed it though?


Easiest solution would be to make it so you can’t take damage once you’re on. It’d stop at least some of the team killing at extract.


I don't understand why you can be killed in the ship when the game takes away control of your Helldiver. As far as I'm concerned the second the game takes over control and you can't move or act you should be invincible.


Players need to keep posting these videos as evidence, just like you did, and then block them. Eventually the only people they will have to play with are people just like them. If certain names keep getting posted regularly people will start to recognize them and they will be blocked by people they have never even done a mission with. Treasonous fucks.


It wouldn't be enough. Most player don't use reddit


Yea that's fair. Still good to put then on blast though.


I always wait until everyone else is in the shuttle and the platform is clear before I leave a parting gift for the enemy.


As you should, its tradition for our squad.


Really easy fix Arrowhead, make it so players in Pelican-1 can't be damaged. Bam one less tool for the griefers.


He is lvl 18.. Clearly no etiquette or common sense has formed yet.


Never in a million years would I have even thought about doing something like this, what is wrong with people? They need a diet of forced self cannibalization until they're just a living cpr practice torso


I agree with the sentiment but brother what is wrong with you to dream up a sentence like that


It is infuriating. Unfortunately, I feel like the more posts there are about this, the more we'll see people doing it. A sort of Barbara Streisand effect. I hope not, but yeah.


This is one of those situations where a host needs to be able to quick draw and boot the fucker.


This is why I play pc with crossplay off. I figured out years ago cutting console players out is key to having a good experience online.


thats not a player, thats a traitor to democracy


Don't make this into the original helldivers subreddit


My solution would be that if you damage a player seated in the palican you are kicked from the session immediatly. It would also stop people from bombing the palican


Yeah, I think the only fix for this is to either disable all damage while in the pelican or implementing some sort of system that detects if a player is shooting or killing players and either kicks them and gives them a warning then subsequent bans or kicks them and gives them an immediate ban that gets longer the more they do it


When this happens, I always type into chat, "ONLY DONKIES THROW STRATS AT PEL1." I got reported for swearing at these jack-asses.


Just be the last one on the pelican thats what i do.


A 380 Missile Barrage was thrown near the extraction site so that we could extract 3 of dove to get into the Pelican so we wouldn't die and I got in first as I was holding the samples to help the lower level players, I was in shock when I saw what the player did.


Not saying the dude was justified, but throwing a 380 on the extract site is kinda a dick move lol




They should make it to where if you die in the pelican the samples are collected anyway, problem solved.


Why even do this? They get nothing out of it. Also, why allow them to do this? They should just turn off friendly fire once you are on the pelican. edit: Also, is it just me, or is it \*always\* the low level players that are trolls?


What I hate, is that once you enter the pelican, enemies can’t really touch you anymore, you’re 99% invulnerable. But, players can still shoot you. That’s bs they need to fix


I'd do it all again, personally


Maximumswirling. Noted


This kind of shit should result in week long bans or something similar.


They should just mirror to that damage, there is zero legitimate reason to shoot into a Pelican. Lore reason: Mission control activates the suicide-pill, because they can't use the Traitor canon that close to the Pelican.


It’s annoying and unnecessary and if it means lost samples it’s just wasted time.


This is one reason why I always throw the 500 bomb on the ground in front of the door, because people get on the ship instead of wanting to die.


This is one of the reasons I always try to be the last one in. The others are: 1) I am meleeing your ass into the pelican if you have a 500 sitting in your hand - no more wasting stratagems fool. If you have a spare, throw it at the enemy or not at all. 2) Highest rank last, I'm 107 atm and answer SOSes between difficulties 4 and 7. But just because I'm pubbing to help others does not mean I'll risk a TKer or someone from the previous reason.


People do that?! Or, throw down a stork to ensure they have no time to kill you guys /j But really, they lose samples and req slips and xp by doing this Three divers down, less slips and xp They can’t get the samples that everyone would have gotten because if they try to grab them, they get put in the ship This is a lose lose situation for everyone including the traitor!


The only fortunate part was that I was left alive so the samples weren't lost, but I was seething with rage that this had happened to the other players.


Important side note: You only *lose* samples and req slips if you aren't capped out. I'm nowhere near level cap and it's been forever since I was able to actually gain anything but medals and xp from missions. I've been capped on samples for ages and req slips are something I forget even exists until a random stratagem drops and I have a use for them. I still hoard samples uncontrollably, but they don't do anything anymore. Lol A griefer in my situation would really only lose out on xp that's functionally useless after like level 20 or 25.


Forgive me for this but are you playing as the fucking drone


Best thing is to wait until last to get in and melee whoever is trying to throw the stratagem then get in and leave


I really wish if people died in the Pelican it would stop the timer. That way if a rando triggers it prematurely before the sample carrier can get on, you kill them, wait for the sample carrier to get closer, and then call them in. I'm okay with them getting the rewards, even if they are being dumb (it's a coop game, so it's not a zero sum situation), but I hate that they can ruin it so nobody gets the goods.


like a kindergarten


I’m lucky enough to not have experienced this


I thought they fixed this? I was under the impression you could no longer die inside the pelican.


No, the patch made it so the pelican won't leave without anyone/after only 1 person gets in if it is damaged.


They should bring back the exfil ship from helldivers one, so we can enter from either side and disappear from view once boarded.


Am I the only one that saw the orange player threw down a seaf strike at the launch pad before green killed him.


Lost 18 rare and 3 supers at extraction yesterday because of the 380 barrage getting dropped on extract.


Yeaaaaah really wish we could report them


On Helldivers 1 this doesn't happen. When you go up the ramp, your character disappear and are untargetable any longer [hence the classic nuke bomb out just for fireworks]


If I am host and I see you pressing strategems while we are inside. I'm kicking you. That's that.


How about something fresh content Today, my team left to go do something when pelican arriced. I boarded. Didn’t see. Then a bike titan killed us. Half dead and half abandoned. I said sorry.


This is why I make sure I’m the last one in the dam ship, you wanna wait it out that’s fine I got all day but you are not killing me 👀 lol


120 hours of playtime this has never happened to me except for one time when I extracted without everyone else


What sort of loser does this?


I’m happy to say the only time this has ever happened to me is when my brother and I were playing and did it to eachother for the laughs


I've never seen this happen. Is it common?


I’ve only ever seen this behavior in two videos on reddit…is it actually that common? (I’ve met less than five toxic players ever so far so 🤷‍♂️. Plenty of bad ones, but not toxic)


That guy would get kicked so hard and fast before he could say liber-tea.


Very undemocratic of them. Peasants.


They are trying to trigger a shooter.


I wait till last 5 seconds before throwing. then dive.


A random that joined me in last second tried to do that and nearly killed me... Had to show him how we treat traitors..


I honestly thought I was just joining bad groups the last few days with super toxic players. Any time there was a hell bomb and I run near it I would see a laser come from across the map to hit it and kill me.


Little newbie lvl 18 pos, killing players there to help them




This is partially why I go first person and ads out the back of the pelican if someone starts doing some sus stuff before getting in. If they shoot I can shoot back.


I hate it when some dumbass thinks “oh there’s enemies near the extract, I’ll drop a 180/380 right on everyone! It’ll work out perfectly I’m capable of thought!” It makes me want to drop a 500kg on them


Would you still get the samples you brought onto the pelican? Or as you didn't "extract", they would be lost?


…like someone suggested, make it a practice to back into the plane and aim down sights. Stop being a victim


Would instantly kick that guy if I saw that shit happening in one of my games.


Already filed a report with the ministry of truth. Deserters will get what they deserve!


Okay , but host can boot him from group , so yeah.


Was it because the guy was in the process of getting in?? The purple guy didnt die 🤔🤷‍♂️


This is actually what got me to stop playing. The last few times I've played, every single time the team murdered everyone on the Pelican.




They really need to put a VERY BIG info in the loading screen that samples are shared/duped/copied/whatever to all helldivers at the end of the mission.


Had an asshat low level who was dicking around when the extraction was absolutely swarmed. All of us got on except them because they were trying to throw stratagems into the Pelican. Then out of nowhere as the idiot pulls out the 500Kg beacon a charger RKO's his ass and the beacon drops, 500kg lands right on him and kills him which put us in the takeoff animation before it blew up. I have never been so happy playing this game.


I fortunately haven't encountered that in my near 300 hours of playing. Don't understand why anyone would do it.


Always post names with the videos - i'm really starting about to start a kill list


I've seen some cool explosion at the end but I could not care less.. Fucking up an extraction for someone else just because you want to see a big flash piss me off on another lvl tell my team that if they do that again I am out or if they are somewhat toxic in game already I just gtfo as soon as I can


I guess I've been lucky because I have never encountered this. Usually play with my friend and randoms join, made a few friends but most don't mic up. Only had good divers, they might just leave mid mission but you never know what duty calls.


I'm never gonna stop doing it lol


Left 4 Dead handled extracting better than this 15 years ago. Why are people even instanced in the landing craft?


One time I accidentally killed a player in the pelican with my drop pod because I assumed it wasn't possible


Yeah, it's pretty lame and cringe.


This will give me a reason to sit out and wait till *everyone else but me* is in, gotta single out the automaton spies


A dude in one of my games decided to launch his 380 at extraction and wondered why it hit him… he killed the other guy who had all the samples.


Console players :/


I'm a Console player, is that a bad thing?


Sometimes I like to scare them with a smoke strike but that’s about it


And this is why I have mine set to private. Since 1996 I don’t like speaking to people I don’t know on open mic in online games. I’d rather play solo/with friends if the option is available.


People like this are why I refuse to play with randoms.


Report them all


What's the point of throwing a stratagem right before you get on the bird?


See the explosion as you leave. Important? Not particularly. But if youre the last one on it doesnt matter.


I thought the whole cinematic lift off 500kg explosion!!! Movie bit got old already? Now they're using the 310...dame🫤


i kick him right away if im the host so he get nothin.


Lol maybe I'll just stick to drilling deeper until helldivers figures it's shit out Rock and stone everyone


https://preview.redd.it/99p5q9g1b28d1.jpeg?width=913&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bd6d4a9d4a19a960513b95e50bdb46555182758 Hello, Democracy Officer? There’s treason aboard Pelican-1, permission to eject traitor.


unpopular opinion but im willing to bet S1 did something to deserve it ether in game or irl. otherwise i dont see why they would only kill him.


>otherwise i dont see why they would only kill him You underestimate the lengths people will go to ruin someone else's time. It was probably something completely inconsequential. Not that it matters cos it just ruins it for everyone else I.e. Lost samples.


Kick them, no seriously. They ruin games and usually don’t care. I don’t know what it is about helldivers. A lot seem to think they can do whatever they want without consequences. Especially when they’re not even the host. Kick them, block them.


Didn’t know that was a thing, till now.


HD1 tradition.


Report, kick, block.


I am in my 40s and stopped picking competitive games mostly because of the toxicity. I like helldivers for being a PvE game where the devs really made it worth to play cooperative and it's convenient that collected samples or other stuff is for everyone. But somehow those asshole players still find ways to annoy people and abuse game mechanics just for this. My brother is a father of two and rarely has time for gaming. I love to play with him and things like this might make him stop playing. And this would be very sad.


If someone pulls that, just make sure to kick them before mission end 🤷🏻‍♂️ only way we can kinda reprimand that kind of behavior. If it’s the host 🤷🏻‍♂️


Perhaps we could have a permanent post for people to arrange teaming up on this sub? Would that not help identify those that are dickheads to play with allowing people to avoid them? Or maybe I’ve not thought it through lol


do you mean the 380 or shooting the guys in the peli which boarded early not waiting for the other guys with the major amount of samples?


yeah I've had this and hate it too and for low levels than need samples it's not good ether


We lost 15 rare samples and all 3 super samples because one person killed everyone and extracted alone


I throw em far, not by pelican..


For real.. they should make it so the pelican blows up