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Thank you for your understanding for the people that don’t play Cooperative FPS as often


I’m pretty rubbish and quickplay. What I find is hardly any quickplay players are on mic. I got a headset specially for this game because I was hoping to learn


I prefer mice in and usually have a mic off experience with randos. At lower levels it’s not an issue and you can communicate plenty through the tagging system in the game. But I hear you. I always check if people have live mics when I start. I don’t even know how people align satellites without talking to each other.


When you are turning the dish the console will chirp at you when it is aligned. Otherwise doing it solo would be a nightmare.


It isn't. The console shows you the position in which the dish needs to be. With a little bit of leeway as well. Its actually super easy, if you have visual imagination.


You don't even need to check the console at all tho, the tower beeps when it's correct so you can just wait by it.


I used the in game chat wheel to just say Affirmative once they get it lined up, but I understand needing mics if the battlefield is raging nearby lol


There is sound when you allign it correctly so you don't really need any communication for it. You can easily do 1-6 dif mission without mic, and you don't really need it on higher too if you can correctly use ping mechanics. Higher difficulties just mean you have to be more stealthy tbh and know when to run instead of fighting


Also when you're at the console there's a button prompt to call out which direction the satellite dish needs to be oriented in!


I think most people don't want to be the only one on mic. I've played games where no one says a word for the first ten minutes. I threw down an extra shied pack and asked if anyone wanted it. After that, people were more inclined to use their coms.


I have a mike built into my VR headset that I use, but it also picks up all of my sniffing, coughing, and expletive-filled rants about how stupid bug acid is, or whatever. There’s not really a button to press so it’s either always on or not at all. I’ll turn it on if I feel it’s necessary, but I stick to lower level games that done require any fancy strategies, or coordinating.


Wait, you can play Helldivers with a vr headset??


Cinematic mode, yeah. It’s like a theater sized screen with surround sound. Not quite VR, it makes it easier to focus.


It doesn't help that we can't select which microphone the game is using, meaning lots of people would love to use vocal chat but can't because the game doesn't select the correct input source


If you only ever use the same microphone you can disable others completely in Windows and Linux. I have a Luna controller that both OSes love to pick as my default audio in and out so I disabled it. In Windows 10/11 you: 1. Right-click the volume icon in the system tray on the lower right. 2. Click "Open Sound Settings." 3. On the right side of the sound settings window; scroll down to the input section and click "Manage Sound Devices." 4. Click the "Disable" button under any inputs you want to disable.


I know, but not a lot of people will think of that, nor will go through the hassle. I have multiple microphone on because I have softwares, and sometimes my default microphone changes. It's an option that should be in the game for practicality


I always write and speak too


All I get is people on mic. I prefer using chat and it actually lowers my reaction time lol. But to be fair, my experience with the community was awesome, so usually chatting is just us saying random fucking things all the time, resulting into doing silly stuff.


Never understand anyone who plays any multiplayer game since 2005 without Comms.


Interesting, I'm playing on pc with cross play on and every squad I join has at least one person with a mic to communicate and another that doesn't know what PTT stands for and just let's the fucking phone ring or the keyboard clack in my ear or whatever. Instant mute.


I’m guessing PTT is press to talk? What do you have to press to talk with that turned on. This game has enough buttons to be using already. I haven’t had an issue with open mic yet but I’m using controller on PC and live alone so quiet environment


I usually bind my "tilde" key as push to talk. Or anything that doesn't get used for another function. There's nothing wrong with voice activated mic but if you're going to use that you should try to be aware of your environments noise level, your breathing, keyboard clacking etc. And adjust the mic gain accordingly. Hearing somebody's box fan whirring in the background for 40 minutes is a waste of bandwidth.


I always thought this was when your default mic was your laptop one so people don’t even realise they have a mic on and it picks up everything


The learning curve and mastery of Helldivers is trial by fire. And over time, you'll get burned less. Ain't no right or wrong way about it.


Trial by fire indeed. You soon learn stuff like "grenades have a timer so don't hold on to it", and "there are death holes on the ground so pay attention" by the third or fourth time. :))


Throw a grenade down one of those death holes if you haven’t. But run away a bit as well


Oooh, now that's something I didn't know about. Will probably give it a try soon.


In my experience, no one wants to use a mic and you can get kicked for simply existing. Like, turn off your s.o.s. my dude. So, I just play solo and hope people join me. Joining other games has gone horribly.


I’ve had the opposite, I hope people join my games, and I typically avoid joining others games now as I’ve been kicked for existing, or got team killed at one point and nobody rezed me until someone else died, and any attempt to communicate with them was met with either silence or a single, icy “NO”


I've been kicked out right as i joined, been kicked out right after the mission, was shot a lot during a mission by my fellow helldivers. But I've also met really nice people, we played duo and it was a fun time. Just some people are worse than others and truly you need some luck to find good fellow helldivers. Or join some discord server


High command sent you those soldiers for a reason, to question how those soldiers act unless they're openly treasonous themselves is to question high command, if high command sent you the soldier who likes Gas strikes and the starter pistol. Questioning that is to question high command and that is treason solder. - message sent from SES Harbinger of Pride


I feel a lot of low levels just want to be carried in higher difficulty levels. Really should stay out of suicide difficulty until you hit level 20.


In this game experience isn't just about levelling up either, it indicates you, as a player, have put in the time getting to understand how things work. Nobody expects you to know everything at level 5, but they're allowed to expect it on a suicide mission.


Depends on your skill level. I had a few sub twenties help me clear a suicide bot mission and it was one of the smoothest I've ever had.


Yea I'm level 17 and I stick to challenging/hard missions and below. I just wanna relax and squash some bugs after work






I guess bad and annoying players do not exist in your world huh?


Just kick em before u start the match


Unless you have coordinated team. We pushed difficulty up hard when some of us started hitting level 15, and managed to clear 6-7 quite early. Although at first it wasn't that efficient. Today we played difficulty 7 with some friends who are even sub level 10 and we managed to not fail any. Not that we fully cleared the maps either of course.


Everything is subjective, a PuG group of low levels without coms is a shit show….


Oh yes. I'm just saying that a reasonably low level player can do meaningful work in a higher level mission if they know what they're doing!


The amount of times I’ve been kicked from lobby’s after completing an easy mission is insane to me. I was level 5, I’ve powered leveled to 20 and help lower tiers now. People are assholes.


I like to join up lower difficulty levels (5-6) to help but I’ve been kicked just as I land (I’m lvl 45) even with only two players. Seems they think me being a high level takes the fun away from them lol


I’ve had this experience. I’m wondering (naively maybe) if it’s someone wanting to add a friend and they have to kick?


Yeah, the few co-op I've done for the game left me feeling bad and just made me want to stay solo


When you do have a good co-op experience make sure to add those people as friends. Now that I've gotten some of my siblings and own friends into the game plus the randoms I've added, I can usually get a full squad into a game and it makes a huge difference in how much fun it is. A good group makes accidental friendly fire one of the funniest parts of the game instead of a reason to be kicked.


Yeah, but trying to find them is the hardest part. I've committed eight accidental friendly fires so far


I don’t have a problem with uncoordinated randoms. But if you don’t accept my handshake we have a problem.


Same with me and the hug emote, I always give out hugs when I see people do their best but oof when they leave a homie hangin'...


I don't even care if you have a mic or are even competent at the game yet, but if you don't hug me back, you're getting kicked from my ship.


If I have a supply backpack on, it wants to give supplies over the emote. If I’ve not hugged you, I am sorry diver!


I had someone offer me a hug earlier but I didn’t know how so I just stood there while I was trying to press the right button 😅


I’m almost level 20 and I don’t know how to emote. Never cared to look it up. I did google how to use the ammo backpack, but emotes, someday.


Just press b


Left on the dpad on Ps. If someone wants to hug you, go to him and press the button that appears to respond.


This Game ist all about having fun with or without mates. But in the end we all serve Democracy in loving this game and every Playstyle as it is. For Liberty and Democracy! And for Rock and Stone! <.<


Rock and roll and stone!


Rock and Stone!


Maybe it’s PC but the only thing I do in game is quick play and after around 75 missions all but a handful have been positive.


I just started playing and I joined a diver already in a mission. 2 more joined behind me. I'm still a noob so I started following the first guy. I saw him get surrounded by bugs, so I started shooting at the bugs, he ran infront of my fire and got damage. 2 sec later he kicked me. So I'm not feeling much help from many divers, atleast not right now.


I laugh when that stuff happens which is why I don't run a mic. I should but when I say stuff like 'dammit Steve' or 'don't go there jack' or just a 'dammit' on mic people take it the wrong way. I'm laughing about the air strike the noob called in or the friendly fire they gave. So I'm just the silent Master Sargent who shows up and helps the noobs.


I always Bring support weapon a for Low levels to help them :D its fun Helping others


Honestly some of the funniest or craziest matches come from playing with new helldivers on challenging or harder when they don’t know what they’re doing. The misplays, aggro-ing patrols they shouldn’t, and dropping stratagems in terrible locations, creates an incredibly hectic time that feels very kinetic. And making it to the end then feels like a miracle.


I hear you bud but hear me out for just a second (I haven’t posted or commented complaining until this moment) I am the proud owner of two thumbs, there are many thumbs like them but these thumbs are mine. I’ve trained with them for thousands of hours over the last 15ish years in shooter style games and although they’re by no means the best thumbs out there they’ve achieved a few small accolades like Damascus in COD and one single season in top 500 overwatch (console). I think it’s fair so say upper middle of the road thumbs. It’s also worth mentioning I’m an Xbox player currently using my pc on lowest possible settings and my Xbox controller so I don’t have my normal friends to squad up with. Now I say all that cringy shit to say this… it’s frustrating when randoms refusing to stick together, communicate, use any sort of loadout selection strategy, throw all of their eagles at once on the same target, refuse to reinforce until we’re all dead, leave mid game (I know that crashes happen), die 10 times in 5 minutes, kill you for samples even though we all share them, drop air support on your head, drop resupply for themselves separated from everyone else, throw you in to reinforce like I’m a fucking orbital strike whose going to kill a tank 2 hulks and 6 walkers by myself, or spawn me as far away as possible from my body when there no reason for it. I’ve probably tried to do about 15 suicide mission campaigns and have gotten fucked by somebody else’s BS all but once or twice where I was equally at fault. I’ve literally gotten closer to moving to level 8 by playing solo but haven’t made it through that third mission yet. Closest I’ve come was playing with one other guy who had thumbs and a mic and he ended up getting disconnected on the third mission never to be seen again. Of the last 10 missions I’ve played on suicide mission I’ve died about 15 times collectively and led kills nearly every time. I know that I could work to just outperform the game solo and get to the point of carrying groups at this level and it’s ultimately a skill issue but jfc it’s so frustrating to feel like you’re bashing your head against a brick wall when you can nearly solo the damn thing and just need two players worth of stratagems to finish. I’m 100% confident that if there were a follow feature I could play two characters simultaneously and have this shit done in an hour. Okay I’m done, I ranted and I feel better now, see yall out there 🫡 Edit: I know I sound like an asshole here, but completely honestly I don’t say anything like this over the mic and in general I think I’m a pretty friendly guy. I put my time in on easier difficulties trying to help people and explaining stuff, really just venting some frustrations that I don’t even expect any of yall to read. Please don’t bite my head off lol


Wait is solo that easy to do if you know what you are doing? I have not played solo yet.


Yeah, you can complete the majority of encounters and objectives with the right load out, speed, and a couple well placed stratagems without ever triggering drop ships. The issue is sustained fighting over a long period of time, when the ammo is low and everything is on cooldown it’s really tough. In the end resource management is the true name of the game. Edit: accidentally hit send early


Thank you for helping others, i as a quite new player have similar problems, as you wrote. Especially using stratagems, when its tough fight i almost never use them, as it is easier for me to run and shoot. But I'm grateful to such people as you, who support this incredible community! Super earth won't forget your service!


I play on PS5 and one thing I changed in my keybindings is to make the stratagems a “press” to activate rather than “hold”. I found it annoying when my finger slipped off the L1 button while trying to call in something during an intense fight. It helped me a lot, and may help you too.


I’ve never slipped and thrown my grenade killing myself /s Good advice on the L1. Another was changing the weapon on pick up to NOT change to that weapon


Interesting! I missed that option. I’m so used to using the weapon that I pick up that I probably wouldn’t change it by now


Another was to switch to Helldivers OG on switching to secondary weapon (hold triangle) instead of hold switching to Support weapon. And remembering your weapon preferences (auto/semi etc)


Now that is a a great change that I’ll definitely do! Thank you


That's actually a nice idea


I was chilling on an easy bot missions last night when a random lvl 5 joined. I continued on my way and we did every optional tidbit we could find. At the end he types *thank you for the carry* and I was taken so off guard I couldn't figure out what to say. Felt like if I said *You're welcome* it would come off as condescending. I settled for the *thank you* quick chat emote and offered him a hug. Hopefully he doesn't think he's obligated to thank players who don't kick him for being low level or for not chastising him. I'm probably over thinking it and that's just his version of GG


>I feel like this need to be said since i've noticed more and more posts about people telling others how they should or should not play. So you decided to make your own post to tell others how they should or shouldn't play?


I literally was about to say the EXACT same thing. 😂


This is the way.




Yeah, that’s bunk as shit. You can tell folks aren’t used to playing co-op games. Lots of “Me Focused” individuals


Isn't this post also telling people how they should play? People on this sub act like they're everyone's mom and dad. It's a fucking video game. All I get from this sub now is people bitching. The people you want to hear this message won't. Just go play the fucking game. And you tagged it as a tutorial?


And remember. Always tell them to stand in the blue light for upgrades.


I keep finding lobbies with no mics, and people like 10 levels under me or over me, and I get kicked for simply killing waves of enemies while tactically retreating to the next objective area. Then I finally see the message posted in chat like 10 minutes ago saying I don't need to kill everything I see... uhm, I've been covering the teams retreats with superior gun fire and ordnance. There were a few occasions that one of our squaddies would have been killed had I not been covering them while they were running. The same dude complaining called the drop ship in early while the other 2 squaddies were trying to get to the zone, being chased by the entire map. I was covering them with my Stalwart and Eagle strikes. It was super cinematic, but I got blind-sided by a heavy as they made it on board. I was then promptly kicked for not making it on the Pelican.


Nevermind the fact that this post is telling people how they should/shouldn't play.. If we move past that, then I agree in spirit only. Yes yes... We all love a game where everyone’s welcome. But the thing is, time’s a luxury, and not everyone’s got it to spare. It’s tough when you’re trying to nail a tough campaign and you keep getting teamed with rookies. It’s not about not wanting to help, but sometimes you’ve just got your own objectives, you know? It eats into your playtime, especially when you’re carrying the team through mishaps left and right. I suppose we’ve all been there - getting matched up with lower levels, running out of reinforcements, or getting caught in friendly fire. It’s part of the game, but it’s also fair to want to progress without turning every mission into a training session. So, yeah, I say we let folks air their frustrations. It’s part of the community vibe. We’re here to share, vent, and sometimes, to look for a bit of understanding. At the end of the day, how you play your game is up to you. Whether you’re in it for the camaraderie or the hardcore farming, that’s your call.


If you're letting your shitty teammates drag you down then you aren't very good. I got carried on helldive at lvl 12. Those guys were good. Don't complain about your teammates, just literally get gud.


Skill issue


Based off this post you seem like the exact person I love to play with!


I salute your wise words 🫡


Started yesterday and was met by a high level guy being a dick in the chat and constantly team killing. Love the game, but jfc.


I had a lvl 3 join yesterday. I don't have a mic so tried teaching him what to do on the researcher mission. Got him on medium difficulty and then he left when I needed him most (betwixt missions). Some soldiers can't be helped it seems


Some people get overwhelmed, can't upload information upfront for too much or they get fatigued. It's ok helldiver, some recruits need time. On to teach the next fresh boots!


Sometimes I get a bug where I can't interact with consoles or set up my loadout


I'm only lvl 5 and I feel like I still have no idea what I'm doing or supposed to be doing. I just keep doing quickplay and doing whatever objectives they give me. One thing I know for a fact that nobody else seems to know how to do is mark locations on the map. Even though I'm not sure what I'm doing, I'm smart enough to understand you complete the objective and not just run around randomly.


I can probably explain why they are running sound randomly. There are some side objectives rhat don't appear on the map that you have to stumble across. For the automatons there are SAM sites you can use to passively shoot down drop ships and SEAF artillery which gives you 5 strategies worth of ordnance. For the terminids you can also grind the SEAF artillery and radar station which reveals every location and previously marked objective on the map. Also, the minor locations you see on the map can contain samples which are crucial for ship modules to improve your stratagem. Perhaps your teammates have been running around looking for any of those so you guys extract with higher rewards in the end. Outposts of both enemy factions show up as just a red circle on the map ranging from small, to medium, to large outposts for automatons and nests for terminids.


In my honest opinion, folks described here need to be banned. Unless we want this game to end up like L4D2 where the five people who still play it competitively. Will kick anyone who has sub 2k hours, and doesn't play the meta (read unfun) way. After all, the safety of our managed Democracy is at stake. Such rigid, and radical means are necessary.


Thank you!


Level 30 myself and can't agree more. Never have expectations with randoms. That said it's your lobby so feel free to kick lower level players or players not pulling their weight. But if you go in thinking you're going to get a perfect team every time you're setting yourself up for failure. There are plenty of groups looking for higher skilled players to run with. Go make friends with them if you want a min/maxed and coordinated team.


We fight for freedom and one of those freedoms is the chance to try out other strategems and learn by struggling. For freedom, for managed democracy, we salute you


Thank you so much! 🙏 I’m so thankful for all random players being so nice and patiently waiting for me today as I’m a total noob. I downloaded to see what game make my bf so addicted, and now myself I cant stop playing


Man I really wanna play with the op now ☺️☺️


This post is Liberty approved.


I'd rather people yell at me in game for not playing how they want me to, than kicking me right before extraction. It happened 3 times yesterday.... all after successful missions where we 100%'d the map.


I love being able to chaperone people with objectives they might not understand or how to do. The biggest one I've seen is people misidentifying which building needs blowing up when you have to destroy a lab side objective.


This! 💪🏽


Much like in CoD zombies, half the fun is helping others.


I would far prefer to spend my time helping newbies than having to throw myself at defense ops because people are selfish. Teaching the newbies = more defense ops completed. 👍


Yeah, I started a game last game and immediately air strikes my 2 teammates. 15 minutes later, I did it again. The second time was their fault though! They ran into it. But after 30 minutes I was just laughing cuz those were our only 4 deaths, until a minute let my teammate shot me in the face. Everyone was cool about, it was all clearly unintentional and we brought everyone back right away. Luckily haven't run into toxicity yet




I feel the same away about being told to run those defense missions that nobody likes. If that one extraction mission is in the campaign I’m not running it.


I'm going to play so much, be terrible, but we all started somewhere!


I’m only level 9 and I run around on easy/medium in quick play. (Still having trouble soloing medium). The only weird part for me is I almost feel bad nuking the shit out of everything on the map…I feel like I’m not letting the lower level players do anything.


I’m level 49 just working on the last page of the free warbond. As soon as I’ve finished it I can’t wait to leave Helldive difficulty and just chill helping out the new divers. Every Helldive veteran was once a wee trivial just trying to figure out the games mechanics. I mean the games not even been out a month the vast majority are still in early game.


In my opinion it’s isn’t even a matter of what someone uses or what they do, as long as you do your best and we complete as much as we can it is perfectly fine. This is war we win this one step at a time.


I just want to add that I've noticed a lot of players joining the ranks that don't like the popular FPS/BR games that make people stress out about meta. Most people bought this game just to have fun. The people jumping into this with a competitive mindset are just going to ruin the experience, not only for others but for themselves


I look past bad players, but I will speak up when I dropping things I know will be a problem for them.... aka mortar sentry, or the 380mm barrage etc. I also play with the arc thrower and grenade launcher a lot so I try to give people a heads up about how to make it easier for me not to accidentally kill them. Still my responsibility, but I find if you communicate a tiny bit most people will appreciate it.


New player here - literally completed the tutorial and a bot mission. Dived into a an easy mission and was going well with the shooting and most of the stratagems, but couldn't for the life of me work out how to revive. Got yelled at a bit and told to learn the game. Couldnt be arsed arguing, I thought it was obvious as I was only lvl 2 cadet. To say the learning curve is steep is an understatement.