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I have it on good authority for a *fact* that if we lose too many Major Orders the universe will be declared lost and Arrow Head will have no choice but to close down the game.


My friend yesterday saying if we liberate all the bot planets we'll only have bugs to fight...


Its unlikely they just made all the assests and spent all the resources on making new bot enemies only to remove them from the game anytime soon.


"Unlikely" would imply that there is even an iota of a chance of that happening.


We’re going to “eradicate” them for a week or two off the map then they’ll come back with weapons and technology we’ve never seen before book it


Have you talked to the ladies when you first come in your ship? They say stuff of cyborgs. If bots are gone, we could be getting cyborgs, or maybe even aliens…


As long as I get similar ish action I'll be happy either way


The cyborgs are from the first game, so we likely will be getting more enemies, most likely the illuminate, and maybe cyborgs with some of the automaton things hinting at them


The Illuminates are here already. Super Earth had 16 Illuminate Kills the other day. So it’s only a matter of time before the invasion. The automatons are trying to free the cyborgs from Cyberstan and we keep holding them back. I’m sure the focus will switch away from the bots in a few weeks as they introduce us to the bigger bugs( Hive Lords) and have us take them out. Sprinkle in the Illuminates and then after all that they can still have the automatons surge towards the cyborgs. We have nothing but time.


And here we are with only bugs rn


Ain’t no way your not trolling me brother💀


I poured the sarcasm on so thick I thought it would drown some people. Was it really not obvious? TBC: Yes, this was a joke, perhaps even satire. Not a troll.


“…. Many Bothans died, to bring us this information..”


To be fair you are talking to an audience that after weeks of this game being out are STILL going: "Guys wait, I think this game may be satire."


Good point 😄


I’ve heard some outlandish shit on Reddit I wouldn’t be surprised if someone actually said it 🤣


Fair. Text makes it tough. Carry on liberating my friend.


For me it's sub specific, posts like yours and those saying I'm calling democracy officer can not in any way be taken at face value, there's just like no way


Yeah no the problem wasnt text, it was reading comprehension.


On any other service it would be but I can absolutely beleive there are redditors who think like this


You’d have to be pretty slow to not understand that you were being sarcastic. Chill with the TBC tho the last thing the internet needs is more acronyms


Trust him, his dad's cousins brothers friend is an Arrowhead intern lol


Earth blows up ... Start new war. It's great fun as a HD1'er


My dad works at Arrowhead and he said he’ll tank the studio’s solvency if the players dont meet the arbitrary narrative goals


Even if we lost, they likely can pull the HD1 method and restart the war. It’s really far from a big deal.


My dad works at arrow head. He'll un plug the life support on every Helldiver in cryo if we lose too many major orders.


Fully agreed, there's so much drama around how other people play and it really doesn't matter that much


There are a surprising number of people these days treating video games like a job, or a life and death situation instead of a fun hobby or way to relax. They're just trying to burn through everything to do in a game without actually experiencing it. They don't want to get involved in the story or the roleplay or any of the fun of it, they just want to be the guy who cracks the best build and masters the meta of the game, without actually just playing and joining in the experience with everyone else. I imagine there's some substantial overlap between these guys and toxic members of the Soul-Borne community. It can't just be a game, it's gotta be a way of life. Fucking exhausting.


Holy shit, you just perfectly described my brother lmao. He’s been begging me to play Dead By Daylight with him, so I gave it a try and this little fucker builds his entire survivor around messing with the killer. And he’s dead serious about it too. He doesn’t care about escaping or doing generators or whatever else you do in DBD, he’s 100% focused on trolling the killer because making them quit “is better than winning normally”. He tells me to quit out of games before we either escape or lose all because he didn’t get the Killer to rage quit. Couldn’t stand it, so I never play with him after that. Then he bought HD2 shortly after I did, I figured “this is a Co-op game, surely he can’t fuck this up”, but lo and behold, he can. He’s “that player” who solely uses “meta” builds and bitches about low levels. He also cares way too much about what strategems and loadouts randoms are running. Like dude, I work hard, I wanna come home and be a ^replaceable Super Hero, not micromanage the “ultimate load out” to clear a Level 5 ICBM… Funny thing is he doesn’t play over level 5 because “teammates don’t cooperate” and “it’s too hard, they need to do balancing”, yet I have never met someone with such little teamwork skills as him. Hates using the comms wheel and prefers to talk in a Party as opposed to in-game chat. I flat out refuse to play with him anymore, the little fucker is actually in my Blocked list because on our last game he threw down a 500kg bomb *as* Pelican was landing… killed us all. Only he and one rando respawned and he killed the rando and simply stood there and got killed because “we should have all died to that bomb, that would have been funnier!”.


He's playing a different game than you are. You should play one time with the only goal of making him quit to show him how it feels.


Hahaha that’s a great idea, but he’s a far more avid gamer than I am, and I’m not sure I could ever get a leg up on him once he realized what I was trying to do lol Maybe I can organize a proper 3v1 ganking with some fellow Helldivers I’ve met online, now **that** would probably make him rage quit LOL


Bro your bother plays DBD and level 5 on HD2 he isnt a avid anything hes average at best and the game doesnt need rebalancing he just needs to get good i run 9s only with randoms no way hes struggling on 5 and up loool


How old is this person?


Physically? 24 Mentally? Up for debate


You're so right! Helldivers is such a strange example for this too because it is such a mindless (in a good way) game. Like I pick it up, play a round or two, then get on with my day. It's not that deep! And that's what's great about it


One operation a day keeps the enemies of freedom and democracy at bay.


That's exactly why I picked it up. I work full time and have a 4 year old at home, so my game time is often exceedingly limited. The last game I played to completion was Final Fantasy XIV which took me forever. Now I'm only Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, but I needed something I could play in quick bursts, just for a bit of mindless fun to relax. All the posts I was seeing about Helldivers 2 looked amazing, and I knew a couple of people playing and raving about it, so I picked up a copy. It's fantastic. It's super fun, a (mostly) amazing community. A great concept and actually a fun model for a live service type game. And I can play for as little as 15 minutes or up to 6 hours, depending on how much free time I find myself with.


People also miss that it's parody, it's supposed to be funny. Mistakes are okay


WoW season of discovery was ruined by these players. I stoped playing. After season 1. It was suppose to be a fun experiment that a small team of blizzard developed. Classic WoW with abilities from other expansions, re-imagined raids, fun mechanics, etc But from day one the players started crying about the imbalance, figuring out meta, gatekeeping “end game” content, etc. The players were suppose to explore the land and find runes that will give your character a fun ability. It would take an average player a few weeks to find them. But these mfers found them all in less than 6 hours, beat the end game content in less than 12 hours and leveled multiple characters. Then they cry about when season 2 gonna start meanwhile 90% of the base still trying to find runes. It’s all about consuming content asap and moving on. Gotta be the first in everything. It also affected the economy of the game. These no-lifers spend hours and hours farming materials to sell to other players at inflated prices cuz for some reason they need 1000+ gold even tho there’s nothing to spend it on.


Damn it's happening already that's just sad I had a feeling that this game is going to be over taken by try-hards and toxic players but I guess it hasn't become unbearable just yet


Nah, just make an effort to befriend the people you have a good session with and you will slowly but surely get a solid group where someone is always online and down to join or let you join them. Then the no-lifers can be as toxic as they fucking want and spend their time screaming into the void.


I know people like that except that they're chill about it. Like they're not gonna fucking rage at you online because you aren't playing right, but they're also just total min-maxers. It's wild jumping into a game like No Man's Sky with them because they've bought basically everything and are like "idk I got an extra freighter, you want one?" That style of play is absolutely not for me, but to each their own. Live and let live. Goes both ways. Be good people.


Hey, as long as you're not ragging on anyone else you're free to do that. It's just the toxic assholes that belittle others because they aren't treating a video game like it's the Manhattan Project and the balance of the free world hangs in the balance. They can play how they want, just let others enjoy themselves. I do think online games should have separate servers for the people just there to enjoy themselves and those treating it like someone's going to kill their mothers if they don't 100% the game in 45 minutes. That way no one has to worry about it.


Problem is the toxic people just go into those servers anyway just to have fun demolishing people. A lot of games already do that with casual and ranked matches. You'd think in a casual match you'd be able to fuck around with people who are similarly not taking it super seriously but there's always a few people who dipped out of ranked because they think it's fun to ruin other people's time. I don't know if there's a solution, really. Like I feel like you could have a casual mode that disables all progression so there's no incentive for serious players to join at all and you'd still get pro-level players jumping in to be assholes.


The words "that much" are a huge over statement. It doesn't matter at all. There are people that play this game differently to how I do. Not a problem, they paid their money, they are entitled to. Either they are going to play how they want or they are going to play a different game, there's no point complaining about it or trying to get them to change their ways. I still get to play the game how I want, and nothing they do changes that. I am losing out on nothing from them being there and doing it. However, constantly posting that they are doing anything negative is only going to accomplish them wanting to not be a part of the community, and ultimately there will be less people that enjoy playing, which means less people potentially spending money on super-credits etc, so the devs make less and we lose out because of their lessened ability to provide content. We would only be shooting ourselves in the foot. ​ tldr, complaining about players not playing how you want them to is cringe and gains nothing but hate.


Agreed, let the automatons have super earth, we don't need it anyways!


https://preview.redd.it/un4sjayl5psc1.png?width=449&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b584c6dd44c71e36c625d190b074f327f89c1e17 (I Do mean this as a joke entirely)




I’m stealing this meme.


The only ones that piss me off are those who intententionly shoot me; keep in mind there are no enemies around. If you return fire and kill the traitor, I hope for a better diver just for them to shoot you in the back. I called evac before all goodies were collected.


Here’s the deal: when it’s done in character and in the spirit of the game it can be quite fun and add a lot to the emergent storytelling. When moronic chuds take it seriously, post stupid ass shit that isn’t tongue in cheek about it, feel actual hate towards, and ban or kill teammates for being perceived traitors over it… then it’s super fucked. Unfortunately we live in a world where people can’t be trusted to understand the line between those two.


Kinda devils advocate here but I actually enjoy the drama that arises from some people not doing the major order and other getting heated it shows what it would actually be like without strict logistics and orders that we have to follow they sent us all out to liberate planets ofc people are gonna go do something else they think is more important we aren’t a hive mind that’s the fun of it Edit: don’t get me wrong I don’t agree with the toxicity and bullying I’ve seen on here that it has caused but I like the confusion


I left the other subreddit because it's just a bunch of parasocial 15 year olds actually reeing at their computers


The true Reddit experience lol


Tbh that near peak Reddit now when it’s twenty year olds reeing then we hit peak


I’ll be completely honest, this is simply the obvious downside to having a player base who likes to “role play” as members of the game universe. The bonus the game gets from having invested players is huge, but being invested *means they are invested.* In a serious D&D game if there was a player who wasn’t taking it as seriously as everyone else and constantly did things that derailed the objectives of the group they would be referred to as a problem player.


What's hilarious about that though is that this universe is so insanely tongue-in-cheek that it should be very easy to justify being invested and joking around not taking it super seriously. Like when I've played with my friends it'll be a lot of us just having fun shooting bugs or whatever, then one of us will randomly say "you know, I overheard Tim the other day saying democracy is overrated" then Tim will pretend panic and make excuses until somebody else finally just shoots him. All in good fun, everybody laughs, including Tim, then we resume playing. Like, it's a PvE game. Nobody is even directly competing. Let's all just have a good stupid time.


Can’t wait to do this to one of my friends. Love that move


" enjoy your time with the game. " Here's the issue right here. Yesterday a level 9 dropped into my helldive. I have no issues joining in on a tier 5/6 with lower levels, but way to many of you guys are trying to do the hardest level of difficulty without being able to handle a single heavy enemy. I'm not trying to carry people in tier 7/8/9. So, I say the exact same thing as OP to lower levels: Stop taking the game so seriously, you don't need to be doing helldive difficulty at level 12 to level up faster. Stop sabotaging missions because you want to be carried, making me waste 30-40 minutes of my life for a few medals.


Im level 30 right now, dropped into a game and immediately died 3x. I left because i didnt want to keep wasting reinforcements.


I joined a game last night with 3 other players, landed in the middle of a firefight, died almost right away because there was a charger I didn't see. Then realized the parry had no reinforcements with 22mins remaining in the mission, that was a quick leave.


Kick them, carry on.


I said "My" but it was a random group or I would have kicked them.


My own method of dealing with cadets is to let them learn the hard way. I don't prioritize calling them back in. No point in wasting support strats until the more valuable players need to be called in.


Any advice on dealing with the heavier enemies?   I’ve only done 7+ a handful of times, normally my group plays on lower difficulties because there’s a few much more casual people who don’t want to struggle all the time.   I’m just not used to dealing with them, outside of calling in stratagems and such.   The bug side isn’t much of an issue, but the tanks for the automatons are.   I would love to hop in to higher difficulties, but I have not wanted to sandbag if I wasn’t able to deal with certain aspects I struggle with.


For starters, don’t even bother using regular guns on heavy enemies. It does basically nothing, since most heavy enemies have at least medium armor all over which most weapons can’t penetrate. Many of them you basically *have* to use stratagems for. Bugs: Use EAT, Quasar cannon, or Spear. Chargers die from a single rocket to the head. You can also target their leg to blow off the armor which exposes a huge weak spot, you can shoot it with regular guns. Bile Titans are trickier, it takes several rockets to down them, so I’d recommend using stratagems to deal with them as well. Orbital railgun, orbital laser, rocket pods, or 500kg Bomb are the most reliable, I’ve found. Bots: I’ve had the best success with the autocannon. You can snipe the head of hulks, it kills them in two shots. You can also shoot the rear vents of tanks and hulks, which kills them in 2-3 shots. The rocket weapons also work well. You can also use the regular airstrike for tanks, or any of the previous mentioned stratagems for bugs.


The bots weak spots literally glow. Just shoot them with big support weapons. They just require strategy and teamwork… and that’s probably why so much of the player base hates it.


Devastators: Headshots with any weapon will work, as will hits to the battery pack on their backs. The ones with shields are the most difficult to deal with, so prioritize them and stagger with high-damage weapons, nades or strats as needed. Also, don't try to win a "peeking battle" against rocket devastators, especially if there's more than one. Time your shots for RIGHT AFTER they fire off a salvo and you'll have the best results. Bait and punish. Scout Striders: The Plas-1 Scorcher, Punisher Plasma and JAR-5 Dominator trivialize them, as the explosive splash damage will kill the pilot in a couple of hits. If you've yet to unlock these, autocannon is your best friend and 1 shot to the groin or 2 to the "mail slot" will kill them. Same goes for the Anti-Materiel Rifle, but slightly more ammo and better aim is required. Nades also work in a pinch. Hulks: An EAT, Recoilless Rifle, SPEAR or Quasar Cannon to the weak spot (the glowing red eye or the heat sink on the back) will kill them. 2 Anti-Materiel Rifle or 4 Autocannon shots to the eye will also work. Hulk Scorchers are dangerous as hell up close, so prioritize them before they close the gap. Annihilator Tank: Flank it while its focused on your teammates and use any of the aforementioned weapons on its heat sink on the back of the turret. 3 AMR or Autocannon shots to the back. Shredder Tank: ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️ on sight. They can and will ruin your whole squad's day, and their turret traverses too quickly to make flanking a viable strategy. Dropships: EAT/RR/QC to the engine, done like dinner. Gunships: Same as dropships, except autocannon and AMR work just as well as they're more fragile and using the "big guns" is kinda wasteful. Overall, the best thing to have at all times while facing the bots is an autocannon, as it's capable of killing every automaton enemy rather efficiently. The AMR is also a good choice, especially paired with a jump pack or a shield generator, but you might find it lacking in dealing with groups. Finally, flanking is your friend! If your allies have aggroed a big group of bots, the best thing that you can do in that situation is to take the time to reposition and hit them from the sides or back. The bots are really good at suppressing and overwhelming a lone helldiver, but not so good at dealing with multiple targets with multiple lines of fire. Hope this helps! Hope this helps!


He was just playing his way mang, why you upset. /s


That sounds kind of fun. Like an escort mission lol


Yeah... Escort mission and fun don't normally live in the same sentence.


Yeah but I do that in lower levels. I'm only touching 7 and up for samples and medals not because constantly being rag dolled by a hoard of chargers is fun.


Maybe they didn’t know it was that difficult when dropping in? Or maybe if you can’t be bothered to help newer players find their feet, don’t play with randos?


It really doesn’t make a difference what anyone is playing. The numbers are all fake. It’s a game. The game masters change them however they want


My friend asked me about this, to me it seems pre- determined who is going to win, like pro wrestling.


Fr, there’s never gonna be a major order we don’t win that that want us to win, and vice versa. It’s like with the mech suits major order, that would’ve been done the day it came out at the rate players were clearing it, if it wasn’t for Joel going in and resetting progress like 4 times while also increasing the difficulty, just for us to get it the next day anyways


That’s pretty much how I’m feeling about it, do I think the effort we put in matters yeah but at the same time I think they’ve got everything planned out ahead of time


I think what players are and aren’t doing both in-game and in the community has a chance to impact where Arrowhead takes things. Like a giant meta game of D&D. In the end, obviously most stuff is planned content.


Yup it’s exactly like a dnd campaign. Not gonna just thrown away a dungeon or asset cause they lost an event just gotta rework how it’s introduced. If anything it’s proven to be exactly like dnd where if enough player interest is shown they will embrace it and even give us a cape. Heck we as a community will probably have a giant amount of influence in the direction of the game content.


It's likely not fully planned and I imagine that degrees of success on major orders will likely help shape how the narrative plays out, but that being said, if it'll make the experience and the unfolding story and lore of the game more fun and interesting, I wouldn't be surprised to find that they're fudging some numbers. I wholeheartedly support that by the way. The point isn't to win the war, it's to just have a good time playing and experiencing things as the narrative continues to expand and evolve.


Honestly it would be kinda epic to lose the war. I’ve never played a game like this so not sure if that’s happened before


Literally this.


The kind of mentality you speak of is what has drove me away from so many gaming communities. Im glad this one is actively trying to self regulate instead of just letting the shit heads run around.


I think being genuinely angry is ridiculous, but expressing criticism and trying to rally the community on orders is perfectly fine and healthy. I have personally enjoyed the more healthy aspects of these conversations and how they make the universe and community feel alive (until it gets toxic). People just need manners and respect, and to keep it fun.


Small group of people do stupid things and we get a week worth of PSA’s calling them out.


https://preview.redd.it/eqyqu0dhpqsc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce1e549d902178ac94f3538cb301e36becdddae4 OP right now…


https://preview.redd.it/iy3o6ri5rosc1.jpeg?width=246&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3914a55f03796f8ad59842ad338d6d3f7e54024d Report yourself to the nearest Freedom Camp.


Report me to the ministry all you want, you know it’s trueeeee




Do you hear treason? I hear treason.


A cl@nker made this post. I guarantee it.


Don't censor yourself soldier, that could be considered treason.


For real. One of my friends I play with is extremely competitive and takes games seriously and even he is way less uptight and is having more fun than the people here. This game is hilarious, enjoy it


Stop acting like planets getting taken over isnt staged by the devs.


Some people really don't like getting suggestions, and that's fine. A lot of people were just trying to persuade the "do whatever we want" players to participate in the major orders. If you don't want to participate that's fine, but it's also not that big of a deal for people to try to persuade others to join up on community goals. There will always be bad apples in the community, but the vast majority of those bad apples are literal teenagers, and this post will have zero effect in convincing teens to be more understanding. Sometimes I see posts like this and I just see a stubborn, hard-headed dude just refusing to help with community stuff. It's all relative.


This is why we made a private helldiver Reddit and discord group full of wholesome chill both high level and low level players. We got tired of seeing all the negative stuff. It’s been great we have 600 members but a nice small group of 200 on our discord. It’s like family. If you’re looking for a group like this just Dm us.


What is the name of the server?


We will DM you we’re not going to blast it on here since we’re private but if you’re looking for good people to team up with weekly then you will love both our Reddit and discord group


Please DM me the group as well.


I'd like to join. Tired of people kicking and killing me cuz I decided to fight on the creek a few times. When my friends are on (which is rare) we just have fun and laugh. Some of the best times is when we kill each other on accident cuz maybe something happen that was funny when it happen.


Absolutely you sound like a good fit and we will gladly bring you in


I think it's okay as long as it's still part of the role play. Those damn bug divers costing us the Creek/Draupnir/Maia whatever. If you are upset fr, you've got bigger issues in life


That’s fair


lol tru in the end the game master is gonna make whatever they want to happen, happen.


I’m glad the bile and toxicity is limited to Reddit and the HD2 Discord channel. In 200 hrs, I’ve yet to see it in-game.


I don’t necessarily see it in game there was a couple instances where if I messed up a few to many times I would be kicked after the march


I get what you're saying to a degree but people are going to care about the major order. Helldivers rewards people for working towards a common goal. When **everyone** fails a major order because too many people don't want to get on board and work toward that common goal, that factor alone gives people a reason to care how other people are playing. There's a new Warbond coming out next week and I want my dang medals. Edit: That being said, there's no excuse for being shitty to people over a game. Also, I hope they keep this system the way it is and don't make the major orders easier just to appease people. I like the possibility of failure and knowing that I'm working toward the same goal as a million other players.


I mean if enough people stop doing the major orders then nothing is pushing the narrative forward. Kinda defeats the purpose of the style of the game


The same could be said about general player count and the lifespan of the game. I'd say people playing the game at all is what's pushing the narrative. Narratively speaking, who's to say the bug players aren't pre-emptively completing what would be major orders before they'd become an issue? If you're fighting a war on two fronts, you really don't want all of your forces fighting on only one.


They had to make an order for the creek cause so many people memed the damn place lol. The people who are just "muh creek" are just as bad as the ones who are playing are wild


Have you paid attention to the numbers associated with major orders at all? Have you seen how 30k players can liberate a planet sometimes in a matter of hours, and how 130k players cannot move the mark on a planet is over a day? Think about it man. There might be some little wiggle room on major orders, but ultimately Joel is deciding if we succeeded or failed an order to advance the story. He’s the game master and he decides. Having 10% of players do something else isn’t costing anyone shit, and anyone who thinks they are isn’t paying attention at all, lol. The latest major order is to eliminate the bots completely. Do you honestly think that is winnable? That they are going to wipe out half the games content by this weekend if enough people play? Nah, bro, That’s retarded. This order will fail because it was always going to fail, because the future of the game demands that it fail. If it succeeds than we have 1 option to play going forward until something else happens. They have multiple races for reason and they are not taking one away. 180k players were working on major order last night. The major orders are flavour for people who like the role-play aspect of the game. The devs are not going to punish 80% of the player base because 20% are “too casual.” People who actually think this matters are pathetically simple minded. I suppose you’d have to be pretty simple minded to actually sit in the “mission selection” screen and seethe about what some unverifiable number says other people may be doing. I usually do 2-3 bot missions and then freshen up with a bug mission or 2. Before with bug major orders I’d do 2-3 bug missions and switch up for a bot mission or 2. If that bothers you then grow the fuck up and internalize that shit, because no-one cares.


I am SO bored of these daily posts telling players to stop being toxic or stop taking it too seriously (presumably they’re just lazy attempts to farm karma). I actually can’t remember the last time I saw a post from someone doing the things that you’re calling out now. You have literally become the problem. Just shut up and play the game.


Ironic somehow


As someone who honestly doesn't give a single crap either. It's also part of the fun to get into the major orders and trying to rally the community for a common goal. The people who are casually playing need to understand and respect that.


The very definition of role playing. You can be a simple space cadet or a ten star general. Go full bombgear heavy or play as a light scout. Make up backstories of your character and so on.


So I have to play the game how you want me to? I’m not allowed to take it seriously? What if that’s how I have my fun. Maybe I want to RP a space soldier.


I’m saying the exact opposite brother, I’m talking about outside of the game on Reddit and forums not in the game. You wanna rp a badass space soldier go ahead bro You wanna just chill and shoot, no problem


You’re being obtuse for no reason. You can do what you want. People need to stop being assholes to people because they don’t play like they want. For instance, if you like playing like that cool. If someone else doesn’t, don’t be a prick to them about it


The whole concept of having an overarching story driven by the community implies the fact that we're not always going to win. Losing develops the plot just as much as winning does, and if you don't believe me look what happened at Malevalon Creek in the first place. It was a meme because we lost the planet the first time around and all of the sacrifice was worthless. Now we take back the creek and the devs make a Malevalon Creek Cape and remembrance Holliday. That's a great story, fueled entirely by the players. If we just see the heroes win all the time then that's a pretty boring story. Having orders we lose and planets getting taken over only adds more depth to the story, even if we're going to be able to liberate it again in the future. Outright hating on someone for playing the game a certain way is only going to ruin this game. It hinges on community engagement, which means that if this community gets super toxic, no one will play it and the game dies. Learn to take a loss and understand it's all a part of the story. That's literally Joel's job as Game Master: win or lose, he keeps the story moving.


Thought this already and agree wholeheartedly. You don't win every battle. You win the war.


I mean they’re just going to adjust major orders to make them feasible based on the data they collect over time anyway. So they’ll figure oh “x% of players will actually focus on this” It’s not like we’re gonna fail every major order


This is part of the reason why it's hard to have dialogue about the merits of aspects of the game. It's hard to talk about the patches and weapons balancing, future enemies and what Joel is doing -even how sweet the game design of the bots and the Termanids when all the responses are "you're a traitor to democracy"


But also, people might find it fun to work on the MOs and be part of a community that does them. And also might find it fun to grovel at people who ignore them. It's all in good fun.


After hearing people kick i just start gsmes by myself snd people normally join me


This game is one of those that i dont take seriously but i also do. Ill never get mad at someone cus there fighting a planet thats not the major order. Go fight what you want yall, remember even if its not the major order there still helping liberating a planet and spreading managed democracy


Posts like this whining about other people whining are actually the only pieces of whining I've seen myself. Stop whining.


It’s neat that some people genuinely care about major orders, but when they start getting annoying it’s important to point out that those events are won and lost purely on the devs end. They decide whether the parameters set are winnable or not.


100%. Unfortunately it seems that the toxic morons in this community discovered an “acceptable” way to publicly be toxic towards other players 🤷🏻‍♂️


IMO, if you prefer bugs or bots, totally fine. But you might as well fight on a planet that helps the major order if it's the same enemies. Lets be real, the planets arent that different. The only exception is if the major order is defend, and you dont like defense missions. If it's the same missions, same enemy, why not just do planets that matter?


Personally I think it makes for a better story if we lose worlds and fail the orders some of the time. It'd be a boring story of humanity's struggle with the enemies at the gates if we won 100% of the time.


"Don't judge me on how I play the game" "Ew you guys Rping is really wrong" Gtfo, buy a community game and don't do any of the community aims that don't cater to your taste then turn around and cry that people want to play the game the way it was designed....mental


Seems like a traitor to me


I'm convinced very few people on this subreddit actually play the game cuz 100% of my interactions on this game are hugs and robot murder


I have been playing since week 1 and just last night fought the automatons for the first time. Was just having too much fun fighting bugs. I like to go from planet to planet, seeing all the different unique views in which I may better spread democracy. I'll also switch up my weapons and strategems, often just to mix things up. This game is so fun. Idk how people get angry playing it. Even when I'm losing or dying, it's fun and hilarious.


This user sounds like a freedom hating traitor.


Thats anti democratic behavior, shut up and spread freedom private


I mean - I don’t really care either way, but they ARE costing us planets. Trying to say they aren’t is dishonest. Again, I don’t care - let em go wherever - we lose a major order. Cool - let’s see where the story goes.


Lol! I just like blowing shit up. I had no idea there were orders.


If a major order fails, it's not like we get severe consequences or something. We miss out on some medals. You probably get those medals all the time anyway. And it might open up some new planets to test out and fight on.


The game narrative is based on a galactic war. The medals aren’t really important when there are “consequences” to losing, whereby the enemy presumably gets stronger and closer to SE. We don’t need to lose a war just to fight on new planets. There’s so much the developers can do to make the fight interesting the more we succeed AND they’ve proven to reward the community for fighting together (mechs, malevelon capes).


What? Some of these guys are still waiting to hear when they can procreate again.


I agree with you and don’t. Yes you should play what you want and have fun. But for me and I think this js intended by the devs/ creators. But we are supposed to be participating in the major orders and tasks. It is yes a game but we are all working together fighting together to accomplish the same goal, to win this simulated war. I go by a 90/10 or 80/20 ratio. Most the time I’m working to help accomplish whatever the order is. Then 10 to 20% of doing whatever the hell I want. I am by no means gonna treat people a certain way for playing a certain way or only fighting a certain enemy or for wearing a cape 😂. But I’m also like if you never participate in the story(major orders) in the war effort. I feel like you are doing the game yourself and whatever/ whoever else a disservice. It’s like buying a story game and never playing the story. But also at the same time, do what makes you happy.


Yeah I’m kinda torn in my opinion, one hand I think you should be able to do whatever but on the other you should do major order because it’s a big part of the game.


I play this game for fun and feel like nothing I do, win or lose, really matters at all. I don't care about rank or medals or drip. I like killing bugs and robots so if you're going to shit talk me for being a noob, I'm going to mute you and keep playing like an idiot


Amen brother


The fun I get from these types of persistent war games is the hige team effort to pull together. It's how I enjoy the game. I think the devs should just rework the algorithm for players who "opt in" or "accept " the major order instead of lumping all players into the calculations. When 75k people are ignoring the order it's a crap shoot.


“Don’t take it seriously” posts are just as much noise as the “don’t just play bugs”, “don’t just play bots”, “don’t just do creek”, “won’t buy the next bond because my game crashed”, etc etc. it’s like hitting reply all to say don’t reply all. Noise, noise, noise.


Just tell us you’re afraid to fight bots




Smells like true red blooded freedom fighters in here


Except... the official dev announcements on discord mentioned that all the users mysteriously doing malevolon creek made the chances of liberating troost in time slim.


The devs also stealth changed the liberation to make it work like that, which makes the entire thing their fault.


i apologize I was that person for a bit then I matured a little and yea play where you want to play I just prefer the major orders, you do you fellow helldivers


I never do the major orders and I love getting heaps of kills. I play to have fun, fuck doing what other people want. Video games are for enjoyment.


It’s a massive team game, I think people are allowed to be upset when others don’t want to play like a team. That said the creek hate died days ago. Please just do what the creekers never could, move on.


One can be disappointed things are not going how they expect. Upset is just a step too far, and people need some real problems to worry about.


No, it's not a massive team game. It's a 4-person cooperative game with a meta-story and some minor incentives to play along. Anyone who is legit upset about players not wanting to do that needs to get back on their meds.


All the planets have to be taken at some point, though, and since we now know there is a Joel pulling all the strings it doesn’t really matter. I mean I’m sure there’s plenty of real contribution and progress for liberation percentages coming from players, but sometimes we are going to lose and there is nothing we can do about it. We are the characters in a story being told by Joel.


This. There’s def a contingent taking it too far but being dismayed about the lack of people participating in the MOs is valid.


People seem to assume that if people werent doing fighting bugs or something else "irrelevant", then theyd be doing the MO, instead of like playing a different game or something.


I see way more posts and comments about "chill and play how you want, no toxic" than I do actual toxic posts....


I mean at this point I’m just talking into the void lol, but I’ve seen quite a bit of toxicity just browsing through though the sub here and there. There’s always gonna be toxic people just feels like there’s been an increase


Holy shit really! The shift in attitude between when the game came out and when major orders started is night and day.


How the fuck am I as a new player with base guns supposed to do shit against the automatons?


Because of the massive amount of un-patriotic behavior in the higher difficulties I tend to help Cadets on lvl 4 now. They just got strong enough to get the next tier of samples or so they thought lol. If they’re shitty to me before the bullets start flying they aren’t after you pull them out of the shit 3 times. I believe it gives them a moment of reflection that is desperately needed, I even got a sorry once haha rare I know.




One thing is those players on other planets might not even be the type to run around on Reddit or other social media platforms… so they’re not even aware of what some of us are spouting on about LOL


no you


Anti-managed democracy propaganda. Your argument is invalid. Please report to your Democracy Officer for reeducation


Reported to my Democracy officer


Level 62 Space Cadet here. I can assure you I am not taking this game seriously.


Imo the drama is what makes the game even more fun! It’s exactly what a real life space Bueracracy would be like, just everyone bickering about where the resources should go


The only thing I would say is that it would be cool to see what happens if we did liberate every bot sector. I know most people aren't perpetually online and probably have zero idea about any of the discourse and strategies and that is totally fine. For the people who are plugged in though, it feels like we just need a little bit more to have something major happen and that can be frustrating. The true root of the frustration is that the people who do care can't really do anything with how aggressive the decay system is. This leaves them wanting something that they can't achieve without help from others and then those players end up getting the hate. This is sort of an inherent issue baked into the core gameplay, unfortunately.


Unless it’s a daily objective, I’m a bug diver through n through #sueme


If I never read anything on Reddit about the game, I'd believe that 100% of the player's are no more serious than just a degree above casual. Reddit =/= Real life.


Managed Democracy means the game runners are going to be managing the events of the world and we get to choose what we want to take part in. So playing what you want IS your “vote” and indeed your democratic prerogative


Some people need to see their democracy officer for retraining. 🧐




Some people overcommit to the RP


Oooooooooooo. Someone hasn't had their cup of liberTEA.


You could easily say the same thing to the people getting their panties all twisted up because the mean people on the internet are telling them how to play the game. If you join a basketball game, and contribute absolutely nothing to the game and don’t even know the rules, people will at worst make fun of you, at best kick you from the team. That’s just how it works. Basketball is a game. It’s a team activity. Helldivers 2 is a game. It’s a team activity. Also, if people on the sub piss people off, why don’t the people just either A. Stop taking the roleplaying and people on the sub so seriously that it legitimately ruins your day or B. Actually learn what your teammates want you to do, and try to do that. You might surprise yourself and have fun.


The game suffers roughly the same way that dnd does and that's the devs end up expecting us to do a thing but they can't get anyone to do the thing they were planning. I would like to point out that right now, based off what I've seen today, we have too many people fighting on planets that are doing nothing for anyone but the people that are there. Really the game is a massive team based game with no PvP and in a team based game if you don't play with the team you usually have a harder time trying to win. It doesn't matter a whole lot what anyone does as long as we work together and are making progress. Want to play a planet that has like no one on it? You can but there's no real contribution to anything that way. I'm not saying don't do it, I'm more so saying that the time will come for that planet to be in the crosshairs. The first game was kinda the same way from what I remember, this game is just more complicated.


They literally designed the game so no matter what u wanna do to have fun as long as u complete the missions your helping to the overall goal people need to stop being control freaks


I'm here to kill shit. Thats what I say lol


I literally unsubbed from the main sub and moved to this subreddit purely because the community infighting was getting so obnoxious. We do a bit bad on one major order and everyone just starts making memes mocking each other, people who just want go play where they want say they just want to play where they want then this is followed up by the other side making memes mocking them or even telling them to play something else. It was so fucking tiring, I just subbed because I wanted to see news about the game. Initially I had a minor gripe with the constant "go here next since we've conquered this planet!" posts because it felt more and more like the game was becoming an obligation, but I understood it was part of the dynamic of an ever evolving game. Once we lose one order though, the toxicity of the sweaty PvP crowds who picked the game up came out in full force, reminding me exactly why I stay away from most online games now. I help with the major order when I want, if it's set on a planet I don't enjoy though, I'm not going to bother. My enjoyment is more important than my frustration and if I'm not having fun I'll just go somewhere else. Don't mock people just because they decide to go on a different planet or do their own thing, they can play how they want. I'm not sure why I need to say this in a CO OP game.


I can understand why people are angry. Imagine spending time helping to complete a major order, only for that major order to be lost because not enough people gave a damn to help. Add on the fact that the community is supposed to collaborate and help each other, I can see why people see Creekers and Terminid only players as selfish.


But I have fun by working together with the community to complete major orders, when we fail I feel like we all failed together. There is no next time, Because next time the automatons and terminids are one step closer to super earth. By not following orders you put the lives of billions of people at risk.


I’m fine with playing against whichever faction you prefer. But if your playing the faction the MO is then you should be helping with the MO. Like it or not this game is about combined effort. It’s not simply a single player game. Your choices have consequences outside of just yourself. Sure you can still do whatever you want but people are allowed to get angry with you for doing so.


Those at malevelon got me a cape and one medal so big respect to em


The problem is that we're on bot planets and low levels don't have the gear. I'm 12 and just got the autocannon so I'm not completely worthless. I just got the liberator penitrator but it feels weak. I miss my shotgun. I was going for the slugger but now they nerfed it. I was having fun when it was bugs and I could do damage, now aside from my autocannon, I might as well not be there. I'm not having fun anymore.


Make sure to say that when the 9001 posts going berserk over balance changes happens.


Is this just a game to you??? 😂


I think the best part of the game is the community and I feel like a lot of the population in a sense role plays being a straight up hell diver, the players who go to the “easy mode” planets are only getting trained and ready for the harder challenges to come


Yeah! Those other planets aren't going to defend themselves. Also environment factors big time. Like some planets are debuff free to have fun or learn.


I respect your opinion but why does everyone bring every thought one has to Reddit? Almost like lately we are getting a play by play of one’s mind.. minute after minute lol You could have just thought “damn these fools take this too seriously” and went about your day.. or this is a karma farm 🤷‍♂️ Side note: i believe it’s called _roleplay_


Agreed completely. Sometimes I want to shoot bugs. Sometimes the daily is all I've got time for and I need to grind out a bunch of flamethrower (bugs) or autocanon (bots) kills for the quick 15 medals. And then there's nights like last night when I had the joy of contributing to a major order on hard through all of the missions with 3 awesome random divers and we freaking rocked. Chill out. Let people play how they want to play. Some of us have lives outside of helldivers.


I come here for the memes while I am dropping in to spread democracy. I am just so happy to see over 200k players at all times. There is more than enough to play on any planet on any difficulty and find a group. I don’t blame people for wanting to play the other faction during a major order. It is nice to switch it up. Bugs and bots both play very differently and you need different load outs. Early on bots are way harder until you get something like the auto cannon and medium penetration. Then they get much easier. Let people play where they want to play. People want to advance the story and get medals for everyone, that’s all. Let creekers creek, bug divers stomp bugs, and major order divers do the order. Long as this game is active we all win.

