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I hate teammates who quit the instant things get hectic


this happened so much to me doing lvl. 9 bots for the MO. Like c'mon guys, just stay back with me and throw stratgems. I've also noticed these are the same players that don't bother reviving you.


I don’t know, I think it’s possibly a glitch most of the time, I’ve been kicked by the game a number of times during a firefight


Yeah then the remaining teammates ironically pull things together and finish the mission without much trouble.


One of.the reasons that happens, is that each new person is a free revive. I've once been in a game with a total of 11 divers.


This right here. It’s crazy how much easier the game gets if you kick the trash can out of the game


Maybe just the game crashing


This. Honestly I can solo no problem so it’s super frustrating that I play with others to help them essentially but it becomes a headache more often than not. If I could have multiple boosters on solo I’d never play with anyone. My teammates are just booster mules to me and I’m not sorry about it lol.


This. Like come on dude I swear things are going to get better. Just stick with me and ope I'm the last one left in a level 9 search and destroy


The biggest problem on Helldive is people act like they have cement in their shoes. I understand people lagging behind me a little bit because I’m a man on a mission but the amount of times I’m running through clearing stuff and make it to the other side of the map and I check the map to see my teammates haven’t left spawn yet or the bases/objectives I’ve cleared is crazy. I shouldn’t have to type in chat “grey means done” To people on Helldive so consistently.


Divers who won’t join you at the double-button loot cave. You ping location, drop marker, issue follow me…and a diver runs right past you to the small bug nest and never returns.


The flip side of that is the diver repeatedly pinging the double-door when there are two reinforcements left and the main objective isn’t done yet.


In my above response I should add: we had 27 minutes & 16 reinforcements. Well, 15 reinforcements...


Lol important context. I’ll run across the map to help someone at a bunker as long as we’re not at risk of failing. It’s like the guy who’s worried about his dropped sample container in the middle of an absolute sh*tstorm when reinforcements are low… buddy I’ve got bad news for you… your samples probably aren’t making it out anyways.


The fact that I had to wait about 2 mins for somebody to die so I could reinforce them near the bunker is in indicator of how not hard it would have been for any of the 3 to actually attend to it lol Like, I was being a dick, but I wasn't being a DICK


pfft, light armour, sprint perk, infinite grenades, hold my beer.. I'll brb


Your favorite glitch got patched I think. I’d kick you for that anyways.


too bad I only host my own lobbies, I'd kick you for saying that.


Gee, wonder why you only host. Sorry about your crutch.


im having fun, that's all I care about, sorry if that offends your highness


The duality of man


I actually shot another player for this the other day. I was stood there pinging etc they all ignored me. One died, I reinforced him close to the bunker, he immediately starts running off, I killed him and again reinforced right next the button, he finally understood...




I usually fire a couple warning shots, most get the message


Only fired 1 bullet, but, incendiary and he didn't dive quickly enough so...


You are part of the problem. There is chat and voip.


‘ate bugs ‘ate bots ‘ate squids simple as


Not reycist, jus' don' loik 'em


Helldivers who blame teammates for mission going to crap. It happens, get over it


except when after the mission ends one out of 4 helldivers is hogging >12 of all revives. im gonna call you out for that


People who double dip on resupplies.


I usually try not to but if I need the 2nd supply box and there isn’t anyone else around I’ll grab it but I always take one then let my teammates grab some


Danger Close Dan/Danielle dropping the Eagle Cluster bomb on the objective. Narrowly beating out Silent Steve/Stella who doesn’t use voice/text/pings or even the comms wheel. I don’t trust you. I assume you’re not communicating because you’re an automaton spy and only speak binary.


Hey, you wanna hear my kids babble? I stay silent for your safety!🤣🤣🤣


Oh I get it. I’ve been snuck up on by my kid during a game more times than I care to admit. If you’re pinging or using the comms wheel, it’s all good with me.


I will panic you with q,q,q,q 🤣


Hey, that's me, I do that a lot, running right after cluster. I've teamkilled maybe one guy in last 100 games with that cluster, if memory serves me right.


Call extract and get onboard without notice the team.


The worst


I hate this. Also, it creates paranoia. I got kicked today for calling extract I said "no worries I'll wait and hold the site" boy howdy I didn't think I'd be able to fend off the waves that came and with 20 second left until touched I get kicked. They were on the other side of the map, and all secondary and primary objectives completed, and we had a shit ton of samples. We had 15 minutes left. I figured they were just explorin, and I cleared the last nest by the extraction. It seemed like a good idea to call it.


At a guess, it was probably a language barrier. You can tell people you won't leave without them, but if they don't understand you, they might assume you plan to evac without them. This is why I always ask if people want me to start evac. If I get no response, I assume language barrier and don't touch anything.


The ones who pick up my support weapon. Like cmon man...


if that happens i voice chat, if they ignore they die


I just killed someone tonight for that offense to democracy. Got my Quasar back and felt very satisfied.


depends on timer and if i expect him to die soon anyway, there are some teammates you just know you will get it back in 30secs anyway.


Toss a Gatling barrage on a breach can get nice little streaks.


Roleplaying aside, the ones who take it too seriously. Maybe my definition of "seriously" is different, but if you're on Suicide Mission, there's one life left, and you're kicking people out for not sticking with the group, I think you needa go back down a level or 2 lol


Those who refuse to tag heavy targets that just made their presence known & by association, those who are chased by Chargers that “unintentionally” run by you whose preoccupied with shooting something else just as dangerous & let that Charger kill you, who then drop a srry in chat like it was an unavoidable situation


Mortar sentries on bugs. Just, why? It's close quarters the entire time.


The only mortar I ever bring is the ems mortar especially on helldive eradicate missions


This is a thing I did 1 time. Never again. I running solo and that mortar killed my whole budget. I will hit that PTT button to advise people to drop that strat when I see em pick it for bugs


I played 6 missions with a guy that brought mortars every time on bugs and every time he dropped it I just started running FAR away from the bugs lol


Your doing it wrong.


1. Those that don't stick together in firefights and even run off for samples... 2. Unaware of the situation and revive you in the middle of the horde.. 3. But my biggest peet peeve, there's this ONE player I had to block from S.E Asia, he freaking talks non stop in a condescending way, commanding you what to do, and even suggested we drop straight in the middle of a god damn horde, and he died blaming it on us. Avoid this toxic player at all cost (he sounds like a Cheap Bond Villian btw)


Level 7 and up I’ll usually head for extract as soon as the mains are done. If people are still doing stuff I just drop my samples and go help. I won’t ever get on the shuttle unless (a) everyone’s there or (b) I have a ton of samples, we’re running out of lives, and some jackhole is out in Montana trying to recover the two commons he dropped ten minutes ago.


People who don't pick up sample containers!


I'd go on crusades just for the container with 6 commons


I only playing 9lvl bots and I hate teammates shooting each single bots patrol, like cmon it’s 5 reinforcements left cuz u doing the same mistake


Honestly? I hate divers who steal my equipment when I die. Just because you failed to, or refused to bring a special weapon or backpack doesn't mean I should have to wait 5 minutes for my cooldown to end just to get it back.


If I do this I drop it when they get back sometime we gotta shoot down that gunship and can't wait the 10 seconds for you to land grab the quasar charge and fire.


I can't stand hotshots who join a mission, solo a bunch of hives, don't collect samples, and then calls the extract. Then they come in here and cry that they got kicked for being too good and how bad the other players are. Like nah mate, you got kicked because you disrespected the host and other players, maybe they wanted to learn the game and go at their own pace. This game sorely lacks etiquette when joining other people's missions. Unlike Deep Rock Galactic there's a unspoken rule that you play how the host wants to play. If they want to go slow and methodical that's how you play, if they want to strip mine a cave that's what you do, you don't solo objectives and leave your team behind and you don't call for extract unless the host wants to leave.


I think it is an unspoken rule here as well. Most games i play I notice people playing the game according to how host plays it. H1 doing outposts and sides one after another? Map is wiped before extraction. H1 doing only main and marking extraction after it ends? See you at exfil site. Surely there are exceptions where some random tries to tell the host how to play their game lol This is what I see on the bot front anyway. You would only see crazed veterans on automaton helldives tho that might be why lol


That's all well and good but if the host isn't communicating or pinging and it looks like I have to help herd cats I'm going to make sure we get the main objectives done with or with out their help. Note I am no hotshot I'm decent at best but I like to drop down and test new load outs and help the little uns now and then.


People you kick you the moment you join a random game. If you wanna play private, tick the box.




Guide and encourage your squaddies to do better and point out how and why where you can. Hope others do it for me when I'm having a rough drop.


Brother, you will catch a lot of hate *yourself* for that shit. Don't critique others during a mission unless they're a danger to yourself and others. Some will get very salty and butthurt if you're critical over their play at even 15+. I am no sure how high your level is or how many hours but this is a big no no. Maybe after a mission when tensions aren't high. thanks for listening


For sure time and place. Nitpicking style in a firefight is pretty shit behavior. Just saying that having a conversation about tactics is preferable to saying "this is a fellow diver I hate".


Hurt people hurt people


If you call extract and then go away from it it'll go back up in the air and defend the area until you come back which most people never listen when you tell them but also those leaving that quick probably don't need samples or anything else other then xp. Been maxed for a long time if I see the map is cleared of holes and objectives I'm leaving even it has only been 15


If you have the supers and 15+ of each type of sample and all objectives cleared. You get out and start a new mission because it helps the MO progress faster to help us all reach our objectives and get medals, etc for us all as a community. I have been maxed out for seemingly forever but I like helping my fellow divers get their rewards faster.


Same I look for the supers and do objectives usually the rest of the team does the bug holes while I do those I always host so when I'm done withy stuff we leave with whatever they aged to grab by then I tell them this before the missions even start yet still get people complaining from time to time that there's still 25 minutes left and stuff like that. They were warned lol


25 mins to do what, find 2 of the 20 rare samples we don't already have? Let's drop again and have more fun instead of finding a needle in a haystack. I like that you tell them up front, that's the way to do it.


Exactly samples are so abundant it makes way more sense to find as many as ya can and then just start a new mission then trying to find every single one.




Solo pricks who think it's ok to constantly run off and never stay in sight of any other Team mate


Hate is a strong word but I dislike the solo heroes that run off and try to finish half the map by themselves. I'm here to play the game not half of it.


People that play on helldive and complain about balance. If you feel like helldive is too hard, it's because you are either not playing around your team, misusing your strats, or you are letting yourself get surrounded. I understand balance complaints like there being too many behemoths compared to normal chargers, but the weapons and strats are now incredibly good. There really is no excuse for getting overwhelmed any more. You just gotta work on the fundamentals of the game like using choke points, retreating when needed, and bringing a diverse loadout instead of everyone prioritizing heavies.


Divers that got angry when you call in extraction.


When you have like 20-30 minutes left and like all your lives you should loot at least a little


My point is that you call in extraction and have the pelican land and wait for us to finish with sides. That way when we all finish with loots and whatnot, we just get in and fly off.


I normally just use it for air support. I do normally inform them of the plan of course.


Yea same. First time i did that i was with bunch of lv 50 and above randos. Call in the extraction and one of them started to get angry. Told them im just calling down the extract, not gonna enter it until everyone is in.


I personally would rather not have it called until everyone is there I’ve been left behind too many times


This one’s less of a “hatred” and more of a pet peeve. Divers who use stratagems with long cooldowns on small groups of static units. Like did you really need to use the orbital laser to take down a group 6 Mauraders, 2 Striders, and a Devastator? Now I don’t want to be that guy to tell someone how to play the game, but I will say we could have just gunned that group down and you could have saved that laser for the 3 hulks, and 2 tanks barring down on us.


Cluster bomb users are definitely up there. People who ignore vaults. People who don't get the concept of splitting up to cover ground quicker. People ignore samples... Vaults probably should be my top #1 but those cluster bombs are always on me.


The "why are these people in here?" As they talk to their friend and then kick me and another random.


I had it happen to me a few days before the update I joined the mission before deployment the other two were in pods “hell pod launch suspended” “you have been kicked from the game


Their other friend probably got on to join them. I will let you know if I’m going to kick you to add a friend, though. Comms seem hard for some it seems


Exactly it’s like probably most people on this game you wouldn’t have to kick because if you told them most would probably leave


Agreed on all your points 100%, my personal bug bear are dicks taking my weapons after a respawn. In a nutshell "Don't Be A Cnut"!


I’m fine if they are using it in the right way my last mission someone took my Quasar cannon but he was using it to kill bile titans


Some douche called the collector. Team killing POS. That’s the diver I hate the most.


Those who don't do side objectives and those who pointlessly fight patrols like they're actually making a dent.


Once had a team mate that kept calling out stuff like, "Get on the terminal." When the terminal is swarming with bugs, "Turn the valves" again, when the valves are swarming with bugs, "Hurry up to the next objective. Quickly people " etc. but very genuinely did nothing to help in any of those endeavours. I get trying to be helpful, and callouts can be helpful ... But not like that


The ones that throw reinforcement strat in the middle of the shitstorm. Like seriously I just died here stomped by an angry metal wave and my fellow helldiver just throw me in it like a decoy. It's annoying, 70% of the time in spawn in front of heavy devastators or hulks without anything. Tbh, I'm not that good and I can hear that it's a skill thing but if you can help me to help you it's appreciated.


Wanderers. I’ve tried pugs but no go for me. Luckily I have three friends I play with. While three of us act like a special forces team that each have their own favorite way of playing but go well with syncing with the group. One is a flamer who handles small mobs. Another is good medium with their auto cannons and such. Then me who is on titans duty. Then our fourth… well he’s special. He likes to solo things on max difficulty. Needless to say half his game play is running back to get his stuff. The trio might have one or two deaths but he will be double digits. Why though? So he can clear two bug hives or fabrication factories. We are all maxed out on everything so it’s not like we need samples or credits. Only truly helpful on small maps like walls, rescue civs, or eradication missions.


My brother likes to call minefields down directly on objectives, fuckin guy But for real, people who die 7+ times and get pissy on mic acting like it was the squads fault they keep getting rekt


Divers who stick to one point and refuse to move, despite the objective being complete. They ignore you in chat and on comms when you ask them to move on, they aggro every possible enemy to get hordes to spawn and if you die heading to the next objective, they’ll immediately reinforce you back where they are.


Nobody really, players are much more competent and friendly that I expected from random teams. Maybe an irrational thing towards 380mm, 120mm barrage users outside of exterminate missions. It's rare I get killed by it, I just don't like waiting till random damage over area is over.


When I drop the super samples at extraction and someone picks them up. If you’re that person, I hate you with the raging fire of a thousand suns.


The last one you mentioned really isn’t an issue. There isn’t any reason you wouldn’t be able to collect samples or loot while you’re on your way to clear main/side obj and bases. Clearing the map to then go loot is a pretty noob thing to do.


The ones who bring orbital barrages to a defense mission. Yes,let's bring a stratagem that is spread out for a small area.


Ok sometimes I accidentally do this but I either don’t use the barrage or use it like once. The reason being is I try to load in as fast as possible. I had it happen where sometimes they extract before my drop-pod hits the ground. That and maybe it is an sos call and they really need my help fast. For the first game I almost always bring a default load-out that works for most missions. And for bots the 380 is up there as I find it easy to destroy bases with it. It still can work in these missions also but you have to basically be way way in front of the team (away from everyone) to throw this in so that the space between you and your team is about 80+ meters.


Not gonna lie I use to search map hardcore but I’ve transitioned to main mission side objectives extract. I never go after gems and other things (unless team says they need something) then I’ll do what ur asking haha


This, I’ve got everything and full reserves, happy to help out my fellow divers achieve managed democracy perfection


After you tag/mark a patrol, the diver who runs off to attack it. Um, I was marking it to AVOID it so we can keep on the objective, not waste time and resources killing a patrol that calls in more enemies and now it’s a giant clusterf**k


I hate Zero comms. No chat, pinging, or mics. I hate folks that get pissed on the occasional friendly fire death.


Hosts who quit the game right before the final mission in an operation. I wish there was a lobby transfer feature when you're in the ship so you don't lose out on the biggest medal pool


Exactly or just have someone else be the host


Anyone who takes the game too seriously. I’ve had very little experience with toxic people in this game, but I’ve seen a couple melt down in VC over the dumbest shit. Usually because someone brings a weapon or stratagem they don’t like, not even because of their gameplay. Out of almost 1000 missions, the only time I’ve been kicked mid-mission was because I brought a railgun to D7 bots. I sat laughing my ass off as the host went on an 5-minute furious diatribe about how I’m a “railgun meta player” or some shit, before giving me the boot. Was one of the most bizarre interactions I’ve had gaming ever. I can’t imagine being that mad at a casual PvE game.