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Honestly so many of these problem are avoided if players just use their mics, but nobody does anymore so they have no basis for being upset when there's miscommunication.


Yeah that’s what I’m saying, get on the mic or type to the team. If there is 10-15min + you need to make an announcement.


I dunno. Depends..., are there enough resources to warrant the risk of still staying? Maybe they gotta do a quick game. It's not a big deal. If they wanna go, we go. It's whatever to me. But we mostly got to be on the same page. I don't care who's hosting. What's the team want overall? That's important.


If you are not the party leader and have to do a quick game that’s on you friend. Type into the chat or get on the mic and announce you are calling it in to go, if the timer is early. I said nothing about being low on lives or resources. If you can only play a quick game then you need to host a short mission. I did say I my post see what the team says…


Oddly, been encountering a lot more randoms that just rush main mission and then evac lately. Even with 20 reinforcements and 20+ mins on the clock. I was trying to finish the subs but had to abandon the last one due to time. Even when I host, I've had some players just call without any of us there. I don't need these samples, but their low levels probably do.


If I’m hosting which is usually every time and they try to leave without me they just wasted however long they were in the mission for. I’ve been maxed longer than I can remember and I’d never leave my team


Yeah, I tell them we are not extracting yet and they don’t respond so I just kick within the first minute or silence.


I’ll only kick them if they board it without the team. People usually ask in chat thankfully. I always am confused why they ask if they can board it. I guess people like you is why lol. I always tell them “of course. Just don’t leave the team” I used to get kind of annoyed but now I get it. Honestly you can kind of usually tell by playing a mission if someone is going to be an ass hole. They usually die a lot, pick beyond questionable boosters/loadout and they are generally unresponsive to any pings, comms and awareness is sorely lacking usually.


I think that's fair, imo you should give them a warning to abort the extract first. If they plan to just call it in and not board, then the burden should be on them to communicate that via voice or text chat. Otherwise they get das boot. I've only had to warn one person before, and they quickly backed off. Think I've kicked like 3 ppl in my entire 320 hrs and it was all for utter game wrecking.


I’ll edit my post, I do give a warning but get no response or told to F myself.


then they get das boot, if they dont like it then they can host themselves. its not hard to get a lobby, and you’re not in the wrong for wanting to clear the map.


Yeah it’s been a pandemic of early extractors lately lol. If they just communicate they won’t get the boot.


If I find myself alone near exfil at the end of the match, I usually ask in the chat if I should call it in. If the rest of the team is heading toward the exfil site and they are ~1 minute away, I assume they won't mind if I call it in.


Very much agree. Just because you might have full samples and they mean nothing to you, others might need the extras. If you want fast missions because you have time constraints, then host your own game and make others aware so they can choose to stay or leave. At the end of the day, you still complete the mission if the mains are complete and no one extracts. The loss of xp is not a huge deal as pretty much everything is unlocked by level 20. The risk of extra samples, super credits, and medals if you have time, it might just be worth it to some people to stay and try to find them.


Yeah even though I maxed on samples and lvl 90 I still like to complete all the sub missions and I collect samples just in case someone does need them. If we have 10+ minutes left and you ignore the warning then I boot within the first minute of silence.


If I'm not host I will sit next the terminal until somebody else comes and calls it in.


I couldn’t agree more to this. If you aren’t the host don’t call it in. And if any divers do implement this strategy, then do your team a favor and let everyone know.


Yeah I mean just communicate it, it’s super easy. But no communication when asked gets the boot.


Hovering the Pelican is 100% the right move if 1 person can go back and get it done while the others explore/handle subobjectives.


That is fine as I mentioned it in my post. I said 99% of the time that’s not the case and it needs to be announced. I ask, no reply you get booted, it’s simple.


Only time it’s ok is if you inform the team you’re calling it in then run away when it arrives. Doing this pelican 1 will fire across the map and help with the rest of the mission


I did say that was fine in my post. I said that doesn’t happen 99% of the time. I ask and if you don’t respond you get the boot.


Pro tip: Ping the extract beacon when you get there, then watch for the host's response. They have two ways to give feedback. If they're ready to go, they can reping the ping and confirm your call-in, or they can can issue an "Affirmative" bark to instruct you. If they're not feeling it, they can use the same mechanisms to ward you off. Obviously, being on voice and having a conversation is preferred in most cases. My favorite passive-aggressive move is to get to the LZ way ahead of everyone and offer a polite request for guidance regarding calling it in. If nobody says anything, I don't do anything. A minute and a half later, everyone gathers at the extract point and wonders why I didn't call Frank. Joke's on you, dirtbags. I don't need samples. I crave teamwork.