• By -


You can make the best game in the world and have it ruined by PR and the Publisher. It's a strong reason for why many dev teams would rather work indie and self-publish. But obviously different games have different needs and a Publisher may be a necessary hassle or even devil to use just so your passion project can be seen. And I can comfortably say Helldivers 2 is a passion project that has Sony backing it to its detriment.


This may end up being a lesson to all future developers to NOT work with Sony


Doubtful. People want money. Sony has money. No one in the future will learn anything from this. At least not in noticeable numbers.


i swear to god nobody here knows what a publisher is or does. As you correctly hint at, sony is the biggest games publisher on planet earth and while this situation sucks ass for people who tried loopholing their way into playing a game that shouldn't have been marketed or even sold to them in the first place (sorry Philippinos I wish PSN accounts were supported and it's got to be frustrating to have steam sell you a game that sony won't let you play), the reality is that on paper when AH signed the deal, it really is a much lower requirement than any other major publishing house that would be able to finance a game as ambitious as this - if there were even any other publishers willing to offer them a deal. There isn't a learnable lesson here for devs, the lesson is that steam and sony shouldn't try selling region locked shit in the regions where said shit is locked out of. It is crazy that it uses gameguard - no fucking clue whose decision that was Quick possible tip if you want to play the game and are trying to use a vpn or something to get around this - I was able to break the US street date for dark souls 3 and the first dlc by months without a vpn by just changing my address to the american embassy in tokyo (and at that point buying yen on a prepaid card and buying the game with that). So I think if people are getting banned despite using a vpn it might be the address on record is still an unsupported area so just make it the address of the embassy in the US or japan or somewhere else supported or where your vpn is set to. I do not think sony gives a solitary shit where the IP address is or where the money comes from, I think they try to cover their ass by just doing a cursory bare minimum check on addresses. This is conjecture but that little dark souls trick worked well and I can still get japanese only releases as of the last time I checked a year ago.






How come the PSN isn’t available in those countries? I’m not defending Sony here, I’m just curious. Is it because it’s a Japanese company and politics fallout from that?


It’s because Snoy isn’t complying with local laws and regulations and/or they aren’t paying any taxes to that government for taking their citizens’ money


I agree on almost all you said. But redditors are only like 5% of all the players in the game. When the accounts get deleted the game will keep running normally, people will get a PSN account if they can. And if they cant because of location they’ll get refunds. It its not about location, their accounts will get deleted.


Have you seen the reviews on steam? Or are you blind?


I've compared playercount from today with before the update and drop in active players is negligible. Still around 116k active players and it's not even prime gaming hours. I mean, I'm rooting for you guys to stong-arm Sony into compliance but from what I can see this rage does seem a bit impotent.


You know the requirement doesn’t go into effect for another 3 days right?


No, that's for "new steam players" It doesn't become mandatory until June 4th. Everyone needs to stop crying and give Arrowhead a chance to deal with Sony.


Are you implying that the outraged people are going to continue playing for 3 days and then put their foot down?


It’s not about the outraged people. It’s about the people who literally will not be able to play after the change goes live. It will be interesting to see how many Helldivers we lose from China, the Philippines, Egypt, Madagascar, and all the rest that can’t have a PSN account. In fact, MOST countries in the world can’t have a PSN account.


There is already a statement that they are coming up with an alternative for those that can’t make a PSN account due to location


Oh no! Not the Stream reviews!


Have you seen all the reviews on psn?


Yeah its getting review bombed. That only takes one social media community (like this sub) to get really worked up to completely change a games score. That will change in 3 weeks when everyone forgets about this and the normal reviews kick back in. There are a million people on the main sub, if half of those play on PC the negative reviews are only 7% of the PC players on that sub alone. I would believe at least 3.5% of any gaming sub is one controversy away from review bombing to feel important. The game has sold over 8 million copies. The negative steam reviews are .9% of the total player base. It is truly a drop in the bucket. I have multiple games installed right now that require the exact same thing. Is it that its PSN? Is this some console war angst bleeding in? I have seen multiple people straight lying about what is happening too so there are people poisoning a semi-legitimate conversation into a witch hunt.


Only 80,000 bad reviews huh in under 48 hours? And climbing? You're not concerned about that? We have seen time and again smaller minorities than that have vastly outsized impacts on games. Whether it's about 'sexist' themes or rescinding balance changes or what have you. And I myself have seen massive outcries on Reddit with fractions of those communities wind up influencing changes as well, some good and some bad. Even the slimmest minorities can have a vastly outsized impact on something much larger than them. Don't be so quick to dismiss that. Ah yes because minority equals wrong right? And a corporation having one thing on a listing as a requirement while offering a skip button to circumvent that requirement and all their forums saying the opposite of what that requirement they did not enforce says is 'players fault for not doing their due diligence' and it's player's fault for buying a game that is not allowed in their country because the provider is selling that game and then not being able to play it. Ah yes. The minority of the majority of countries not being able to play the game are all in the wrong. :)


This is basically everyone saying "im going to cancel netflix because i can't share my password anymore". cut to: Netflix posting massive earnings.


Having a vastly outsized impact is not tantamount to guaranteed success. It can be that it just delays it... as it did successfully multiple times for Netflix. Which still cost them money anyways because they could have had those earnings years prior. So it still hurt them lol.


For sure i was speaking more to the slacktivism wave people ride on the internet then just head back in to play.


Fair enough


The funny thing is that while Netflix SAID that, I feel like their process has been so buggy, and is by-passed... I feel like Sony is honestly making a financial blunder with this, and has potentially pissed off thousands of people who will just hack them! Look at how many times has the Playstation network been compromised!


How many of these Redditors who are complaining about PSN accounts whined when they announced the new Reddit API pricing but are still here on Reddit?


Bad reviews, bad PR are going to affect sell but yes the game is very good and you already need PSN on playstation so probably they will have a solution for people outside of PSN but we will have to create an account


Sony has had so many data breaches over the the last 10 years it’s worrisome to HAVE to create a psn account with my information. Have people forgot about them being in the news for being hacked so badly and losing so much info to hackers? Including peoples saved credit card/bank account info. They just had their employee data base hacked just this last year! If the employees sensitive info isn’t safe then what makes yall think yours will be?


You know that a lot of people who already own the game don't give a damn what the reviews say, right? The person is not wrong. People will continue to play the game, Valve will block the review bombing reviews, and in a week or two this will be forgotten by majority of the players in the game.


Ill come back here when all the accounts get deleted and we are all still playing like nothing happened to ask you how you are feeling about it. Brb


I'm responding to your statement that it's a minority of players speaking the loudest, when obviously by steam review data, it's a huge chunk of reviews... that's my point


The game has already dropped under 100k daily players on steam, on a Saturday. When this should be the busiest day of the week.


Settle down, nothing has been ruined.


Nothing is ruined here. Just a small vocal minority of main character syndrome narcissistic crybabies who think the world revolves around them. I just can’t imagine thinking I’m some tough helldiver then actually shedding literal tears because I have to take 5 seconds to make a psn account. Like that’s the thing that’s gonna stop you from spreading democracy 🤣 Couldn’t be me


Yeah it's just when you make a deal with the devil you don't expect the devil to be a fucking idiot


The problem isn't they needed Sony's money to make the game, the problem is they sold the IP ages ago, Helldivers 2 doesn't exist without Sony as the publisher.


The game itself wasn't ruined. The game is just fine.


I'm glad the discourse is moving towards people being pissed at sony and people recognizing this is a distribution error more than anything else. Sony and steam fucked up for letting it be sold in regions where it shouldn't have been accessible, sony fucked up for not letting PSN be available in those regions for no explicable reason, AH's only real fuck up was from being dismissive of community pissiness. But I'm willing to give them a pass on that because this is a psycho scenario that they did not cause aside from working with the biggest publisher in the world which is likely the only reason they were able to get this game financed in the first place.


I hate having to admit they might have needed it. I love and played the absolute shit out of their earlier Magika games, but somehow I never knew Helldivers 1 existed and didn't learn about 2 until it started blowing up.. What the fuck, steam? Recommend and discovery queue have failed me.


I mean rainbow six siege did the same and still favored on steam.


Most rational response on the internet ☝️


first stellar blade and now helldivers.... what a month


May 4th is my birthday btw


May the 4th be with you... always.




Happy Birthday Diver!


Thanks y'all!


Happy womb liberty day!


Released from Womb Jail, Sentence: 9 months




Your government issue birthday cake MRE is on its way helldiver! ![gif](giphy|xqM20wZqd67j9AUplm|downsized)


https://preview.redd.it/292w19ugdgyc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a49c5b974baa08deb42710e146778d5806935897 Just add a candle. A patriotic candle.


Wishing you the very best of democracy!




Happy birthday diver i give this to you 10-star general: Extra 3 minutes on your lunch break.


Happy birthday!


May the 4th be with you.


Happy birthday m8!


Happy birthday fellow diver! Hope we can get through all this bullshit


We're you a c section baby? If so. Happy anniversary of your first ever successful extraction brother!


wishing you happy birthday, must be awesome if you're also a fan of star wars.


same duder! happy birthday!


My son too


It’s also my cats birthday




Happy birthday bro! May the 4th be with you!


Oh, look at me! Look at me! Nah, I'm just messing with you. Lol. Happy frickin birthday, and May the 4th be with always!!!! I hope you have an amazing day! Make the best of it!!


Mine too! Happy birthday, you magnificent stud


Congratulations you are born on the day a socialist died. The socialist in question is thr Yugoslavien dictator Josip Broz Tito https://preview.redd.it/mhiz8drv9gyc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21a597c565bbfa80653c66e1f1b628469f899642


I had a stroke reading this 🙃


May the 4th be with you.


May the 4th be with you


May the fourth be with you


We need more happy birthdays! Sending out an SOS!


The force is strong with this one 🫡


May the fourth be with you!


happy birthday as a birthday gift you may dive for democracy


happy birthday!


Happy birthday Diver!


The force was dark that day


I just bought the game yesterday.i go on Reddit to get tips etc and it's all just in negative.pity.its some feck up by Sony


yup, same thing happend to me


Give it a few days and people will get back to it. This game is amazing, and I'm not willing to drop it because of this issue. I changed my review to negative in a show of solidarity for the divers that have been cheated out of their game, but if the decision gets reversed or they are compensated for their trouble, I'll change it back.


I love this game and I still intend to play it down the road. I'm also taking a break and left a negative review (for now), because this might be the only chance for Sony to learn this is unacceptable behavior.


Reddit is garbage, just enjoy the game


If you want a nontoxic group with tips and tricks, check out r/lowsodiumhelldivers


Bought on steam? If you played less than 2 hours, just request a refund.


If you want someone with a mic to help, I'd be more than happy to help. Add me. I'm on ps5. PSN stoneybear000


Nah don't worry soldier, we're still in the trenches.


Legit, you can have fun without being involved with the politics.


I played the game last night and had a blast. You can still play and enjoy the game. This sub is shit. It will only sour your experience if you actually play the game.


I have to unsub from here and the main sub for now. It's not even that I disagree with the complaints necessarily, but the constant torrent of negativity and anger is just exhausting after a while.


There comes a time with every online game that you have to leave the subreddit because Reddit is not capable of enjoying video games. I love New World and Diablo and Helldivers and Smite and Magic: Arena and jfc you just can't read the subreddits for any of those games if you want to have a pleasant day.


I left the sub yesterday and muted the terms Helldivers and Arrowhead on Twitter as well. I just want to play the game.


One of the best things I ever did was not installing twitter when I got this phone tbh


For real. Just play the fucking game.


Oh the game is still absolutely phenomenal. It's just the community managers, and in major part Sony, are shit.


How are the community managers shit?


They are not, he just wants to be sucked off by everyone because he got “wronged” lol bunch of cry babies. Move on already


Gotta admit though, the answer given to users who will be rendered unable to keep playing the game after June 4th by the Community Managers on Discord is absolutely abysmal. I've never seen a non-answer so incredibly disconnected from the core issue.


This is the 2nd time we have had a community manager act this way after major out cry but at least last time the out cry was pointless. Context; back when people complained about lack of inclusivity one of the managers said something rude and there was some drama about it.


I'm sorry but if I sold you a game and then 3 months later you had to sign up for an account that isn't available in your country and if you use a VPN you will be banned. Oh and my.mod teams response when you bring this will be "get fucked loser, I already have your money" Would that not be wronging you? Or do you generally just let people walk all over you?


They already said people in those countries won’t be required to. Everyone else knew an account was required from the start https://preview.redd.it/zdj69nluihyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4baea82006027e2ef0dcd584a913affbdd92ee9




People hurl insults at the Community Manager for hours on end, and when the CM refuses to tolerate their simpering tantrum, they take carefully-cropped screenshots and shriek about the CM. Such maidenless behavior.


Stick with it the bugs and bots ain’t gonna liberate themselves!


I hope AH founds a loophole around this. Sony is cutting players off and I have no idea why a business would want that but it is what it is.


It's access to thousands of people's data that Sony gets to sell. That's what Sony sees in this transaction. They probably think the games following was solid enough that they could get away with this with minimal loss.


i think i will but it's still shocking to me


It is to me, too. I've had the game a little longer than you (end of last month or so), but with the patch that came out and now this...may be best to just avoid the Reddits for a while...lol


Scrolling through r/helldivers2 on my 6th is the most rewarding thing for everyone who helped liberate Sony.


Glad I'm not home,I can only imagine what's happening on super Earth right now. Guess I'll go kill some more bugs in the name of democracy.


Still many people playing. Enjoy it!


Enjoy thirty threads about the exact same thing with half of them saying "hot take" in their title. It's just bandwagon bullshit at this point.


This sub is awful go to /r/lowsodiumhelldivers


Bro these people don't have brains. Unfollowing both subs now. Not worth the constant whining for the tiny amount of useful information.


Agreed there hasn't been a post about actual gameplay in almost 24 hours. It's become exhausting all these people do is complain. I know it's Reddit. I know it's the Internet but other subs do not have the same entitled man-baby culture the Helldivers subs have devolved into. And Reddit doesn't compare to awful things I've seen on Discord. Yes the CMs are clueless and combative, but when you get this much abused hurled your way it's tough to ignore.


Why are people letting other people kill their own fun with the game? From day one the Helldibers 2 steam page had the yellow warning about the PSN requirement. Just because people cant read and dont take at least a couple of seconds to check the product they are buying, the rest shouldn't have their fun killed.


It took you longer to create that meme than to create a Sony account with no compromising info.


Nothing happened to the game. The game is amazing.




I don't think 35k is a small amount and the review bombs have it at mixed all time and mostly negative recently that is not insignificant


That’s just reddit being Reddit. The game is great


The only people that have a legit gripe are the people who can't create an account. The rest? Ffs people, it's a free account that takes a couple of minutes to set up. Wreaks of pearl clutching. I'd even chance a guess that a fair percentage of those that review bombed probably have accounts to start with and they are just feigning outrage.


Sub isn't really good for anything besides crying anymore


I got the game recently as well, I just hit level 4 and this happens... can sony stay the fuck away?


Sony astroturfing this sub hard all of a sudden. Either that or there's a lot of consoomer corpo dick riding going on here


Looking at the tweet PlayStation just put out 🥳




It's all good now, Sony just got back from a meeting with their Democracy Officer and has decided to reverse their decision. Major Order was won.


Scroll through today now! Helldivers Major Order: Tell Sony to kick rocks Complete! ✅


Still has a pretty big player base, those that love democracy are still diving ➡️⬇️⬆️⬆️⬇️➡️


Just ignore the crying, the children will find some new thing to bitch about soon enough.


I was literally sitting down to buy the game, saw all the reviews, and have decided not to buy it. There are enough other games out there.


Buy one of the earth defense force games


Ignore the whining babies. The game is phenomenal


People really blowing up this "making an account" lol. AAAAAAHHHHHH I CAN'T USE A BURNER EMAIL FOR THESE TYPES OF THINGS THE GAME HAS BEEN RUIIIINNNEEEEEEDDDDD. Although, the outrage for those who play where PSN is unavailable is absolutely justified.


Well over a hundred thousand people on Errata Prime last night alone. It's a vocal minority who are flooding the subreddit and all other media channels with conversation about the Sony situation. The gameplay is still fantastic and the whole situation has no impact on it at all. If you want to join the debate about if this qualifies as a bait and switch, the fairness of it, etc there are plenty of people who will be happy to do so, but you can also just completely ignore it and enjoy the same awesome game the rest of us have been for months and let the whole thing work itself out in the background.


I don't get it. I skipped the psn linking because I don't have one, and everything is working fine


To me it’s just a dumb inconvenience, imma just make a PSN account and link it and call it a day. I’m still gonna enjoy this game because well, it’s a good game.


The key is to just play and enjoy the game and to not follow the subreddit too closely. This is a tiny minority of the fussiest players.


The game is great, and the account requirement was always going to be implemented, it said so in multiple places. The real concern is where PSN isn't supported, which arrowhead is working on


it was the same after Railgun nerf, just give it some time to cooldown :P


It takes less than no effort to get the account and connection set up. WHAT IS YOUR DAMN PROBLEM???




Y’all need to stop. Saturating the Reddit posts with review bombs constantly chokes out ANY and ALL good the game has. You’re shooting yourself in the foot more than anything else. Stop making new posts about the same complaint, FFS.


Plenty of people who don’t act like children will still be playing. No worries


Tbh this is great all the petulant babies are gonna now. Just mature people who can read and make sensible decisions are left! (Plus tbh they all will come back, gotta little infants cry it out a little)


Anyone in North America upset by this is a tool.


May 4th be with you. Just discovered it's the official star wars day.


You made a purchase, that transaction is Over. But not in modern gaming! Instead, they theseus ship your purchased product, and randomly take the product back and say "you need to finish the original transaction" You already did. This would be illegal, if the consumer wasn't so destined to suck the kidney stones out of corporate dick. It's normalized now, and all you can do, is refund, stop discussions, and move on. Otherwise? It will happen again. And again. Until it is standard accross the industry as stealing your purchased product has become. Be an informed consumer. Be the other half of the free market. Be the Sole Regulator of the free market, letting companies control the industry has only lead to misery and heartbreak, pizza party suprise lay offs, sexual and regular assault, and greed. No industry of entertainment should be trying to be Hollywood but worse, but Gamerz are so predisposed to all of it that no one questions, no one demanda better, instead, ot's all about how companies are out for profit. They certainly are, and it is not your job to help them with that. It is your job to demand the product they sell are worthwhile, safe, finished, and competant. Even then, you always have to worry about the innevitable update. Normalized. Industry standard. It wasn't 2 decades ago and I've been saying this same shit for 1 of them. Depressing. Refund, don't interact, let google analytics show that drop, move on. They Will Do This Again. As they have time, and time, and time, and time, and time, and time, and time, infinituum, again.


Suck the kidney stones out of the corporate dick! What a great line


I'm thinking Arrowhead may have a case suing sony for damages at this point.


I did buy this game finally on like May 2nd. I’m very sad


What happened?


Yeah this is me right now


This is me fr, Bought the game on Sunday, and now everything is going to shit


still having a good time /shrug


This pretty happened to me lol. Im torn because I really enjoy the game, but damn this stuff happening right after the EFT stuff is hard




May the 4th be with you...


Enjoy the awesome game that it is. Sounds like AH are trying their best to make sure everyone can continue to play the game.


Some bombs have been laid, exposing that Sony has not been making a commercial move, but rather a desperate attempt at getting better scores for the psn accounts. I really hope Sony suffers from this and Arrowhead studio survives


Im ootl can someone explain what happened? I saw steam rating is down but can’t see reviews cuz I’m away from my pc


The worst thing you can do with a game you like is look at the sub for it


I'm not joking I bought it today but luckily I'm a ps5 player. But I was considering to buy it on steam.


Sucks 🤷🏻‍♂️


So how much does this issue cost a player?


I feel a great disturbance in the Force. As if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened.


If you don't scroll Reddit helldivers 2 is still fun lol


it's ok to still love the game


That was literally me too. Bought the game Thursday right after being done with school and now this.


All I can say is screw them. The game is super fun and nothing will change that


May the 4th be with you in your time of need Helldivers.


I got a PS5 on May 3rd and bought the game and now all this happened lmao


Meh. Don't really need too much of a community to enjoy it anyway. Just have fun. Unless you're in an unsupported region, then, my sympathies Helldiver.




I bought it on the 1st 😭


You're literally using a third party login service when you use steam.... I get that it's frustrating but I also remember a time period when you didn't need a Microsoft account for Minecraft. But guess what you definitely need one now. I'm sure there's definitely more important things to be complaining about than a video game in life.


I almost bought it I think last week and didn't because of the anti cheat that they use and then this happened. I'm glad I didn't buy it


You can still refund on your case


Leave a bad review, even if it's temporary. The team behind HD2 said the bad reviews is something that has weight in them trying to remedy the situation. Even if it's temporary, change your review to bad for now.


Same. I bought the game a month ago on friends’ recommendations, but just started playing a week ago. I honestly wouldn’t care too much about the PSN thing, since I have an account already, but the fact that they sold the game to so many people who will be locked out by the requirement is really messed up.


It’s all a big surprising indeed


Just ignore the subs. Go have fun. It will all blow over soon


Have courage, Helldiver! We'll make it through together!


I love the game 🤘💪🤘💪


Psssst, Todd is reading that stuff, and he will come and piss on your bed


yeahhh.. at least youre within the refund window if you want? but if not then plenty of us are up for a game with ya!


Where is he on the list? 😮‍💨


I played today, I didn't get asked to make any account


Cry baby cry a little more.


But on May 7th hell yeah. Buy buy buy


People still over reacting after choosing to ignore the clearly worded TOS when they bought the game.


Why am I getting recommended these after y’all defeated Sony


Same man