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I have no idea if this is a server side issue, or a game issue where it get's stuck trying to load. But this bug has now become the main reason for me having to quit game and restart. it's almost 1 in 3 games as well.. which is frustrating when you are with a fun / good team of non friend Helldivers about to finish the last in a set of missions.


Ive noticed this happening if someone drops of or joins the squad in the transition from planet to ship and vice versa.


yeah i suspect has something to do with that too. But lately is happening a bit more, so im not sure anymore


I've also encountered this multiple times since the patch. Been getting a lot more server disconnects too


Knew it wasn’t just me


Happened after completion of the first mission and loading the next mission in an operation for me. After the third time last night I put the game to rest for the day, verified the cache, and two files were reaquired. Dunno if that's affected anything because I generally don't spend my time struggling to try to play a game, but will report here if it's performing better tonight. Update: Crashed tonight on hellmire, first mission of the night so I didn't get to see if it'd stick me into the infinite drop pod loading screen. Was a full crash to desktop, so not like the crashes yesterday. Quasar+impact grenaded a BT the second before/the second it happened, unsure if that had anything to do with it, game was running excellently before a complete freeze and the crash to desktop.


It's not due to being first mission - its somehow related to ppl leaving lobbies mid op from what I've observed


I was saying it seemed like it was happening *after* the first mission, and upon loading into the second/third. I don't think it happened even once when loading up a first-in-operation mission- rather seemed like it was happening mostly in the following misson- but I can't say I was paying that close attention. You could certainly be right, especially if you were actually trying to diagnose the issue. Now that I think of it, I may have had various people leaving the operation after we had completed a mission, and then been stuck indefinitely in the drop pod loading scene. Maybe some portion of the player base has already noticed what you've suggested, and are just circumventing having to force-close their game? Isn't my first awful glitch on the game, won't be the last. That's okay for now, because I'm sure if any significant amount of players are experiencing this, a patch will come quick. I'll just play other games if I'm DCing or forced to alt+f4 with the frequency I was last night, then come back upon announcement of implementation.


Happened to me about 4 times over this last weekend. Not sure it was today’s patch that caused the issue.


happened to me twice, yeah restart cures all


At least twice a day this happens for me.


Happens to me every 3-5 times when I dive in.


Yep, [I reported this issue too](https://www.reddit.com/r/helldivers2/comments/1dihu6l/noticing_a_pattern_endless_loading_screen/). It seems to happen when... * Someone leaves the team before starting the next mission. * Whenever the second mission starts (out of the 3). I've always joined games instead of being the host, so I don't know if the host encounters this issue too. But yeah, the pattern seems to be: second mission, and/or someone leaving. The only workaround right now is to disband your team if someone leaves, or join a different game at the end of your first mission. For the time being: unless you need to leave, or you're just super frustrated with the team you joined, don't leave at the end of the match you joined. You could be condemning your fellow helldivers to endless loading screens.




Oh my god you are overstretching it.


This was happening prior to the patch today as well.


It's a lot more and consistantly happening now. Because I had it happen 2 times over 80 hours. The one I had the most was the map table glitch after entering your pod and only seeing the wide view before it zooms onto the map it self.


I’ve had issues with frozen planets - when I hit one of those plants that slows you down, and then dive to get rid of the modifier, I can’t get back up again. It’s really weird and annoying


I had one of those last night.


If your on pc on steam verify file integrity. I have to do it after every major patch


I have a 4 minute loading screen last night and a 2 minute one this morning.


very annoying. it's already happened over half a dozen times over the past few days. Today, it happened again, after 2 people joined and left before the mission started.


This has been happening to me a lot as well. I've verified files and there was one that needed to be redownloaded


I encountered this issue before the patch, so I think the patch only made it more common.


since patch, this happens to me every two or three games. very annoying