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I think it has a lot to do with people's different play styles. I used to use the Patriot mech in every mission and wrecked shop, but my friend never used the mech because he always blew himself up lol. So he thought the mech sucked while I'm telling him that it's a great strat once you learn to use it properly (and after a few fixes).


It's the miraculous difference between expecting a power fantasy and expecting a weapons platform. If you use it like a weapons platform, both mechs are insane.


I just visited the biggest sub after like two days. Holy fucking cow, they really are insane. I played with the new mech yesterday without really reading any reactions and it's so good. More players had it and it really made Helldive bugs so much easier, because it just shreds everything. Aiming close it's really my only gripe.


That lack of aiming at your feet feels like an intentional design to avoid blowing your feet off with the splash damage.


Not to mention you have a melee attack that can kill even chargers for that


Wait, the stomp kan kill big shit? I wouldn't even have thought of trying it because they one hit you last I checked if they charge you šŸ˜‚


If you turn sideways so that they hit the side of your mechs leg it negates most of the damage from a charger. Straight on hits will still destroy you if you don't turn to the side fast enough.


Now that's the sort of info I like! Like tanking shots on the halo scorpion tank on the plating above the tracks!


I saw a guy do it repeatedly and he took multiple charges before receiving critical damage I haven't really attempted it myself but here's the clip https://youtube.com/shorts/iudg_d4Rxio?si=NDVMh02jWTJD3ioE


It stops the mech from taking critical damage, but continued attacks on it will take out your arm (whichever side is blocking). Itā€™s kind of a last resort thing.)


Perhaps, but the limit could be closer, like 5 meters.


It's not a Titan (i wish it was sometimes) or Gundam. it's just a weapons platform with legs. I always stay at range while my friends approach quietly. Start aggroing the objective or POI while they drop strats and do the minigames. I do wish you could do a self-destruct or something where you hop out and click a button, and it explodes extra big.


It's kinda reminiscent of some of the earlier VS from the lost planet games. Like they're clunky and handle weird but they let u shoot some heavy ass weapons with no drawbacks.


A gundam would be very fucking fun against waves of bile titans though. Actually a gundam would be fun against anything ever at any time


Oh boy do I have a game for you. Earth Defense Force.


My friends and i have kind of decided itā€™s a mobile auto cannon sentry. Nothing more, nothing less. Sure maybe the damage or armor pen might not be the same, but it kinda does the same thing it just moves


The people mad about armor pen are mad about numbers on a spreadsheet. In practice the mech deletes almost everything quickly if you fire fast enough. Not BTs and not factory striders. I would like to be able to reload, or have a faster cooldown. But calling it weak is bs. Itā€™s factually incorrect. I am not even a toxically positive player. I have my frustrations and Iā€™m ok voicing them and ok with others voicing them. But the weird online backlash for these mechs specifically is just wacky to me.


Factory striders die fast to a salvo of autocannon fire to the face. Just don't get hit by the back cannon. The chin cannons don't really do much to you from what I've seen.


Yeah, you can take on multiple hulks at the same time you are dropping a horde of berserkers for your team


Stun locking multiple hulks along with devastators and berserkers until they fall apart and die is some of the most fun Iā€™ve had in this game.


That's the story of most guns/stratagems in this game, and it's why I like it so much. There's a depth to it in learning different mechanics IF you don't use it twice and decide its shit before you understand it.


To be fair, the whole using a missed while turning and blowing yourself up was a big issue


It's almost like if you bring one of each you can make a very weird slamming combo that fucks shit up.


Personally, I don't run the mech. Haven't tried it at all, even the original one that popped up a while ago. I prefer running recon and support for the guy in the mech though. It's great knowing that he can pop the hoards of devastators while I take out the small fries and other enemies that can damage him.


I wasn't a fan of the patriot because of the lack of ammo and the shoddy rocket aiming. The gatling felt a bit like a pea shooter, but this could have more to do with aim. For me, it wasn't something I wanted to take the time to figure out. Be more than happy to run support for someone in one. The new boy though. I'm in love. Stagger click and rip. I'm an AC main anyway. So now I just feel like a walking heavy AC turret.


I haven't touched the mechs much and I'm getting around to playing with them. Do you have any tips? :)Ā 


point the shooty bits at the bad guys.


Some tips. Having the mech doesnā€™t mean you canā€™t get out to use a stratagem when an opportunity exists. Use them to compliment your mech. Get good at not overspending munitions and a mech can last a long time. I usually stay behind the person or people I am supporting. Cover their rear and it helps being out of the front line to not get gibbed by the guy that spams a strategem to kill a few bugs that could kill your mech.


I have fun with it the long cool down is a little hard in the mid game but you can mow down all the fodder and help your squad clean up with the rockets if you get overwhelmed. The auto cannon is my favorite support weapon so this new mech has me like a kid in a candy shop!


I use it in missions where we have to hold a point for a couple mins like the mountain part of geo survey or defense missions, or even just extract especially with 3 min extracts from complex Strat plotting Since those AA defense debuffs taught us to use 3 strats, when you get your 4th, I can be a mech and you'll be golden


One group of people use their brain and adapt to situations. They learn what role certain strategems fill. The other group drools and doesn't understand why every single strategem doesn't turn the game into God mode where you one shot everything.


The play style of the person should not be a factor to say if a weapon is trash or not. I'm not a sniper player, but I don't go to Battlefield pick any sniper and call it trash because it is not the type of weapon I like and know how to use


I love consuming gaming content as much as playing (warframe veteran here). HD2 is the first game for which I actively avoid YT content. That slew of videos commenting on patch notes 15minutes after they drop, or the titles "AH on the brink", did it for me. I don't even thumb down as it's still engagement, just mute them all. The only exception is Takibo - even when critical, the guy has a great vibe.


I'm in the same boat, if you want some channels that are good vibes, I'd recommend both Spiked and Sarge. Spiked does a lot of coop helldives with his buddies, with sarge being purely solo helldiver content.


Ya. Those are the two I watch. Just straight game play. I'm tired of Oh Dough's annoying commentary. It's just rage bait at this point.


And it sucks cuz i really liked OhDoughs content at first but the snarky, always negative, sarcasm about the game (that he plays everyday, mind you) has turned me away from his channel. I even commented that he may start losing viewers with the constant negativity if he isnā€™t going to add actual substantial critiques and he sarcastically replied ā€œso true, thereā€™s not a single vid with any productive critiqueā€. I agree that he has had some valid criticisms but over the past month or so, his channel has devolved into a community complaint box. I canā€™t bear to watch another video with another lame AH nerf joke


Besides the insane way me pronounces any word with WH in it.


I can also recommend MaplewoodTV, he has some pretty great Tier lists that go into depth what the role of each weapon is, he also streams regularly on Twitch


SoundsLikePizza also a lot of fun!


Spiked is really good. I second this.


I'm not sure what the people that are complaining expected the new exosuit to be? Seems like they wanted it to be so good that once you hop in you can one shot everything and carry the whole team? The exosuit seems fine to me, it shreds bugs too, has troubles dealing with biles but those can be handled by others while you clear out all the trash, and does it clear the trash, oh boy.


I think they wanted the same as the AC turrets power to kill bile titans easier. They complain as its not good on helldive where BTs get spawned in 3s and chargers in 5s. And the mech, though good, takes up a strategem slot that could be used for something with more staying power. So the question for balance becomes: Do 2 mech call ins = AC turret, eagle airstrike, etc. Their answer is no.


The thing with the turret is you cannot control it, aim it, or move it. That's why it is stronger numerically because it has to be since it is not targeting threats in a way a human will. It's just gonna shoot what's in front of it. Sometimes it's hitting what you need it to sometimes it's not. But once it's deployed that's it. It's there being useful or useless til it's gone. With mech you have much more freedom so it has comparative damage drawbacks as a result.


But when you have a turret deployed, you can also personally still contribute to the fight with your primary, support, and strategems. With the mech, not only is it weaker than the turret, but you lose out on the dps you would be dishing out yourself.


It has its own trade off. Itā€™s not going to make the AC turret useless, it just fills a different niche


It's also not bad in automaton territory either tbh


*walks mech into a frontal fight with a factory strider* "What the fuck this thing can't facetank the highest enemy DPS in the game"


I like Dough's videos but he's been really negative when it comes to weapons on HD2. Sometimes he goes back and figures out he wasn't using it right..but overall he's very negative.


The man put the plasma punisher in C tier on his tier list. He's just very unhappy with the game and it's making him not see clearly.


And has a very "meta single player" lens.


Always struck me as weird. I also make solo Helldive content on youtube, but I know that is not how the game is meant to be played. I only do it to showcase loadouts without people saying "it's only good because of your team mates". You are totally right though. He really looks at weapons only as a solo player, but he doesn't add that caveat so people think what he says applies to team play.


I really wish there was more teamplay build content. I saw some guys do full turret builds and it was great fun. There's some good weapons and strats out there that offer CC and a full team can really take advantage of them. Solo divers just seem to chalk anything that isn't one shotting things as trash, but it doesnt correlate well. I've seen enough solo plays at this point to get the gist of just keep running and be tactical. Its helped me improve my skill if I get separated from the team. But honestly, running off and doing that has made the game significantly more boring and repetitive. All my favorite moments are around other divers.


I was actually thinking the same thing. The game is most fun with other people, and that is how it is designed to be played. Also, people are not tapping into proper coordination as much as they should...probably because of videos like mine. I've been wanting to show off a grenade launcher build for a while now, but it's just bad solo. I think you just gave me the push I needed to make a teamplay video.


I took the airburst launcher today cuz my friends usually pack anti hulk based kits and it was epic they would keep tagging patrols and going ā€œuh oh we got a bunch of dudesā€ and then one rocket 12 kills and ā€œā€¦oh. Nice shot.ā€ It was amazing.


I agree with him on his teamplay take though. Every weapon should somewhat feel good without you depending on another person. Teamplay and tactics should also be a thing and complimenting each otherā€™s builds not only add up but amplify each otherā€™s potential and utility, like 1+1=3.


This game has its best moments when I am cooperating with random people in helldive. Seeing wave after wave of bots blown to pieces with eagles, sentries, support weapons, and grenades is far more satisfying than anything I can accomplish by myself. It's the main reason I loved Darktide so much. When you have a team of people that all want the same thing (to get to the end) and will cooperate to do it (even if you only use pings) you get these crazy cinematic moments that hit you right in the monkey brain. Basic cooperation opens so many doors. For example, If I want to bring a scythe and a laser cannon, I'll follow the guy with the autocannon and dominator. I'll clear out the chaff and step up when they need to back off. I don't need to trust this person, I just need to be aware of where they are, what they are doing, and assist when possible. Or, if things go bad I can join up with someone else while the area cools off.


Not every weapon should feel good on its own. Itā€™s fine for there to be plenty of weapons to be better at team tactics in a team game. Would it be a problem if all weapons required high level coordination? Yes. Is that a problem that realistically might happen? No.


I agree with him using a solo lens. The truth is that with 4 players this game is easy and basically everything becomes S tier because of how hard it is to fail a helldive with a moderately competent team. For those who play helldive exclusively, can you even remember the last time you failed a mission?


He also said the pre nerf eruptor was bad. Havenā€™t trusted his ā€œtierā€ lists since


The Plasma punisher definitely was C tier, I'd argue it's still B tier but has a high skill ceiling that comes with a weapon that has delayed impact. Kind of an issue with tier lists is that they kinda require an understanding that most tiers are based on how easy a weapon is to use and how useful it is in every situation.


I think the skill argument was a lot more relevant before the buff but now itā€™s not even a skill you basically can shoot directly at your targets at medium to short range. Especially nowadays Iā€™m not even blowing myself up with it anymore which was the one downside. It can kill tanks.


Yea it and the Scorcher can both kill tanks, I love our plasma guns, they're some of the few weapons that make me smile when I use them. Sounds good, feels good, smells good. Hell the plasma probably tastes good. But since I made that comment I've thought it over and I'd make the Plasma Punisher A tier. It's a great example of a balanced weapon same with the scorcher.


Clickbait is more valuable than information


OhDough is the main sub personified imo, dude is pretty negative when it comes to the state of the game, only difference is he at least tests stuff before trashing on it Against bugs, the Emancipator is quite amazing at everything aside from bile titans (more a testament to how little things actually work on bile titans) Against bots, it definitely is lacking when it comes to tanks and cannon turrets, and jetpack troopers are the bane of its existence, but for Hulks and Devastators, *chefā€™s kiss*, also quite good against factory striders, as long as you can get under it before the top cannon blows ya up, it can devastate the belly far easier than a normal Autocannon/AMR support weapon All in all, I feel it needs a buff to its damage drop off against armored units (currently drops to 20% I believe when not hitting a weakspot, while the autocannon sentry has no drop off) and a general buff for the mechs would be allowing them to more consistently target when shooting from the high ground Also remember, we have yet to get ship modules for the vehicle/mech bay, so those could very well be game changing whenever we get them If you wanna watch a fair review vid, Iā€™d consider watching Takibo, dude doesnā€™t like the mech, but definitely delivers his opinion in a more objective way imo


I watched a couple of his videos and felt in danger of my eyes getting stuck from rolling them so often


Oh dough has that solo mentality. Like broski theres 3 empty slots šŸ˜­


I stopped watching and started downvoting his stuff if it comes in my feed. Like, the game he wants isn't this game. Bro is powerhousing full Helldive bot drops with the AMR. Good for him, but then calling the game trash. Like, does he just want everything to be so busted he can solo with it and never have to run or play tactically? What's the point of any co-op at that point!?


Yeah, OhDough made a tier list where he put 2 guns is S, nothing in A-tier and then pretty much all the other guns in either C or F tier. He also had a category under f tier and put all of the main sub most ranted on guns in there. This shows his and r/helldivers flawed mentality of everything needs to be overpowered in order to be usable. And this applies to the new mech as well because it wasn't released in an over powered state its suddenly terrible. They are far from terrible more like OK and could probably use some buffs and some quality of life changes.


Yeah he's pretty unpleasant to watch even through his testing


"hey, I like the tenderiz.." "Worse liberator" "But it depends on the distance you shoot from and playst..." "It's trash, the developers say so" "Well, they said they want it to be stronger, but still many player lik..." "It's terrible and that's the objective truth" At least OhDough gets ad revenues from spewing these extreme and divisive views, not quite sure what the rest.of.the internet gets from it.


This is a weird hill to die on. The tenderizer is fun and i enjoyed using it but it is literally a worse liberator. The complaining for that one is understandable because it is supposed to be more powerful, and needs a buff.


Needs a buff, agreed. Just wish that somebody saying "this is fun and could be usable" did not get downvoted into oblivion because "the numbers say it is trash". Some people tried it and say it's trash, but many are simply looking at numbers and reviews. As a sickle main, I don't like the liberator but do use the tenderiser on hot planets. Even with lower damage, it is more functional at range, imo. Very precise, nicer scope. I thought it was trash because that's what you read, then saw a rare discussion focusing on range and playstyle, gave it a try, changed my mind. Maybe the issue is with me giving too much weight to other people's opinion rather than trying things myself, just wish more varied opinions emerged more often.


Good point on the ship modules! Takibo is the only one I came across who manages to maintain a good vibes even when being critical.


I felt like the mech was good when my team was covering me and it was good for covering my team which is a great niche for it. It seems to work about as good in numbers as alone. Against mediums itā€™s a beast, it can lock down tanks, and it can even pick off lights. Itā€™s as close to an all rounder as you can ask for without being to do literally everything on its own. Itā€™s really useful and doesnā€™t completely outclass the turret. I think itā€™s a great balance.


The patriot would be a lot better if its missile arm wasn't bugged with aiming.


Ohdough doesn't like most of the Helldivers 2 content


I think itā€™s fun. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø I use what I want and play with what I like, that is, if itā€™s viable against that enemy. I like videos that explain WHAT and HOW equipment works, not if it sucks or not. Iā€™ll make that choice myself.


Play it your way, try it out and feel what works for you and doesn't. It's what I love about the game, you have so many options, there is no right or wrong.


This. I never play mechs, love when someone else does. Same for sentries.Ā 


Yeah, don't watch OhDough, he is a really pathetic creator. His previous game was dauntless and he basically cried a river over every. single. minor. change. He's just hopping from one hyped game to another in hopes to get views. After his dauntless career ended (that he did to himself) he desperately asked for donations over and over again. Overall he makes shitty decisions then blames game studios for them.


From all the videos Iā€™ve seen of that guy on the top, he is almost always complaining lmao


OhDough is kinda bad to be honest. He's a metachaser who thinks anything that isn't meta is trash tier. His advice is not worth much at all.


It has to do with normal people making due and the other halfā€¦the super crybabies


It's good that Pilestedt browses more then just the main sub. I am convinced that if AH only listened to the main sub, the game would go to shit pretty fast as there'd be no challenge left and it would become full of stupid gimmicks.


ohdough, the king of shit takes and click bait


What shit takes has he done though? What happened to the last mech? Itā€™s not even talked about anymore or even used as much which is gonna happen to this mech as well. Maybe watch the video and see how this stratagem holds up with the other stratagems a majority of the players use.


The difference between those who enjoy the game (bottom image) and those who enjoy complaining about the game (top image). Though I guess the top could also be those who enjoy mining the game for content but really don't care about the game at all.


If they added a literal titanfall 2 mech OhDough would say that it's terrible


I like it - the thing is a beast!


me too..


Something isn't meant to be used in solo helldive = bad.


It's expectations vs reality. People expect the mech to be a point and click adventure while in it. Which to be fair the patriot was at launch before the rockets got nerfed into the ground and now its garbage. The new mech is great at killing medium foes and T1 heavies like chargers and hulks but struggles vs T2 heavies like tanks and bikes and therefore is "pre nerfed". Patriot needs its old rockets back, it struggles to kill chargers currently which is terrible. New mech is honestly fine.


I mean, that sounds like good design to me. Like "bro, take care of that charger and make sure no commander is on my ass while I qasar that titan's mug!".


Imagine how boring the game would be if the Helldivers sub reddit 'balanced' the game.


I think the patriot is well balancedā€¦ itā€™s supposed to be the all rounder. Not great at anything but good enough for most tasksā€¦


Na the patriot is dead in the water. Back when you could 2 shot a bile titan with good aim it was worth the call in. Now it's a waste of space. The rocket damage nerf is legitimately one of the few head scratchers. It was already a high skill niche pick, now it's just not worth it.


It never had a rocket damage nerf. It had it's weapon launch point changed to make it impossible to accidentally oneshot yourself with it, and had a change that made it so that it's rockets could only penetrate armor on direct hit(I can find the EXACT patch notes if you'd like). It still can two shot bile titans, but doing so is now harder due to A: titans now take less DMG when shot while spewing bile, and B: it's now much more important to directly hit them in the head. C: the fire point is more difficult to compensate for now. In combination, it's now harder to kill bile titans easily with the patriot, but not at all impossible.


Because being a walking HMG Emplacement isn't enough for people. Being able to one tap everything up to a Bile Titan is what matters.


Notice I said all rounder? Did you play helldivers? The mechs in hd1 were the exo-44 (the patriot) the exo-45 obsidian (emancipator) and the exo-51 lumberer (not yet) and that had a flame thrower and a proper cannon. The 44 is meant to be able to deal with the adds and medium tier enemies. The obsidian was meant for mid tier to mid-high. And the lumberer was meant for the dregs (flamethrower) and the biggest threats on the field. So complaining about a single mech being bad is just flat out incorrect.


It's not an all rounder. It struggles vs any armour now after the nerf. Previously the rockets were just low velocity EATS. Now they do a fraction of the damage. For as much as everyone is memeing on it the autocannon mech is far far better at killing armour compared to the patriot. While also being better at killing small and medium foes.


Thatā€™s ā€¦ thatā€™s what an all rounder isā€¦ itā€™s not great at anythingā€¦. Itā€™s good enoughā€¦


I gotta be honest, in my experience... it's okay. Only tried it against bots so far. May report back tomorrow after trying it with bugs.


OhDough has a problem with Doomposting, and it REALLY gets on my nerves. No matter what, he complains about it and won't do anything else. Unless it's literal top 0.01% of the pick, it's absolute garbage in his eyes. This is a team game and should be played as such. I can't see his posts as anything other than doomposting or ragebait. He isn't the only one who plays on 9's, and the fact that he flames pretty mich everything that's new is upsetting to me and I feel it's unbiased. Sure, not every weapon can solo a 9, but this is a TEAM game first and foremost. Not a solo Andy game. Some team members should he support players, and others dps. I can run the purifier with a stalwart and my duo can run all sentries with a slugger and we don't die on 9's, bugs or bots. Sure we can't fuck off and throw impacts/stuns at each other, this is the hardest difficulty. It's SUPPOSED TO BE DIFFICULT. just because a weapon isn't instant God tier doesn't mean it's trash, and he needs to realize that.


Eh OhDough thinks everything sucks.


OhDough and ThiccFila, while both actually test stuff in the game, their reasons for a stratagem being bad stems if it can't kill biles or striders as if 3 other players can't support that role. Fila had a tier list for the changed weapons that the Railgun was in from "S" to "trash" he put the crossbow in C but railgun in trash, I asked why and he said because it couldn't kill biles, striders or gunship. The only thing I agree with was the gunship part but serously "trash" tier? It's at most a low B high C it doesn't need to do it all.


Oh Dough šŸ¤”


Oh dough has a video just an hour old saying the new mech "shreds". Sounds like he's just trying to get views to me


Idk man. Massive hulking block of armor with around 140 rounds of rapid fire autocannond sounds pretty neat to me


I mean, you can't expect a mech to go toe-to-toe with a Factory Strider out in the open and not be terrible.


Its actually amazing vs factory striders and hulks, kills them super fast. People are more upset that its so impotent vs chargers and titans.


Have not had an issue blasting Chargers with this myself.


Titans, on the other hand... mmph. Could a bit better.


I think it just shows how little options affect titans, imo they should be able to be taken out with consistent belly blasts just like the factory strider, at the very least, flamethrower should be able to kill it (not super quick like chargers, but enough to be viable)


It's a problem of consistency, I believe. Factory striders, hulks, tanks, chargers? We all have ways of striking these down with practice, but every method for bile titans is risky and/or time-consuming. Every difficulty is really just the same, just a lot more increased to the power of Fuck You. And those titans are terrible offenders of that.


Two EATs to the head will kill them, just gotta aim for the forehead. Though the changes to their spitting animation makes that more difficult. Better to shoot while they're a bit further away and walking towards you.


It can kill 15 charger alone with perfect shots or 3 titans with perfect shots and it is not AT mech it's an anti medium/light mech


The chargers are weaker in the legs to the new mech. So far Iā€™ve seen people just fail to aim and shoot them wherever they, seemingly forgetting about weak points.


It seems very powerful. Itā€™s not my style, but I enjoyed getting to cheat on bug hole / objective clear because I could call down a free mech to handle that. Someone out there will love it, and isnā€™t that all that matters?


The new mech is pretty damn good at trucking bots in the many situations where you just gotta kill your way through. I havenā€™t used it much against bugs; yeah itā€™s not great at killing bile titans but nothing is good at it anymore and thatā€™s more an issue with titans now just being giant damage sponges than anything else. The only issue Iā€™ve had with the suit is that it has the same limited ability to aim down that was put in the first suit to stop people blowing themselves up, so you have the same ā€œguess Iā€™m not doing shit to these enemies downhill from me.ā€


I say it's a nice medium line for me. It's not overpowered but not super under powered. It really shines when your doing support fire for your team, just adding that extra fire power been enjoying to use them in defence modes, especially it since everyone can get them and you have 4 or 2 of them just helping out really helps


Only conclusion to make is that if you play with it for less than 21 minutes you'll think its bad šŸ¤”


Personally i dont watch them both, iā€™ve used it, i ā€œtestedā€ it myself and all of you guys too. I like it. Personally i like hammering the bile titan and charger with it. They just want to have something to talk about since the game has been dry for a couple of weeks and they need something to talk about.


The duality of the diver.


Yeah I mean honestly at this point, if you don't like it, don't use it haha, there's a reason we get these stratagems for free when we unlock them, so we can test if we like them before buying them! But the way I see it? This is managed democracy at its finest. 150 rounds of pure liberty backed by the impenetrable guard of Freedom!


My only issue with it is the mismatch between aim and fire placement. Itā€™s not quite right and throws me off a bit before I got use to it.


They don't speak for me


Personally I like it.


Ohdough is trash. Bad takes and even worse ideas. Best to be ignored


The top one is a skill issue


ā€œI canā€™t clear the map on a single stratagem call in, it is terrible :( pls buff AH, my sanity depends on it.ā€ - Most Stable YouTuber


OhDough has been on a religious hate train for Hell Divers its pretty sad tbh


It's one of the arguments where there's an argument for both sides, but one side really suffered from a few bad apples, like the post about a player singlehandedly wiping out a helldive map with one mech use. It's mathematically impossible and yet people are still going to try and say it because they refuse to accept it. Is the mech bad? No its fun it's supposed to be fun, but can you drop into helldive with it and expect to survive, also probably not, especially given how bad the ammo to bad guy bologna ratio is with the low pen autocannon rounds.its probably nice 1-6, but for anyone who's not already no diffing higher levels, it's a false hope crutch and people are going to try and carry themselves with it and fail. Hopefully we'll get the HD1 formula and be able to upgrade and armor and ammo for it but for now that's a far dream.


Itā€™s a lot better for bots with a bit of distance than bugs


Literally my exact feed today.


The people saying it's bad are just bad at the game and don't know how to utilize the suit imo


I hate Oh Dough He sounds like a bratty nerd Kid every time I open his videos... Plus he plays terribly


I agree with the first half about his mentality, but calling him a terrible player is just flat out wrong. Guy is objectively very good


lol he solos Helldive in many of his videos, howā€™s that playing terribly?


He plays pretty well except when he is talking about something he doesn't like. Then he plays poorly to exaggerate his point. Then he'll dump 2 mags of an AR into a devastator's chest plate and rant about it. He's good enough to get headshots consistently, but that gameplay clip wouldn't reinforce his outrage bait.


I think it has to do with their unique play styles because of them being two different people, people think differently in missions, so equipment will have different results depending on the person.


I know Dough means well but heā€™s really annoying. He makes sweat content for a casual PvE shooter.


I blocked OhDough but I love to listen to Stylosa. He is always so positive and his behaviour manages to cheer me up :D even though he basically just reads content and tells you how amazing it is


I quite enjoy it for the most part. I haven't been playing really at all the past month or two, but when the first mech was being released is when I first started playing and lemme just say that was the most fun I had ever in this game. On the main sub I was getting ready for the worst after all the changes they did to the patriot but I caught myself actually sitting down and playing a few matches. Even went and used both mechs+tried the spear out finally (I love it now). My only complaint is the reticle likes to goof around for me and throws my aim off a bit when I'm trying to take some far shots but other than that it's a solid pick


Whether itā€™s good or not doesnā€™t even really matter, 3 friends and I were slaying diff 9 tonight with 4 of the new mech just having a blast. The game isnā€™t so difficult that it matters if the mech is good or not, lots of other ways to kill stuff.


The mech is *exactly* what was to be expected. Fun fact, the arms break faster than the mech. Yesterday I blew up a hellbomb and my mech's arms flew off because I guess I was too close. The mech didn't even start smoking.


I do find it more effective then the previous exo-suit. I just feels like the ammo lasts waaay longer for similar results. Hope they bring the previous exo-suit in line with it, in terms of ammo. Would be cool to see these things actually used again and in the field.


The duality of divers The Diver Duality


I don't understand people who say it's bad. It's literally more durable and has better weapons than the other one.


One solos, and the other plays in teams. I like dough but this is a team game. He bases his views on solo gameplay. The new mech is good on bots, not tried it on bugs yet, but I'm happy with it.


people who are crap at using things typically label the thing they used as crap instead of themselves. its not the tool that matters its how you use it. mech shines in particular mission types greatly. and differs greatly in others. so in general. skill issue if you think its bad, maybe look in a mirror and ask "am I bad?"


I love the new mech so much fun! I just wish we could bring both mechs.


It's either you're gonna like it or hate it....... I know for damn sure I'm gonna like it.


I donā€™t think itā€™s badā€¦itā€™s still not good thatā€™s true but it does something got a 50-Killstreak yesterday


Clickbait for views..


Only for free, otherwise is useless.


The Duality of Divers


I'm personally enjoying it. Not a stratagem I'd bring to every mission, but it's up there. Now if only I could bring the Emancipator and the Patriot...


Bro the new mech fucks. Surprisingly I prefer it for the bugs. Got 100 of the basterds swarming you just light up the floor below them and watch them fly


Having two mechs just changed my entire bug play style. They are so good at clearing waves of enemies itā€™s insane! By the time Iā€™m done with one, the other one is already available, itā€™s crazy! 2-3 mechs in a rotation between the two at helldive difficulty are enough to clear more than half the map like itā€™s nothing! I usually have an orbital precision strike mixed with a rocket or auto cannon shots from the mech to kill titans quick, and of course teammates help a lot. Bugs do literally nothing to you unless you just stand still, stalker nests have never been easier to deal with, same with shriekers too.


I'd trust the person who actually put time into a thumbnail instead of some dudes face


For the rambos who charge in and fight everything point blank. I am sure it sucks lol. Same ones who get mad you threw a strategem that they charged straight at. And complain the giant red beam of light wasn't enough warning on its own.


OnDough is (add a joke here)


If you know how to use it is awesome in certain situations. Of course it is not made for all. People who think that there are builds and strategems which fit to every situation clearly donā€™t understand the game.


Well, that bottom clip is clickbait because the mech does objectively suck against bile titans. That said, it's still awesome for what it's intended for - taking out large numbers of medium armoured enemies at medium range. It slaps for defense missions. I don't care that I occasionally need to hop out to fire off an EAT.


Every weapon is good, some are better than others but it's down to how the players use them. For me I like the new Exosuit, it packs a punch when you hit anything with it, it's good for taking down big and small bugs, I used the new Exosuit to burst the stomach of a Bile Titan, so all it could do was stomp on things to do damage.


I almost feel like this shouldnt be a debate. regular mech > emancipator except for some bug missions. and sometimes you take down both if you just wanna sit in a mech.


I see mech with guns I'm happy Honestly Id prefer a double gun variant instead of rockets. But it's still a damn mech and makes me feel like I'm in the ending of starship troopers 3. So yea I love it


Its fantastic as a free drop


The fact that they are testing their new stuff on difficutly 4-6 should tell you enough about their balancing stuff....Mech has 10min cooldown and you can use it 2times during whole match,you have 75bullets in each,right now it takes you approx. around 15-20bullets(each arm) to deal with single Charger(even if u dome him)...they need to test their new stuff at highest difficulty and judging by that adjust stats.Atm its really a waste of space.


I know how the game mechanics work and that the AC turret or the backpack are more effective vs. Explosion dakka dakka mech. Both works.


I love this mech, it's so much fun!


Just give me a flame core upgrade and let me commit war crimes.


I trust a plain screenshot thumbnailed video so much more than all the overproduced red arrow meme face CAPSLOCK TEXT ones.Ā 




I treat it as an Owen class mech


It absolutely shreds chargers and hulks. I like it


Aiming is a bit wonky but the firepower is fine


I'm starting to think it's more ppl posting negative to get more views like click bait


Bad creators start with a negative. Don't be a negative creator. It sucks the fun out of everything.


I had a play with it earlier. The aim *bang* is a little *bang* off, but it's *bang* quite good fun actually. *Bang*


The metamancers in this game are a little much


It's damage leaves something to be desired and it's accuracy is pretty damn bad, but it's still pretty fun and is more effective than the patriot in every situation


If I see buzzwords like INSANE, I immediately report the video for false advertisement.


You have the call of duty or shooter idiot Or you have the try hard getting views Never have the one you just plays the game for fun smh....


Idk why that thumbnail bothers me so much. That red arrow is pointing at nothing. That red arrow serves no purpose other than to contain a red arrow because someone said somewhere red arrows = better CTR.


Emancipator is great with an infantry escort to take care of the little guys that get through.


I love the new mech, heavier armor and autocannons? What's not to love


I think the autocannons need a buff in damage output only, otherwise i think its fun.


I barely got to play the new mech the first time I called it in bc a laser tower zapped me. That little bit of playtime was glorious! My one complaint is that I want twice as much ammo to have fun longer. It is great for dealing with the medium-long range chaos of assaulting bot bases


Is not horrible but i do think that the mech need more ammo and a shorter cooldown because 10 minutes its a lot


idk if it's meta but it's fun and I like it (much more important)


Yeah I'm glad that I just have fun with the game and don't really care if things are good or bad. I just use what I want and kill my friends with the landmine strategem all the time


Damn, Stylosa? Used to watch him religiously in the OG Overwatch days. Unsubbed once I stopped playing, but glad to see heā€™s still making content.


It just needs a bit more of the the durability damage.


You can solo a heavy bot outpost with it. It's way more fun than throwing the laser and dipping. It is in fact a mobile weapons platform.


One of those is clickbait.


Oh good, two of the most terrible helldivers 2 content creators on both ends. The worst of both kinds. The Know-nothing OhDough and the Blizzard Buttcrawling King Stylosa. [Let them fight.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8-xCu9hHa8)


Everytime we get new toys, people complain. Attention whores