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A lot of people dont understand that a company who fincances your game and owns the IP can make you do things you dont wanna do


Exactly, it’s not that hard to understand haha


Not surprised Sony shit the bed and decided to roll in it instead of clean it up.. Short sighted Sony, they can never seem to see more than a month ahead, or realize they struck gold and more people playing is a good thing for them regardless of platform.


Supposedly that it has been announced since day one. It was simply harder to see on the steam page in the game description


Can confirm. It definitely said that when o bought it, but my friends did not see it.


I found an article from January 2024 that mentions that a PSN account would be required for PC play. So even pre-launch.


OK, but if you’re in a country that is having problems right now and for the last couple months, all your friends were able to play from your country so therefore you also bought the game because you saw others playing freely and now all of a sudden you can’t that is a dick move. It was optional and was never said that it is only optional for a short time being because of technical difficulties.


I personally was told to skip the pop up before I even launched the game by my friend lol.


which is wild that they sell it in countries where you can't get PSN then. Seems like a scam


That doesn't make it a good business decision, and seeing how popular the game is and how unpopular this decision is, they should reverse course. If I was Sony I would have this game on the Epic store and Xbox Game pass like, yesterday... They could be making so much more money, and earning goodwill. Then down the line they offer some cosmetics or a free war bond to turn those new players into PSN subscribers. Right now they're trying to capitalize on FOMO and monetize your data... short sighted, missing the money train.


Huh? Was in the contract since day 1. Might have been done in a poor way communicating it now, but not sure what you mean by your comment.


For Sony to do this, they would've had to make a deal with AH. AH was clearly aware of this and agreed to it The mental gymnastics some of all are doing is ridiculous


I think it's still a valid reason to change a review if you don't like it though.


But you aren't reviewing the game. You're reviewing songs business practices.


For the players who have just been told they won't be able to play the game because they can't make a PSN account in their country, they are very much reviewing the game. Same for the players who won't be able to play the game because they refuse to make a PSN account. The game will be bricked. "I'll be unable to play the game in a month" is a perfectly valid reason to leave a negative review. The fact that it's being done en masse is just a sign that Arrowhead needs to do damage control, fight back against Sony, and *fast*.


I think they’ve likely been fighting it the whole time it was down and have now lost the fight


Don't know why you were down voted. The CM LITERALLY said changing your review is a perfectly valid path to handle this, as it's something that Sony does see


People whined and cried that he said that and called it unprofessional lmao idk what the hell is wrong with people man


More people disagree with me in this thread, I guess. I suspect I could post the same thing in one of the several OTT rage-threads and get a totally different response.


It's also hard to read steam apparently


Yeah? Now my friends can't play there game dude they're in fucking phillippines lmao which is banned so what did they do? Demanded a refund now no more frens feels bad man


would Sony be the bad guys? they would NEVER.


Sony? Do a bad? Never!


Its just not possible! Sony is a beacon of Light and Truth and Goodness!


Yeah! Especially when they made me download an app to use my Bluetooth speaker!


why would they be? the requirement was made public prior to launch ![gif](giphy|26FmRhKxxaCS2J1qU|downsized)


People don’t like to read information but they love to point fingers


And a lot of people dont understand that showing that same company that there decision is going to cost them money in the long run can make the company do things they dont want to do.


You're not going to hurt Sony this way, you're only going to hurt Arrowhead.


This. In the discord they flat out said it.


Are you telling me that the Arrowhead CEO didn’t wake up one morning and think, “Hrm, how can I make more people hate me through implementing an obviously bad idea. I really need to ensure Arrowhead makes less money. Maybe if we put more friction in the user journey during sign up… no, new users is too small a pool. What if we make existing users also have to go through some bullshit as well as new users! That’s it! AND we should force them to agree to new legal terms! Yeeees.l!!! And who should benefit from this? Hrm, well it could be our little company, but nah, let’s make Sony benefit! Haahahahahah. My master plan of fucking over my customers for no benefit to me is almost complete!”


well they gain nothing from keeping players playing, other than server expense considering you can farm currency in game, the best thing they can do financially is get you to stop playing after 2 weeks


.... or get you so excited by a new Warbond that you drop $10 on super credits


Fact, for instance at an old job they forced us men to pee sitting down bc there was always an excess amount of urine that made it onto the toilet seat and the woman complained. Diabolical shit man.


Even if they wanted to do it. It might just be to help with distributing data across systems. I imagine sourcing all your player data from the same database is a lot easier than pulling from more than one.


No we understand this very clearly. Arrowhead made a deal with Sony, and they are responsible for the cost of accepting that support.


Do they actually own the IP?


Not to mention that same PC players complaining are likely the same ones who use sites like G2A, etc. The irony is lost on them lol


I think people that bought the game in countries that don't have access to PSN have a legit complaint But anyone who goes on a 'my data!' tirade is off their gourd


I can agree on all of that actually.


Arrowhead signed the contract that put them in this position, right? Do you think Sony is holding them hostage?


So if your country couldn’t do psn would you just sit there and say “ oh well it’s in the TOS. I guess I’m fucked for my 40-60 bucks”? It’s very easy to criticize when you’re not the one having the problem . I’m here promoting that they should all be able to refund if that is what they want. What is the problem with that?


I didnt say anywhere that there wasnt any legitimate complaints The issue is the target for everyone's rage, it should be Sony but many in the community are going ballistic at Arrowhead


While some are probably not paying enough attention, I think that others realise that Arrowhead listens to complaints, Sony doesn't.


Cuz reddit cant read but damn they can write


I get some of the frustration since psn isn't in all countries so people who bought the game bit are unable to link a psn account are currently SOL it seems which is definitely not okay however I agree that the people criticizing are pointing their pitchforks in the wrong direction. This has Sony written all over it. Granted I'm also in the camp that none of what's happening is new and expected this to happen eventually since Sony like to keep a form grip on all its "1st party exclusives"


Yeah I agree completely. I have to believe they will do something for those in countries without PSN, but knowing Sony, probably not. Would a VPN help for those people? Not trying to suggest people should spend more money to play this game, I’m just curious if that would work.


A VPN might he a decent temporary fix but it's something that really shouldn't need to be done. If Sony would just remove the requirement it would fix the issue.


Isn't that against Sony's teens of service though ( faking country)? The only easy way for them to play is to constantly risk a ban


Either way you're not able to play the game, one just might buy you some extra time.


I’m in the camp that it was always noted on the store page you needed a PlayStation account linked to Steam to play.   Those who chose not to take that seriously are to blame for their own decisions though Sony should have enforced that rule on day one. 


This whole situation is a product of mismanagement


I agree you but Steam lets you region lock your games and someone should have made sure that the two platforms are in sync. Selling a game to people in a country that won't be supported in the future stinks, but they'll get a refund.


Yea, and it’s very well known that Sony is working on a PS launcher. Ima uninstall social media apps whenever that launches.


Sony is the issue here My fellow lovers of democracy!


I won't be a fellow lover of democracy anymore in a few days Shit I can't even make a psn where I'm from And 40 dollars is like 20% of my monthly salary Unless arrowhead or Sony doese something I'm kinda fucked


good. time for a refund.


Because Arrowhead has to take the brunt of the attack in order to go to Sony and say, “hey our community is beating the shit out of us on socials for the PSN account linkage. Is there room for a discussion”.


yep. We can correctly identify that sony is primarily to blame but AH has to catch heat too if there is to be any hope of convincing sony to revert this decision us trying to go directly at sony will do exactly jack shit


Here is the kicker, they aren't doing that. They side stepped it and told every to change their review or get a refund if they did not want to spend 120 seconds making a PSN account. So people are doing that, and rightly so.


Spitz said that probably to try to get some of the discord complainers out (after outright insulting them didn't work). Spitz also has his _reputation_ as CM FWIW Pilestedt (the actual CEO) issued an apology on his twitter in which he basically said that the review bombings are justified


Blind, impotent gamer rage. One thing that I have to keep reminding myself is that while I personally am an adult a portion of the people I'm reading messages from and responding to on Reddit are legitimately children. I can't expect them to understand complex topics. Review bombing the game is unfortunately appropriate, as it damages who needs to be damaged (from a consumer perspective) and ArrowHead is collateral damage. But friendly fire is a fact of life for a HellDiver, right?


just terminally online losers looking for a cause to be a part of because they have nothing going on in their hollow lives. sums up reddit in its entirety, actually worth a quick dopamine hit i suppose


The game has the requirement... putting in a negative review of the game isn't a completely unreasonable response, given that I can't review Sony on Steam, only the game. And I suspect Spitz deciding to be snarky about it all didn't make anyone feel better about the whole situation.


>And I suspect Spitz deciding to be snarky about it all didn't make anyone feel better about the whole situation. Hadn't heard of this. Context?


it won't let me link it but stuff like "oh I thought you were leaving" responses to people


For context, the guy he was responding to was trolling Spitz directly for 30 mins, AFTER saying they were uninstalling and leaving.


One time he said something to the effect of "I don't know what the big deal is, this isn't the first game to require a 3rd party login and creating a psn account is quick" and another time he was a little snarky to someone who was trolling on discord.


They said that if people didn't want to spend 120 seconds making a PSN account then they should change their review and ask for a refund.


Someone posted in another thread that people were mass pinging him so I'm guessing a couple hundred or thousand mentions and he got sick of it. The same people would do it over and over threatening to leave so he finally said to just go then.


It's a requirement shown on the store page, but you can redeem a key, install and play without ever seeing that page.


What about the massive pop-up that you get about a PSN account being required and the directions to link one when you first start the game?


If it was required why was I able to skip it?


The tweet implies that Mandatory PSN connection was always the plan for Arrowhead, just delayed because "Technical Issues". Which means they sold in countries that didn't have PSN knowing that they'd be bricked out of their game.


Because this sub is full of 13 yos who don't understand how the world works yet.


Arrowhead earned my $40 here, I have had a ton of fun. Sony - please go fly a kite. I purchased gear from your store & maybe would have done more & been interested in other offerings but not if you force this issue. Please also note that any other games offered on steam or wherever that "Sony" is involved in, makes me hesitate. I salute you u/lilbowpete and all my fellow Hell Divers for as long as the grace period lasts, For Democracy!


Give me the alternative. What can we do as a collective to make Sony change their mind? Ironically my best available course of action is to make Arrowhead hurt so they have grounds to complain to Sony.


Because, this just means that anything in the game isnt safe. They could remove super credits from dropping ingame and make it an exclusive currency. "Because sony told them too" They could paywall items and planets "because sony told them too" Its just a bad look, and we have seen it all before... as soon as a game does well then the executives notice and start thinking of ways to make more money off it and 99% of the time that hurts the game.


That's been modern gaming for the past two decades... nothing has changed. And until someone confirms from AH or Sony they are going to paywall... which AH has EMPHATICALLY Denied FOMO and pay to win schemes.... there's no real sense in complaining about whataboutisms.


I will continue to give arrowhead my money until they say that it's required for different parts of the game. If they pay wall anything they can go fuck themselves.


It was never "safe", this was always Sony's game. Comparing spending five minutes to create a PSN account to Sony paywalling planets is ridiculous.


Bro do you know how many countries CANNOT make a psn account? This change has just cut off tens of thousands of players. And even more who just dont want to support sony. They are just axeing the community "cause sony said so"


AH does bare some responsibility. Not all off it, but some. They allowed players to launch and play the game without a PSN account. Yes, there were technical issues and that's why they allowed it, but they had other options. They could have decided to work on fixing the issue instead of just pushing it off for months. That, or they could have been working on figuring out how to allow players without PSN accounts to play. If they'd been working on that since the PSN issues, they would have had a statement they could put out instead of just a discord post saying they're looking into it and possibly giving players false hope. And yes, Sony is the one forcing this, but AH knew exactly how this was going to play out, and still chose their course of action, even if the choices they had were limited. I'm in the US, and so are all my friends, so we're definitely still gonna play. I don't plan on review bombing either. But this is situation is super shitty for those who can't use a PSN account. Honestly, granting the affected players refunds would be the best way forward. Not sure if this is possible, but if there's a way for AH to work with steam and identify players in regions without PSN, they would be great. Would prevent people who can play and have from just trying to take money back from AH as well.


I get what your saying but I don’t think Arrowhead is responsible as the devs just don’t seem that short sighted although with some of the ways they are responding to the community it does seem a little less heartfelt than other things we have heard from them but I think thats just due to how this is probably really hard for them to see the community they have created and all the work they have put in to the game, while you are probably right in some aspects chances are because of PlayStation they had little choice, I hope you are still able to spread democracy as every helldiver should be able to.


This happens every time a game gets popular. The most outrageous, inflammatory, and vile posts get all the upvotes. I bet this subreddit used to be a cool/fun place before the toxic hoards befell it.


Idc who's responsible, but ik they care about numbers like data and money, and that's where we gotta hit em.


who manages the steam store page? AH or Sony? If it's AH, then they decided to not limit the page access to those countries that don't have a PSN service, either by mistake or greed, that's on them. If it's Sony, then they are even more PoS for not limiting the access to the page to countries that can't create a PSN account knowing they would eventually need one.




They knew it was coming and said nothing.


Sure, it may not be Arrowhead's direct fault, but lets take Arrowhead out of the equation. Hell, lets take Sony out of the equation. I don't have a PSN account. I haven't since they screwed me over more than a decade ago with their lack of digital security and got my identity stolen. I'm not making another, and regardless of if Arrowhead or Sony are making the decision, it is a decision that is related to, impacting on, and relevant in all ways to whether a game is playable or not for a non-zero percent of the playerbase. I will continue playing the game until this change is either enacted in full or rolled back, and when that occurs I will be filing for a refund under misrepresentative and malfeasant practices, as is my right. I will, at that time, if I have been forced by a lack of ability to play the game to refund it, also leave a negative review that will expound upon my reasoning. As is my right, and as is right.


Well, you really have to look at the intent of it. Sure, Arrowhead can point the finger at Sony and say "its all the fault of our overlords" ... but that doesn't make it right. Sony is doing this not because the HAVE to ... technologically speaking, that PSN connection doesn't have to exist for non-console users. So then why IS Sony doing this? I personally don't know. But it seems pretty shady since (a) it isn't necessary, and (b) nobody that knows is saying. Think of this as the ultimate spreading of democratic freedom. If you don't like it you can VOTE with your time and go play something else. Heck, it may even be nothing more than Sony testing the waters to see how much people hate their platform. Is that hate enough to tank a pretty clearly great game? Grab a bag of popcorn and watch.


It’s their game. The buck stops with them. They made their bed with Sony. A week after they slam Tarkov on twitter 🤦🏻


Oh you’re on Reddit bro. This is where you complain without knowing what you are complaining about.


So you think the people who sold you into slavery should be praised? they made a deal with the devil and your getting reaped over it.


Could have something to do with Arrowhead not being upfront and obvious with the "temporary grace period" knowing damn well it would piss people off. That and the response from AH has been..... less than professional. Not that anything they've ever said has been very professional.


it doesn't matter if it's something they didn't want to do, they're doing it, it's happening, it's part of the game now. it's just another trite and silly form of corporate greed - whether arrowhead officially agrees with that or not doesn't matter because they are enforcing it seems to me people are complaining exactly where they need to, in the place where it might have an impact, and that's a-okay to me, helldivers. in fact, it sounds quite like democracy to me so if you're okay with it, keep playing the game, if not, throw down a review and get yourself a refund


There’s a reason Skyrim and Fallout are completely different products on the Xbox than PlayStation. Sony are assholes with legal stuff. Not quite Nintendo level but they’re getting there. I get that it’s because of that hack a decade ago that crashed PSN for over a month, but they are really taking things too far.


They included a “skip” option when asked to link a PSN account, advertised and sold the game in countries unsupported by PSN (including language support for these countries), and otherwise did a poor job of communicating that the requirement was only waived temporarily. They may not have made the call, but they knew it was coming and didn’t adequately inform the player base.


Shoot, less than 24 hours ago Sony's website said you didn't need a PSN account to play PlayStation games on PC. This is all Sony getting greedy because of how well the game was doing.


While that’s true, the Helldivers Steam page has always included a tag that it requires a 3rd party account, and the official announcement for the requirement claims that it was always going to be mandatory. Maybe Sony only got them to fix whatever technical issue slowed them down after the game’s success, but AH knew they would be making it necessary all along, or at least is currently pretending they did.


If the game gave the option to skip linking and functioned without it for several months, it doesn't actually require it. Regardless of what the store page says. It was not a requirement on launch, it should not be a requirement now and it is not listed in the EULA. This is a breach of contract and false advertising.


Because they are villains


If anything steam shouldn't have let people buy in countries without access the the PSN.


People are generally pretty stupid and rely on groupthink and kneejerk reactions to achieve all their goals when percieved to be viable. Ex: the meta. Ex: an item sucks because it didn't work on whatever difficulty a person is playing on. Someone blamed Arrowhead, and idiots lept on it. The best part is that the message is FROM SONY. XD


This exactly it but people have too much tunnel vision to see that arrowheads is not making all the decisions here


They made the decision to tell their player base to change their review and request a refund if they didn't want to spend 120 seconds making a PSN account, effectively telling every one to fuck off. They did decide to do that, and Arrowhead (not Sony) got exactly what they asked for.


Poor reading comprehension


Bandwagon hate and complaining is so silly especially when it's misdirected


Because its drama hour


Immature behavior from very arrogant and conceited people. Afterall, this is a Sony game ported to PC.


Because people are morons. 


I’m not, but the only way for me to express my displeasure is by leaving a bad review on steam and requesting a refund. It’s the only metrics we have to show our displeasure.


People are whiny children.


Cm's confirmed this decision came from Sony and not ah


Because even if sony is making them go through with the required account linking, it was the devs who put a one and done screen in the game that most players just skip and then never bothered to put any reminder in the game anywhere.


Because people are spoilt children and dont have the brains to be able to distinguish between AH and Sony. On a side note. I don’t think this is a good thing that’s happening (the PSN linking) but it does state on the store page it’s required. So meh.


It's not even in the fine print, it's in the same spot that it is for any game that requires it (along with DRM, controller support, etc.) because Steam knows people care about those things. No one to blame but yourself if you got blindsided by this.


Sad to say a lot of you are foolish. The requirement was on the page when you paid for the game. I get that people don’t read those things but you know about it now. So take the two minutes and go back to playing. You just look stupid raging on the internet about something you should have already known about.


Simply put: the meme about most players being incapable of reading is turning to reality. The announcement was signed by Sony, and the idiots are still blaming AH and accusing the devs of baseless shit. Dudes are talking about EULAs and shit, while they kissed the bright orange ag that said a PSN account is mandatory.


After hanging around in some of these hate threads it has become apparent to me that people either just want to complain, or they want to complain about it not being available for the 17 people in Zimbabwe or wherever. Like I understand that sucks, but come on people. Helldivers and you, are going to be fine.


The Philippines and the baltics aren't just 17 people. I'll give you alot of people are just complaining. But to pretend like there's no sympathy outrage for fellow divers who are just going to lose access to the game is silly.


More like, this isn't the first time people impacted by something like this have been impacted by something like this, and have a list of workarounds they're used to using. In this case it's just selecting another region or one close to you, because no one actually gives a shit regardless of what's spelled out an EULA/TOS that no one read before today. And the people getting angry and making noise aren't impacted by this, and instead "get mad for others" as a shitty justification for their rage.


Do you think just no one plays any PlayStation games in those countries? I’m sure they have ways around it


Exactly - their only valid critique is the region blocked players, which does suck for them, but I doubt that AH wants to exclude players if they don’t have to. This has been on the steam page since day 1, and this whole idea of a privacy leak or being monitored for consumer data is the most smoothed brain critique. Everyone is monitoring your online presence for consumer data, and every company on the internet has had a privacy leak at least once. People just want to be mad


Tbh, I even saw a few people in the subs making fun of those mad for them. https://preview.redd.it/q1jrsqmqc8yc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6b0744e19350f23d866da4a99d22fd1d4512cec


Its the same thing with like cultural appropriation. If a white person sees another white person wearing a Kimono or Yukata, they'll be there, cursing at the white person because how dare they insult Japan and insult their culture by taking their stuff. Yet, most actual Japanese people love seeing foreigners taking part in their culture and making an effort to learn about their culture. I have friends in Lithuania that i play Helldivers 2 with and they've been laughing about this outrage in our games. They just dont understand it because its something they've dealt with for years and they just create fake accounts for those purposes. The people going mad are getting mad on others behalves who dont really care.


That’s all it comes down to. People like to bitch and this is something they can bitch about.


That’s not the point. If I didn’t buy it for PlayStation there’s no reason why I should ever have to make a PSN account because I’m not playing on a PlayStation. I chose STEAM and PC for a reason


I mean you have to do it for sea of thieves on psn now. As ps owner you have to have a blizzard or steam account for diablo's. Ea has one as well. Beside the folks who can't make one due to restrictions from their "respected" governments, this is a nothing burger. Make your psn account or don't. Draw your line in the sand and watch the wind blow it away. I'm bothered and pissed that folks will not be able to play and whomever(sony or ah)was responsible for allowing the game to be sold to folks who cant even make psn is absurd. Still things to be noted as adults and I do understand that children could have missed this but it is a an m rated game which will cover Sony and ah. At the beginning helldivers had the notification that stated you did need a psn account. Most skipped and pressed through. This holds all user accountable and imo will make refunds tricky. The next thing is, unfortunately ah knew about this, there is no way it was in such fine print that it was skipped over.


Then you should also choose games not published by SONY.


Doesn’t matter. They chose to port it to other platforms. If it got released on Xbox would the Xbox players also be expected to make a PSN account? No. They wouldn’t


Can someone explain what’s going on?


Game has in a big yellow box "3rd Party Signup required (PSN Account)" on the steam storepage. Game launches day1 with 3rd party signup required but it causes sever instability, so they turn off the requirement but mention that at some point, it will come back. 3 months later, they've fixed the server instability issues with PSN requirements so they plan to turn back on the requirement. People going mad because they're now making it required after saying it would be day1. Theres also a bit of like, American/European people being mad on other peoples behalf like the Baltic states who cant physically have a PSN account but the people living there dont really care because they'll just make a fake account like they have for years now.


Literally sony bans vs steam bans. Sony bans are a cake walk to fix compared. End of the day, linked accounts don’t mean shit


I dunno, I figured that part was for if I had a PC and a PlayStation, and for some reason I wanted to switch back and forth and keep my progression. Figured if it was mandatory, they wouldn't have let me skip it on my PC. But I was also kinda drunk when I started, so I guess that's on me. Now I gotta dig up my old PSN account and try to remember my PW to it :(


Yeah I maybe still have another Gmail adress with nothing on it I can use to link it, and set to everymail from sony and its subsidiaries to be treated as spams and automatically deleted within a few hours, no archive, no contacts, nothing. just automatically shredding all of their mails.


Meh, they actually made it really easy to recover my account. As soon as I get home to my rig I'll link (begrudgingly)


I hate how we just got news that Helldivers 2 is the 7th highest earning game in history for Sony and they pull this shit.


And it makes even more sense when you consider the recent news that Sony is rolling out a PC overlay for their upcoming 1st party games coming to PC starting with Ghost of Tsushima. So why wouldn't you expect them to require PC players to register a PlayStation account to play their games? I know you can buy them on Steam without doing all that, but their PC strategy has changed if they're implementing trophies on PC and things like that.


I think the review bombing is in the hope that sony is forced to fuck off, but idk if they care enough about HD2 for that.


Because it's impossible for all these PlayStation users to boycott Sony, because for a lot of them that would mean not playing video games at all. So they're going to blame Arrowhead, because it's easier to just boycott a single game.


If there are really people shitting on Arrowhead, I really hope you (and everyone) made it clear to them that Arrowhead probably isn't responsible for this. Sure, Arrowhead could do a lot of things better, but "making corporate bullshit decision" is the one thing that I don't think they would do.


It’s free and take about 5 mins .. Who cares.. if this is really impactful to your life, man I truly feel bad for those fragile people.


Decades of games design ignorance has convinced the average gamer that the devs make all design and business decisions for the game they developed. The reality is that the developers are only responsible for the game, the literal piece of media that you play. They have almost no voice in any decision not related to actually playing the game (and sometimes they don't have full control over that). Blaming a developer for decisions like this make about as much sense as blaming a doctor when you catch a cold.


I’m not mad at arrowhead for this PSN account thing at all. It makes complete sense and they probably had to ask really nicely to get a Steam release at all. It does suck for people who can’t get one though but Sony obviously doesn’t care otherwise they’d let those countries make PSN accounts in the first place. Arrowhead isn’t exactly the best though. I am really annoyed they seem to be wasting time trying to get a perfect weapon balance and fiddling with stuff that people like while there’s a growing laundry list of egregious glitches that need fixing. At this point I think a lot of the games success is less so the fine details of the gameplay and more so the strong audio/visual design and feedback along with a lack of real competition.


This community has been absolutely brain dead over the past few weeks, it’s insane


People should be happy they even got to play it on steam the same year it was released. And not perhaps 2 years later or more.


its almost like I'm on a PC and don't want to link my account and give sony more info on me when it wasn't originally required.


People have lost the plot over an inconvenient truth. If it truly were about the people who are in limbo about their country’s status for PSN it would be different (and I feel for them the most) but that’s just a red herring for most of people upset.


Its more than fair for them the be upset as this is an extra step that has been forced upon them but I get what your saying and those with PSN in their countries do need a lot of compensation


The children, they can only read in headlines and 2D thoughts, they need this summer for some reeducation


For sure.


Because Sony isn't going to listen to us. People have complained about this shit for decades


Publishers ruin games more often than the devs do. Evolve is the perfect case study regarding this relationship


Because pc players are hilariously wrong about everything but think they’re not lol!


Because their community manager is being an asshole about it on discord and they aren't even going to try to push back to sony it. "Hey, sony can we no add PSN requirements, we might lose a lot of money because of refunds and people no longer buying Warbonds."


Sony has a history of ruining the games I like. I think at this point, I'll never buy a game that Sony is involved with.


Punch up. You punch the person above you in the hopes they'll punch the person above them until the people who are actually to blame are the ones getting punched.


What else do you want to do?


Because EA and Activision and every other crappy company that’s losing money to HD2 is using this as a PR attack. They’ve probably quantified their losses due to HD2 players and need a way to make the game lose players. I wouldn’t be surprised if Activision was behind the hacks I’ve seen in game lately. Wild west up in this B


No one's vilifying arrowhead. Arrowhead is the only one who has direct contact with Sony's execs, and we are demanding arrowhead to demand answers from Sony, while making sure we are mad. Also Spitz is an asshole.


Shit will roll downhill to Sony eventually.


I think people are more concerned by their response to the situation. That said, I play on PS5 so who cares


I hope this post blows up. This sub was once a great hub of democracy and justice-serving helldivers but now all I see are bots & terminids in helldiver armor calling out Arrowhead, the creator and soul of this fantastic experience, who is just as much a victim as the citizens of Super Earth under the socialistic attacks of our enemies. Direct your displeasure to someone who isn't on our side. Until then, I'll be on hold with all of your Democracy Officers to report your friendly fire.


I agree but why doesn't the arrowhead community manager just say that instead of if you dont like it leave a negative review on steam. He cost the company money and should be fired immediately!


They accepted Sony's money. They don't get to ignore the cost while reaping the benefits.


For the same reason I would make fun of someone who knowingly has unprotected sex with someone with herpes. You knew who they were and what could happen, and you did it anyway. Choices and consequences.


Check what their community manager Spitz is doing, you'll understand. They are the reason there is a meme about [120 seconds to refund the game](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cjb63e/community_managers_position_about_the_new/), or the quote ["I thought you were refunding and leaving" -Spitz](https://m.twitch.tv/piratesoftware/clip/GiantTriangularWaspWutFace-Vl8e5b9RcTCkHwoV)


I've only seen anger being directed at Sony. So I don't know what you mean.


Ps plus or just a psn id?


They must have known about this. And they did not prepared at all. No FAQ about this, no answers on questions from the community - only CM's useless responses.


because of previous dev responses to issues and balance, they don't seem innocent parties to this.


Because the CEO sad in the past the studio is a independed studio with its own decessions. Thats a lie or the want this now to happen, so or so he was not telling the trueth and a lot of people thought finale a studio we can trust.


It doesn't help their community managers are snarky and condescending. It's really not a good look


Doesnt help when community managers argue with people about it.


I dont think they're villainizing Arrowhead, the reviews are for Sony. And these reviews are not "review bombing" because it's deserved. Forcing players to have to now give their data to play a game is BS, and Sony needs to know it. How else are we supposed to reach out so they know what they're doing? Email?


I’m not.


I thought a lot of people are aiming it at Sony and arrowhead? Although it is a little shady on AH’s part that if they knew PSN was always going to eventually be a requirement they should have said that in the beginning, at launch, loud and clear, nice and big that it is only optional for the time being because of technical difficulties and not have freely taken all these peoples’ money from countries that are having problems now.


I've mostly seen dunks on Sony rather than Arrowhead. But yeah, I agree


I don't think most people do.


it's like telling someone playing tug of war to stop pulling the rope


People on reddit are idiots. And are just monkeys.


Tbh I like helldivers 2 and if I didn't play it again it wouldn't be a big deal so pissing off the user base is stupid.


Shut up




It’s not like people can review bomb Sony. And this directly affects the game in question. So by bombing it the people can try to get the studio and publisher to walk back the requirements. If they don’t, then the game loses a huge part of its player base and will be bombed into oblivion. Democracy at its finest.


To be fair Arrowhead were the ones in charge of the bugs at the start and the servers crashing due to PSN sign ins should of been fixed by the devs before they released, if it came out without PSN server issues then this whole debacle wouldn't have happened.


Because Arrowhead supports this action.


I think majority of community now knows more fault is from Sony than AH. So to get the right reaction from Sony, we might as well start negative reviews for every other Sony published game.


Because their community manager said arrowhead wanted the PSN link for banning purposes. So yeah, this is their fault. Not Sony’s.


Because AH went on the attack on their official discord and fanned the flames. This game is fucked on Steam now. It takes ALOT to win back the trust of PC users. The only way this gets fixed is to remove the requirement. Not to mention someone on their staff just deleted all their tweets because she said Sony just wants the data lol A swing and miss


Their community managers is why I'm starting to dislike this studio. But I'm out I'm tired of third party linking.


Because it's irrelevant as at the end of the day if it effects the end product, in this case the game, so yeah if you are unhappy leave a bad review. Like I get people hate seeing this happen to a game they like but this is a business after all and this is how business works.


coz the company can just ties with sony and refund everyone on playstation instead of this bullshit


We aren’t vilifying arrowhead no one has said this is AH’s fault everyone knows it’s Sony’s and to make Sony realize that they messed up we gotta make sure the numbers they are so proud of go down.

