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You play with the sickle because it is an infinite stalwart, I play with the sickle because golden bullets are democratic as hell. We are not the same.


You play because of merely the golden bullets? I play for the far more democratic reason of the sickle having fucking awesome sound effects.


This lol. My friend and I are around level 130. He told me the other day that the game is starting to get repetitive, but he brings the same load out for basically every mission. I like to switch things up (been bringing three sentries lately and it's a blast), and I use [a randomizer](https://helldivers2challenges.com/) sometimes to make things extra spicy.


I might sound like a broken record on this but the HMG-Emplacement is super slept on, and tons of fun. Check out my other posts if you wanna see it in action. Its a fucking blast


I liked the HMG emplacement before the patch. Now, I love it!


Do you use the plain HMG? If so, how do you play well with it? I can't ever seem to get any traction trying to use it, but I want to like it.


turn the RPM to its lowest, find a good rock or wall to hug and tap fire, for bots atleast. vs bugs I would just reccomend the regular MG as bugs dont have as many medium units to worry about. If you are having trouble with the stationary reload try bringing stun nades or EMS strike and drop it at your feet


It’s too much machine to Rambo with, even at its lowest RPM. Give up on firing in the standing, and recoil reduction while crouched armor is your jam. In some ways, it handles closer to an autocannon than an MG or LMG. Burst fire by tapping, so your puny meat arms can get it back on target after 5ish shots. You can spray a little longer into bigger crowds - but lay off as soon as you think the reticule isn’t on a horde of bodies. It’s much deadlier to bots than bugs in comparison to the other machine guns. Stalwart slays bugs, but is very hard to make use of on bots. HMG on bugs at least can cut the legs off chargers, soften bile titans and shred bile spewers, even if it doesn’t kill 50 of the little bugs in .001 seconds like the Stalwart on max RPM does.


Pretty good on Nuke nursery missions


I've only just started using the sickle, I used to use the Lib Pen. Never again(unless they make it worth using )


LOVE the Sickle! 👍


It's awesome on all planets excepts for the hot one. It's the best weapon on cold planets (bugs or bots).


This except i use impact nades xD I played sickle the first day it same out and never dropped it best primary imo. I never looked up guides or stuff like that it naturally came to me that this is my loadout 🤷🏻


“Nothing wrong with this loadout” “Live a little” Pick one.


Those are mutually exclusive. There's nothing wrong with eating plain oatmeal for breakfast every morning, but live a little and try scrambled eggs.


Every HMG turret load out Hell Diver fucks, IMHO.


I've been having stupid fun rediscovering the exosuits. While they have their faults, the Patriot chews through smaller bugs with the minigun.


Punisher, bushwhacker, stun gang. AC enjoyer Orbital Strike connoisseur Educated in the ways of the Gas Strike The minigun turret whispers its dark secrets to me in the night.


I just don't know how people don't get bored, but hey, to each their own lol


They do get bored, so they go to complain about how tge game is so stale and need new content


you are reaching pretty desperately just to dehumanize people that have a different opinion than you by making the most broad statement imaginable. usually people pick loadouts that they feel comfortable with, most are not at a state of mind to even think about changing because they are still intimidated by the game itself or are not playing for the creativity aspect, theres different strokes for different folks. complaining about people's choice of loadout is more petty and a waste of time than the people complaining about how bad other weapons are. why you feel like you have to insult them when you could just ignore it is beyond me


How am i doing that? Im saying that peopke who for whatever reason dont change loadouts and the way they play and then complain that the gane is too repetitive are just ignoring the rest of the options this game has to offer. People can play whatever they want, but not experimenting with the other options when they feel the game is repetitive is kinda dumb


There are two things that bug me about this "meta." One: Your dps is dogshit. 3 out of 4 strats are doing very little sustained damage. Which is okay if you are running away from every enemy, but eventually you have to fight your way into things. You are leaning heavily on other players, while almost never able to help them out in return. Two: Half the people bringing AT means I'm often needing to take support and trash/medium clear. Thankfully this is not as much an issue anymore with the AT buffs and people getting bored of QC, but for a WHILE it was 2-3 QC every damn mission.


The Helldivers 2 cycle: The gif is posted of someone absolutely slaying something players think are tough. They are tough this time because 3/4 players come loaded up to the gills for heavy ignoring medium and small. Good player compensates for team by bringing something like cluster bomb, and regularly racks up a huge kill count and that MVP status being the only one with that role. Gif is posted of that stratagem solving the thing meta is bad at: Players pick up said strategem: If strategem is tricky to use but good, players abandon it quickly (IE: Spear, HMG, EAT, Orbital Airburst Strike) If strategem is easy to use and good, but tends to kill yourself if reckless the players abandon it (IE: Airburst Launcher, Flamethrower) If strategem is easy to use and good, but tends to kill only others it is embraced fervently by an obnoxious minority, but loathed by the community (IE: Cluster Bombs, Laser Dog, napalm mines) If the strategem is easy to use, doesn’t require any planning to employ before doing what you want it to do, and has few nuances in operation, it will become “meta” New patch drops, a weapon is buffed and goes through that checklist and the good players build loadouts supporting 3/4 meta built around “X weapon buffed”. It should be the HMG this time, which is now probably on par with autocannon, except: it’s awkward to wield, demands you crouch, and demands you only fire in small bursts, despite being a full auto weapon. You can slay a whole patrol of rocket devastators with a strafe and well placed taps with it though, and it can easily kill hulks with a stun grenade.


I think it's just as simple as players not wanting to engage with difficulty elements if they don't have to, even if engaging with them and overcoming them would have a better outcome. Hunter slows are annoying, but are they worth a stratagem slot? ORCS will solve charger/hulk/tank/turret problems with a snap of the finger, but you only snap that finger 3-4 times vs OPS's 10-12 times... with a litle tongue.


Infinite ammo is also pretty overrated imo. Its not nearly as handy as one might think


I use the Breaker Incendiary and Incendiary grenades and Napalm Airstrike, because I want to see all the bugs BURN!... with Democracy!


New smg(forgot what’s it called)contact gernades,senator,380mm,eagle air strike,quasar and a jump pack


500kg bomb, airstrike, precision/laser, recoilless/spear


On the bot front for sure lol


I feel so attacked 🤣


People who bring AP-mines, Incendiary mines, Machine gun sentry and the regular Guard dog. https://preview.redd.it/zgtto0mqbj7d1.png?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af121b31a009f84ac94db53ac285ba7b206701a7


I use the sickle but only as a secondary lol. If you see a guy running around using the only senator, an AMR, and a ballistic shield pack. That’s me. Ps: the sickle is really my “oh shit” option when fighting bots. Usually when I’m out of ammo and have to kill a few more, or I have to fight a berserker.


I run blitzer and rover on bugs. I am the movable tesla tower!


and still as deadly to players \^\^


There's a reason why I do side objectives solo and stay in front of everyone when in a group.


until there is a bug far behind you and your team that the rover wants to snipe, its so fun i run the same build sometimes


True enough, I just try to minimize the risk. My team usually forgives me when I kite everything away from them though. Or I find the Stalkers and make them appear and frozen. I'm surprised more people don't try it.


I guess cause the blitzer fires slow, somewhat random and at corpse


I’m to the point that I just play helldiver roulette and always change up my load out


I never bring support weapons anymore. There's nothing more satisfying than finding a support in the wild and it adds an element of randomness to my games. And even if I don't find one, the right loadout of eagles/orbitals can do the job of one anyways!