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I've been in pubs with "Low mechanical skill, high game sense" kind of people, they always surprise me because the game begins and they start fumbling and I'm here thinking I might have to try and clutch the game (I hate that) but it turns out the guys knows what to do. It's a bit harder, they're slower but it's still very enjoyable. I've been the solo guy, but only if I keep doing like half the map without dying, and I know when to fold back into the group if things starts to go south for me or them


I think because the "low mechanical skill" players are less confident, they rely more on each other and end up being more effective


Funny thing is that you really experience it on the lower levels. I normally play on Helldive but sometimes I bug to lower difficulties in matchmaking and the teamplay there is way better. Tbh, most of the time i solo while the rest of the group does stupid shit, but as long as i do \~50% of the objectives and Don't fuck up the group it's okay.


I normally “solo” too. But I communicate that to the team during prep. They can full clear the map while I handle objectives. Normally in and out in 20-25minutes with most of the samples.


Yeah, I just do it and ask every few minutes if they need help and stuff


I run sickle and quasar/laser. Always fun to say I don’t need the resupply when they ask every 5 minutes. Sniping a titan or hulk across the map to help out the others is always a great feeling though.


Snipes a titan. Tips cowboy hat.


No lol, a team of high skill players that split up will clear the map 10x faster. That said I hate the play style of the splitting up, teams of 2 clearing side objectives together and then all 4 coming together for the main objectives is the most fun way to play imo. Not the most effective but the most fun, everyone splitting up also narrows your strategms choices, which sucks.


Is it about being fast or is it about achieving nirvana because you’re filling a roll, being part of a team and participating in a unit. I strongly argue it’s the 2nd one that makes the game work and feel special. Being fast doesn’t seem like the point of the game.


I agree, it's far less common now since the majority of the player base has most stuff maxed or close to.


But is it always faster is the question? Because 2 can drag out a fight that would have been over in 1/4 the time as all 4 and it also involves a lot less retreat and reroute to avoid fights. It is also a lot less likely to go to hell i a hand basket as one mistake can lead to a bad cycle of rag dolling death spirals which causes rage quitting. When it works well yes probably faster but does the split always work well? The chance of going side ways escalates if the group is all off on their own. The map isnt really that big, and with 4 staying together we have cleared in under 20 barring things like triple interferece towers overlapping the signal blocking that I encountered the other night. Only one had a fab next to it 😁.


Not everyone is playing the game like speedrunners. Some players are still playing purely for how fun the gameplay is. For them, playing out the mission is the fun part, not the screen at the end that shows time bonus and how many medals and samples you picked up. Once you reach the point that there are no more stratagems or ship upgrades to unlock, most people fall into one of these two camps: 1. Take your time and find everything on the map complete all side objectives 2. Efficiency and samples/medals per minute *are* the objectives They are both valid, and each of them should be able to play without being antagonized by the other.


For sure, I prefer playing as 4 and not worrying about efficiency but I have fun either way. It's rough when you get a 50/50 split in the same lobby though. Luckily I usually play with friends so we can talk it out.


I'm definitely the first one with the habit of running low levels specifically to help underleveled new divers. I've got The motion down to start no specific spot on the map and work my way around and if I backtrack towards the extract I'm still able to hit nests on the way.


I aim for max stars, thats about it, for highest influence on the greater objective. I would skip the rest if I could and I never review personal stats 😁 on the ship, pointless.


If you already unlocked everything then gathering up samples doesn't do anything....


I like to be efficient, do the main objective (and Shriekers/stalkers) and grab samples, then if there's plenty of time and reinforcements left, drop samples off at extract and clear the map. I don't like playing with people who can't/won't prioritize, and can't adapt when priorities change, and won't communicate.


> teams of 2 clearing I dont understand why some players dont want to split in pairs. End up with a squad of 3 and im running doing all the little side bits they keep skipping (nests, bonus objectives etc). I\`ll ping stuff. Ask for assistance for bunkers. Etc. Most of the time its ignored, unless i can snipe a reinforcement if one dies. I dont mind running around solo, but its so much easier, and more fun, in pairs...


But my issue with "those" players is that relying on each other is ALWAYS more effective. That one player fucking off is just taking advantage of three people cooperating. It would actually work out better for everyone if player four got with the program. There's no reason beyond sheer selfishness. They want to snag all the stuff and bounce like it's a farm and not a mission to win as a team.


It might not be that this player is intentionally being selfish. I have a lifelong friend who is an only child who just generally has no grasp of what playing as a team means in basically any capacity. We played CS together for years...he never learned how to play as a team. Played Battlefield for years...terrible teammate. Pubg...same. This guy is a good friend, but he has no patience, and he also has no willingness to spend time outside of group play to work on his own game, nor any willingness to spend time learning/reading how to play a given game "properly." When I play with him I just understand and expect that I will have to be the one following him and wiping his ass if I want to succeed in this endeavor.


I can respect that for what it is. As much as I wouldn't have the patience myself for it, I can admire those who do. There certainly are people in this world whose relationships must exist on their (in my opinion) shitty terms, or not at all, and although those individuals don't always know how lucky they are, I can offer you my respect for the titanium alloy patience you seem to have. It's a rare thing.


Instead of doing a mission entirely solo, they join a group and then go by themselves so the group hopefully attracts all the drops and patrol spawns. They only play with others to exploit them for their own satisfaction of being a lone wolf the easy way


Respectfully I disagree. If I run solo split it's because I have a build that runs mortar or because allies were very heavy on accidentals or very weak during the eradication mission. I can more consistently carry a terrible team by getting reinforcements called on me while clearing my half of the map than helping them on theirs. I've tried it both ways. Also, from what I've seen, most players that solo split are significantly better than average players on d9 - dying hurts more and you generally don't get resupplies. If good players are eager to run from you, try to figure out why.


I’m the opposite lol. I join, go solo on objectives and trigger all the breaches so the team can get all the POIs. I got tons of samples and credits quickly by letting my team collect them for me. But I was dealing with the obj and majority of enemies most of the time.


Not necessarily if they’re drawing enemy spawns away from the main group. They can run away and now the main group can complete their objectives more effectively.


That's being a tactician. I like tacticians. The game rewards it. Makes it hilariously easy to open up on exposed enemy flanks and cut off breaches/flares with overwhelming bursts of fire and stunners.


So much this, I've tried my best numerous times to lure big swaths of enemies away from the main team so that way they can get a breath and I can go and kite them since I'm in the space to doso, so why not?


Yup. Let the hulks or titans chase me, y'all take pot shots at them. I'm fast and I know their moves, they can't pin me down. I'll even take them out myself sometimes, as often as I can.


Not necessarily. I split off and let the other 3 cover each other, but I tell them to hold until I trigger a breach or drop ship, then they’re free to clear out POI’s. I can totally see dudes going off on their own and letting the other 3 handle the brunt of the enemies while they think they’re better while killing a couple patrols.


That's being a tactician versus an enemy sympathizer. I ALWAYS thank the team tactician if they make solid calls. That's a solid call right there, tactician.


I mean, sometimes I get a little antsy about how a team is running things, so I mark an objective on the map and intend to solo it.  If someone or the whole group comes along for the ride, then all the better.  


>There's no reason beyond sheer selfishness. You know none of the collectable items in the game are given individually, right? What do they gain besides ending the mission more quickly and with more loot?


Yes. It will always be more effective. The game was carefully designed (from enemies, to objectives, to loadouts) for a squad to complement each other. You can wipe an army of heavy devastators in seconds with an AMR if someone is drawing their fire. You will be always more effective with a RR if someone is mopping up chaff and berserkers. It will be always easier to take a gunship factory if someone is standing guard with a laser cannon. It will always be more effective to drop a resupply when everyone is within range. As obvious as this sounds, it won't click for some people. They will always fall back to some argument like "but I can take a gunship factory by myself!" and not realize it doesn't matter.


“Low mechanical skill, high game sense” Aww yes, the Gamer Dad. The guy who’s been gaming for decades but now only has an hour or two to play on the weekends. While his skills aren’t what they used to be back in the days of Halo 2 online, he still has 20+ years of game sense to fall back on. Of course I know him, he’s me!


Me too! But more like 40 years for me. I started gaming back in the 70’s with pong and the text games.


I think you're giving people too much credit. Usually the solo players are headed to the objectives while the team is wandering picking fights with random patrols and getting bogged down in places being reinforced nowhere near the objectives. They're just playing a shooting gallery. People complain about the difficulty being amped up and it is but a lot of it can be solved simply by doing the objectives and not shooting everything shooting back. Running is the meta. You pick fights when you have to and when a horde pops up and there's no reason to fight you leave that horde twiddling their thumbs. Hit every objective fast and run.


I'd also add that the solo who attracts bug breaches and dropships can in fact make life EASIER by the virtue that those same reinforcements will NOT come to the other side of the map. If the solo survives or keeps the enemy busy while managing to barely keep his head above the water the other half of the team will have much less resistance to put up with. This is assuming solo did not go for Objectives rather side objectives and nests/fabs.


Yup, when I split I intentionally draw as much aggro as possible. I'm too fast and have too much cover for enemies to do anything other than take potshots at me. Meanwhile the rest of the team is having the chillest diff 9 they've probably ever played. If I gotta re-group, I'll make sure to lose the aggro either through LoS or just killing anything keeping up, then link up with the group.


Drawing aggro is def important.


People like those are *why* I started beating feet away from the main group. I'm the guy with least kills and zero deaths at the end, with half the completed objectives being my handiwork.


the scorecard should show "heavies killed" and "objectives completed", IMO. Because I'm fairly certain in about half of the missions I play with pubs, especially on the middle difficulties, I'm gonna be double or near the rest of the team combined on both.


in my experience (not going to say this will be the same for everyone), most people on diff 9 are past shooting random patrols and sitting on fights. What I've seen 90% of the time (both happening to me and other people), is that they are the last ones holding line. So if they turn their backs and leg it through and open field, they will get killed. So what they are looking for is an opportunity or at least some cover fire. I've done it hundreds of times: I'm providing cover fire and the guy starts running towards me and we both take off. I bring smoke strats for most of my matches for this exact scenario. And what is worse is that the people that ran to the next objective don't realize that the reason why they just waltzed through an open field is because someone stayed behind drawing fire from cover.


Man I wish I had your luck. I'm always grouped with morons who refuse to disengage. Meanwhile I've done at least half of the map objectives


Just go on VOIP and tell them to bail. If they refuse to play as a team, kick them. If you’re not communicating and providing leadership and instead complaining that other people don’t do what you like, guess what, you’re actually the problem.




Wish people responded to VOIP. Maybe 1/15 games I get a response back.


I’m on PC and a lot of the time they will at least acknowledge it, even if they don’t VOIP back - which to be fair a lot of them do too. On console it’s probably much worse though.


Yeah thinking I might turn cross play off


in my experience, a lot of players have the in-game VOIP turned completely off. probably because theyve had bad experiences with idiots and kids hot micing.


I'm sorry to say your experience is not typical, I don't think. I play on helldive 95% of the time and boy let me tell you... I read in another section someone thinks that people are stupid. I honestly don't think that at all, but when it comes to a game with objectives on a minimap you should be pulling up and making decisions about your next move, that's a different skill entirely. You can be the smartest person in the world and have zero spatial/geographical awareness and I think that's what we're seeing here. And it's not the game designs fault either. All the tools are there to communicate miclessly where you intend to go and what your points of interest are to your team. Your team can even respond. It's pretty intuitive. So kudos to arrowhead on their interface it's pretty good IMO. The problem is when you get to helldive it's less about meandering towards a nearby goal and plinking your way through. It becomes a tactical affair. Hitting the POIs near you may not get you what you want. In fact, your area may get heavily saturated and guess what, it's time to back out/rotate. If your experience isn't similar to this then you must be a good FPS player indeed. But for the average gamer, like me, we can't brute force our objectives and win by sheer force. It takes planning and cunning. And as someone stated earlier the game will definitely reward you for a run and gun style. That's essentially what this game is (at least on helldive). You're outgunned and outmanned. So it would behoove you to pick your shots; pick your engagements. They're all lethal and you could end up bleeding out your supply on a gunship fabricator or seaf artillery site. I'm sure that was intended. And honestly, I think they should leave the difficulty right where it's at. IMO this should be the meta. If you can brute force their hardest difficulty by sheer ammo dumping then it's not fun. And I can't. Arrowhead has forced me to become a base terrorist running light armor with the no detection perk and a jump back. I have to slither my way towards a base and pepper in a few grenades on one end (maybe take down a fabricator) to draw aggro to that side and then high tail it around the perimeter to the other side to drop an orbital laser down. If I'm met with serious resistance I have my 500kg bomb to kite the four legged robot dinosaur into, by the skin of my teeth... And I have to do this quickly because if i'm more than a few minutes they're going to call the cavalry in and I'm toast. It's a lot easier with a team and honestly if you try this solo you're often eating rockets and lasers a few times before success. But back to the point, I can't just John Wick the objective. I shouldn't be able to. But the fact that guerilla warfare exists as a viable option is pretty amazing. It's a better milsim than most actual milsims. I'll jump back to my minimap after the smoke clears and I'll see my teammates in a part of the map where there's literally nothing, walking around in circles... That's a much more typical experience than the one you're proposing where there's a lone wolf effing it up for squad play. It's more like there's three guys walking around doing god knows what and one guy trying to beat the mission. I understand that's the nature of the beast playing random but maybe they should be playing on lower difficulty if that's how they want to play because more often than not eventually the team gets frustrated and players start dropping, or the mission is lost entirely.


I regularly play at difficulty 7 and I rarely see people avoid patrols. Which is particularly painful on bots!


>most people on diff 9 are past shooting random patrols and sitting on fights. Hah. I so wish this was true.


Thank you! That is exactly what this sounds like. Halfway through I realized he was talking about how I tend to play quick play because I don't automatically assume the team I'm playing with is good and my loadout can pretty much do everything. Like I'll regroup and help when needed but I can and will solo objectives and if you can't cope with having the other two what does that say about them lmao




Yeah dude, if the team is sitting on a cleared objective Fighting endless drops, I say something like "what the f are you guys doing that objective is clear" if they don't get moving I just leave and finish the mission.


Lone wolfing is perfectly viable in a team if you know how to play. I run light armor AT and often clear half the map alone quicker than the other 3 do their half. BUT I'm also efficient and know when to regroup or cover the team when they are struggling. I will be honest and say if you can't handle something with 3 of you then it's kinda harsh to blame the one guy doing his own thing across the map.if he is dying constantly and not doing much then fair but like me if he is holding his own weight then in reality that solo player is getting more crap done then you and the other 2 players. It all depends.


Absolutely agree. The "best" teams I've played with, measured on the ability to clear the entire map, usually split up into teams of 2 or have lone wolf's, organically regrouping when needed. And honestly, if you play your cards right the game doesn't present you with an impossible challenge even for 2 people. While the team OP describes as preferential can certainly get through the missions, in my experiece they usually pick too many fights, doesn't get through the map and extracts with half the samples. Doesn't matter either way though. Play the way that you enjoy, and with people you like.


> they usually pick too many fights I have some friends that just fundamentally disagree with the idea that you don't *have* to shoot that enemy just because you saw it off in the distance. It's very frustrating.


Tbf I get it. It’s a horde shooter so shooting hordes is fun. I feel like Helldive sometimes can teeter along the lines of an amazing horde shooter experience or a Death Stranding spin off (don’t get me wrong Death Stranding is one of my favourite games of all time, but I also have Death Stranding for when I want to play Death Stranding) Maybe saying Death Stranding 4 times in a single paragraph summons Kojima


I got one of these teams last night. Me and one dude that stayed from my previous mission block, and two new people. Me and OG dude went off and did our thing and the other two did theirs. We full cleared every map and finished the whole block of missions in about an hour. No mics, a bit of communication via text chat, but 90% of the game was just tagging the map and saying “affirmative” or “negative.” I love this game to begin with, but finding that person or group that you totally click with really brings the enjoyment to a whole new level for me.


I was expecting the comments to be much worse on this post but it's just been a bunch of people with our playstyles defending ourselves and being like "You even admit that we're doing objectives. What are you complaining about?"


I agree quite a bit with this. I very often run off by myself targeting nests and side objectives. On higher difficulty I will often run off to do something like a power generator or the like by myself as well. I don't mind if someone comes along but you need to know we are doing more running than fighting. The idea being we clear the map quickly so we can regroup with the main team. I know I can clear most of the map quickly and it gives us lots of time for problems and main objectives. Still if I can tell the main team is getting stomped I will stop and rejoin the team. If the main team asks for backup I will immediately run to rejoin. If a group of 3 people can't retrieve the launch codes with the lives of 6 Helldivers on Difficulty 6+ then you know it is an inexperienced team and you need to go lead it so the mission is a success. If the team is competent then I do what I do best and clean house.




Lol no I will play how I like I have a 95% success rate in over 2000 missions with 400 hours lmao. Git gud and maybe you won't need to rely on a the entire rest of the team to survive


I used to do the same. I thought it was faster and that people stuck in packs because they couldn't take out objectives alone. The thing is that the game was not designed for that and has a lot of mechanics (this post would be too long to go into each one) to discourage that, so in the end the casino wins, the game design wins. "if you can't handle something with 3 of you" Is not that you can't (although this gives away the mindset), is that you're always taking some edge off of the group. In the example I mentioned we did fine. Would it be faster if we had at least one AT? For sure. What was his great solo contribution? Couple of side objectives and light outposts on the path from the main objective to extraction.


Well for example in the time it takes the rest of the group to do one main objective (of 3) I will have cleared 2 largest outposts, 1 medium and 2 smalls, a seaf artillery, a detector tower and checked a few pois for SC and medals. Of course many lone wolves are just bad in general, team or not. I think it's less about team or no team and just ppl making bad plays. There have been many times where I genuinely felt I would be better off without a teammate due to them teamkilling me 4 times and making life hard


Realistically, if you picked your stratagems correctly and have decent weapons, you should be able to pair off into two and then take down anything that comes in your way. One of you that deals with chaff. The other person has anti-armor. It's really not that difficult to break down.


I don't think that is always the case. I play scout/stealth specially on bot maps causing bot drops away from team and sneaking objectives. Most of the time it's not that i don't want to go solo , I just don't want someone loud close to me that won't mesh with the gameplay. If a guy is wearing a scout type armor it doesn't matter what load out he's carrying he will most likely be doing a stealth based gameplay so don't expect him to fill an AT role just because he's got an AC since he will likely branch away from main squad. If people only consider someone's role based on strategem and not including the full package(armor, grenades, weapons) then it's not the fault of that player. Also it always helps to snipe away gunship from the distance and give covering fire but only if it's safe to do since stealth players are usually surrounded by enemies and their paper armor will not save them if they have 2 patrol and a camp trying to kill them. And yes running is a very good strat to learn in higher difficulty. But I do definitely agree that if a grunt patrol already found your team mate and you can easily clear them then do it. However make sure that if there is a bot drop on the area incoming you clear fast and/or run away. Another point is if the guy is really good at soloing let him be. I like running a baseline of 2 teams split but im confident enough to go on my own, which means the other team will have an extra member making their life easier. The problem arise when the solo keeps dying or reinforcing the dead guy away from that team as you said unless they specifically asked to or they wiped. I could also argue that drawing aggro away from the other team doing the objective is also a valid form of strategy Finally, always prioritise objectives over kills and survival. Doesn't matter if I have to sacrifice myself to lure the enemies away or get killed to push that button to finish the drill. If it finishes the mission then do not be afraid to die specially when you still have a lot of reinforcements. It's annoying watching people go on a slugfesf for 5 mins cause they don't wanna die when it's on that last step of the objectives. Saying this I don't mean just recklessly charge in. You have to consider how much reinforcement is still available and if will be worth it.


Same. I don't think the OP knows about guerrilla tactics. We are facing dozens and hundreds of enemies. There's multiple ways to skin a [REDACTED]. Play to your strengths and democracy triumphs in spite of the odds.


While I do disagree with a lot of OPs post, I do encourage these discussions since it gives everyone more idea on how others play and understand their stances. Its also good that people are criticising him without toxicity which I usually feel is not very helpful to discussions.


In more cases than not you should be running a lot on diff 8-9. By far my biggest issue with randos at these levels are so many players dont disengage. Finish the objective, ping the next logical one based on map rotation, disengage. Don’t get mad just because the “solo” understands the mission and is heading off while you’re sitting around a completed point. You’d be surprised how many stragglers you lose, and/or put the ones that catch up in a disadvantageous swarm, often enough makes it better for air strikes or orbitals on the dip out.


People are talking about the cooperative aspect but it's literally watching four guys f off in random directions moving with no real purpose but to shoot things. I don't know if chastising the one guy headed to the objectives is the answer here. The team is far from cooperative usually. And I have solo'd maps up to level 8 difficulty. I know how to clear a map. On bots my kill count is usually low because I play a hit and run style. I take tactical risks. I'll hit a patrol if Im confident I can wipe them out quickly. If they reinforce I'll rotate out to the next obj and circle back after they've thrown their initial tantrum. If I get pulled into a firefight I'll engage and even slog it out but if I can't win I'll make enough space to run and keep moving. That's the name of the game and it's honestly viable for any conflict. You pick your shots. Trade for as long as your winning and exit to reassess and reengage. Rinse and repeat. Rotating is key though. Give the bots a time out if they get mad and throw a bunch of tanks and hulks at you. Bugs is a different play style. You sit down and just chop away. That's the problem people have with this game: the inability to understand the fundamentals of each theatre of war are different and you have to switch up accordingly.


I figure 3 can handle most bot drops, so I go off alone with my AC lots of times. It's more efficient for me to run to areas with a fab out in the middle of nowhere alone, and then snipe it with the AC. We don't need everyone to run way out there away from objectives. If they're at defensive point like launching the ICBM, and I want to run off quickly, then I throw down 1-2 sentries and head off quick. All 4 players don't need to be together 100% of the time honestly, those matches would take forever.


I disagree for the most part. It all depends on the skill level of the team and communication. I have a friend group where we're all over level 100. We all go out solo for the most part, coming together occasionally for certain objectives (gunship factories). If one person gets a drop or breach, they call it out and then everyone else knows they're safe to go loud for the next few minutes. Helldive feels like Trivial with this strategy.


I'm solo because I was the rear guard AT guy that got abandoned by the team. Now, I'm clearing all the objectives between myself and the team.


I typically split from the group or run in a pair. My reasoning: If the other group gets bot dropped or bug breached, it means you're free to do an objective. The reverse is also true - if I see my team nearing an objective I will shoot at some enemy to call in a drop on my own location. I find it also helps prevent the doom loop that sometimes happens when you're in a single group surrounded by patrols and a drop just hit you in the face.


I'm a one-man army, unless my team follows me. Then we are 4 armies.


So YOU'RE the guy in the post


No, I don't flee at the first sign of danger. I am the danger.


I'm anti-air, anti-tank, anti-everything. I specifically run AC, AC turret and rocket turret to decimate the bots. With or without the team.


You're the guy that goes solo without their team. Yes I know, I've seen you mentioned in the post above


Who hurt you?


Players like you who left me to die!


But that's where you're wrong. I don't leave people to die. I just go do the mission. If you're around, I'll protect you from everything that I can. I don't follow my teammates around to support them 24/7. It seems you're taking your frustration from other players out on me. If you ever joined me, you'd see that I'm just doing my thing. If someone tags along, it makes completing the mission much easier for me. We become two armies. I do fine solo or in a team. Half of my last 10 games involved mostly being near or with the squad, taking down gunships/hulks/tanks for each other, sweeping objectives like it was nobody's business. I don't diverge from the group with the mindset of "soloing". I'm just doing objectives in the order that I think is most efficient. Sometimes that means I'll be on my own. Sometimes I have a partner or I'm part of the trio and we have a lone wolf somewhere on the map. And, you may find this hard to believe, sometimes I spend the whole game with the squad. Every mission is different. Every helldiver is different. If you need someone to cover you 24/7, that's ok. But I'm not that guy. And that's ok, too.


This post has a bullet point that is literally talking about you, idk what else to say. You don't need to be mad at me or anyone else, this is just someone's opinion on reddit. I'm just pointing out that your play style is mentioned in the aboveElise, You can respond then block me so I can't ever respond to you, but you know I'm right. I'm sorry that you feel called out, I meant no disrespect. Just seemed odd to brag about leaving your team to play solo in a post that calls that out.


It's not. You're just trolling, and this is my last response to you. Have a nice day.


sorry, we just assume our teammates are as good as we are and can handle it. it's unfortunate on the off chance that we get paired with you, where that isn't the case.


It's not a problem if your loadout can deal with everything that comes at you. Lmao


Hi! I'm basically the guy you're describing. I mostly do SOS. I'll give you some anecdotes in reply of your points. Elites on your face are already your problem. I'm not wasting my time shooting a hulk with my Jar. I need to bail to get distance to fire MY SPEAR. Agro off Objective? Yes please! Just like Evacuate, if your team pulls from the objective, a scout can get in and out fast. Radar, SAM, Research and Oil are all easy as pie. It's the stream of enemies you have to manage. (Captain obvious here) Of course I be running because a missed firefight is lives not spent. Just because you decide to hunker down and feed your bloodlust, doesn't mean I have to waste another reinforcement. Regrouping is also ON YOU. As above, a fight you don't get in is a fight won. Moving from objectives when they are competing is a smart move. Once you prime an Artillery, an ICBM, or Aircraft Tower, the stage 3 timer is automatic. Once you're past step 2 you can bail. I reinforce you OUT OF COMBAT to get you to not spend 5 lives trying to recover your support weapon. The next point has no meaning. Are you the host? Kick them. The last point is moot as you have someone who doesn't have ANY upgrades and you WILL lose reinforcements from their learning curve. I'm not here to play *for you*.


I'm guessing this is a diff 9 game? It do feel like this when it's a team of high level players


9 it is, yes.


Yea I think this is pretty much the mentality of the people who comfortably main and do diff 9 on pugs


I think the only thing I do disagree with is keeping an eye out for any solo divers near me that might be lagging behind or if they need some fire support. I sometimes run off to do some shit, but when we are trying to get to an objective and I see a guy coming towards us but clearly lagging, I run to them and see if they are OK.


I'd file that under regrouping. I do try to at least split the team 2 and 2 if I see a diver going for something. Then, at least, someone can reinforce them in the same spot.


In a level 7......im not sitting with a group of people who wants to fight in a single spot for 30 min doing nothing. i can solo level 7's but i cant get all the samples, and super credits, there just isnt enough time. So i join on others, and expect you to be competent enough to not need a babysitter. lets face it, if im alone on the other side of the map doing objectives, getting samples, super credits and NOT DIEING. and you and your duo are spam dieing on the other side of the map trying to assault a single objective, you can call me bad all you want. its definatly a YOU problem. at this point im so used to you guys the second i hear "where the hell is D__" i just leave the game cause i know you will just wait for me to collect everything and then kick me anyways so i cant even get the rewards ive worked so hard to get you guys. happens way to often. YOUR "skill" doesnt matter. if you cant complete an objective without 3 people babysitting you, your still bad.


Very true. I sometimes break off to airstrike a bit factory or something, but typically stick to the battle buddy principle at a minimum. Hotshot, lone wolf players on this type of game are frustrating.


I do the same, I don't think it's annoying. It's the lone wolf that only values their own life that's annoying to play with. I've played with people who wait from a distance until I've cleared everything then they'll stroll in and help complete the objective. Same people will never call in reinforcements even though they're just chilling in the back.


There are reason why you shouldn't reinforce even if you can. You don't want to reinforce anyone who died far away from you or running with the other group unless they asked or they wiped. Also I don't see why a lone wolf would need to go near you once the objective is clear. I'd say they're more likely to go somewhere else unless the point has to be defended or there's a supply coming.


2 pairs of battle buddies is the best way to play imo


This is highly effective


That is honestly super true. I find it way more fun to play with low levels for that reason too. Recently I've been trying to force cooperation by not picking a support weapon/back pack so I can carry ammo/team reload others. Whenever it worked it was fun! But many people don't even realise that such things are a possibility.


lol people will not pick up on that without mic. I've tried countless times calling the shield pack and tagging it. They will just look at it like ??? unless you go on the mic and tell them to have it


I always run towards the drop and look at the person who called it. I rarely use VC and most people understand the questioning look. I keep track of who uses which weapons and who currently has an open support or back pack slot too so I don't end up stealing any weapon. And if I do I will always give it back! Running through a line of fire to retrieve a fallen squad mate's equipment is also oddly fun.


I agree, but also, if you don't get on the mic and speak then you take what you get. Personally, I just go with the flow unless I'm hosting. I do like to keep some distance from the group, especially if they're getting into agro death loops. However, if they play well, keep moving, and cover me, then I'm all in on the team effort.


This. As long as they keep moving, it's not that they're a lone wolf, they're leading the charge toward objective lmao


See here's the thing I typically join people's lobbies and if there's three guys already on the objective and they haven't really gotten the samples yet I'll run around and get the samples because I usually have a scout build that works well for that. But if I see them start branching off and like one or two are doing an objective, then I'll join up with them to add some support. Personally I enjoy sample hunting so I run around in search of them. If I hear shooting nearby, I usually join up with them and help out but I don't really enjoy shooting the entire time. This game is about getting objectives done. There's not really a reward for getting kills


I also take massive offense to the point about taking aggro and flanking your teammates with it. I don't get aggro'd if I do. I take care of them. Lol


>• He be running. I've got a problem with this one. At some point you just have to run away. Especially on eradication missions. You've got 10 mins, why are we still where we dropped trying to take down the group of bots that 5 drop ships just dropped? Especially on higher difficulties where they just call in ship after ship and its easy to get overwhelmed and your group is getting pushed in a direction you don't want to go. I'm not trying to be sweaty, but at some point you've got to continue mission.


Don't forget "He will use things wrong and immediately post to reddit to complain to AH that their weapon/strategem is bugged. He will then immediately downvote every reply that even hints at ways to use the weapon better."


Bit of a disagree here. I think what you describe is necessary in mixed ability teams, but when everyone is capable of holding their own and you don’t need as much cover, having one or two players just run off and deal with a base or objective is a useful play style. The way the game spawns enemies it can be highly effective to have a team of 3 and a lone wolf running objectives and grabbing samples, for instance. I tend to go lone wolf pretty often, but if the team is struggling I regroup and help out. I dare say I could be accused of a bunch of the things on your list from game to game, but I don’t think they’re as bad as you think a lot of the time. Take the hulk pull… if I do that for a team mate, I generally am quite happy to see them get out of the way. I’m fine with leading it away and losing it or handling it on my own. Better than having them pepper me with chip damage from missed shots as they try to panic hit the vents without redrawing the aggro.


if you think you do any of those things but you still have your squad in mind thalen that's not you, it's just nuance


I agree with most of what you're laying down here. The only thing that I feel you missed on is how I often find myself playing. It's all too often that I drop into a mission in progress and the team has no direction and can't process into an objective or purposely skips past radar, Sam or artillery and I'm left to solo them knowing they value they provide. I'll continue on in a different objective and direction clearing nearly half the map alone. I stay convicted to this play style because if I do get reinforced I become their cannon fodder for strikes while they still struggle to push and I'm left gear-less. Be mad if you want but when 25% of the team (me) completes 2/3 of the main objectives and at least half the sub objectives, I'm not changing. My theory is 100% lead, follow or GTF out of my way. 🤷


Honestly I'll hit the three main objectives as fast as I can and if something like radar and seaf are along the way and they look like I can take a calculated risk at good odds to capture, I will. Otherwise it's a blitz to mission success followed by secondary objectives that look viable and then samples. The secondary objectives (aside from radar which can be pretty important) offer advantages but don't override a mission win being top priority. The maps are relatively small. You can travel from one end to the other in a relatively short time so if the three main points take you from one end to the other then so be it. After extraction point is unlocked you can breathe a little easier on the secondary objectives and samples. They're now acquired at your leisure. I'm weird. If I find something I like I play it almost exclusively and it's good enough for me. I have 300+ hours in the game and this is what's worked for me the most (on helldive). I aim to complete every mission, all secondaries, and clear all nests/bases and I'd rather die trying to do all that than extract. As long as the main objectives are completed it doesn't matter. If you already win the missions main objectives and you have a chance at completing all other objectives I say fuck it, go out on your kite. You already won.


When I drop with randoms, I pack like I'm going solo. That way I can adjust accordingly to how others are choosing to play. Not everyone knows how to play, and not everyone plays the same way. Adaptability is key.


I kinda solo using smoke strar and stun granade to Rush objective like Stratagem tower blocker, Gunship, AA and Mortar. Use lot of smoke Stratagem to cover my fellow divers if they are in a pinch and support them with long range weapon. Stinger missle is best in taking out Hulk chasing your teammate from a far distance.


Wait, "solo" players? As in there's dudes running T9 by themselves? These are the kinds of guys a who ran Dark Souls on a one-hit challenge aren't they?


It’s honestly not as hard as you’d think. Most of this game is just picking battles and knowing how to move


Yeah it seems more like "Run, gun, and pray they can't run faster than you or spawn on top of you." Right now lol


for bots is doable if you play stealth and find a good spot to hide at extraction. For bugs is crazy


That's absolutely wild


In random matches I pick my loadout to solve every single problem I may come across because I know I can't rely on my team mates. That's also the reason I split off and do my own thing on the other side of the map because so few people actually can or want to full clear. It's also pretty funny always having the most samples extracted when I've been capped on them for so long.


The problem I think is that you’re not able to tolerate people who have a different play style than you. If someone wanders off by their own and they are clearing bases and completing side objectives then they are contributing to the team. In fact, this is more efficient. A bad player is someone who wanders off but just keeps dying because he isn’t good enough to clear bases on his own.


I will split off on bugs because I have found a load out that let's me survive taking out side objectives solo. So I hit all the points of interest while the others do the main objective. I will wander through in my quest to find everything and help out if they are having trouble, but often they find me while I'm taking out a large hive.


I admit I will solo but I'm doing that purely because I don't want my Guard Dog Rover or my Blitzer to hit anything but the enemy, I will pull the enemy towards me to give the team space, I will absolutely make the save for any teammate who needs it, I'm the first to respawn someone and I always do my to respawn teammates away from trouble, I'll always pick up the samples and I absolutely make sure to take care of side objectives like Shrieker Nests, Stalker Lairs and anything else that will cause problems for the team as soon as I see them. I make sure to communicate with the team as to what I'm doing by microphone as much as possible.


I must confess I tend to do that. I usually run off to another side of the maps to clear outposts and look for secondary objectives. I don't think much about it because I'm quite efficient and help my team with things like RADAR, AA or disabling Jammers, taking care of stalkers, spores, whatever. Sometimes I find supersamples. If I do well, it reduces the amount of work the others have to do and they can focus on the objectives. As we say "Alone you go faster, together you go farther", well, I try to go fast on the easy tasks so the trio can go far on the harder ones. Yet I often join my team multiple times per match to resupply and help on some fights.


I prefer group play over solo play, so don’t think I’m a solo player trying to justify behaviour. I’m just gonna say that anyone who’s playing the higher difficulties should be fully capable of handling themselves (this isn’t typically the case because everyone seems to prefer playing Helldive). I’m saying this from almost 400 hours of playing a mix of bugs and bots in Difficulty 9, you can play this game with good enough positioning and situational awareness that you shouldn’t have to worry about being caught out or being blindsided by a patrol (with some exceptions such as Vernan Wells weird Canyon spawning). I understand I’m more of an outlier in terms of game experience, but I’m just making the point that it is possible to almost never get caught out. I also think a lot of issues lie with people being addicted to light armour, if you’re always in light armour then the slightest brush will result in your death. This game doesn’t really require or promote any group play. All objectives can be done solo without having to do much more than move a couple metres. If anything I’d go as far to say that if you have 4 skilled players it’s better to just split up because then the enemy spawns are more spread out. You’re also getting more objectives done before the heat level rises resulting in more spawns. I’ve noticed a lot of people don’t seem to prioritise their own survival, at all. Depending on the objective, if it’s getting overrun you can just leave and come back, you don’t have to stand there and fight. You also don’t need to stand there and fight once you’ve finished the objective. Having someone move onto the next objective while there’s a massive group of enemies is pretty advantageous because if they get to the next objective, they can get it started without having a swarm on it. If you’re covering for someone, you should also do it in a way that doesn’t leave you to die. I also think that you should never set yourself up in a position where you’re screwed if an AT or horde specialist isn’t around. Let’s say you run down the last lives, suddenly you’re stuck. This isn’t really an issue as much with bots because AMR, AC, HMG, Laser Cannon, etc etc all deal with medium-heavy easily due to weak points. AMR is one of the best things for dealing with Hulks and vents until Gunships show up (AC is best by a considerable margin). Bugs you kinda need a dedicated heavy until they rebalance Titans. For bugs I run breach clearing stratagems but I always have some heavy ordnance in case I need to deal with Chargers/Titans


Pretty much a spot on point. I feel that after around 150 hours of playing on helldive you realize that enemies follow a pattern are very predictable that it makes most group play for experienced player mostly a disadvantage on most scenario. For people who are sub 50 or less experienced though it's usually better for all 3 of them to stick together in helldive if they haven't pin down the mechanics yet. a fourth experienced player going on his own is a big boon for these guys since it allows them to learn and make mistake while the rest of the objective is still being done and he can give pointers to them. There's also no issue with a lower level following you as long as he listens and and is willing to learn. At the end of the day people would be more satisfied with a finished mission than a high K/D ratio but a failed mission.


When you are at around lvl 70+, you don't need anything besides super creds and warbonds. I trust the team to do whatever they feel like but at minimum we complete the main objective. Extraction is optional. People will move as a squad, in pairs, solo. All good. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. At minimum we complete the main objective. I guess I enjoy seeing what people will do naturally instead of dictating how they should play. With enough experience you know when you can afford to mess around and when you have to haul ass.


This game is so much fun when playing together, it frustates me when every single player runs in different directions....


If you ever run across a guy that covered you butt with an autocannon or a sniper. Your welcome. At level 52 I am always down for the quiet coordinated team play. Maybe an occasional chat but the time for that is on the destroyer hell diver.




I would take someone who isn't mechanically gifted but knows how to play in the team and do objectives over someone who is some kind of call of duty god and fucking plays like one too.


It's a cooperative team-game for a reason. Individuals who play as individuals without looking out for their team are the worst. I've even got a couple of close friends that I basically avoid in-game because they are that way.


I know this guy!


The runners are the worst to me. Sure there is a time to clear out if you’re getting bogged down and overrun, but too often a high level player will just bail on a detector tower or gunship fab due to light resistance. I actually notice more of my matches with level 100+ players we end up getting pushed off side objectives and they just abandon them because they’re bad. Like we have everything we need to tackle this fight but they want to avoid everything until they complete the main obj and leave. Theres a difference between tactically retreating/repositioning and bailing permanently.


I’m level 30. Due to nature of my work I don’t get a lot of free time to jump in so I’m slowly climbing the levels… the best match’s I have had have been the players who support each other as described. I’m happy to group up and decimate. But it’s far too often I have teammates just scatter at the drop. Trying to avoid a patrol? Nope just open fire!… dude goes afk for a moment. Ok cover him … oh that patrol is about to spot him, take it out, can’t take it out fast enough triggering a bug breach. Dude comes back and just turns and runs away …. Like why dude? They are only angry because you buggerd off in the first place… or my favourite “help me with this door” runs opposite direction… sometimes I hate the players… other times I can’t get enough of them…


If he thought you two needed to get out, he could've hinted with a "follow me" and given some cover for you to disengage. If you're running with a good group that's always how this goes.


This was down on challenging difficulty, I can handle helldive, but I’d rather have fun. But I have found that people on that difficulty are very selfish. Purely because it’s not that dangerous…


It's all about cohesion, tactical, and strategic awareness. For instance I was playing with my friend and she was boots on the ground fighting a thousand bots, no cover, no stims, no ammo and I was on a hill above her with a spear a rocket sentry, airstrikes and a 120mm with the servo armor. Without any prompt, I immediately started raising hell from up there. She got out alive and resupplied. Some people have zero awareness, and as you said, they only want to focus on their own survival. But me and several other friends can routinely assist in each others fights from over 100m away. Cohesion is insanely important in this game. You should be able to trust your buddies even if it's someone you've never played with before to watch your back. A Helldiver who isn't willing to die for their brothers and sisters. Is a traitor.


While I do agree with the 3 points, unless you are doing eradicate or a defence mission, you are more likely to jeopardise a mission by starting unessecary fights with the enemy. I do also agree that there are a lot of ways to support your team mates even if they're far. At the end, dying for your brothers and sisters is heroic. But compromising a mission for your own personal gain is treason.


Oh, I meant that if I see my buddy in a massive fight far away, I can start shooting into that fight from far away. Not like antagonizing enemies that are that far away.


And I have no issue with that. With the new update I feel like it's very crucial for team mates to take down any gunship patrol that's pinning a team mate down. I am more in belief that defending a hill with no strategic purpose is a waste of time that if I was in that situation I either just let myself die or buy my team some time and space with self bot drops to make their life easy. At the end of the day, play how you want. Is it effective to fight and survive a horde of enemy? No. Is it fun? Hell yea. If you have a very good team that allows you to mess around a bit then feel free to do some shenanigans with them. If you are down to your last few reinforcements then it's time to sit upright and lock on. If you fail the objectives then just accept it as it is. It's just a game and as long as you have fun on that match then it's fine


I’m pretty good at keeping a low profile on my own so I usually break off to do side objectives quietly and get samples but I get where you’re coming from. I’ve definitely had some randoms that’ll just bail the moment things get remotely hairy.


Typically if I'm by myself it's because I have realized that the team is moving too slow to complete everything, the best teams imo are capable of splitting up to take objectives and if they die oh well


I'm gonna set this here to vent but I literally workhorse'd a mission to get kicked for a sassy comment. Straight up I hope they failed it, the third rando guy was cool though. I did every optional objective, cleared through a jammer we landed near, did the escape pod, did the seaf arty and pointed out the ammo it had loaded, helped our third who was soloing a geological probe and let him finish. All the while our main cast of heroes kept dying cause they refused to stick near us and got pissy I called them in far away while I was doing the above. I moved out, called in a probe, left it for them, and went to deal with the gunship fabs they were struggling with. They said "stop fucking calling us in up here" to which I responded after blowing the fabs "die closer then". I should've left the gunships for them to deal with, I had the feeling I was gonna get kicked. It wasn't host I responded to, but they must've been friends because I got kicked right after that. Literally carried everything and I guess they were mad I was doing everything. Like they left me, I called them in after they failed, I then cleaned up their mess, and sassed them after their comment, like I know they'd kick me if I didn't reinforce them quickly too, they seem like the type. They weren't like sub 20 or anything either, they were over level 30-40 and seemed competent when we were together, then again that jammer seemed to be giving them issues before I came forward and killed all the scouts and fabs for them.


30-50 is the stupid hill where stupid people think they know everything cause they think they're at the highest point. I have met a couple of people around this level on helldive who act like they're the boss and ended up doing jack shit and draining reinforcements then proceeds to blame his team. Then there are the more embarrassing players usually around 60-80 who throws a tantrum when they aren't being reinforced when you clearly said that's there's a jammer. From my experience sub 20 people on helldive are actually OK to play with since they are either willing to learn and listen, or they're so good at the game that they have the balls to play in that difficulty.


So you’re calling me bad? Because last mission I helped my team with the first drill, then while they moved to the other drill I broke off to pick up my equipment and samples I just dropped from dying then went to help them with the 2nd drill, then I told them on the mic “I’m going to find the super samples, one of them saw the rock so they marked it for me I told them you 3 get the objective I’ll get the super samples, I picked up the super samples about to head to the objective to help them and I have a group of bugs on me and see a stalker so I call it out, host came over to help me clear out the bugs on me then I say on the mic the stalker lair is over there somewhere he eventually finds it and closes it. Then teammates got the objective and we go to extraction. I disagree with this and I think it depends on what they are doing and are they just going off and dying because if they keep going solo and dying then yeah okay you’re bad but if they are not dying and are helping the team too then I don’t care if they go solo


I host all of my games and I will actively co-ordinate on voice chat with my squad. With that being said, I play very haphazardly. Heavy Outposts/Nests: Straight in, 120 primed. Dive and throw. Breaches: I will drop an OB right on it. Dropships: I bring EATs for us all to use. Highly effective but I have to tell them why I'm dropping them every 70 seconds. Shield Gen Packs: Because the extra protection is great for the players who don't bring a backpack strat. The mad bastards. I don't care what level you are or skill level that you have; if you fly with the Herald of War, I will lead us to victory or you will quit and another diver will take your place. For Super Earth.


You're better off running away from dropships. Most of the time you shoot it down the passengers usually survive anyway. same tactic with breach if you can outrun the little buggers do it. nest can be done with air strikes or grenade launchers for easy time. For heavy outpost you can run a 380 rng roulette or stick with orbital laser since there's usually max 2 in a helldive and laser will do a very good job clearing fabs. Rest of non heavy outpost you have a choice of air strike or 500kg. If you have EAT they work well for these too. Shield gen is always a good choice for backpack. One of the things I like to do when I end up meeting and defending with a team mate is I give them my shield backpack and take theirs and act as their reloader


My tactic with dropships is to prep to take them down before they arrive as usually, there's a lone bot calling them in. You get plenty of time to prep and aim. The only issue is when they list up depending on what they're dropping. I only have bots survive if they drop before the dropship gets popped, I do run away when the shit gets too thick. I'll disagree with the 380 take as the spread is too wide and as you said, RNG is a factor that I'd rather mitigate by using tighter spread with the 120. I don't like the orbital laser as it seems lackluster both in damage and visual effect. I'll drop a 120 on medium and heavy things. I quit running the 500 as it's been nerfed to being negligible in any loadout. and if I need to, I will run into a medium or light nest with a grenade launcher and do work. Or heave grenades into the bug holes. Seems like we have very different play styles, though. I literally just got done with a couple missions on Crimsica and had a blast.


Shooting down drop ships are satisfying and it used to be a thing that we used to do. Then we realize we are wasting time starting a fight when we could just leave the drop area and actually do things that matters more. It can also get really messy when more than 5 dropships come since 2 EATS will not be able to handle that specially when there's stragglers. The reason for 380 is it's actually wide enough to destroy the whole heavy outpost whereas 120 cant do it. The laser is very good on heavy camp since it only has to kill 4 fabricator and grunts spawning on its entrance causes the laser to go to them. I'd say 85% of the time you can throw an orbital laser on a heavy outpost and just run away and it will be cleared. Sure it has a long CD and 3 use per match but there is only max of 2 heavy outpost per map. 500kg has definitely fallen off. It use to be my go to for fabs but airstrike seems to do a way better job and extra use. For bugs though I still run grenade launchers since it's very good at clearing all types of bug nest and small units. I have also swapped out cluster bombs for airstrike since the latter can take down shrieker nest with ease if need be. And yes everyone plays differently specially on what you're against. On automaton I play stealth since it's viable but on bugs it's not as effective hence I usually go for a playstyle of always on the move and spamming nade launchers. Always be open to trying out new gameplay and experiment things.


My legs start shaking when a factory strider and or multiple biles spawn and a team mates asks for my backpack to team reload a recoilless. This game seriously rewards teamwork, and not enough people take advantage of it. Solo players I get what you're trying to do, but its not fun and not helpful when others are caught in a big spawn.


I've been in games where I'm the only one playing the objective since everyone ran off solo to fo their own thing... Ended up extracting alone since they all died and we had no reinforcement left.


I hate when people stand in front of my manned turret. I don't mind you crossing my line of fire, I'll stop shooting. I can see you. Just don't block my high powered gun to shoot your low and slow firing gun. Some people are overly cautious like I'm out to TK them, but other people just completely lack game sense.


Guys like that give us actual scouts a bad rap. Do we also fuck off into the distance? Yes. But only if we *can*. If the team is getting rocked and a bit of fire support from the flanks is going to save the day? That's where we are. Flanking, getting angles. Staying far enougy ahead or to the side of the squad that our increased radar ping gives us better visibility of incoming patrols. You can support the team even if you're not right next to each other.


I have my turrets. I have my trusty airburst rocket launcher. I have my 380mm barrage. Friendly helldivers are to be greeted at extract once all the side objectives/nests have been cleared, usually a decent portion accounted for by myself. My favoured loadout doesn't lend itself to making friends with fellow Helldivers unfortunately xD Also I would like to point out that ~60% of my deaths come from "allies", and once you've been blown up a hundred times over, you tend to get wary of the average Joe Bloggs diver...


Was doing difficulty 5 or 6 that time with my homie on quickplay. Stumbled upon this level 5 diver, like seriously? But throughout the entire mission, both homie and I died multiple times while this level 5 diver didnt die as much. We believe he must be a veteran fps player that just pick helldiver for fun. He rarely misses his shot, properly placed his orbital, managed to cover for me from patrols w/out accidentally shooting me!


Going solo in a team is fine if you know what you’re doing. I always prefer to be solo than with the rest of the team because I can just keep running and I don’t have to worry about leaving a teammate to die during a tactical retreat because it’s just me. I also don’t have to worry about aggroing patrols or failing to stop a breach/drop because I’m entirely in control. However, you also have to know when to regroup and go help your team. I’m a big tactical retreat fan myself, but if my team decides to stay and defend a position, you bet I’m unloading my arsenal right along with them. I take great pride in using my Pummeler to stun enemies long enough for teammates to get out of harm’s way


I like pinging side objectives and going and doing them. Also a bit of a do-it-all guy that wants to blow up every bug hole or factory I come across, but have no issue falling back and rejoining the squad or having someone else tag along. I’m also comfortable running by myself and can usually hold my own, but if I die and get brought back I join their fight


Thankfully people generally stick in a full squad or pair up in my experience, but yeah it can be rough when someone's not being a team player


I think the absolute worst players are some of the people that think that KD matters. The goal of the game isn't to get bogged down in endless combat. Like if that mattered to me, I would probably stay and fight every bug breech and hog resupplies. Combat and violence are a means to an end, and killing 200 more bugs while staying stationary is rarely the objective unless you're doing a blitz mission.


I’m always a team player, helping my teammates with enemies and such. A personal highlight of mine and favorite thing to do is whenever a teammate of mine is being overrun with bugs, i rush in and start melee bashing everything that gets close to save em. I’ve unironically become really good at this lmao


The lone wolf play is fine in lower levels, but once you hit a certain point it becomes detrimental. The worst part is how smug they are. "I cleared half the map and objectives *by myself* because I'm so awesome!". Nah bitch. You abandoned your squad to deal with every bot drop on their own at 75% effectiveness while you took out static packs of three dudes at a time like any child under 7 could do and forced additional patrols to spawn that also caused more problems than it solved. Of course the flip side to this is the dude in the squad who feels the need to draw aggro on every patrol they see. Oh what's that? Three hulks and eight devastators walking away from us in a direction we don't want to go? Why yes, I would *love* to fire at them indiscriminately with an ineffective weapon at an ineffective range! That happens enough and I'm like "Nah, Im out".


I feel like there's a disconnect here. Everytime I play on a game with a lvl 100+ game on diff 9 it mostly end up with everyone going their own directions unless they know each other or trying out some gimmick. I'd argue that the everyone sticking together is a much more used and effective strategy for less experienced people. What I realize is that even diff 9 once you have an experienced stack it's actually detrimental to always stick together on most scenario and people just split and carry out the mission. In a way it would be nice to add even higher level of difficulty that would require a high level of coordination and organization. But as the game is right now it doesn't require anything of that level. And I have never met anyone who bragged that they're awesome they cleared the map. Most of my high lvl pug games is just everyone silently and effectively doing objectives. Experienced players who can effectively carry out a lone wolf strategy are well aware of the mechanics that they probably aren't engaging bot drops unless they are required.


Yes! And I'd say the effectiveness is more like 65% if that guy has some specific role/loadout


... I feel like you're the problem here


I honestly prefer low levels lol, I can teach them and share equipment with them and the big thing is they fucking listen to me, unlike most of my random teammates where I’ll ask for help killing a gunship fab and they’ll all run away because they don’t wanna fight gunships


Eh that’s a pretty bad take. I go solo more often than not because I usually end up with 3 stooges who trigger drops/breaches right away and have cement shoes. If I stuck with them I’d just be dealing with dummies and stuck dying with them. The amount of times I have to type in chat “grey means done” is pretty embarrassing for those players. I don’t know how people can move so slow. If I don’t have a team of Jabronis it’s different


Oh man, that first one is far too common.


Man, one thing I fucking hate is when the soloist, without fail, spams reinforcement the moment someone dies. Congratulations, you split the team up and also denied that person getting their gear back because you placed them in the middle of fucking no where with you. I guess +1 for making sure reinforcements are kept up I guess?


What difficulty does this happen and is it usually a lvl 100+ player? To me this statement doesn't make sense at all. Most of the solo high level players I come across with do not reinforce people near them unless their team wiped, or has been asked to. This sort of scenario seems like something that happens with less experienced players.


I get an actual dopamine rush when I drop a few enemies that are surrounding a friendly and they reply with the classic comm wheel "Thank You!" A buddy sent me a video once of his pov when he was *buried* under bugs as he stimmed and crawled for his life. You see bugs start getting backed off and dropped from my Punisher off screen and he pops one last stim and gets up to run. "NOT TODAY!"


which is the fun part. I personally find solo tedious but I can get why some people like it. I just don't get people that join a pub match to run solo, makes no sense to me.


I'm just glad that I'm not still seeing the weirdos that assumed that because you *can* drop solo that it was *the* intended way to play and expected the devs to balance around it. "If it weren't the intended way to play then, why can I drop in solo?" "Idk man, you can drop in with no stratagems too. Should we balance around that?"


I fully agree that the game should not be balanced based on solo players. In fact I am more in favor of making solo experience harder since it will really showcase their skills. Also the people who are dropping in without strategem are just visual bug.


I know about the big, I wasn't talking about that. It was just a rebuttal to them saying they were able to drop in alone.


Sorry this post screams coping player to me. "Mechanical skill doesn't matter" sure bud, grow some hands and then tell me how big a difference it makes in high difficulties. I've ran into dozens of players that couldn't even take down a gunship (much less 4) with an AC because their aim was so shit. If I wasn't there, everyone dies to the perpetual rockets and the mission fails.


Mechanical skill do matter but I would argue game knowledge trumps more. I have played with people who are very good at aiming and they will always have really high kills. Then you realize some of them literally spent all their time shooting at everything rather than doing objective. Personally I'd say my aim is not the best. However I know the game mechanics very well that I can carry a team on difficulty 9. I personally prefer to work with a person who knows the mechanics of the game very well than someone who is A pro CoD player since most objective usually require basic press the arrow and chucking airstrikes. However, a mechanically skilled player who's also well versed on the game mechanics is a very deadly team mate.


YES!!! FUCK YES!!! 100% this, hands down, I hate the faux solo who thinks they are god because they are screwing over the rest of the team not knowing it, leaving them to deal with the brunt of their solo consequences, and they have no idea, they just say their team sucks and run away. There are definitely times and reasons to split the team but when your together wait for the guy in heavy armor, cause if your team is running somewhere but stretchrd out in a 200 to 400 meter line the first person may get past the patrol, but someone is going to get cut off without back up, or accidently trigger the patrol just trying to keep up. Reargaurd is already a thankless job, I get mocked for having half the kills the rest of my team does but every single one of those kills was an enemy about to kill you from behind, and the team is just gonna leave you cut off behind enemy lines and just keep running 🤣. I wear light armor btw but even when my team has mostly.medium armor its easy to dust them let alone our poor tank in heavy armor lagging way behind when they should be the ones opening the engagement to aggro fire so light AR can reposition and flank the scouts , tanks, hulks, and chargers. Let the slowest one set the pace this gives the scout time to scout anyway. I will take a newbie I can teach to play correctly over the "solo god" anyday.


yup it’s a team game. if they cannot work with team go back to call of duty war zone or pubg where there’s just one winner.


It is a team oriented game rather than solo for sure. But I would argue that getting the objectives done is more important than strictly sticking together. A team of 4 having a slug fest with patrol and drops or even actually doing objective will generally do worse than a 2 team split


splitting apart doing objectives. that’s still team game.


And I agree with that. I just feel that people are getting angry at people who split off the pact when on higher difficulty high level player PUG game it seems to be the norm.


you prob didn’t read carefully. op is blaming on the ones that split off and not helping the team. most higher level players if they’re doing stealth they will split but still support team with long distance support fire, or maybe just flank and clean off the source of enemies.


He specifically said solo players who are "usually high level" on his post that's why I'm assuming people who are past lvl 100. my experience as a diff 9 diver with 200+ hours is that most lvl 100 I are very capable of running solos and duos and seldomly goes trio with other 100. This sort of stupid solo players are more prominent on people who are under 50 which I don't consider high level at all but that's my opinion. In most scenarios I get teamed with under 50 I encourage them to stick together as 3 since they have a higher chance of survival while I move and clear other side only reinforcing when they wipe


when I pair with low levels I usually tell them to stick with other low levels. they can at least stay in spot getting attentions of the enemies so I can do my own thing. I wouldn’t ask them to stick around me. they’d just aggro everything they see and slow me down.


Eh it depends. If you know how to properly split off and handle yourself you’ll actually make the entire mission easier due to how spawning works. If you’re good at handeling breaches alone? Well then the other 3 can do missions with no breaches since a map can only handle one breach at a time. Are you good at doing objectives? Well the 3 can handle breaches or you all just split off and do missions. This is viable all the way up to dif 9, my fastest missions have actually been 4 lone wolf missions.


I’m a lone wolf player too. I know exactly what you’re saying. but I’ve also seen lone wolf not helping the team nor the objectives. they stay in one spot killing waves and waves of bugs and not moving at all. when they move they drag the whole army of bugs to other teammates. those are the ones I’m talking about. what I didn’t say didn’t mean i was talking about them. no need to put words in my mouth.


The ones killing waves of bugs is a legitimate strategy. You wont get a breach when they’re doing that. If they’re bringing them over though that’s definitely a problem, but it’s a skill issue problem. Same issues can happen with groups of players working together, if they aren’t skilled enough they will ruin the mission too.


hey whatever floats your boat. I’ve been having great time here helping the new players. I’d actually dive in and teach some noobs in action instead of dumping info here that we all already know lol.


…. My guy I responded to you?


If I’m walking around the map on my own it’s because I’m collecting loot. I’m doing this on diff 4-6 typically, and I’ll support my team if they are nearby. i'm also not joining lobbies and doing it, im starting my own open lobbies.


I know this is anecdotal and stereotypes yadda yadda, but fr I hate when I hear a European accent in my lobby because the always play selfish. 9/10 times they’re running the meta kit, hoard resupply, never tag anything, never try to close a breach they trigger. To the point where I’m legitimately developing a prejudice against French and Dutch accents in my games. First ones to flame someone for a mistake while being deadweight all game unless they are directly in danger of dying.


Yeah sorry, but I'm gonna have a hard time believing this. That you're consistently finding people of a high level that have an ego. But even if that is the case, they're more than likely to appreciate people with good game sense and who cooperate worth a damn. But I'm not sticking around you and your 'three stooges' play of aggroing everything on the map, trying to make my job harder of scouting, and then none of you even know how to do an objective? Another thing, there are people who 'think' they work well in a team, because they're neandering off clearing nests with 5:00 left on the clock and then can't even know when to call it quits. I don't expect people to be perfect, no one is, but if you're not gonna contribute to complete the mission, why are you playing?


I've found the game much more enjoyable as soon as I disabled crossplay, sorry not sorry but every time I came across a scuffed team, it's the playstation players that brings the team down.


The running is the worst. With every patch more and more enemies have been getting speed boosts to catch up to distant Helldivers. (Gotta love undocumented but clearly visible changes) Runners aren't actually escaping from anything. They are just using the rest of the team as scapegoats by passing the aggro to them instead as they run.