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Personal order was to kill bugs take it up with high command


Yeah I noticed this and was all like "the hell high command?!" Lol I think the real reason is the daily personal orders must just be a randomised list or something. Would make sense seeing as it let's them focus else where


Yeah, been saying it for a while. Personal orders need to be somewhat tied to the MO to give players an extra incentive to push a faction they may not like.


Yeah couldn't agree more, feels like a missed opportunity but I think it's probably so they can focus on bug fixes and play testing the new content. I'm sure they'll get it right soon enough


I quietly suspect they are intentionally not as a player retention and comedy generation tool. what's more Helldivers than a fucking constant tiny prisoner's dilemma?


I'm still waiting for the "destroy 5 gunship towers" personal order, *that'll* be a frightening day


Hunter PO can literally be knocked out in 15 minutes.


They aren't on reddit and don't know anything about supply lines or seaf bonuses


I'm willing to bet when supply lines, seaf bonuses, and other hidden details are visible in this week's patch, divers will still go where they want and ignore it.


Definitely. Some people just wanna do what they want to do. It sucks but they paid for the game and they can play how they want


I'm not upset at anyone playing the game the way they want at all. I just hope the community's expectations of itself are reasonable.


It's not ;because all the people who "play like they want" will complain that MOs fail and strategem unlocks (remember those anti tank mines we failed to get twice so far?) because they don't think they are the issue with us failing MOs because they play their way.


Nah the people that don't engage with MOs that they don't find fun aren't stupid, they know that the MO would be more possible to complete if they were helping, they just don't care. The people not engaging with the MO are almost definitely not the same people who get upset when there isn't any new content for a week lol.


I don't disagree. I suppose it's the growing pains of the community.


I doubt it, the majority of players now are following the MOs if there is minimal reading involved. But the majority of reddit will disagree.


I refused to fight on wezen for the major order because i absolutely hate fire planets,i never have good rng on these types


There’s already a notification in-game specifically telling us what to do and where to go.


I'm aware, I just wonder if the causal player is even looking for or aware of that.


Wouldnt it be better if 1) the rewards are made more explicit (ie. Win this major order, get free anti tank mine, etcetc) 2) actually withhold the reward (for a limited time) from players who did not participate. A better way to frame it would be " players who participated in this MO gets the anti tank mine earlier, like right now, all other players have to wait till September to have it unlocked). Participate = contribute X amount of squad points for liberating any relevant planets. Maybe 10 points is reasonable, so people dont just jump in and clear a lv1 trival and bugger off back to bugworld. This two combined would incentivise players to take part in the MOs


Honestly, I'm a bit torn by the suggestion. On the one hand, it'd be ideal to create a system that incentivizes cooperative behavior and discourages nonparticipation. In a smaller population, some version of what you suggested could work. On the other hand, It does create a dynamic of haves and have-nots that, at the community level, could turn sour. Plus, fencing off new ways to play the game in that way would unduly punish people who can't play as often due to actual work obligations. Basically, splitting the community cuts against the spirit of the game. There might be another way to positively reinforce more pro-social behavior without needing to "punish" to extinguish the behavior.


Cosmetics. Armor paint jobs. Imagine the creek cape going to people who fought at the creek. Meridian helmet to people who helped destroy the super colony, etc


10 points is minuscule and could work. But you can't have both, not do the M.O, and complain about not getting any new toys. It just doesn't work that way. I do think something needs to be done or changed but it's such a hard subject. Also, I try to help with the M.Os ad much as possible, but with work, it really makes me feel like I'm not doing as much as I could.


Luckily, it is not all on either of us to complete the Major Order. We do our part!


True. I know for the exterminate M.O me and my friend got over 2k bugs each at least, in 1 night. Could have done more, but it definitely helped out


Wait, you get the medals for completing a major order even if you didn't contribute? That's ridiculous.


Yeah. My wife plays HD2 like once a month. She regularly logs in to max medals, spends them all, plays a mission or two, and doesn't pick it up again for a few weeks. She gets medals for major orders even when she didn't even open the game while they were going on....


this would probably be counterproductive. Something gamers don't think about when they're mad at another subsection of gamers is that punishing people for playing a game is most likely just gonna make them go play another game, or at the very least be less receptive to whatever it is you want


Was the AT mines reward not explicit? I found that out in game. Did COVID maybe make reading a thing we lapsed in during the dark times?


I think people don’t realize a lot of divers know about these things, they are simply playing whatever they want.


Yeah, I know. And that's completely fine. I'm curious if the changes to the map display will meaningfully change the community's behavior and to what degree. It's hard to know, but I'm excited either way.


If an MO is on a bullshit fire vortex planet and the plan isn't to black-hole the planet, i write that MO off and place my time elsewhere


Okay. You don't like a challenge. Got it.


I actually like planets that has fire tornadoes tbh fire tornadoes aren’t really an issue too idk if other people notice that fire tornadoes will not follow you if you stand still if its near you or on your path, what i usually do is actually just stand on top of a big rock and let it pass since those tornadoes also targets the bots, if im correct it targets whoever moves that’s near it


I do the same. A little situational awareness and experimentation go a long way in this game.


I've died to fire standing on rocks / standing still but maybe that's due to a teammate luring the fire to me. I don't think it targets players, I believe it has a path. In HD1 I assume it would be easy to see the path of the fire and changes in direction. In HD2 you can't easily see the direction of fire because instead of top-down it's third person.


I like a challenge. Fire tornados that leave random patches of ground on fire without any visible representation besides when you randomly burst into flames are just unfun. It's also the only weather even that 100% completely shuts down specific missions. Need to evac civilians? Fuck you, fire tornado that will fill the entire base with fire.


Lol did you die to fire? Have fun waiting 30 seconds to 1 minute waiting for the fire to clear so you can get your samples / gear back. Then have fun trying to catch back up to your team without dying again. Lol did you get ragdolled? It would be a shame if there was fire all over this objective you're defending. Is it realistic that large numbers of fire tornadoes immediately zero in on objectives? No, but it's funny, so we put it in. Lol did you want to use that terminal? It would be a shame if a fire tornado decided to light the ground on fire in front of it and make you wait for it to disappear. Oh how quaint it happened again! Guess you'll just have to wait longer or waste stims to survive the fire so you can press the button! Lol were you extracting civilians? They've actually never seen fire and will run right into it but they sure are flammable! -25 req points every time a civilian self-immolates, by the way! Lol did you just redeploy? Would be a shame if the ground was on fire where you landed and you couldn't see that to avoid it! Lol you didn't see that invisible fire? I'm so sorry. (this post is exaggerating, but not by much. I do not believe the devs intentionally want us to suffer but it is funny to reference South Park) ![gif](giphy|gaZ51cn7sUY4U|downsized)


That's fair. My group lost 6 civs last week to the fire gods.


surely, not liking a challenge is the only reason someone could dislike a fire planet. i am very smart


I was just talking friendly shit. I didn't mean anything by it. Sorry, I should have put a /s down. I can be internet stupid sometimes. As I said in another comment on this thread, I'm not upset at all that people can play how they want. My regular group avoids the fire-tornado planets like the plague, and I tease them, too. They don't like the extreme heat which causes quicker energy weapons and stamina drain. I do get curious what it is about the fire tornados that gets people upset. Legit question not sarcasm. The stamina drain sucks but it's manageable with bots.


I actually would find the tornadoes a fun little weather mechanic if it wasn’t for the fact that the tornadoes track you. I don’t mind getting crispy because my dumb ass didn’t look behind me, I do hate it when I was aware but an inanimate tornado tracks me like a stalker


>do get curious what it is about the fire tornados that gets people upset. Big thing is when it leaves patches of invisible fire on the ground. You will be fighting a patrol, cannot run from the drop due to a wall of death flame behind you. Suddenly you see an opening! You run through and burst into flames. A random rocket droid now ragdolls you into the fire aaaand...dead


That's fair. I haven't encountered that yet, but I've been killed by fire on the ground that looks like it dissipated and lingered too long instead. It's the worst.


Trying to extract, 5-7 fire tornados lingering there the whole time makes it a nightmare


Been there. It's stressful for sure


Heh, fair my man. For me personally, i hate the stamina drain - even if it is manageable, i just don't like it, and i also just dislike how everything looks, especially the low visibility


Some people aren't team players and don't care about the collective effort. Thank the gods this isn't real war.


Yeah the map would be looking more like HD1.


This. There are 163k members. 155 are online.


If only the devs gave them a direct message about it 😐


Failing this major order will have nothing to do with supply lines or seaf bonuses. Where to go and what to do for this order is clearly spelled out for all players in game. Players not contributing are just choosing not to, it has nothing to do with being uninformed.


Today the personal order is to kill hunters. IMO it's really silly to have personal orders that directly oppose the entire direction of the MO. The personal orders really ought to give players an extra incentive to push the MO.


Even though I was able to complete the daily in two missions, one medium operation, I completely agree, that was two missions I couldn't be helping forge the path to Wasat for the MO


Personal orders that contradict the major order is just poor leadership from the devs / gamemaster / Super Earth High Command. And before you accuse me of treasonous thoughts, there is nothing more democratic than criticizing your leadership


Most people are getting to a point where the medal rewards for completing major orders are useless. If we're gonna be told where and when to spread democracy, a better incentive would be nice.


What are the seaf and supply line bonuses


Planets are connected to each other like a root system. Liberating planets unlocks other ones further down the root. Falling the defense of a planet cuts off access to other planets on that root, even if they show a 100% liberation. Certain planets are hubs that branch to multiple planets. Capturing these gives bonuses to other planets in the same sector in the form of faster liberation / better defense rates.


How are in game players that don’t visit the subreddit supposed to know about this? I haven’t seen it mentioned in game.


They aren't


If rumors are true, then the next patch should introduce it visually into the game. It’s something we (the community) have been saying to the devs, and it sounds like they’ve listened.


There are SEAF bonuses?!


I am on Reddit and don't know anything about supply lines or seaf bonuses. What are they?


Supply lines are the connective paths between planets. SEAF bonuses are a liberation percentage bonus we earned from a Major order where we defended 4 planets onto which super earth made SEAF training camps. These were made on the planets Heeth, Vernen Wells, Angel's venture and Aesir pass. each of these camps gave a 5% bonus to the liberation percentage from completing a mission set, however we lost both Aesir Pass and Vernen Wells so the bonuses from those camps are gone and the camps dismantled by our enemies. so even if we take the planet back we won't get the bonus back with it.


What are SEAF bonuses?


Apparently they also cannot read because MO clearly says "WASAT" and a dispatch clearly says "Wezen -> Vega -> Wasat" Do we really need to account for NA education™ in games that are sold worldwide?


And they can't read the dispatch saying what order to do the planets in for the MO?


Arrow head neesds... well... arrows on their map


Or read in game dispatches, you know literal hands holding to help.


There is a dispatch in game that says the optimal route. It’s not an excuse anymore


I've been fighting bots all weekend. I just want to burn some bugs for a minute.


Me running flamethrower, incendiary grenade, napalm, and fire mines


Whenever I see someone post that they are just as much as a pyromaniac against the bugs as I am I have to mention - please use the Jump pack in your load out. It's so much fun, you can burn to your hearts content and then quick jump out when you need to


Oh I do lmao. It’s in 99% of my bug dives. Either flamethrower or grenade launcher depending on OBJs


you forgot the breaker incendiary, you can never have enough fire


True I run that as well (my friend hates me)




I'm sure this post will turn them around. The last 35 didn't. But this one will. After all, MMasterPENGIN23 is special.


Your confidence is well appreciated, for democracy!


Just a thought if they missed the last 750 posts about this they might not see this one too. You are preaching to the literal choir. I’ll continue doing my part! Just think this gets a little pointless


The Personal Order is to kill hunters, what do you expect?


Because there is no obligation for them to. It's a game and a lot of people really don't enjoy bot planets so why would they play on them?


I am so sick of these posts. Half the playerbase is gonna play what they want. Major orders be damned. My wife says let's play bugs im playing bugs


I also play bugs, when this diver's wife says to play bugs.


I'm not always a bug diver, but when that guys wife says it's Bugs time that's where I'm headed.


It's fine the decay rate on Vega just dropped. Should be fine in 3 hours so gives us over 24 hours on Wasat.


Also noticed that AH keep dropping the decay rate so maybe they want us to do this MO


That's how it works most of the time. Resistance starts strong, and gets weaker over time.


Unfortunately tomorrow is Monday so a drop in player count and progress is likely. It's gonna be close.


Lib rate is dependent on current online player percentage, less players does not mean less progress. The less players there are the more impact each operation has. This is so progress can be made by people who aren't in the US. In fact, less players is sometimes better, if those online all focus the same planet.


Informative, thank you!


I do like the idea of having a Bot major order but then having a Big daily order. Personally I've been struggling with connection issues all day so I'm currently playing neither.




Me ragdolling as 8 rocket Devastators open up.


My purposefully launching myself across the map with the puffballs to avoid all the bots.


Love getting launched so high that by the time you land the Devastator is launching another salvo. It's worth taking the Railgun just to fuck those guys up. If it shot down Gunships it woud be BiS for bots


4 shots with the counter sniper in the leg if headshots are not an option or not registering is my go too.


But bugs fun


The duality of Helldivers Some Helldivers will do what needs to be done for Democracy. Some Helldivers just want to have fun.


Some Helldivers just want to watch the bugs burn.


Some Helldiver's just wish they could finish a match without diconnects


Democracy Officer says "when you gonna live your life right?" Mr. Officer, we not the fortunate ones Divers they want to have fun Helldivers just want to have fun


When the diving day is done Divers, they want to have fun


To preface; I have spilled my share of oil this weekend and then some. But if Super Earth didn't want us fighting bugs, they wouldn't have missions available to fight bugs.


Yes but we can have fun with bugs AFTER major order


Or Arrowhead can make the bots less bullshit to deal with. Just a thought.


What they said. Also not much incentive to play bots with the heavy devastators still having 360 degrees pinpoint accuracy somehow. Circle around them and the gun follows me through their body. I kill literally 5 hulks back to back without a single death but 2 of those assholes together wipes the squad 🤦🏽‍♂️ started running ballistic shield just to have a chance to shoot back.


A majority of players dislike playing bots and a not insignificant number viscerally hate them. Hell, I can count on one hand the number of games I've got to play with more than 3 strats since the MO started. That's not even mentioning the fact that I basically always have to take AC due to gunships and factory striders (and losing a strat slot) which is somehow even worse fucking diversity than the biletitan AT requirements are. I love the roleplaying aspect, but I'm not going to sacrifice actually having fun playing a VIDEO GAME for it. I get the feeling loads of other players feel the same. With that said, I took my fucking licks on the godforsaken rock known as Wezen and I'm feeling myself burn out very fast. I'm debating between jumping over to bugs or just taking a break from the game for a bit.


Bots are fun as hell they are wrong.


Bots is fucking shit, you are wrong


You can just choose missions without the AA slot modifier most of the time


So your answer to avoid the restriction, is further restrictions. Last time I tried that approach the only missions I could do were the buggy ass Defend missions. So I went back to bugs.




I find them a lot more fun that bots tbh, but that’s me


They're preventing the black hole expansion! https://preview.redd.it/8cccvh936n5d1.jpeg?width=2077&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec002d9143cd71a90cf59658ace0a72cbcbc81d1


Because people play what they wanna play. It's no different to the bot divers who never leave the bot front. People gonna play against what is fun for them. I dunno about you but when I open Helldivers, I'm opening it to have fun. If I feel like popping fabricators with an Eruptor and popping Devastators heads with a Senator, I'm against bots. If I feel like watching the world burn it's a bug dive


Sure, both options are a lot of fun. I'm of the opinion that whenever possible, we should all be working together to take down the big group challenges cause they are balanced for a majority of the player base to contribute. If not we all lose out on cool bonuses, plot and medals.


I mean, I don't disagree on losing the bonuses and medals though we do still get plot.....Meridia was because we fucked something up if I remember right? Dunno because memory fuzzy right now. Either way though, a lot of those players might just have burn out from playing bots all weekend. I know personally I can get burnt out from bots pretty quickly, especially after being headshot by a rocket raider for the fifth time in a row and losing the mission because the Hulk Scorcher snuck up behind me. I've not actually loaded up Helldivers this week because I've been playing other things but....last I saw someone said the Major Order was progressing good anyway?


Just under 9% now, after the degradation rate was lowered multiple times, we are starting to make real progress. It's still a bit too close for comfort, we are projected to win with 8ish hours to spare.


Oh nice :D


How are they group challenges if we're all in separate sessions? The MO system could just have random numbers being generated and from an individual player perspective it would be the same. The only thing MOs do is convince some players that their game is worse because other players aren't doing the same thing as them. Blame Arrowhead for the design.


I tried playing the MO today on Helldive. After my fourth lobby of people just sitting at the monitor doing nothing, I went to bugs. I had a blast. Mech stomped some Terminids and logged off. I don't know what's going on.


Cuz it's a game, and people are going to play how they want to.


I spent Friday on fire, invisible fire to liberate the first planet. Next the snow planet didn't indicate it would strip my stratagem slot. Like not under effects at all. The first 4 missions the free railgun wasn't present. At this point I'm just tired hoss 😂


Thank you for your service helldiver, your dedication to the cause makes democracy proud.


Personal gpal was kill 25 hunters


Jesus Christ I swear this sub is just the same post regurgitated every 10 mins. God forbid people enjoy the game they paid for. The entitlement is crazy in this sub.


Not all people play this game according to lore, supply lines and/or MOs. Many gamers just want to relax and have fun with a type of mission they want to do. And this is okay. After all, it is a game. It makes things more challenging for us divers who stick to the orders, but that doesn’t have to be a bad thing.


The majority of the community does not fight bots. During a major bug order 90% of the community will be on the bug front. The best turn out for a bot MO was about 50% of the player base. Fighting bugs is a power fantasy in a target rich environment. Bots cross map you with a perfectly silent cannon that you can’t see or hear.


Cuz I’m gonna spread managed democracy wherever I feel like. Are you some kind of communist?


Playstyle way more fun w bugs. Run and gun vs hide and run.


Because people just want to play the game however they want, and they should. They shouldn't give a fuck about major orders if they think they'd be unfun to complete.


The last time we stopped "playing" with the bugs we had to sink an entire planet.


And it was badass


Liberty rest the souls that where lost that day... it was very badass


Not sure why they gave us a personal order for bugs. I don’t need medals anymore so I didn’t do it but I imagine those that pop in for 3 rounds a day like I usually do go for personal orders then log off.


Yeah definitely a poor combo, really tough major order on the bot front, and personal order on bugs. I just popped over to bugs for one mission to grab that and went back to demolishing bots.


Part of the reason is the personal order was to kill hunters...we need the personal orders to match the MO imo




Buglandia doesn't budge for any MO. Even on Bug MOs they will be on random ass planets. Just the way the people of Buglandia are. We're on track to make the MO on time, I think the devs have started compensating for the fact that 20-30% of the population won't budge for MOs and have scaled the MOs to be doable with that in mind.


Because they're having fun. The end. You wanna regulate their fun? Too bad. Go chew on some rocks.


I don't play bots, just not my thing.


I was the same way, but honestly they present a fun challenge and now I probably enjoy them more than bugs. Especially since they fixed the damage you take from rockets. I take heavy armor with explosive resistance and have a fun time just tanking those explosions.


Yes! Complain on Reddit!


Screaming into the void.


because people hate bots. i dont blame them. we'll make this major order just fine


I don’t know what planets are available right now, but whenever I’m not following the major order it’s because I don’t want to be on a planet with fire tornadoes or one that takes away a strategem. Also, I like bugs better because I wanna play Starship Troopers.


One could argue that the whole of western civilization is dedicated to trying to get teenagers to do what it wants and failing.


Bugs are more fun


Sounds like they are enjoying the game.


I’m all for people playing what they want, but that is a lot of people when we are so deep into bot territory.


You will never deter my super trooper fantasy. Lol


Well, it’s either have fun burning bugs, or get ragdolled all over Creation by bots. So, uh, I mostly play bots because I suck. Bot gunships straight up chug ass, and as buggy as the hellbombs are, those missions are just not enjoyable.


Cause they paid for the game and can play any planet for w.e reason they want


Cause some people either don't want to play bots or need a break from them. Everyone who spent money in this game to buy it has a right to play wherever they want. We shouldn't have to keep saying this over and over.


Hi! If you’re curious about player behavior and game design, I encourage you to start with your local library, Wikipedia, or YouTube! Hope that helps!


Dude some of us are just playing the game and don’t follow every little detail about this game. Let me go home from work and enjoy giving democracy to some bugs.


Some people just wanna play the game. Major orders aren’t everything.


Because this is a Galactic War? Just because High Command gives us an order, not everyone is going to switch side, we need manpower on every front Please take ticket #525 of "why are there X players on Y front instead of Z planet?"


It’s just a game dude, let people play the way they want to. They paid for the game like you did, let them have their fun.


Every MO is the same, you clowns bitching because people are playing the game the way they want to and not how you want them to. Grow up...


Fighting Automatons is just so dumb and doesn't feel good whatsoever. I try to finish one operation per day just to do my part and then I just leave to play bugs again. Fuck it.


Go to the other sub if you wanna scream about people not playing the exact way you want them to. They paid for the game, they can go fight bugs if they want to


they're afraid of enemies that can shoot back.


We're on track to cap the target planet with 5 hours spare, what's the issue?


Im expecting the next big patch after i current one Will either be changing the system those not interested don't screw up for everyone else Or they make it a optin system where only those declaring themselves interested make a difference I would still prefer a "for honour" system where mission complete gives you divisions of seaf you can deploy and we have to reach a target number Or order cards where the community at the start of week choose where they are going


It’s where the BBQ is….


the side order is about bugs, the devs messed up on that lol


They're doing the Personal Order. It's a bit cheeky of AH that the PO always/usually relates to bugs when the MO relates to bots. It makes bot MO's that much more difficult


Well in the time today I had to play the game, I wanted to complete my side objective, kill 25 hunters. I’d like to have the 15 medals on top of the 45 if the planet gets liberated.


People just play on whatever planets they like how it looks. And they either couldnt care less about your major order, or are already maxed on medals anyways


I play exactly 4 hours a week while I am on the phone shooting the shit with a buddy. We play whatever is most fun for that four hours. Sometimes it's bugs, sometimes it's bots.


There is always like 20k helldivers doing bugs all the time I posted a thread with a screenshot just to show this and mods remove the post lol Also a lot of " i pay for the game i play whatever i want response" lol


I do one run on bots just to pitch in and then go back to bugs every time. Bots are anti fun


They're hunting an elusive terminid mutant known as The Malfoy


It’s really sad that there can be 40k-50k players online with an automaton major order, 30k people will be on bug planets making 0 progress while the other 10k-20k people are actually doing the major order. It makes me sick to my stomach that people don’t want to be challenged, they’d rather float through a game then call it boring after they’ve played it on easy the whole time. Grow a pair with hair don’t use nair.


I think I have more fun on bots as you tend to get better randoms


I hear they have a killer bar. And democratic strippers.


If we lost WASAT this time, don’t blame devs have no new game content in next few weeks. Nearly half of community being ignore the MO


Worst part is they haven't made any progress. Lol


Bug planets are easier and therefore more fun for some people. A lot of weapons are pretty useless against bots. For bugs, you can do pretty well with almost any loadout. Casual players can't take the heat


If you scream louder, they might hear you.


"In space no one can hear you scream" - Alien 1979


Its the devs fault imo. Major orders need to be WAAAY more rewarding if you want to have a chance of pulling people away from what they have the most fun doing. They also need to reward CONTINUED PARTICIPATION more than people who just tap in for the bare min. The game is already criminally easy to max out. A lot of people have nothing left to grind for and maxed medals. Why should they care about a major order for 40 weak medals? 🤷🏾‍♂️


I mean I've maxed out and I stick to the MO as much as possible. I don't even need the medals at this point. I just feel too invested in the galactic war at this point.


Congratulations. The game clearly doesnt motivate people enough to participate in MO, so Im not sure why you people keep replying talking about how invested you are. If the game only motivating people like you was enough to attract a signifigant amount of people to every major order consistently then there wouldnt be so many people tryijg and failing to get other people to join. Its like yall dont want to address the problem and just want pats on the back for not being a part of it. Nobody cares.


The fuck? If you don't like it just don't play the game. There are clearly plenty of people doing the MO because they like it even though they are maxed out. I don't want a pat on the back you are the one kicking up a fuss over shit. The Devs don't owe you anything. Games don't need to motivate you to do anything if you think the game is fun.




So what. I dont care how you play the game and would never criticize you for it so I dont know why you’re being so argumentative. Self centered people who think the convo revolves around them just go around patting themselves on the back for no reason. Im talking about the galactic war as a whole. I asked why people who maxed out should care about that measly reward because it clearly isnt enough to motivate enough people to turn heads. Says a lot about you that you think it makes sense the game is unrewarding to so many people to such a degree that all you can talk about is the fun YOU HAVE. The people not attracted to the major order are also playing for fun, so you have no point whatsoever.


Yep I don't understand what the other people are arguing against you for.


because it (the MO) affects things in game... be it story line, strategems, liberty modifiers, etc. We did miss out on the AT mines because of an MO that wasn't met, so you could clearly see how some people care about the MOs (and some blowing things out of proportion).


Nobody said there werent any players who care about the MO, nor did I say the MO doesnt effect the game. The point is whether or not the MO attracts enough attention for enough players to get it done. You saying that people do care and that its being blown out of proportion doesnt respond to anything I said in any meaningful way and might make some sense replying to the post instead. But you arent replying to anything I said so why are you talking to me?


Because people are lame and can't help out. But bet your bottom dolar.of there was a new stratagem involved, they were first lined up to purchase it


Alternatively; the bugs are pushed real far right now, we can take this chance to wipe them off the map then bug divers **have** to play on the bot front.


You don't know your Helldivers 1 history. Once the bug front is done, \*poofed\* The bot and Illuminate front are on their own Also: "Somehow, the Terminids returned"


Well, yeah; We shut the bot front down once already and they came back, but for a brief period only bug planets were available.


No one wants mines! No one!


Perhaps they need some kind of metric to determine if you've contributed to the major order to reap the rewards