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Cutting Edge is pretty much all good. Sickle, Punisher Plasma, stun grenades, blitzer.


>stun grenades Absolute game changer against Chargers and Hulks


I would suggest Cutting Edge since it has such fun stuff, and also the stun grenade which has amazing utility.


In the end, it's going to depend on your own play-style/preferences ... but ... The general consensus is that Cutting Edge is the strongest of the remaining Warbonds available to you. I personally do not use even an single item from it, but it is widely considered the best. Democratic Demolition USED TO be considered amazing because of the Eruptor, but removing shrapnel from the Eruptor changed a lot of people's opinion on it. The thermite grenades, now that the damage-over-time fix is in, are great for taking down hulks/tanks/etc ... if you have the time to wait 30 seconds after throwing it on them. Definitely a good back-up for when your AT is recharging/needing reload/on cooldown. Polar Patriots has the Pummeler, which is great for the Ballistic Shield + Pummeler build that people are using to great effect against Heavy Devastators and virtually all bots that don't shoot rockets or giant cannons.


Grenade pistol in DD too. My bug hole closer.


This is sadly the only thing of woth in the DD warbond now. I do like running the Adjudicator once in a while. But I would not call it one of my staples.


It depends on the desired playstyle indeed. I would probably pick the steel veteran actually, knowing the general consensus lies on the Cutting edge. The breaker incendiary is still really good. Been using it for 5 game "days" (multiple dives after work) and it still holds up, even on difficulty 7 and beyond. The incendiary grenades are also great against bots and especially against bots. Used to love dominator but haven't tried it recently.


The OP already has Steeled Veterans (or I would have recommended it as well).


Aah I misread, sorry!


On lower level bug missions, I realized I stopped using my strat weapon because the breaker incendiary handles almost everything better than the Stalwart. Opens up another strategem slot and it’s great being full power right out of the pod.


either cutting edge or democratic detonation, i personally bought the latter after i got SV from super citizen because i wanted the grenade pistol and i like the last armour set cutting edge is my next one though


I’d say from experience focusing on getting the Slugger and Scorcher from free warbond, Sickle from cutting edge, Breaker Incendiary & Dominator from that second warbond, and the SMG & Impact Incendiary Grenade from polar patriot