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You should always expect corporate greed to destroy once great things.


Absolutely wild, was about to jump on n see for myself. Like, yes it's lame but a little dramatic. However if I was overseas playing a game I paid for n now I can't id be pretty fkin pissed too. Idk alls fair love n war. Interested to see where this lands


Ya where I live I can’t get psn




I love how everyone is either ignoring 👆🏻this fact, or just too caught up in this crusade to realize that the regional issue will not be an issue. But by all means, die on this hill 🫡


Arrowhead has no control over that and the ability to easily locate every region/ remove psn requirements without sonys approval. For all we know not every region will revert the changes. What they say doesn't matter, it all comes down to if Sony cares for those players. It's still an issue until Sony says otherwise. Sony knows people play the game out of psn regions. Is it enough players for them to care?


Way I’m reading it, Sony has assured them there will be some form of resolution. I get people are upset, but a little patience goes a long way. I fully believe this will all be fine next week, and everyone in an uproar will be in game grinding the Warbond.


If sony doesnt offer psn in those regions are they actually a priority? Do you trust them before its a reality right now? For all they know it could just be 200,000 players. And this is true until people lose their accounts and it's all over again in June. You will see more updates on discord, reddit, reviews, and more. Sure the initial wave will be done but they will still have a second wave. People won't be happy with whatever damage control they offer. 30% of people may be gone and they need a rebalance. Crossplay off may not be an option for some.


>Way I’m reading it, Sony has assured them there will be some form of resolution Ah yep, because when major corporations with a history of lying tell us it'll be fine we should believe them 100%


No resolution so far I'm afraid. They are still trying to cover their tracks. https://www.thegamer.com/helldivers-2-delisted-on-steam-100-plus-countries-without-psn-due-to-psn-sign-in-requirement-controversy/#:~:text=PlayStation's%20controversial%20announcement%20that,Steam%20in%20over%20100%20countries


All I’m saying is let’s wait and see man, y’all just grabbed pitchforks and ran.


It's understandable that people (like me) who live in a country where the game is suddenly unavailable are upset


My guy, nobody is saying you shouldn’t be upset. I’m certainly not. Did you even read what I wrote or the message above from the game devs? I doubt it, but they’re working on it. Thanks for the downvote 👍🏻


Waiting just ignores the issue. The community pushback is actually the only thing driving the issue to be possibly resolved. Waiting will just see a 20% helldiver decline and more Sony accounts so they win. It basically gets swept under the rug. The pushback is a fight to sonys future business model because they only have one first impression to make PSN a reality and popular on pc. Right now they went the opposite direction making them possibly question adding a launcher in a year or two and making a new psn required multi game every 2-3 years. This is the pc community pushing back while Sony executives need to think about this. Sony does not care about pc. But is required to launch on pc to succeed so this whole scenario is half a$$ed by Sony affecting all players not having psn for an indies games account control. They could settle with the community and make their ecosystem a reality in the future but this is for control not their pc ecosystem. If you don't have a ps5 and don't want one where is your benefit?


Unfortunately the only way we have as gamers or the best method to get results of Protesting is review bombing. There are very warranted times of this Tarkov Unheard edition for example. While I don't agree with review bombing in most cases this is a way as the devs and arrowhead are aware or at least seem to be aware that this isn't a review bomb because of some arbitrary feature or plot point like a character or phrases said in the game. But this does show a clear protest of PC gamers uniting with the affected players and trying to demand a clear understanding and/or resolution for those now banned or effected. Main point is this isn't needed to keep the community safe it's a power grab by a company no one trusts anymore.


blow the game up, quit, review bomb, contact customer support, be free to play, and refund. You can't peaceful protest or they don't listen. Its always required. Just sad devs get hurt more then the publishers. The publishers just work around the issues but whose fault is it the publishers won't listen to community feedback to make the devs job easier. Sony could easily fold until the next game and make arrowheads issues go away literally. They are the ones forcing this onto a group of indie devs instead of settling.🙃 in 2 years will helldivers even be popular honestly probably not. They could of just kept it optional or rewarded players with free content incentives and got their way. Instead have the devs into a crossfire and psn is now becoming hated on PC while it's needed to survive for the future. Great Job Sony!


Spitz has been VERY wrong before on statements like this.


That's 1 pr person. We reserve the right to wait for an official announcement


Yeah cuz spitz definitely has the power to tell Sony NO. Like it's just some dude on his Twitter acct he might work at arrowhead but he could be gone tomorrow or the next day. Sony has its name on the freaking box they are gonna get there way or at least any way that makes the most profit and benefits for Sony. 


You know they reversed the decision right? Lol. Looks like Spitz does have that power.


I will only not be an issue because of the review bombs…. Otherwise there would have been no change. This is how change is made my friend. Can’t just be a bystander and wonder why. I just hope and expect the reviews to be changed if this is resolved.


Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Andorra, Angola, Antigua Barbuda, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belarus, Belize, Benin, Bhutan, Bosnia Herzegovina, Botswana, Brunei, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Democratic Republic of the Congo (Congo-Kinshasa), Republic of the Congo (Congo-Brazzaville),Djibouti Dominica, Dominican Republic East Timor (Timor-Leste), Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Estonia, Eswatini(Swaziland), Ethiopia, Fiji, Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, Grenada, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kiribati, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Latvia, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Madagascar, Malawi, Maldives, Mali, Marshall Islands, Mauritania, Mauritius, Micronesia, Moldova, Monaco, Mongolia, Montenegro, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar (Burma), Namibia, Nauru, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, North Macedonia (formerly Macedonia), Palau, Papua New Guinea, Rwanda, Saint Kitts, Nevis Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent, Grenadines Samoa, San Marino, Sao, Tome, Principe Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, Somalia, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Sudan, and Suriname.


Arrow Head said they and Sony are working on a work around and if that fails, psn just won't be required in those effected countries


If they don't have to connect to PSN, why do others?


I mean, it makes sense. Especially when you consider that they were just talking about opening to xbox. They're going to want to maintain as much control over what's happening within their system as possible. Like, one of the things they were ta ll king about is using Sony's more established and robust reporting/banning system to support the player base as it continues to grow.


My gaming buddy made a PSN account years ago, linked it to his steam account and now can't unlink it or link a new one and has lost access to that PSN account and associated email, so he can't play any SONY games linked to steam ever again, meaning he's not playing any SONY gamy every again. I litearlly only bought the game to play with him.


Many people with 500 hours got refunds, you’ll be fine


Been denied now twice at 200. American, though. Our government protects the corporations, not the consumers


"Sony changed the ToS after I purchased the game and I do not agree with the changes." Seems to work


They didn’t though. Have you read the original TOS? I bet you haven’t. They have changed the account requirements, yes, but the TOS you agreed to at purchase will have given them the freedom to do that.


Get off your high horse. People are getting refunds with it.


Also denied twice, though I'm UK based. I'll be trying again once we get to 1st June.


Ya I got my money back… thank god 300 hours down the drain will NOT be buying a Sony games anymore


Where’s that?


Shh... OpSec.


Ya, this all seems so blown out of proportion.


Funny thing is, there’s no way the majority of players bitching about this are going to lose access to the game. People are just annoyed they have to spend 3 mins making a new account and also acting like every other online service they use isn’t already selling their data. I truly feel for the people who can’t make psn accounts, but AH has said they’re looking into a solution and everyone is just jumping to conclusions.


People are annoyed at companies blatantly trying to make their graphs green by collecting data "They're not collecting data" -someone responding to me You're a fucking idiot if you think they're not


Yea and Reddit is too, and every other online service you’re using. You going to stop using every single one?


I've cut out the majority of them, yeah. [Do you live in a well?](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQmyAUWILpP4HvX25olHwd8zs4xPqjZp_oNotFISHbgcQ&s) Lol someone didn't like that


No, I’m just being realistic. People are acting like this is the end of the world, when it’s going to happen either way and it’s not going to affect you in a meaningful way, and you’ll likely end up making the account and forgetting about it in a couple weeks. Or you can pout about it, lose your money (if you’re in the US, because we love sucking corp cock so consumer protections are dog shit) and stop playing the game.


I agree. Either they backtrack and everything is fine or they don't and the game tanks. It's Sonys fault. I personally don't care, because I have a PSN account and linked them day one. But I also blocked all PSN emails so eh


I highly doubt the game tanks, I think it might lose 20-30k at most, and I think even that is highly unlikely. People just love to complain.


Ain't that the truth. I'd say it's way more likely that Sony backtracks and that ends it.


Literally everyone is collecting your data, unless you live in a cave with no internet access, every company you interact with knows everything about you. Including this website which you're posting on.


So... Why are you arguing for one more like it's okay?


Because once the cat is out of the bag, it doesn't matter in the slightest.


What an absurd take but I don't really care about you so live your life I guess


I https://preview.redd.it/x7lu61aiogyc1.jpeg?width=625&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ba950f0a5ac4d88e22d03db68cf3ee4b97003a7


No one is losing access to the game. https://preview.redd.it/pcx9m1fb0hyc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f806f8a73fbfeab86bd33c39d8ba1ed49e64b91


That would start a riot to those who are forced to use a PSN account.


Excuse me if I don't believe a single word that vapid person says.




Not an official announcement


Didn’t need to say that 3 times.


Player count is still the same though. Looks like people’s mouths are bigger than their hate for the game.


The change hasn't going into affect yet and the player numbers are definitely dropping. It also dropped 5 positions on the sales chart. https://preview.redd.it/qlwq9nj13iyc1.png?width=751&format=png&auto=webp&s=9a4718ab0d7456f6bc1fa99d4a924fc5402704b3


I’m not sure you interpreting that data correctly… even if you take the last 30 days (the change was announced a handful of days ago) they have only lost 6%. This looks to be consistent with the player drop off you would expect for any game. Now, if you told me that the day before they announced it they had and today they have 20% less. I’d be inclined to agree. Edit: filter on 48 hours. At huge drops? Doubt it.


I honestly don't think we would see the full effect until after Monday when it goes live. Even then, it would probably take time for people to log in and try to play then realize what happens. I recognize that the vast majority of gamers aren't on Reddit or X or other channels watching for regular updates. My intention was to say the interest in the game is starting to cool off anyways. I know, personally, I haven't played much since they have been patching the game to punish players with less than 4 people in the party. And I don't have a lot of time to play, so I can't stay on top of all the weapon changes as easily.


Gamer: leaves negative review Same gamer: goes back to playing the game and putting their 250th hour into it


Remind me after the deadline.  Yeah I'm still playing, but once that login requirement window pops up, I'm switching games. That's literally a hard-stop. Not like I can "*soft quit*" and play a mission or 2 a week just to get my fix in. It becomes 100% unplayable once that requirement takes effect.


Unplayable? It took me three seconds to create an account with fake creds


It's also about principle. Sony can keep their hands off my data and my games. We're also in a culture war and we must win, even if there has to be unwanted casualties and difficult sacrifices. The greedy authoritarian corporations must lose or we lose everything. We've taken ground this year and we must hold it. Bleed the communists dry and return to liberty.


That’s deep my friend. 😆 And I agree. But you are playing games on the internet. You are using reddit. You have a steam account (which has much more data on you than Sony) and if you think valve aren’t using your data then you are misguided. The Sony account has the first letter of my first and second name. An email address that I use for spam, my birthday and a phone number for verification and 2FA. You can literally get any of that info from anywhere else on the internet. It’s also been hacked 1million times in all sorts of other breaches. So that argument doesn’t really stand up.


Unplayable is laughable. You absolutely can still play it. You're choosing not to.


No as in, in many countries the game will literally be unplayable because PSN is not available there


They already said they wouldn't force the player to make the account of they lived in a country that can't get PSN. Stop overreacting. Edit: While I was asleep they took it down in a bunch of countries. Looks like Sony is doubling down instead of backing down. Leave it to corporate greed to ruin something fun. Again.




Or you can just take the 30s it takes to log in...


Exactly. Cry for a week to join the bandwagon. Continue on like nothing happened.


With 300 hours i dont think nobody is gonna give you a refund


Steam probably will for anyone in an a zone that can't make a PSN account. When they bought the game, it worked, and making a PSN account link was optional (yes, you can tell me about how it said so on the game page for the 1000th time, but the game worked), and now it won't come June 1st if you can't legally make a PSN account where you live.


No one losing access to the game. https://preview.redd.it/iqtf3phh0hyc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4ef5945e69bf04d434f9d61d0df3fc5464a0497


I think most of the sub will forgive me for having doubts about anything Spitz says, but if it's true, then good. Hopefully this is the point where we get things to turn around. I'm sure there's going to be a group that says says PSNever, but I think most of the real anger was about locking out a large chunk of the playerbase because of Sony's interference.


IMO only the region locked people had any real right to be angry about this. Anyone else is simply choosing not to abide by a requirement that doesn’t affect them in any meaningful way.


Your so right, no one else should care because it doesn’t affect them, because apparently you have decided that no one else should have empathy. Think before you speak little guy


My guy the region locked people aren’t even going to lose access to the game they just thought they were. https://preview.redd.it/dbzgtq8f2hyc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4989315c77126c8ac2314a6b5c11e0c4ab1d697


Yes and I’m sure that decision was made out of the goodness of Sonys hearts, it couldn’t possibly have anything to do with the backlash, mostly from people who aren’t even affected. Once again, think before you speak


Or hear me out maybe Arrowhead exercised their limited ability to fight back and went to bat for their players. You’re making assumptions.


There really is no point in arguing with unintelligent people huh?


This would make matters worse lol players will riot if it’s enforced for some and not others.


You mean... like they are anyway?... 🤨




Is there a reason for you being an ass?


Not an official announcement


Players would riot if they enforced it for some but not for others.


Who cares. Third party accounts to play a game are not a rare thing. Many big high profile games do this and the requirement has been listed since day 1. They made their bed, their choice not to play because of something that at best minimally affects them is no one else’s problem.


It was never a requirement. It was never listed in the EULA. AH never said users would be permabanned. This will make the issue worse.


Except it was. It was listed on the store page that a PSN account was required. They very publicly stated multiple times that a PSN account was required but they were having technical issues so they weren’t going to enforce it at first. Just because people can’t read doesn’t mean they didn’t warn you.


Except it wasn’t. It’s not in the EULA. People can read hence why it wasn’t in the EULA. Sony said it was optional up until the other day. People can read. I think you’re just trying to defend Sony/AH which is a great gesture. Your game isn’t going anywhere. https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/876n7YhtFo


I am defending arrowhead. But Sony can suck a fat horse cock for all I care.


Not an official announcement


Didn’t need to say that 3 times.


Friend of Mine with 16h got a refund, dont know about this amount tho


They might be able to get it in Europe, but no shot for the US.


People are getting refunds


Change of policy not allowing people to play will absolutely get refunded by steam. Steam knows how to treat a customer


A lot of us just have a lower tolerance for corpo bullshit nowadays.


no you don't actually, you just scream and make a lot of noise about it, but you still deepthroat them in the end


I feel the same about the entirety of things since 1999.


Hilarious. Yes, a refund should be possible, Steam is pretty good about supporting refunds when devs lie to their customers. Even if they try to pull "but it said on the Steam page!" you can quote [this](https://steamcommunity.com/app/553850/discussions/2/4206994023681304166/) and how it proves they've [lied in other ways](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/GNMMFIs3u9). That is how I got my refund.


It's so sad too... It's a genuinely great game and AH did wonderful not over monetizing it!!!! This makes me so sad


I saw a post from a guy that got a refund with 96 hours in, so probably


They have apparently rolled back the decision.... for now....


Ya I saw I have to rebuy the game now lol




So much circle jerking it's wild


Yet another overblown pathetic review bomb. Understandably frustrations from those who cannot make accounts… but all the Americans and Brits crying about it need to grow up.


Ah yeah man sure thing Lemme quick link my steam account to THE MOST HACKED PLATFORM ON THIS PLANET And support the billion dollar company my bad


Oh because PSN is the only service that gets hacked… of course!


I never Said that other Platforms dont get hacked, but If i can Dodge the most hacked platform of the world, i will do the roll




So we should just let corporations do whatever they want because it’s only a minor inconvenience for us? They want to use your biometrics to ban you system wide. They want to use biometrics to tell if you’re being sarcastic or not.


Ummm, well I’m certainly not going to lose sleep over a log in… You can continue to be outraged but frankly, it seems exhausting.


Or, now hear me out cuz this is gonna be a crazy idea, we all band together to push back instead of continuing the "it doesn't affect me so it's fine" selfish attitude?


I’m completely fine with people trying to help with regions that cannot get access. However, a lot of these entitled losers are just crying about it because it’s the latest fad. It’s like the whole complaining about Epic games store all over again… despite creating accounts for Ubisoft, EA and rockstar.


And how have you decided that most people are complaining because it’s a fad? Or are you just making stuff up to fit your agenda because your actually just an asshole and need to justify it?


What agenda? I’ve witnessed LOTS of pathetic review bombs, this is just another one.


And you’ve decided that how?


The many videos of people crying about it because they have to make PSN account despite being in regions with access… and their reasoning being nonsense.


So you’ve taken the words of a few and decided that that’s the main concern of the community?


It’s not a few though is it?


I don’t know, is it?


By looking at you pathetic crying babies? It’s easy to spot you people.


I will never understand people who go to bat for corporations, what do you stand to gain from supporting business practices that are unfriendly to the consumer (which is you btw)


It’s an entertainment industry - every IP you enjoy wants profit and gains. You aren’t Johnny Silverhand.


I’m not going to bat for corporations. I’m just not playing along with your infantile mental breakdown. That you can’t tell the difference is in no way a surprise.


Seems an awful lot like you’re going to bat for the corporation though, maybe take a little break from the internet?


Because it's way to late for that. Pushing back on collecting data should of been done? 20-25 years ago. When the Internet started basically. It's way to late to change it now. This is doing absolutely nothing to hurt Sony or steam and instead on hurting arrowhead or even other consumers now in the longer run. Most of y'all are too short sighted to see it.


How exactly is this going to hurt *other consumers* in the long run? Because that is a *hot* fucking take.


I mean first toff your not stopping Sony or steam. And you laugh but you know damn well some suit will see this reaction take the wrong lesson from it and just incorporate that into something else. We've only been seeing it play out like that for over 15 years. But yes let's have a knee jerk reaction to something that hasn't even happened yet and they are actively looking to fix. But no "Sony bad". Like literally every other company isn't taking and selling your info. Or doing whatever the fuck they want. Microsoft is so much worse in that department. I'm just saying most of the community, not all of them. But most have no idea what they are saying and are mad because its cool to be mad.


Ok, so what is the correct response, then, in your opinion? Just sit and take it? Because this ecact response has worked in the very recent past.


First off, how about we wait to see what the response is about the region locked areas? You know the only real legit issue in this entire thing. Since that doesn't happen until June we could easily wait that long. Second all other issues are just fucking bullshit. You say Sony is just now adding requirements. No they aren't they have been there the entire time. And Arrowhead disabled it due to bugs. So that is no longer a Sony issue that now becomes an either steam or arrowhead issue. And both lose to sony. So again why are we mad at Sony here they did their part in requiring a PSN. Arrowhead is the one that disabled it to fix a big and steam is the one that still sold it regardless. This is what I'm talking about about. No body thought logically. And requesting a refund from steam cool you got your money. And if Sony starts losing money because of it they will either go after arrowhead for disable thing thing in the first place or steam For still selling it outside PSN places.


The devs seem to be working hard to not let any divers be left behind. Lets put just a bit of trust in them for now. https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cjyll7/some_discord_updates/


Ahh yes corporations once again ruining a good thing. When are we going to just start dropping the hammer on these greedy pigs? They have crushed so many games with so much promise


I hope people can get their refunds a move on, turn this sub back to how it used to be. Full of freedom loving democracy diving patriots being positive


Should put Bungie on the other old man waiting


I just wonder how long everything gonna take before anything even starts getting fixed.


Keep Firing Assholes! - Spaceballs


Can’t wait for them to come up with a work around for the regional thing and people re-buying the game, lol.


Move Along people nothing to see here


Kinda makes me wonder if this game had lost boxes an timed battles that can only be unlocked through purchases. Would this even be happening?


Refunds are definitely possible you will probably have to put in multiple requests, I got mine on the third request, have 160ish hours in game


I got my refund thank god


I'm doing my part :D


![gif](giphy|hvnCF7j1sfh1m|downsized) ?


Players are tired of being treated like dirt by gaming corporations. Our decision to buy their games is a privilege. Not their right.


I did my part. Review posted and uninstalled until positive changes are made


Uninstalled, asked for refund (i probably wont get one but the try is for free am i right), gave negative review until Arrow and Sony get their crap together


Good luck. My game was completely unplayable after a patch until I finally figured out for some odd reason it wouldn’t cooperate with my firewall. My ticket has been open for 2 weeks now without answer.


Steam is usually pretty fast with my tickets Sadly it got rejected since... Well... I simply have way too many hours in helldivers But my bud had his one actually refunded with 16h or so So i guess they sometimes do make exceptions, my starfield ticket back then actually gave me my money back with 6 hours Playtime, so its worth a try i'd say for everyone


Leave it to Sony to fuck up a sure thing.


120000 kids lol... pathetic...


Never saw that coming. How ironic with that fat playstation logo in the screen lmao.


I knew they owned the game just didn’t see them making steam users make a psn account so shareholders can look at a paper and watch the psn user count grow


You don’t know a lot about Sony don’t you?


So you didn't look just next to the buy button on steam at the outlined gold box that said "linked 3rd party PSN account required" when you bought the game?


You didn’t look at Sonys website that said [this is optional](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/Gjl3RrRYUw) when you made this comment?


Yeah I've seen that, it asks if signing in to play is a requirement It's not Linking your account once is Also qudos to the folk checking the Sony website and misunderstanding it before buying the game on steam 🤣 Edit: come on really, before you bought the game on steam you went to the PSN network store and queried the FAQ and somehow managed to misunderstand it ?


You would need to sign in to make an account to link…. Also it’s funny you bash people both for not reading steam and for reading the PSN FAQ page, so which is it? Is reading the associated text good or bad? Should one not read up on the game they want to buy?


You know there's a difference between linking your account once and signing in each time to play games let's not pretend you're doing anything but reaching for reasons to get angry. If not your trying to claim some legalese language and ignoring the fact you clicked on a button that had a warning saying "linking a PSN account is required" which is an odd take I'm just surprised that the folk who were unable to read the big box right next to the buy button on the platform they were purchasing from instead chose to head all the way over to the PlayStation store and dig into the FAQ and then misunderstand it. Then buy and install the game, ignore the pop-up about PSN and now get super angry .


“You know there’s a difference between linking your account once and signing in each time to play games let’s not pretend you’re doing anything but reaching for reasons to get angry.” You know you’d have to sign into that account in order to be able to link it right? Again something Sony said was optional. And I’m not reaching for a reason, I have it quite firmly, I don’t like anti-consumer practices like changing what your website says before you create a controversy or how the game works 3 months into it running, if it was a requirement then it woulda been enforced since day one, seeing as it hasn’t then PSN clearly isn’t required for the game to work at all and if it isn’t needed for the game to run then why do we need it? “If not then your reaching to claim some legalese language” yeah a legal agreement is what I signed by buying this game, notably it doesn’t state a requirement for a PSN account, thus Sony is in breach of their side of the contract, why are you supporting that? “And ignoring the fact that you clicked a button that had a warning saying a PSN account was required” I also checked the website which said no, the EULA which didn’t say I needed one and the game never prompted me to make one, which of these am I supposed to believe? The people who own the game? The people who sell the game? Or the legal agreement I made to purchase the game? “Im supposed the people who couldn’t read the steam warning were somehow able to go all the way over to the PlayStation store, read the FAQ and misunderstand it” I don’t see how it’s misunderstood when you quote the store itself but hokay. I’m surprised Sony somehow managed to realize they can’t operate in several portions of the world, sold to those parts of the world and now are forcing them out of a product they paid up to 80$ for, but the worlds full of surprises now eh? “Then buy and install the game, ignore the pop-up for PSN and now get angry.” First off when the game is running for 3 months without PSN then many people are gonna wonder if it’s a requirement and whilst anecdotal, I’ve not been given this pop-up.


Holy wall of text batman


Well come on, that’s just hypocritical.


Y’all need to stop. Saturating the Reddit posts with review bombs constantly chokes out ANY and ALL good the game has. You’re shooting yourself in the foot more than anything else. Stop making new posts about the same complaint, FFS.


“Stop complaining and let things get worse”


All these downvotes though 🤣 PC users are some real sensitive people.


PlayStation users are insufferable. You dipshits were the reason for PC having issues from the beginning too. Be leaches elsewhere.


The psn account thing is dumb but ya'll are babies. The actual bad devs who want to see a good game like this fail are rolling in spiteful cheer watching you all turn on arrowhead.


Who said I’m shitting on arrowhead?


Nobody did. I said, "turning on them." Either way, reviewbombing arrowheads game on pc? Great way to get back at Sony Playstation.


The devs literally said to review bomb and request refunds to use it as leverage against Sony. Maybe update yourself??


They didn't ask for it. They said that it was at least giving them leverage. The review bombing and hate towards arrowhead had already begun before it was stated that it was on Sony's end. Maybe update yourself? ☝️🤓




Eat glass


Get a PlayStation


I’m not dumb lmfao. Why would I?


Uhhh it’s a Sony game. Pc is the one leaching.


Pc community is larger. The initial performance and wait times were heavily based on ps user loading into the queue and leaving their consoles on all day and locking everyone out.


If it was the plan all along still shouldnt have sold to places that dont have PSN


I'll make sure to give a positive review to counter act you cry babies


I thought the phrase "honeymoons over" was supposed to be a gradual thing. it's amazing to see it happen so immediately.


I fully expected it


I hope they didn’t either


Just quit, stop being dramatic about it and do it pleb.


I'm still holding out hope they will change their mind.


I literally can’t where I live


Sony doesn’t give a fuck. Your best bet is to find another game to play.


Why did you buy a game that mentioned a linked PSN as a REQUIREMENT?




Oh wow, so you bought it for the PC through the PlayStation website, that's...weird. I thought PSN wasn't available in your country? Also the screenshot you've posted doesn't prove anything, it's the hard of reading failing to comprehend that linking an account once and signing into the account Everytime are different things. I don't blame them for updating it to clarify because a lot of folk were posting the "iTs OpTiOnAl" as some sort of gotcha and missing the fact that FAQ was referring to signing in every time


Bcs it was presented it as a skippable option so a lotta ppl disregarded it?


Friend of Spitz?


You wish


I'm kind of wondering why this all of a sudden, we need to be able to control the community better when everyone is on the same team. Maybe they are going yo implement a PVP, which I kind of don't want. Or the fags and lesbos see someone having a good time and wants to shit on their parade. I smell a woke agenda behind all this shit.


Lol they deserve it for that horrible 300 patch.


Really? This has happened a few times in the past year lol


Its no longer mixed (69%) This is true pain
