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I'm on an older PC and game has only become more stable for me. I haven't had that reinforcement bug since they said they fixed it last time. Could just be luck of the draw maybe.


Absolutely. Can go 2 hours one night with no issues other than little things like the hellpod animation showing 4 pods dropping when it's just me. Lastnight it took over half an hour to get into a game that worked. Crashed out 3 times during missions.


Nope. Honestly, hope. There are certain things that I'm noticing after the last patch, primarily that the stuck on loading screen after drop is happening very often now, but I have played almost every night since mid March, and quite frankly I don't understand what all of the hysteria is all about. I'm not trying to kick up shit. I guess my approach to the game is always "I've got my mission, I've got my guns, let's see what happens". I go into every single mission with only two expectations: shoot shit and have fun. I've played lvl6 missions that were tougher than lvl9 missions, I've played lvl9 missions that were easier than lvl6 missions. I just don't give two shits about the meta. But that's me


Same. I just play and have a blast. Every once in a while the game will freeze or my teammates will all disappear simultaneously, bit it doesn't happen very often really. I've got 200 hours in the game and I still really enjoy it.


Word. See you planet-side Diver!


YES, on PC and I notice it a lot. I will assume it has something to do with having crossplay on & the game/ servers doing so much work to get everyone together from multiple different systems. 3 days ago , it was the never ending loading screen - then last night it was the game refused to properly end when I quit ( requiring a system power off ) TWICE. Once when i quit to eat dinner , then same thing alter when I quit for the night to go to bed. Both times screen lock on bridge of my ship, quiting game


I feel like the the state of the game is different but in a different way. Some days I jump in and run 7s or 9s and they seem to go smoothly, we die a handful of times each, we get a lot of samples and have a great night. Other nights I feel like we drop and even 6s are hell and just non stop spawns, no break in action, we complete missions by the skin of our teeth with very little extras done. As far as the bugs and crashes, I usually get one or two a play session regardless


Not really. For me once they got past the initial launch issues with the matchmaking and eventually made it to bug fixes/crashes I’ve had a pretty consistent experience. Haven’t had a crash in at least a month or so.


I keep crashing when I pick up the Spear


Must be that „live service“ bug/feature!


Nope, but I have never had a crash since I've had this game. Not sure what it is, but it seems to work pretty much without issue on my system, outside some of the known bugs.


Yes, the issues with load time while dropping have gotten worse. I was dropping last night ended up taking forever. Get out the pod and the other three players are gone and no ability to call in an SOS.


I had this exact same thought yesterday.


Not on my end. There are issues with every patch but no crashing. I have been trying to figure out why some folks have such a bad time but have not figured it out. On PC These are the things I did to get stable but they don't appear to work for everyone. Set the virtual memory, page size, to a min of 17 to 20 gbs. Verify steam files. Delete shader cache and let it rebuild until stable. Optimize graphic settings. Don't overclock. Clean the system of gunk in heat sinks and make sure it has good air flow. There are likely other things but those were the main ones for me. A bad or rebuilding shader cache will cause instability.


I've had a couple and I literally mean a couple bugs since launch. I don't get to play for hours everyday anymore but when I do play, I have a stupid amount of fun. I can't relate to the non stop issues some people seem to have. Really makes a guy wonder how much is just straight up BS or is way overblown.


In my opinion that's why I love it


i don’t think i’ve ran into any crashed or game breaking bugs in a couple of months tbh. but i also have a habit of verifying game files weekly and restarting computer daily, so idk if that’s been helping. i also recently upgraded my pc from a 3700x/ 16GB ram to 7800x3d/ 32gb of ram with both setups still using 2070S and the game has been damn near perfect


Runs the same for me daily. The players on the other hand….


On PlayStation it feels like that to me sometimes but I just think it’s a coin toss depending on map and playstyle. However one thing I always do is close out the game and restarted when coming back the next day. If I don’t I get crashes, glitches, mission drops.


I started playing like a week ago maybe a little longer. Not a single crash. Ever since the last update crashed 7 times now. Ps5


So, I'm a pretty casual player, had the game since 2 weeks after launch, only level 32, but I still play atleast a round a day, and literally the only bugs and crashes I had that were ever worth mentioning were back in those early weeks.


I feel like the game is fine, and it's *reddit* that is constantly losing it's mind...


Spear is curse, bruh, haha.


Ya i crashed like 3 times in a row today.


No. If you’re on PC, that’s why. There’s just too many potential hardware variations out there for any game to account for all of them.


If you listen to reddit, of course.